
Chapter 2322 Secret

Chapter 2322 Secret
The first phase of the "martial arts contest and recruiting relatives" of the Flame Prison Dynasty was finally completed, and there was still a battle for qualifications to enter the "devil abyss" during the period.

As expected, Dugu Canglang successfully entered the top four, and he himself became one of the four candidates inexplicably.The top 30 shortlisted monks received the jade tokens for entering the 'Abyss of the Demon Realm' on the spot. As for Dutong, it happened to be stuck in the No. [-] seat.

Yi Tian naturally knew that he did this to deceive people and didn't want to make too much noise, but he couldn't help himself with the help of Yan Lei and Concubine Yan, and secretly had the map provided by the Demon King of Flame Prison for himself Go to collect 'Flame Hell'.

In this way, it is difficult not to win the championship, but it is obvious that Concubine Yan still has personal feelings. She naturally hopes that she can win the championship, and at the same time, she can justifiably follow her wish.

Yi Tian knew it in his heart, but he always kept Zhe Mo on his face. After all, after this "martial arts contest to recruit relatives", he discovered that there were changes again.The avatar of Asura Holy Emperor Luo Qin was looking for his whereabouts, so Yi Tian had to treat it with caution.

I can close the big demon Dugu and be lonely, but for Luo Qin, there is no way to avoid it, because he should be confronting the demon saint Baotan in the "Eye of the Demon Realm" at this time, and I will meet him sooner or later .

In the apse garden deep in the imperial city of the Flame Prison Dynasty, Yan Lei showed the results of the four of them.This also made it impossible for Dugu Canglang to bargain on this ranking.

Then he came up with the final rules of the "competition and recruiting relatives", which is not a two-on-two challenge as imagined, but a challenge from bottom to top according to the ranking.Obviously, this would be the most unfavorable for Dugu Canglang, who was ranked fourth, but now the situation is stronger than others, so he can't make any distinctions.

As for Yi Tian's discovery that he seems to be in a very favorable position now, if nothing happens, he, the prince's son-in-law, will not be able to escape.Looking up at Concubine Yan in front of her, Lihua smiled as if she was holding a wisdom pearl, but she was a little shy when she looked at herself.

At this point, Dugu Canglang also knew that he had nothing to refute, so he could only bite the bullet and continue today.Following Yan Lei's order, Dugu Canglang and Yan Li of the Flame Prison Demon Clan jumped onto the high platform one after another.

After the surrounding light film was lit up, the two of them directly entered the knockout stage of the ring.Yi Tian was not interested in this kind of competition at all, but wherever he looked, he found that the abyssal demon monk Gai Yunhe who was standing on the side also happened to look over.

Then he stared at himself for a while, but there was a faint smile on his face after the meeting.

I don't know why the other party has this appearance, but Yi Tian found that there is something strange in the eyes of this person looking at him.Suddenly, I heard a voice in my ear saying: "Boy, I didn't expect you to cultivate my family's kung fu to such a level. It seems that you have spent a lot of hard work."

As expected, it was him, Yi Tian felt a thrill in his heart. He didn't expect that the avatar of Asura Holy Emperor Luo Qin would find him so directly.Although he was wearing a breath-suppressing cloak, he couldn't hide the other party's exploration, so Yi Tian slowly took off the breath-suppressing cloak on his body to reveal the true face of the demon cultivator.

At this time, Gai Yunhe's eyes flashed when he saw it, and then he said through voice transmission: "I didn't expect you to be so strong that you can become an existence like my own deity, but this time you are not afraid of causing big trouble when you come to mix with the flame prison demons." Is the celestial demon peeping alone?"

"Senior Luo Qin, your avatar's strength has reached the late stage of fusion. Speaking of it, if you show your head in the demon world, you will be missed by Dugu Lonely," Yi Tian replied with no weakness.

"It seems that you and I have the same concerns, but I'm not afraid of Dugu's loneliness, but I just promised that Bao Tan will not disturb the order of the demon world," Gai Yunhe said.

"That's not the same, you are still afraid of the devil's violence, and at the same time you don't want to really offend his spokesperson in the devil world." Yi Tian smiled slightly: "I'm also curious why you would Come to interfere with this martial arts competition?"

"Originally, my thoughts were the same as that of the one-eyed demon cultivator Dutong, just to be included in the thirty places," Gai Yunhe said, "But I didn't expect to meet you this time, so I changed my mind. Decided to meet you for a while."

"Oh, then I don't know why the seniors are looking for me?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

"I don't know your purpose, but after thinking about it, it wouldn't be as simple as going to the 'Abyss of the Demon Realm'?" Gai Yunhe asked.

"I'm going to the 'Eye of the Demon Realm', presumably the deity of the senior should be there at this time?" Yi Tian said, turning his head and glanced at the other party, waiting for a reply.

Gai Yunhe of the Abyssal Demon Clan fell silent when he heard the words, and after ten breaths, he sighed and asked, "Where did you find out such news?"

Hearing this, Yi Tian naturally knew that the other party was confused, and most of them were suspicious of his own source of information.After all, such news is left in the Asura Tomb in the Asura Realm.If I learned it from there, I must know his details, so Luo Qin must re-examine his relationship with him.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian smiled lightly and said: "I fought against the Nether Emperor in the Netherworld. After his fall, there is a piece of 'Wanyuanzhu' Lingbao that contains a trace of the soul of the Demon Saint Baotan. About the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' 'I learned the news from his mouth."

After hearing the word 'Wan Yuan Zhu', Gai Yunhe, who was facing him, had the look of a meeting as the haze in his eyes swept over his face.Then he hurriedly replied: "So that's the case. I didn't expect that savage boy to be defeated by you in the end. It's justified. It's just that there are a lot of resentful souls collected in the 'Ten Thousand Resentment Bead', how did you get rid of them?" What about removing it?"

With a faint smile on his face, Yi Tian curled his lips and said, "What's the difficulty? The thousands of resentful souls collected in this pearl of resentment are rare things for Buddhist monks to earn merit. The monks in the Great Leiguang Temple in the spiritual world made friends, so they were naturally invited to perform the super-purification on their behalf. Then it was discovered that a remnant soul of Wuxiang, a true disciple of the Luotian Immortal Palace in the spiritual world, was suppressed there."

"Sure enough, I didn't expect you to have such a chance," Gai Yunhe said with a smile on his face, "Then you should also know the relationship between Wuxiang and that Baotan."

"It's natural, the two are the same person, it's just that the demon sage Bao Tan is the incarnation of Wuxiang after falling into the devil's way," Yi Tian replied lightly.

"It's not just its incarnation," Gai Yunhe shook his head and said, "In fact, violence is the manifestation of obsession in Wuxiang's heart." If the soul is expelled from the body, is the demon sage completely raped? In fact, he is still the leader himself in his heart, but he is only troubled by obsession."

"It is rumored that seniors have contacts with Mahayana monks from the three sects of the spiritual world. I don't know why this deity would secretly cultivate in the 'Eye of the Demon Realm'?" Yi Tian turned around and asked.

"It seems that you have traveled a lot of lands to find my clues," Gai Yunhe replied.

"Actually, I found your whereabouts only after I traced the footsteps of the great monk of the Buddhist Daleiguang Temple," Yi Tian did not deny that he directly found him in the relics near the Minglun Temple in the Daxue Mountain of the Buddhist Spirit World. All the clues are briefly explained.

After hearing this, Gai Yunhe's face revealed a clear expression. Although these things were kept very secret back then, as the person involved, he naturally would not forget to remember them.

Then he asked again: "This time I came to the key point in the demon world to find a helper. I was originally looking for the one-eyed demon monk Du Tong, but since I found you, it would be great. "

"Don't tell me you have to find someone to help you with your senior's strength to explain what kind of trouble you have encountered?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

"It's not a trouble to say it, but Bao Tan is too persistent and occupies the spring in the 'Eye of the Demon World'," said Gai Yunhe with a look of resentment on his face.

"What is the spring of the 'Eye of the Demon Realm', is there any spiritual spring flowing out there?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"Presumably you should know about the 'Eye of the Demon Realm', but this spring originally flowed from the gap in the Immortal Realm to the Nine Realms of the Supreme Spirit," Gai Yunhe said.

"It turned out to be so, so the demon world didn't look like this before the gap in the fairy world was formed?" Yi Tian was surprised.

"As you said, there was no such plane as the Demon Realm in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit. It was only because of the large amount of yellow gas flowing out of the cracks in the plane of the Immortal Realm that this world became what it is today. status," Gai Yunhe explained.

Hearing this, Yi Tian was stunned and guessed that these things only appeared tens of thousands of years or more ago, and it would take enough time for these yellow gases to pollute an interface.

Since Luo Qin is well aware of this matter, he must have also learned the ins and outs, but I don't know why he is looking for him?

After thinking about it, Yi Tian asked: "So I don't know what the senior is looking for me for?"

"To be honest, I was originally a true immortal descended from the fairy world, and because I made a mistake, I was punished here to make up for it," Gai Yunhe explained.

"So what the senior said is to make up for the mistakes is to deal with the eye of the demon world?" Yi Tian asked.

"That's right. In fact, I have been searching for tens of thousands of years in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit. It was only after I finally found the location of the 'Eye of the Demon World' that I realized that someone had climbed there first," Gai Yunhe said of his face. It is full of a lonely look.

"It should be the demon saint Baotan who occupied that place, so the senior couldn't complete the task, so he thought of asking for help," Yi Tian said, "Then why don't you go to the Mahayana monks in the spiritual world or the Buddha?" What about the help from the spirit world?"

"You don't know that the monks of the Mahayana period of the three sects of the spiritual world and the demon saint Baotan are from the same sect, so they are naturally unwilling to wade through the muddy waters," Gai Yunhe said: "As for the monks of the Mahayana period of the Buddhist and spiritual world and The Demon Saint has been violent for a long time, and they have a long friendship and don't want to get involved in this matter."

Hearing this, Yi Tian has tasted his feelings. The character of Luo Qin, the first emperor of Asura, is not very good. No wonder so many people are unwilling to help.To say that Uncle Wuxiang is also amazing, with a wide range of friends, so these Mahayana monks know the details more or less, and they will save face and not embarrass him.

It seems that this time when Luo Qin's clone finds him, he can be regarded as a blind cat meeting a dead mouse. I don't see how he originally wanted to win over even the one-eyed demon cultivator with one pupil.But what he said seemed to be reserved, and he didn't believe what he said.It's just that I have heard a little about his identity mentioned in it, although I didn't directly say it, it doesn't mean I don't know it in my heart.

Just as he was thinking about it, there were several voices from the ring in front of him, and it took Dugu Canglang about half a moment to finally force Yan Li of the Flame Prison Demon Race to abstain.However, being able to do this is his limit, but Dugu Canglang still seems to have a peek at the position of the prince consort.

After taking several elixir, he resumed the Xiayan Prison Emperor Yanlei.Then only the latter said: "The second round will be Dugu Canglang from the Sky Demon Race against Gai Yunhe from the Abyss Demon Race, please get ready."

Hearing this, Gai Yunhe on the opposite side curled his lips and looked unwilling, but Yi Tian bowed his head and said a few words through sound transmission, and the latter's face improved a little.

Although Luo Qin's avatar came to ask for his help, it's not too much to charge some interest first.Yi Tian lowered his head to transmit the voice, of course he told Gai Yunhe privately that it would be better for him to face Dugu Canglang than to do it himself.

Then the two of them flew into the arena, Dugu Canglang sacrificed the real body of the Heavenly Demon, and Gai Yunhe on the opposite side also sacrificed the Abyssal Demon Fire Divine Ability of the Abyssal Demon Clan by stretching out his hands.It's just that Yi Tian looked in his eyes and found that it was very different from when he fought against the old devil of the abyss back then. In fact, his power was more than doubled.

This kind of strength has already reached the supernatural power of a monk in the early stage of fusion. Facing Dugu Canglang in the early stage of distraction, he can naturally be crushed.At this time, Yi Tian couldn't bear to look directly at it, Dugu Canglang's defeat was doomed.The poor man thought that with the backing of the big demon Dugu Lonely, he could sit back and relax. In fact, there are many people who can deal with him, but everyone has some scruples and is unwilling to take action directly.

Following Yan Lei's command, the two on the ring directly fought.However, Gai Yunhe didn't do as expected, and Gai Yunhe also gave the Taimozu a little face because Dugu Canglang deliberately suppressed the strength of his skills after a few staggers, and the two became a tie on the ring.

It's just that people with discerning eyes know that this kind of fight is just Gai Yunhe's delaying time. As expected, after ten moves between the two of them, Gai Yunhe suddenly exerts his strength to display the finale stunt of the abyssal demon clan to bring Dugu Canglang to life. Forced down from the ring.

After Yan Lei saw it, he said lightly: "The last match, Gai Yunhe, the abyssal demon clan, and Yi Er, the casual cultivator alliance, let's start."

(End of this chapter)

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