
Chapter 2323

Chapter 2323
In the depths of the imperial capital of the Flame Prison Dynasty, the 'competition and recruitment' arena is in full swing. Among the four people who were originally shortlisted, Dugu Canglang of the Heavenly Demon Clan and Yan Li of the Flame Prison Demon Clan, who ranked third and fourth, have already been eliminated. out.

Now the only people left are Gai Yunhe, the second-ranked abyssal demon monk, and Yi Er from the Loose Cultivation Alliance.

However, Gai Yunhe of the Abyssal Demon Clan couldn't reveal his true identity easily. After the other party approached him, he directly revealed that his identity was the clone of Asura Holy Emperor Luo Qin.In fact, his real cultivation base in the later stage of the fusion, compared to the flame prison dynasty, I am afraid that he can only support this person.

Moreover, Gai Yunhe also revealed the identity of the one-eyed demon cultivator with one pupil in a single word, his strength cannot be underestimated just from this point of view.

After Dugu Canglang and Yan Li left the arena, Yi Tian could only bite the bullet and walk to the ring.No matter how you say it, you have to do a full set of plays. Now that I am facing Gai Yunhe, I feel a little excited when I say it.After all, Luo Qin, the first emperor of Asura, had heard and seen it for a long time, but it was the first time to really try it out.

It is obvious that his avatar, Gai Yunhe, also has the same idea. Although both of them deliberately conceal their identities and real cultivation, they have never had a deep understanding of their respective strengths.

Even in the stage of suppressing cultivation to distraction, one can get a better understanding of their respective strengths just by trying their hands.Naturally, Gai Yunhe would not let go of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it was the same for Yi Tian.

After standing still on the ring, Yi Tian said, "Please, Uncle Emperor, open the barrier on the ring to prevent innocent people from being affected."

If this kind of words came from someone else's mouth, Yan Lei would naturally sneer, but it was a different situation when it was said from Yi Tian's mouth.Yan Lei was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then he lowered his head and asked via voice transmission: "Could it be that you really want to make a move, Fellow Daoist Yi, but the opponent is just a distracted early-stage cultivator from the abyssal demon clan."

Yi Tian replied indifferently: "The person in front of me is very powerful. Speaking of which, his real cultivation is higher than yours."

Hearing this, Yan Lei's complexion did not change, but his fingers trembled slightly, as if he was shocked by Yi Tian's words.The only ones who are stronger than him are late-stage monks, and now in the entire Demon Realm, there are probably not many people who can achieve this level of cultivation.With Yi Tian's cultivation in front of him, it is impossible to see it, so there must be a big problem with the background of Gai Yunhe of the abyssal demon clan.

A gloomy look flashed in Yan Lei's eyes, today's situation was far beyond his control.If one is not good, it will cause great changes in the court. I am afraid this is not what he wants to see.

After thinking for a while, Yan Lei hurriedly asked: "Is this person in front of the one-eyed demon cultivator with one pupil?"

"No, but his identity is stronger, he is the avatar of the first emperor of the Mahayana monk Asura," Yi Tian pouted.

Hearing this, Yan Lei's face was solemn, and he didn't know how to reply for a while.Unexpectedly, the avatar of this great god would be provoked to come in the mere "martial arts competition" meeting of the flame prison demon clan.

To be honest, with his meddling, I don't know how to end this situation, so Yi Tian proposed to open the protective restriction when he was in the ring.

After thinking about it, Yan Lei stretched out his hand without hesitation to form a seal to activate the barriers around the arena, and then a black light suddenly flashed and protected the entire arena.

To be honest, if the two of them in the arena really tried their best, such a strong restraining barrier would have no effect at all.

But it's obvious that both of them seem to have some scruples, so they won't fight with all their strength.

Shaoqing waited until the forbidden light film ceremony was launched to seal off the entire arena, Yi Tiancai turned around and stared at the opponent, then asked via voice transmission: "I don't know how you plan to play?"

"Do a full set of acting, but I also have some expectations for your strength." Gai Yunhe said with a smile on his face: "Why don't we try one trick like this, but now everyone is hiding their identities so they can't use their specialties. If you don’t have supernatural powers and spells, why don’t you try the current skills of your respective races.”

"That's fine," Yi Tian nodded and replied.According to Gai Yunhe's meaning, it is natural for the two to use the exercises of the Abyssal Demon Clan and the Sky Demon Clan respectively.If the supernatural powers of the Asura clan or the spiritual world exercises appeared rashly, it would be self-inflicted under the watchful eyes of everyone.

At least Dugu Canglang below would feel suspicious in his eyes.

After three breaths, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on the two of them suddenly rose to the peak state of the distraction period.Gai Yunhe's performance is of course several times better than the previous duels. Dugu Canglang, who was standing below the ring, saw his pupils froze. He had really experienced Gai Yunhe's abyss demon. fire power.

Although Dugu Canglang had just raised his cultivation base to the early stage of distraction in the 'flame prison fire sea', because of the strength of the skills of the Heavenly Demon Clan, he had the power to fight against ordinary mid-stage distraction monks.

But he was defeated in front of the abyssal demon clan Gai Yunhe after less than a quarter of an hour, now seeing that Gai Yunhe didn't show any seriousness just now, why didn't Dugu Canglang feel scrupulous.

Turning around, he looked at the casual repair alliance 'Yi Er' on the other side, only to see a black magic light flashing around him at this time, covering the whole person.Suddenly, a strange purple light flashed in his eyes, which was the magic pupil secret technique.

Speaking of which, Dugu Canglang had practiced this kind of kung fu before, but he never felt that there was anything special about it that could be used in battle against the enemy.

The next moment, the black aura flashed rapidly one after another and then was restrained to the surface of the skin. There were dense magic lines on the skin of the casual cultivator alliance 'Yi Er', and two long horns grew on his forehead.The magic light on the whole person's body shook, and after that, it revealed the supernatural power of the Heavenly Demon Clan 'Tianmo Zhenbody'.

Slightly different from the "Heavenly Demon True Body" that Dugu Canglang saw in the clan, "Yi Er" has a dark golden color all over his body, but his body shape has not skyrocketed, and is still the same as the original one.

It is said that because of the special skills of the Heavenly Demon Clan, the strength of the spiritual pressure fluctuations on the body will rise to the next level after casting the 'Tianmo True Body'.That is to say, the strength of the "Yi Er" of the Loose Cultivator Alliance in front of him should be infinitely close to that of the monks in the early stage of integration.

But Dugu Canglang frowned slightly when he saw it, and then found that Yi Tian's cultivation base and strength were not greatly improved, but were restricted to the late stage of distraction. To put it bluntly, it seemed that there was no improvement at all. look.

After the black magic fire appeared, Gai Yunhe took the lead. The magic fire in his hand whizzed through the air, gathered into a fire dragon, rolled up, and flew straight towards the opponent.The solid and violent magic fire ignited the surrounding air after passing by, and then the entire arena seemed to be ignited by coefficients, and there were traces of abyssal magic fire everywhere in the air.

The flames seemed to distort the entire space after burning, and the casual cultivator alliance 'Yi Er' standing in the middle of the siege of the flames seemed to have been cut off from the back, and now they can only face it head-on.

Seeing this, Yi Tian just twitched the corner of his mouth slightly. He didn't expect that Gai Yunhe could display such a powerful move after suppressing his cultivation to the late stage of distraction.Speaking of which, the strength of the supernatural powers of such skills is almost the same as that of monks in the early stage of integration.

However, I was originally practicing fire-type exercises, and I have studied all the true flames and fire-type supernatural powers in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit.Although the abyssal magic fire in front of him is strong, he has already made up his mind. To be honest, if he is in a state of spiritual cultivation, there are at least three or four ways to deal with it.

Even if the deity of the demon cultivator appears, he can deal with it calmly. After all, he is not using supernatural powers and secret techniques to pretend to be a demon cultivator, but a real dual cultivator of black and yellow.

Seeing the attack of the abyssal magic fire, Yi Tian stretched out his hand without any haste, put his hands together and cast a black magic light on his chest, quickly formed seals with his hands, raised the black magic light, and then spun rapidly .Soon this magic light formed a two-foot-sized halo vortex, and a huge suction force was generated in this vortex, sucking all the surrounding abyssal magic fires.

After the black abyssal fire flew over, they sank into the halo vortex one after another, and made the sound of '嗤嗤噗嗤' endlessly.

After the vortex halo continued to rotate, the spiritual power around it was driven to rotate rapidly in the direction of its rotation.Soon, a fierce wind vortex that was visible to the naked eye was formed inside the arena.

The swirling vortex of the gangster soon affected the barriers around the ring, and its power was so strong that the barriers made a buzzing sound.

Yan Lei, who was sitting on the front seat outside, didn't change his face when he saw Baba, but he stretched out his hand and shot a flash of light towards the restriction to stabilize the restriction barrier.

But his actions like this also made Dugu Canglang on the edge of the ring turn pale, with a look of helplessness on his face.Being able to allow the monks in the middle stage of the fusion to take another shot to maintain the forbidden barrier shows that the magical powers of the two of them are far more powerful than they think.

At this point, Dugu Canglang's eyes were gloomy, knowing that this time he and Concubine Yan are completely out of luck, but this is also good for him, he has obeyed the order of the clan, and he hasn't really paid attention to welcoming the Taoist couple .However, it is not in vain to be able to see the monks of the same level in the distraction period, the Heavenly Demon Clan and the Abyss Demon Clan, and it is worthwhile to go all out. After seeing them here, Dugu Canglang has a deeper understanding of the distraction period monks. learn.

At this time, the 'Heavenly Demon Rotating Light' in the hands of Yi Tian in the restricted area slowly stopped after collecting and devouring all the surrounding abyssal magic fires.After the last ray of abyssal magic fire was taken in, Yi Tian reached out and cut into the 'Heavenly Demon Rotating Light', but when he retracted his hand, there was a black ball of magic fire in his palm.

He stretched out his hand and gently pushed the demon fire back, and then said: "Return all the belongings of fellow daoist."

Gai Yunhe's eyes lit up, he knew how powerful his supernatural powers were, and to put it bluntly, it would be impossible for Yi Tian to be unable to take over under the same level of cultivation.It would be expected if the true flames were absorbed and devoured, but the ending of taking back all the scattered abyssal magic fires and sending them back directly like now is unexpected.

Gai Yunhe's eyes lit up when he saw it, he reached out his hand to catch the abyss demon fire, held it in his palm and pinched it lightly, and then extinguished the fire ball.After taking three breaths, he raised his head and smiled, then cupped his hands and said, "Fellow Daoist's supernatural powers are indeed powerful, stronger than those of the cultivators of the Heavenly Demon Clan, and I admire them from the bottom of my heart. This time the competition is over, and I admit defeat. "

After speaking, he turned around and waved to Yan Lei who was outside, and the latter directly removed the restriction barrier on the ring with a light finger.Then Gai Yunhe walked down slowly from the empty space on one side. Before he left, he sized up Concubine Yan who was on the right seat and 'Yi Er' who was in the casual cultivator alliance on the ring, with a casual look on his face. smile.

Now that Gai Yunhe has conceded defeat, the entire 'competition to recruit relatives' has come to a successful conclusion.At this time, even Dugu Canglang of the Heavenly Demon Clan dared not speak out if he had any objections in his heart.He was deeply shocked by the movement of the two people fighting on the ring just now. To be honest, with his current cultivation base, he would be making a fool of himself, and he would be defeated in front of Gai Yunhe, let alone meet the mighty San Cultivate Alliance Monk 'Easy Two'.

However, the performance of this 'Yi Er' just now is indeed remarkable. The orthodox skills of the Heavenly Demon Clan were used throughout the whole process to collect the abyssal magic fire sacrificed by Gai Yunhe intact.To be honest, the battle between the two of them today seems to be serious, and it looks like it's just a small trial.

Thinking of this, Dugu Canglang naturally couldn't have any other thoughts in his heart, and at this moment, he also sincerely admired the 'Yi Er' in front of him.

At this point, Yan Lei, the Emperor of the Flame Prison, slowly stood up and announced the result of the ring competition, so that the dust had settled and he married the Crown Prince Yan of the Flame Prison to the 'Yi Er' of the Sanxiu Alliance.

In this way, the relationship between the Flame Prison Dynasty and the Sanxiu Alliance seems to be one step closer, but for the Heavenly Demon Clan, this is also a blessing in misfortune.

What the Heavenly Demons are most afraid of is the marriage between the Flame Prison Demons and the other five major demons. It is definitely not a good thing for the Heavenly Demons to make them form the same camp.

If it is an alliance with casual cultivators, it is also an acceptable result, and such a result is also within the acceptable range for the Sky Demon Race.What's more, although the winner is a member of the Loose Cultivator Alliance, he is still a monk of the Heavenly Demon Clan. At least what he showed during the arena battle was the orthodox Heavenly Demon Clan's skills, so Dugu Canglang also agrees with this, at least go back I can explain it later.

After Yan Lei announced the result, Dugu Canglang also came forward to congratulate him immediately. After all, he also admired the powerful people, and being a monk of the same clan, he naturally wanted to please him.Then there is a trip to the abyss of the devil world. If they can establish a good relationship, it will be of great benefit to the next thing.

(End of this chapter)

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