
Chapter 2324

Chapter 2324
The whole "martial arts competition and recruiting relatives" has come to a successful conclusion, and the winner this time is the monk "Yi Er" of the Loose Cultivation Alliance.After the matter was announced from the mouth of the Flame Prison Emperor's uncle, these participating monks naturally had no objection to this.Anyway, the people in power in the Flame Prison Dynasty announced that the following contestants did not object, so naturally everyone chose to keep Zhemo.

After the competition, the monks who got the places to be selected naturally left the imperial city early. After these people got the pass jade card, they can be regarded as having completed the set task, and they can have an explanation when they return to the clan.

Because none of the passing jade badges issued this time needed to be authenticated, so it was okay to take them back and hand them over to others.Many of these people who have obtained the pass jade card are members of the Loose Cultivation Alliance. If they don't go to the "Devil World Abyss" and they can sell the pass jade card, there will naturally be a lot of people waiting.

For Yi Tian, ​​although participating in the 'Contest to Recruit Marriage' this time solved Concubine Yan's plight, but now he encountered new problems.Gai Yunhe, the clone of the first emperor of Asura, the abyssal demon monk, is a huge variable.I didn't expect that he would attend the meeting and find himself in a grand manner.

Although he didn't state the ultimate goal, it doesn't take much to think that it has something to do with dealing with the demon saint Baotan.And like himself, he didn't want his excessive bluff to cause Dugu, the big demon, to look sideways, so he acted very low-key, except for testing his own strength in the final battle of the "Contest for Martial Arts" conference, he didn't do anything excessive.

In addition, Yi Tian found that the private contact between the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison and Dutong seemed to have not informed Yan Lei, the emperor of the Flame Prison.Although I don't know why the Demon King of Flame Prison is like this, but one thing is certain is that he doesn't want other people to be involved. It is said that he has violated the taboo of the great demon Dugu. I can guess one or two, it is because they want to clear up the relationship and at the same time protect the people in the flame prison dynasty.

So after the conference ended, Yi Tian stayed alone to communicate with Emperor Yanlei and Concubine Yan of Yan Prison, but he didn't mention this matter.

At this time, in the main hall deep in the palace, the three sat down as guests and hosts.During the period, Yan Lei showed his favor frequently, and his intention was self-evident.After the final result of this "martial arts competition" came out, Yan Lei announced it non-stop to the world.In this way, the delusion of the Heavenly Demon Clan was also broken. Fortunately, although the winner in the end was a member of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, he was also from the Heavenly Demon Clan, so it can be regarded as an indirect friendship without completely tearing the face.

After Dugu Canglang returns to the clan, he will definitely investigate the details of the Loose Cultivation Alliance 'Yi Er', but Yi Tian's identity was fabricated indiscriminately, and he will dive into the abyss of the demon world soon, so he is not afraid of them To get to the bottom of it.

Listening to Yan Lei's eloquent recounting of the situation of Dugu Canglang of the Taimo tribe, Yi Tian was not interested in it at all.Concubine Yan, who was sitting across from her, also showed a look of admiration in her eyes at this time, and after looking at herself, she didn't dare to make any mistakes, but just listened to Yan Lei's nonsense.

Shaoqing seemed to be aware of his strangeness, Yan Lei stopped the topic in his mouth and then asked: "I don't know what you Daoyou Yi is thinking?"

"The abyss demon cultivator Gai Yunhe I met at the end of the group arena this time is not simple," Yi Tian said indifferently: "Presumably the emperor must have seen the problem a long time ago, right?"

Speaking of this, Ti Yanlei's face turned serious, then he sighed and said, "As fellow Daoist Yi said is true, this Gai Yunhe's real cultivation should be stronger than mine, right?"

Concubine Yan's complexion changed slightly when she heard this, and she also smelled something from the words.Since Gai Yunhe hides his strength to enter the martial arts competition, it is natural that he has a plan, but with her knowledge, it is naturally impossible to know her true intention.

It was Yan Lei who asked, "Isn't he that one-eyed demon cultivator with one eye?"

"No," Yi Tian nodded and replied.

"Since it's not that strong, but it's so strong, it must be someone from the devil world," Yan Lei asked after thinking about it.

Unexpectedly, with his good knowledge, he would be able to think of this soon, and Yi Tian replied directly without hiding it: "This person is the avatar of Luo Qin, a monk in the Mahayana stage of the Asura world, and his strength is in the late stage of fusion."

Hearing the flash of astonishment in Yan Lei's eyes, he also showed an extremely shocked expression on his face, as for Concubine Yan who was beside her, her complexion turned extremely pale.For her, these Mahayana monks are legendary figures, and it is extremely unusual for her to meet them here.

On the contrary, Yi Tian said calmly: "This Luo Qin obviously wanted to make trouble in the 'Abyss of the Demon Realm', but he couldn't do it alone, so he came to him."

Although I knew Luo Qin's intentions early on, I still had reservations about the two of them. In other words, having reservations at such a moment can protect them.The less you know, the safer it is. With Gai Yunhe's strength, as long as Dugu Canglang goes back and informs the experts in the clan, it is not difficult to see the truth.

But if I can overwhelm my opponent, it will arouse the suspicion of the Heavenly Demon Clan. At this time, I only hope that Dugu Yaoxiang can suppress this matter or report it to the Great Heavenly Demon later when everyone enters the 'Abyss of the Demon Realm' It's okay to be alone.

Hearing this, Concubine Yan asked with a worried face: "It is extremely dangerous for you to enter the abyss of the devil world this time, so why not go?"

There was a little smile on his face, but Yi Tian shook his head and said, "I have shouldered too many responsibilities, and I can't push them away, so I can only face up to the difficulties. Maybe after this trip to the abyss of the Demon Realm, the entire Demon Realm It's going to change too."

Hearing this, Yanlei twitched a few times, with an expression of uncertainty on his face.Shao Qing waited until his emotions calmed down before asking: "Yi Daoyou, do you want to fight against the demon saint this time? From what you said, it seems that Luo Qin, the first emperor of the Asura clan, is also looking for help. Presumably, the only person who is qualified to ask him to find someone to cooperate with him is the No.1 storm in the Demon Realm."

"Yi Lang, are you really going to confront that demon saint?" Concubine Yan also turned pale and hurriedly pulled Yi Tian's sleeve and asked.

"I have informed you of the relationship between me and Demon Saint Bao Tan before. Although everyone has different ideas, it is not to the point of becoming a fire and water," Yi Tian comforted.

Hearing this, the look of doubt in Concubine Yan's eyes didn't weaken in the slightest, on the contrary, she showed a look of worry.

Yi Tian went on to say: "Sooner or later, the demon saint and I will solve the trivial matters of the sect. This time there is an extra variable, the Asura Holy Emperor Luoqin, but I think it is not a bad thing but a beneficial thing for several people. At least the two of them confront each other without any room for relief, but the three of them are different."

"Yi Daoyou, if you have such an idea, it is tantamount to taking a chestnut out of the fire. Although it is extremely dangerous, it is still a way," Yan Lei said with a sigh.

"At this time, I'm worried. Speaking of it, what worries me the most is the loneliness of the Great Heavenly Demon," Yi Tian said, "If he is allowed to free up his hands to disrupt the situation, the situation on the scene will become more delicate."

"I just don't know why Luo Qin, the first emperor of the Asura clan, came to you?" Yan Lei asked tentatively.

"I'm not very clear about the specific situation, and Luo Qin must have secrets to tell." Yi Tian thought for a while and said, "But what I'm sure of is that he and Demon Saint Bao Tan should still be calculating each other. , sorry to see that these two have sung for so long in "Eye of the Demon World" without a winner. My appearance this time may be some kind of opportunity to break the balance between them."

"Yi Lang, you have to be careful. Cooperating with those monks in the Mahayana period is tantamount to seeking skins from tigers. Compared with the storms you surrendered in the demon world, they are completely insignificant," Concubine Yan said with a worried face when she heard this. At this time, she seems to have fully entered the role, and the name of Yi Tian has also changed.

"It doesn't matter, the so-called tiger's lair won't catch a tiger. While they are calculating me, I am also calculating them. And I can guess one or two of their hole cards, but they don't know my hole card. This is my biggest card." rely on," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"Then how sure are you about the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' group?" Yan Lei asked again.

"Not even [-]%. To be honest, I have no idea about the unknown, so I can only take one step at a time." Yi Tian sighed and said, "But I have already learned about the motives of the demon saint's violence and Asura’s first emperor Luo Qin’s details, so even if there are any sudden changes, I can calmly deal with them.”

"I hope so." After listening to this, Yan Lei showed a deep suspicious look on his face at this time, and he seemed to be dissatisfied with his answer.But he couldn't say anything, after all, this kind of fighting has gone beyond what he can achieve.

Seeing that they were quite scruples about this, Yi Tian simply changed the subject, anyway, the cooperation between the Demon King of Flame Prison and Dutong was concealed from them, and he didn't want to involve the two in front of him.It's not easy for me to go deep on the podium like this, so I changed the topic with them and talked about other things.

The results of the "martial arts competition and recruiting relatives" conference held by the flame prison dynasty in the outside world were also distributed to various places of the flame prison dynasty and the other six major races in the demon world and the casual cultivator alliance forces through the emperor's list.

Now the cultivator 'Yi Er' of the Loose Cultivation Alliance has won the first place, naturally it has brought the forces behind it closer to the flame prison demons.Moreover, the Loose Cultivator Alliance had a good relationship with it originally, so everyone in the demon world can see that a new force is developing vigorously.

At least now, it seems that the Loose Cultivation Alliance no longer has any foreign aid like before, and the flame prison demons can also use the powerful relationship intelligence network of the Loose Cultivation Alliance to obtain information and news from other planes of the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit at the first time .

No matter how you look at it, this marriage is a win-win situation for the two forces, but it has become strange in the eyes of other races.At least the Heavenly Demons will have some private gossip about this, but it's a done deal and they have no way to change it.

On the contrary, at this time, all the forces in the Flame Prison Dynasty that were originally inclined to the Sky Demons chose Zhemo, and they were also in the mood to watch a good show before.If Dugu Canglang achieves his goal as he wished, they will definitely add to the cake, but now that the situation has become like this, they have no choice but to let it go.

In addition to the matter of recruiting a son-in-law of the Flame Prison Dynasty, there is also the "Devil Abyss" party involving various forces in the demon world, which is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

The trip to the 'Abyss of the Demon Realm' is scheduled to take place one year later. At that time, all those who hold the keepsake jade tokens can go to the gathering points of the major forces and go together under the escort of high-ranking monks.

As for Yi Tian, ​​he has no intention of returning to the Loose Cultivator Alliance at this time. Originally, his identity was obtained through the Loose Cultivator Alliance, and now he is in the Flame Prison Dynasty, so he can completely mix with the selected candidates of the Flame Prison Dynasty. go together.

I have been meditating in the Flame Prison Dynasty for a while, but during this period, I heard one after another about the outside world selling the "Devil World Abyss" access jade card.

Speaking of which, the increase of the quota to 30 people after the proposal of the Flame Prison Demon King did give a lot of convenience to the various races.There are only a few people who can get the quota, and there are not a few people in the outside world who know about it.

Therefore, those who have the passing jade card will naturally be targeted. If there is no strong background, it is afraid that they will not be able to keep the jade card for a long time.

With the passage of time, news about such passing jade cards continued to come from the outside world, most of which were information about outside monks besieging those who held the jade cards.This kind of news continued for more than half a year before it died down. The high-ranking monks from the Seven Clans of the Demon Realm and the Loose Cultivation Alliance also came forward to protect those selected, so that the situation was maintained.

Moreover, they have all reached an agreement in private that these qualified persons are generally not allowed to be transferred to others unless they agree with themselves.

After seeing this group of news, Yi Tian just sneered. To put it bluntly, most of the people who besieged this time were monks from the Loose Cultivation Alliance.As for the qualified monks in the seven major clans, they were all protected early.

According to statistics, this time the Loose Cultivation Alliance has also made a big splash. A total of nearly twelve pass jade cards have been obtained, of which one-third of the amount is deducted from the two occupied by Yi Tian and Dutong. No wonder these people will be eye on.

On the other hand, the rest of the seven major clans in the demon world only have [-] places in total, which is a bit more compared to the previous two for each clan, but it is much worse than the Loose Cultivation Alliance.

Moreover, many demon monks can see from this that the situation in the entire demon world has changed. The strength displayed by the casual cultivator alliance is too amazing. The monks in the distracted monk stage can already be proud of the other major races.But speaking of these monks in the distraction period, they are actually from those unsatisfactory characters in the Seven Clans of the Demon Realm. I didn't expect to be able to shine so brightly after changing the stage.

One day a year later, several monks were boarding a transport ship in the Flame Prison Dynasty, and then Yan Lei, the Emperor of the Flame Prison, also boarded the ship and personally escorted the transport ship to the 'Abyss of the Demon Realm'.

(End of this chapter)

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