
Chapter 2325 Convergence

Chapter 2325 Convergence
Sitting in the transport ship of the Flame Prison Demon Race, Yi Tian looked at the monks who went with him. There were about a dozen shortlisted monks on this trip.There are more than 30 monks in the whole ship, half of them are selected from the flame prison demon clan to serve these shortlisted monks.

What surprised Yi Tian was that Dutong, a monk from the one-eyed demon clan, and Gai Yunhe, a monk from the abyssal demon clan, were still on the list.Speaking of the real strength of these two people, they are the top existences in this world, and no one can pose any threat to them except Mahayana monks like myself.

But what Yi Tian didn't expect was that the two of them didn't go alone, but went with him in the transport ship of the Flame Prison Demon Race.

This feeling is a bit weird, but Dutong doesn't seem to know about the abyssal demon clan Gai Yunhe.And the latter also tried to avoid direct contact with it, and seemed to have some scruples.

After entering the transport ship, these shortlisted monks in the distraction stage selected their own private cabins, and after entering them, they never came out again.

As for Yi Tian, ​​he stayed in the main cabin. Although he was not accompanied by Concubine Yan at this time, Yan Lei, the emperor of Yan Prison, was with him all the way.

Anyone with a discerning eye would think that Yan Lei, the Emperor of the Flame Prison, kept him with him because he wanted to protect the new son-in-law, but Du Tong or Gai Yunhe's eyesight naturally saw something strange.

After the transport ship galloped all the way, it continued to fly in the devil world for several days before it slowed down.Soon the transport ship broke through the storm barrier around the 'devil abyss' and came to the periphery of the abyss.

Calculated here, it should be the second time for Yi Tian to patronize. After probing out his divine sense, he found that there is no big change from the last time.

But at this time, many monks from the other six clans of the demon world also arrived ahead of schedule, most of them came on transport ships.It can be detected from a distance that there are at least five transport ships floating in the sky five hundred miles away from the entrance of the abyss.

When the transport ship flew to a similar position, Yan Lei, the Emperor of the Flame Prison, took the lead and flew out of the cabin.Behind them were a dozen or so monks in the distraction period, and Yi Tian, ​​Dutong and Gai Yunhe were still on the list.

However, the three of them could keep their distance, and they pretended not to know each other on the surface.

Shaoqing waited until the crowd flew near the entrance of the abyss of the demon world, and Yi Tian Shennian sneaked out and found that the demon clan and others had already arrived at this time.This time the leader of the Heavenly Demon Clan is the current patriarch Dugu Yaoxiang, and behind him stand Dugu Canglang and other shortlisted Heavenly Demon Clan monks.

After the cloud head fell, the monks in the fusion period met and chatted with each other for a while, as for Yi Tian and others, they all stood aside and waited for the opening of the "devil abyss".

Shaoqing waited until Yi Tianyu chose a place to wait quietly, and suddenly found that the eyes of Dugu Yaoxiang, the patriarch of the Heavenly Demon Clan, slowly passed over the people present, and then paused for a while on himself, then quickly moved away .Obviously, he had dealt with him many times before, and the other party's senses naturally recognized his true identity at the first sight.

However, Yi Tian found that his eyes also stayed on Dutong and Gai Yunhe, so he naturally found the difference between the two.

After three breaths, a trace of shock flashed in Dugu Yaoxiang's eyes, and then he returned to normal in a flash, as if nothing had happened.

Just when Yi Tian thought that this was the end of the matter, Dao's voice suddenly sounded in his ear: "Why did Fellow Daoist Yi come to this muddy water this time?"

The person who spoke was Dugu Yaoxiang who was standing not far away, obviously he was suspicious and wanted to ask first.

The corner of his mouth moved a few times, and Yi Tian replied indifferently: "I have something to come to the Demon Realm just as the trip to the 'Devil Realm Abyss' started, so I sneaked in."

"Then you should know the identities of the two people around you, right?" Dugu Yaoxiang continued, "I didn't expect to see the first and second people on the most wanted list in the Demon World appear at the same time today, which really shocked me. "

Obviously he recognized the one-eyed demon clan's one pupil, but he couldn't say it directly because of the overall situation.But fortunately, if this is the case, everyone is just pretending to be confused in plain clothes, and they have done things in face, and they have an explanation for Dugu Lonely, the big demon.It is obvious that Dugu Yaoxiang, the patriarch of the Heavenly Demon Clan, is probably sitting on the crater of the crater. Since he was reduced to an outcast after the Great War, he has also given up on the Heavenly Demon Clan.Now it's just because there are monks in the Mahayana period who are suppressing and can't be arbitrary, so they can only obey on the face, which is actually perfunctory and passive.

Otherwise, based on the fact that he recognized the one-eyed demon cultivator Dutong at a glance, he would have secretly notified the combined mobile unit in the demon world.However, it can be seen from this that after the "Magic Disaster War", the big demon Dugu Lonely has long lost his support, and even Dugu Yaoxiang, a monk in the fusion period of the same clan, has been obedient to his orders.As for the Demon King of the Flame Prison Demon Clan, he and Dutong secretly negotiated the song, and the two have long been brothers in the same pants.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian replied with a calm expression: "Fellow Daoist Dugu is really joking. I am now a cultivator of the Loose Cultivation Alliance 'Yi Er', and I am also the new prince consort of the Flame Prison Demon Clan."

"I'm afraid your identity as the Prince's Son-in-Law was decided early in the morning." Dugu Yaoxiang's complexion did not change, but there was a playful look in his eyes.He has long been aware of the relationship between Yi Tian and Concubine Yan. Since Yi Tian suddenly appeared in the Demon Realm 2000 years ago and Concubine Yan suddenly emerged among the crown princes of the Flame Prison, these things are easily reminiscent.

Although many things are unknown to outsiders, it is not difficult to see that Yi Tian is behind these things based on the information obtained by Dugu Yaoxiang in a high position.

After hearing this, Yi Tian was slightly taken aback, and then hurriedly changed the topic: "I wonder if Dugu Canglang has ever met the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely when he came in?"

Dugu Yaoxiang shook his head slightly and said: "Since he returned from the flame prison demon dynasty, he has been staying in the clan and has never been out, and the great demon Dugu Lonely has not contacted me for a long time."

"Yes, it seems that everything is very peaceful, but the more this is the case, the more variables there will be in the abyss of the devil world," Yi Tian pouted.

"How can you see it?" Dugu Yaoxiang asked.

"Intuition, although I can't tell the reason, but my intuition tells me that the abyss of the devil world will not be as peaceful as it seems on the surface," Yi Tian explained.

"What Daoist Yi said is mysterious and mysterious, I'm afraid you can only experience it yourself after entering." Dugu Yaoxiang said lightly: "But I am very curious, why did you come together with Dutong?"

"Is this strange?" Yi Tian said disdainfully: "If I want to deal with the demon saint Baotan, but there is also a big demon Dugu Lonely involved in it, I must find a helper."

"You have to deal with the demon sage," Xiao Shi Dugu Yaoxiang Cheng Fushen couldn't see any joy or anger on his face, but the shock in his eyes was beyond words.

"By the way, speaking of it, I still have some sect relationship with Demon Saint Baotan, and he is my uncle," Yi Tian said bluntly: "But the big demon Dugu Lonely was trained by him alone. If it gets involved, I will definitely be in trouble under one-on-two."

"Could it be that Fellow Daoist Yi has crossed that hurdle at this time?" Dugu Yaoxiang asked for no reason.

Slightly nodded, Yi Tian didn't reply directly, but it was considered a default.

Seeing this, Dugu Yaoxiang only felt his eyelids tremble a few times inadvertently, and then he returned to normal and said, "Even if this is the case, it is useless for you to cooperate with that one-eyed demon monk Dutong, his cultivation is at its peak in the late fusion stage , it will not be easy to pass that hurdle.”

"Fellow Daoist Dugu is just like what you said, it's not easy for Dutong to cross the great barrier of the Mahayana period, but if you don't try, it's really hopeless, isn't it," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"So he wants to take advantage of this opportunity of entering the 'Abyss of the Demon Realm' to try to break through the bottleneck of the Mahayana period?" Dugu Yaoxiang asked straightforwardly.

"It's about the same as what you imagined," Yi Tian replied, "It's just that the areas that the one-eyed demons could have used to attack the cultivation base of the Mahayana period have been occupied by the demon sage, and it was hard for the one-eyed demons to find a place. A similar territory allows him to try it out."

"If you make any big noise in the 'Abyss of the Demon Realm', it will definitely alarm the big demon Dugu Lonely. Even if Dutong can advance to the Mahayana stage, can he deal with the long-famous Dugu Lonely with his strength?" Dugu Lonely Yaoxiang asked puzzledly.

"You don't underestimate the one-eyed demons at this point," Yi Tian replied confidently: "Based on my understanding of the one-eyed demons, they are originally a race with extraordinary talents, so their strength naturally improves. It is not easy to step up. But once you can advance to the Mahayana stage, you will naturally be more than twice as strong as a monk of the same level. To put it bluntly, when Dugu is lonely against the big demon, he will not lose the wind in the slightest .”

"You Daoist Yi, do you think that after Dutong advances, he will really fight against Dugu Lonely? You underestimate Mahayana monks too much," Dugu Yaoxiang said.

"Of course not. I've thought about it early in the morning. Dutong finally advanced to the Mahayana and definitely won't go all out to get entangled with the big demon Dugu Lonely," Yi Tian replied directly.

"Then you can still be so confident, how dare you ask?" Dugu Yaoxiang asked.

"One doesn't want to attack with all his strength, while the other will focus on chasing and fighting fiercely, and the relationship between them will become very subtle," Yi Tian explained: "The name Dugu Lonely will cause headaches when facing this Dutong For a while, I don't see how Dugu Lonely can't do anything about him in the late stage of fusion, let alone with the same cultivation level."

"So you will take advantage of the time when they are fighting and entanglement to go find the Demon Saint Bao Tan to deal with the matter between you," Dugu Yaoxiang said after thinking about it.

"It's almost like this, but there are variables here. The first emperor of the Asura world, Luo Qin, may also be confronting the demon saint in the 'Eye of the Demon World' at this time, so I expect that in the situation where the two are at loggerheads Li and my meddling will definitely stir up the situation."

Hearing this Dugu Yaoxiang suddenly fell silent, if according to Yi Tian's words, there must be a major event in the abyss of the demon world this time.Moreover, the entire Demon Realm will be affected accordingly in the future if the whole body is pulled, but now the arrow is on the string and has to be launched, even a monk in the fusion period like him is powerless to stop the development of the general trend.

After the two chatted for a while, monks from the three major races arrived here one after another, and those monks holding the selected jade cards all interacted with each other and chatted privately after arriving.It is obvious that they want to work together with multiple parties to find greater opportunities in the 'devil abyss'.

Yi Tian can pay attention to the fact that most of these visitors are avoiding Dugu Canglang of the Sky Demon Clan, and they basically avoid as much as they can.Apparently, the reputation of the Heavenly Demon Race in the Demon World has not been much better over the years, and it seems that they are not welcomed by other races.

As for myself now, although I am a member of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, and I have the name of the Prince Consort of the Flame Prison Demon Clan on my head, but the deity is showing the appearance of the Heavenly Demon Clan, and not many people catch up to strike up a conversation.Most of these shortlisted monks looked at them from a distance and then avoided their own eyes and dared not look directly at them.

As for Du Tong and Gai Yunhe, they both showed the appearance of not allowing strangers to enter like lone wolves.But if you think about it, there are not many people with the Dharma Eye that their monks can enter, including the monks in the integration period here.

Shaoqing saw Yan Lei, the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison, and Dugu Yaoxiang, the patriarch of the Heavenly Demon Clan, discuss and summon all these candidates.Afterwards, he gave a brief account of the situation in the 'Abyss of the Demon Realm'.

Then he stretched out his hand and pointed to the void gate that entered the 'Abyss of the Demon Realm' and said: "Everyone, let's enter in order according to the ranking of your personal achievements in the Imperial City of Flame Prison. '."

Hearing that Yi Tian took out the jade tablet, his divine sense passed over everyone and found that dozens of eyes were focused on him.A layer of faint magic light flashed and bounced away those divine thoughts, and then Yi Tian jumped into the air and flew towards the vortex at the entrance.

The whistling wind passed by my ears, and after a moment of trance, I found that I had passed through the entrance of the void vortex and came to the abyss of the demon world again.

Flying to the sky, Yi Tian didn't leave immediately, but waited quietly inside. After a few breaths, a figure flew out from the entrance, and he didn't leave directly after arriving in Neizhong.First, after searching with his divine sense, he flew straight to where he was.

It is no longer necessary to say that this person is Gai Yunhe of the Abyssal Demon Race.After the meeting, without saying a word, he took out a jade amulet of communication and sent it over from the air: "If there is something to contact, I hope you can quickly settle the matter at hand."

After reaching out to take it, Yi Tian put the communication jade talisman into the storage ring before replying: "Don't worry, it won't take much time, I will come to you after I finish dealing with Dutong."

After hearing this, Gai Yunhe turned his head and flew straight towards the depths of the 'Abyss of the Demon Realm'.

(End of this chapter)

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