
Chapter 2326

Chapter 2326
At the entrance, Yi Tianyin disappeared and stood above the sky and waited silently. Sure enough, the order of entry was in accordance with the established rankings during the 'Contest for Marriage Recruitment' conference.

I remember that Dutong was ranked No.30 at that time, so Yi Tian could only wait patiently.

The monks who had entered the 'Abyss of the Demon Realm' flashed past one by one in front of them, and half of the monks were not parties to the 'Contest for Marriage Recruitment' conference.After waiting for about half a moment, Dutong's figure finally appeared at the entrance. He didn't move directly after entering, but opened his divine sense and swept around.

Shaoqing raised his head and looked up, then his figure flew to not far in front of him in a flash, and after stabilizing his figure in the air, he said: "Yi Daoyou, you have been waiting for a long time."

Slowly showing his figure, Yi Tian smiled lightly and said, "Your one-eyed fellow Taoist came at just the right time, let's leave quickly."

"Don't worry, there are three void gaps in the abyss of the demon world, and each has the breath coming from the 'Eye of the Demon World'," Du Tong explained.

Knowing that this is his specialty, Yi Tian replied patiently: "I would like to hear more about it."

"There's a rift in the void in the 'Burial Ground', but I have no plans to go there," Dutong explained.

"I don't know why?" Yi Tian asked.

"Because taking out the land boundary has long been under the focus of the demon sage's violent mind, so it's easy to expose your whereabouts when you go there," Dutong said.

"Fellow Daoist is very true," Yi Tian nodded and replied, "But where else can you find for advancement?"

"As far as I know, there are two other places besides the final burial place in the 'Abyss of the Demon Realm', namely the 'Site of the Fallen Demon' and the 'Hall of Burning Heart'. Where to try it."

"But I don't know how far away are the 'Land of the Fallen Demon' and the 'Burning Heart Hall'?" Yi Tian tried to ask, saying that he had never heard of these two places.But since Dutong can tell the name of the place, it must be a place that exists.

Dutong lowered his head and pondered for a while before he said: "Let's go to the 'Burning Heart Hall'. My ancestors have been there and there are corresponding records and descriptions."

After hearing this, Yi Tian didn't reply directly but asked: "I wonder if Fellow Daoist Du Tong can share the information in your hand with me, so that I can learn about the exact situation in this 'Devil Abyss' as soon as possible."

Upon hearing this, Dutong reached out and took out a jade slip from the storage ring, and then sent it over.Yi Tian stretched out his hand to catch it, and gently opened the jade slip, his eyes quickly glanced at the recorded text on it.

A thoughtful look appeared on Shaoqing's face. This jade slip recorded a detailed map of the 'Abyss of the Demon Realm'.Among them, it is easy to find three marked areas, namely the 'Burial Ground', 'The Land of the Fallen Devil' and the 'Burning Heart Hall'.

There are detailed descriptions of these three places at the back of the jade slip, among which the "Burning Heart Hall" records that this is the place where the one-eyed demon monks of the past generations practiced their demon hearts.Usually the monks of the one-eyed demons of the past dynasties tempered their demon hearts there, because the growth of the high-level monks of the one-eyed demons did not match their demon hearts, so it was easy to cause them to enter a state of madness.

The boundary of this 'Burning Heart Hall' was specially set up for the refinement of the 'Quiet Demon Heart', but it was completely sealed off after the Demon Saint Bao Tan came to power, and the 'Quiet Demon Heart' could not be refined. Based on the premise of this, it is estimated that many of the one-eyed demon monks will be affected by the manic heart, and become bloodthirsty and warlike over time, thus continuously consuming the heritage of his race.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian put away the jade slip in his hand and then replied: "Okay, if that's the case, let's go quickly."

After hearing this, Dutong selected a direction in the air, and then turned around and used the escape technique to fly away rapidly.Yi Tian followed at a distance of [-] feet behind him, maintaining his flying speed and followed all the way.

The two of them restrained their spiritual pressure fluctuations in the air one after the other, and quickly shuttled through the high altitude of the "devil abyss". After flying like this for several days, Yi Tian saw a protruding mountain peak on the edge of the sky from afar.

The purple glow flashed in his eyes, and he used the 'Tianma pupil' technique to look carefully, only to see a continuous black mountain range appearing about thirty to forty thousand miles away, and Dutong was leading himself to the depths of the mountain range. .

At the same time, Yi Tian also felt that the evil energy around him was more than twice as strong as that at the entrance. If Dutong hadn't led the way, he might not have known that there would be such a "Burning Heart Hall" in the "Devil Realm Abyss" Bar.

After flying like this for more than half an hour, the two finally entered the boundary of the 'Burning Heart Palace'.It wasn't until he saw a huge palace in front of his eyes that Yi Tian really believed Dutong's words.This 'Burning Heart Hall' is about thirty feet high, and the square outside the main entrance has a radius of several thousand feet.It is possible to open such a palace in this mountain range, and only the one-eyed demon monks, the strongest race in the demon world, could do it.

And on the main gate of this palace, there is still the emblem of the one-eyed demon clan. These marks Yi Tian collected clues in many ways after entering the demon world, so he recognized at a glance that the mark style on the stone gate of the main hall should belong to the middle or ancient times. The emblem of the one-eyed demon clan.On the crossbeam above the stone gate, three big characters of "Burning Heart Hall" were written in 'Golden Seal Script'.Yi Tian was slightly startled when he saw it. He didn't expect that the "Burning Heart Palace" in the "Devil Realm Abyss" would have such a setting. According to his imagination, if the hall was built by one-eyed demon monks, it would definitely use the magic world Text logo.

Playing here and looking at the surrounding environment, Yi Tian saw something strange, but he didn't expect that some of the signs and traces left outside the 'Burning Heart Hall' were not from the same era at all.Among them, the one-eyed mark on the stone gate should be left by the ancestor monks of the one-eyed demon clan in ancient times.But those background patterns are all inscription styles of the fairy world, if I haven't experienced the trip to the fragments of the fairy world in the netherworld, I'm afraid it's really hard to recognize them.

Since the inscription marks here are so special, it is very likely that the history of the 'Burning Heart Hall' here is longer than I imagined.In other words, the "Burning Heart Hall" here was not built by the one-eyed demon monks, they just discovered it a little earlier and then occupied it.

At this time, Yi Tian was also full of thoughts. If the 'Burning Heart Palace' below existed longer than the Cyclops, then I don't know where it came from.Thinking of this, Yi Tian also had a lot of doubts about what Dutong said before. If it is really a palace left in the fairy world or built by a real fairy in the upper world, then there must be a few powerful people inside the palace. Xindian' must be extremely careful.

After the clouds fell, the two walked to the stone gate of the main hall, a gleam flashed in the eyes of Dutong, and then they said to themselves: "I didn't expect that the restriction here is still intact after so many years. If I didn't visit in person It is hard to imagine that the ancestors of the past generations would leave such a large foundation in the 'devil abyss'."

"Daoist Dutong seems to be happy too early," Yi Tian said with a gloomy face, "Although it's my first time here, I feel a little uneasy. I guess there is absolutely nothing imaginable in it. as simple as that."

"Yi Daoyou is right. Since the 'Burning Heart Palace' can exist in the 'Devil Abyss' for such a long time, there must be some unknown secrets," Dutong said after thinking for a while.

"In any case, let's open the stone gate first," Yi Tian said lightly, "I read the inscription on the gate of this temple, and I guess only you who belong to the same clan can open it." To be honest, Yi Tian said After looking at the inscription on the stone gate, I found out that it was engraved with the inscription nesting with the "blood sacrifice technique". Speaking of which, the caster also found a unique way, knowing that the orthodox method cannot be used to open the gate here. Collect a large amount of demonic flesh and blood, and use the most common method of blood sacrifice in the demon world to forcibly embed the inscription of the one-eyed demon clan into the original inscription.To put it bluntly, the method of blood sacrifice required on the huge stone gate in front of him would have to spend at least the souls of the monks in the previous distraction stage or the whole body of dozens of monks in the fusion stage to be able to do it.It is conceivable how powerful this one-eyed demon monk was in the ancient times of the demon world, and countless demon cultivators fell into their hands.

Dutong glanced over and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and then a vague appearance appeared all over his body. After three breaths, when the figure reappeared, he revealed the appearance of his true self.At this time, his face was no different from that of an ordinary person, only his eyes had become one-eyed the size of a fist.

Walking forward, Dutong stretched out his hands and quickly formed seals, and after three breaths, his whole body's spiritual power was also mobilized.Countless streaks of blood shot out around the eyeballs in the eye sockets on the face, and a black magic light shot out from the pupils after the eyelids were closed.

The magic light just hit the one-eyed inscription on the stone gate impartially. After three breaths, only the sound of "Ka Ka Ka" sounded, and the stone gate in front of it slowly opened to both sides until it was a foot wide. down.

Shaoqing's single pupil withdrew the magic light, sighed softly and said, "Okay, let's go in and have a look."

Naturally, Yi Tian didn't have any objection, and after nodding his head, he followed Dutong and flew straight into the 'Burning Heart Hall'.

After entering the hall, there is a long corridor in front of you. Yi Tian and Dutong are flying in the air with their escapism.When passing through the promenade, Yi Tian's divine thoughts quickly passed over the walls on both sides of the promenade, only to see a large number of traces of inscriptions left.These inscriptions are also written in the 'golden seal script' of the fairy world, but their effect is used to maintain and strengthen the hall here.

What makes Yi Tian feel lingering is that he has never seen such a large formation even in the fragments of the fairy world in the Netherworld. Usually, he has seen such inscriptions portrayed only in important places in the ruins of Luotian Celestial Palace.

After flying through this long corridor, the two came to the main hall of the 'Burning Heart Hall'. Although it was pitch black, it did not hinder them at all.It's just that after scanning Yi Tian's mind, he found that there was an abandoned stove in the middle of the main hall. The fire in the middle of the stove had been extinguished, and there were two fist-sized stones in it.

In this regard, after Yi Tian's divine thoughts passed by, he found that the words "Burning Heart Stove" were written in "golden script" on the stove.Seeing this, there was a slight startle on his face, and he asked, "Daoist friend with one pupil, do you know the function of this furnace?"

Dutong who stood on the side shook his head blankly and said: "I don't know, but according to the information left by my ancestors, there is a 'Heart Refining Furnace' left in the apse of the 'Burning Heart Palace'. The one-eyed demons are all refining the 'Quiet Demon Heart' there."

"There is also a 'Heart Refining Furnace', it seems that there are really many good things in the 'Burning Heart Hall'," Yi Tian said with a sigh.In fact, his eyes still stayed on the 'Burning Heart Stove'. Speaking of which, the name of the main hall here was 'Burning Heart Stove' and there was a 'Burning Heart Stove' in the main hall, indicating that he should have met the right path, but he didn't know where it was. What happened to the 'heart refining furnace' in the apse.

After thinking about it without being long-winded, the two of them hurriedly walked across the side of the main hall from the aisle to the apse after replying.

After passing through a promenade about one mile long, the two came to a wide apse.Here, there is a stove in the middle, and the word "refining heart" is written on it in Mojie characters.Seeing this single pupil, he was overjoyed and hurried forward to observe it, and then his face showed ecstasy.

But at this time, Yi Tian was suspicious, he couldn't figure out why the one-eyed demons put the fairyland 'heart-burning furnace' in the main hall instead of using the 'heart-refining furnace' in the back hall.

And obviously this bottle of 'heart refining furnace' is not something that survived from the original place, or it is an imitation.

Yi Tian didn't go forward, but quickly passed the 'heart refining furnace' in front of him with his spiritual thoughts.The doubt in Shaoqing's eyes became even more serious. To be honest, I found a lot of clues in this 'heart refining furnace'.Among them, the techniques of refining and engraving inscriptions are so familiar, as if I have seen them somewhere before.

After thinking about it carefully, his eyes suddenly brightened, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.At this time, Yi Tian was also deeply shocked. The refining method and inscription method of this bottle of "Heart Refining Furnace" are very similar to the one in the hands of Patriarch Wuye in white in Lihuo Palace in the spiritual world.Although they are not the same statue, the refining method and the engraved inscription are very close.Taking a closer look, Yi Tian found that the 'heart refining furnace' in front of him was probably made by the ancestor Miaodizi or Feng Lingzi, the founder of the mountain.

Speaking of which, the 'Heart Refining Devil Fire' is also one of the different fires found in the devil world, but the imitations are still fakes after all, and their efficacy is definitely not as good as the decent 'Fen' in the main hall. Heart Furnace'.

But seeing Dutong in this state, Yi Tian was too embarrassed to interrupt his interest directly, and then he just silently walked to the side of the apse, looking at the murals left on the walls around the apse.

I don't know if I saw it, Yi Tian's expression didn't change, but a trace of shock flashed in his eyes, and there were several patterns carved on the walls around the stone hall, and there was actually information about Luotian Xiangong's inheritance in the spirit world. .

(End of this chapter)

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