
Chapter 2327 Prophecy

Chapter 2327 Prophecy
After entering the 'Abyss of the Demon Realm', Yi Tian teamed up with the one-eyed demon monk Du Tong to sneak into the depths of the 'Burning Heart Palace' and his party.According to Dutong's words, the "Burning Heart Hall" here was originally built by his one-eyed demon monks in ancient times.

But after arriving here, Yi Tian still found something strange. The architectural style of the 'Burning Heart Hall' was not something that one-eyed demon monks could do.Moreover, many inscription styles based on the "golden seal script" of the fairy world were found on the main gate.

I have done a lot of research on Yi Tian, ​​the one-eyed demon race. This race can be said to have the longest history in the demon world. Unfortunately, they have been murderous all their lives, and it is absolutely impossible for them to build.

On the main entrance of the 'Burning Heart Hall', Yi Tian found an additional 'Blood Sacrifice Seal', and it was this seal that firmly suppressed the original restriction.

After entering the interior of the 'Burning Heart Palace', Yi Tian confirmed his doubts even more.The styles of the inscriptions on the surrounding corridors all came from the fairy world, which Yi Tian was convinced of after taking the fragments of the fairy world.

After arriving at the main hall, they found a "heart burning furnace" in the middle of the main hall, but the fire in this furnace was extinguished, leaving only two fist-sized stones.

Follow Dutong all the way to the inner hall of the 'Burning Heart Hall' and saw another 'Heart Refining Furnace' here.According to Dutong, this statue is the ultimate goal of this trip. His ancestors of the one-eyed demon clan were able to advance to the Mahayana stage after practicing the "Quiet Demon Heart" here.

But when Yi Tian saw the 'Heart Refining Furnace', he was also stunned. It is not difficult to see that this 'Heart Refining Furnace' seems to be slightly inferior in quality compared to the 'Burning Heart Furnace' in the hall.Moreover, this 'Heart Refining Furnace' is obviously not handed down from the Immortal Realm. After observing the style of the inscription on it, Yi Tian has decided in his heart that this object should come from the founder Miaodizi or the founder Feng Lingzi in Luotian Immortal Palace hand.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian also just felt that the single pupil in front of him seemed to be put together, but the other party immediately recognized this reason, and he didn't want to spoil his interest.Turning his head, Yi Tian looked around, and found that there were still many murals left on the stone walls wherever his spiritual thoughts went.Looking carefully, a look of surprise flashed inadvertently in his eyes.

These murals are about ten feet high, almost reaching the ceiling of the apse. Looking at them from the left, there are five murals on each side. Among them, the ones on the left already have patterns, as for the ones on the right. However, there are a large number of inscription patterns on the few murals instead of murals.After glancing over the murals on the left, Yi Tian found that there seemed to be a lot of information about the inheritance of Luotianxian Palace in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit recorded on them.The first one is a description of the ancestor Feng Lingzi who found the opportunity to establish a sect after exploring the fragments of the fairy world.

What followed was a scene where he preached in the spiritual world and carried forward Luo Tianxian Palace, but he was always accompanied by a Taoist boy, needless to say, it must be the Patriarch Miao Di Zi.On this mural, although the name of Luotian Fairy Palace is not marked, it is considered a grand event that all the powerful people from all over the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit came to congratulate them for the moment when the spiritual world was unrivaled in the limelight.

As for the third painting, Patriarch Feng Lingzi disappeared, and instead, Patriarch Miaodizi became the protagonist of the whole painting.But what is described in this painting is the fierce battle between Patriarch Miao Dizi and Taoist Youxuan, the real immortal from the lower realm.

Yi Tian noticed that the scene of the battle should be above the old city of Qingfeng in the spiritual world. Below the battle between the two, there was a disciple wearing Zongmen costume eager to help the battle, but unfortunately he was still unable to be excluded.There are also a few monks who should be the elders of the halls in Luo Tianxian Palace.

In this painting, Yi Tian can see that Master Miaodizi and Taoist Youxuan from the lower realm are tied after fighting, but it is obvious that Master Miaodizi still has the upper hand.After learning of the following results, Yi Tian naturally had lingering fears about it.

After skipping this painting, my eyes turned to the fourth mural again, but just as I turned to the mural, I found that it was divided into upper and lower parts.There is an obvious dividing line in the middle that divides the mural into two obliquely from the upper left corner.

Among them, the painting style on the left half is clearer, while the half on the right is darker.One of the protagonists who appeared on the two halves of the murals was a spiritual cultivator, and the other was a complete demon monk.

It's just that Yi Tian found in this painting that half of the hearts of the two are vacant, the spiritual character is missing the left half, and the demon is just the opposite missing the right half.

Seeing this, Yi Tian naturally knows who is described in this painting, and if he guesses right, it should be Master Wuxiang himself.It's just that for some reason, there are two vacancies in his heart.

Behind the appearance of spiritual practice is the appearance of Buddhist buildings. It is expected that it should be Minglun Temple in the Buddhist spiritual world.

As for the demon cultivator on the right, he was sitting near a spring, but there was a coffin beside him.Seeing Yi Tian's solemn expression, he felt a sinking in his heart. This coffin should contain the body of Patriarch Miao Dizi.Uncle Wuxiang still wants to rely on the real devil energy in the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' to try to wake up Uncle Miaodizi.

It's a pity that all this has been going on for tens of thousands of years, but it's still in vain. If there are no variables, the situation of "Eye of the Demon World" will continue.

When the eyes moved to the fifth mural, the painting style returned to the spirit world again, but here it seemed to describe the situation of the division of Luo Tianxian Palace.The three leading monks in the middle each led a group of disciples and grandchildren, and then opened their own dojos in the spirit world to pass on the Taoism.

So far, the five paintings on the left side are all here, and Yi Tian felt a sigh of relief after seeing it.It took me many twists and turns to find out the experience of Luo Tianxian Palace for tens of thousands of years. I didn't expect to describe all these things clearly in five words in the apse of the 'Burning Heart Palace'.

Turning his head, Yi Tian found that only three of the murals on the opposite side had patterns on them.As for the last two pictures, only a few inscriptions are exposed, without any patterns.

No matter how Yi Tian turned his eyes to the first picture on the right, he found a lot of clues after his eyes glanced over.This painting is divided into three groups of two battle circles, in which two people are fighting each other above the sky, and three people are besieging one below.As for the other group of two, they stood in the depths of the cloud and watched carefully.

Yi Tian naturally had a fresh memory of this, and what was described above was exactly the situation when he entered the Lihuo Sect with the black-clothed Wuye Patriarch.The two people above are naturally Wuye in black and white, and the one who is under siege is himself, as well as Ji Xuanyuan, Han Liu and Zeng Shun.

As the person involved in this period of history, Yi Tian naturally felt a lot of emotion in his heart, but these things should have happened in less than a thousand years, but he didn't expect that there would be records on the stone wall here.

At this time, Yi Tian couldn't help but think of the same thing he had encountered after entering the "End of the Sky and the Sea" in his own Tianlan Continent.What I saw at that time was the record of Patriarch Wuye's life.And I also deliberately checked the inscribed formation afterwards, and now I look back and see that it is exactly the same.

To put it bluntly, the inscriptions preserved here seem to be even better, and they should be the inscriptions in the fairy world's predictive supernatural power 'Great Prophecy'.Such inscriptions are probably only able to be fully understood by Senior Brother Qin, the Qing Tiange, who is in the Taiqing Pavilion in the spiritual world.However, being able to describe several major events of Luotian Immortal Palace since its establishment shows that the cultivator who arranged this inscription here can also have a glimpse of the secrets of the sky. Naturally, these patterns are left as a warning to the younger disciples.

On the last mural with a pattern, Yi Tian showed a thoughtful expression as soon as his eyes passed over his face.There are many people in this painting. On the main seat in the middle is a monk wearing Taoist robes of the Luotian Immortal Palace. On both sides are three people sitting, one on the left and two on the right.Judging from the positions, the identities of the four should be similar, but the person sitting in the right seat is more dignified.

In front of him was a group of people who were divided into two factions as if they were attending a ceremony. Yi Tian also recognized this scene. It was he who returned to Qingfeng Old City in the spiritual world a hundred years ago and took over the position of suzerain in the sect meeting hall of Luotian Immortal Palace. situation.

I didn't expect that all these things would be recorded on the stone wall with the 'big prophecy' engraved here.At the same time, Yi Tian also saw a dividing line in the lower half of the stone wall, and it was obvious that there was a person and a coffin sitting cross-legged near the spring outside the dividing line.It's just that the person sitting cross-legged at this time seemed to be looking at the people at the other side of the dividing line above with disdain.

Seeing this, Yi Tian also sighed helplessly, it seems that Master Wuxiang should know about his succession as the suzerain of Luotian Immortal Palace.But he doesn't seem to be interested in this matter. What he is most concerned about at present is how to wake up Master Miaodizi, and other things can be put aside.

From the murals around here, it can be seen that all of them are prophecies surrounding the changes in the sect of Luotian Immortal Palace.It's just that there are two pictures in the back with only inscriptions and no patterns, which makes Yi Tian quite disappointed.If I can gain insight into the future changes of the sect here, it may be helpful for my next actions.

At least he pointed out a clear path for himself. After all, with his current status, there must be corresponding information prompts appearing in the next two paintings.

After sweeping his eyes, Yi Tian slowly withdrew his attention again. After all, the shock given to him by these murals was not small, so he had to digest it well.

Looking back, I saw Dutong standing in front of the 'heart-refining furnace' at this time. After raising the aura in his hand, he activated the real flame in the furnace and burned the hearth red.

Seeing that Yi Tian didn't speak directly to stop him, but stared at the 'heart-refinement furnace' for a while, but saw that Dutong kept injecting spiritual power into his hands, and the inscriptions around the furnace wall were activated.

These gradually translucent inscriptions slowly extended from top to bottom to the ground, activating all the surrounding underground inscriptions.At this point, Yi Tian's eyes flickered and he was stunned. Such inscriptions seemed to be connected with some kind of seal.If Dutong continues to activate this, I'm afraid it will trigger the inner prohibition mechanism.

Seeing this, Yi Tian hurriedly said: "One pupil fellow Taoist wait a minute, something is wrong here."

"Is there something wrong?" Dutong hurriedly asked as he withdrew the magic power in his hand when he heard the words.

"This 'Heart Refining Furnace' seems to be based on a certain spirit-sealing restriction. If you continue to activate it, it may cause the restriction's backlash," Yi Tian explained hastily.

"But I found out from the information left in the family that I can only refine my demon heart after activating this 'heart refining furnace'," Dutong said.

Just as Yi Tian was about to ask a question, he suddenly felt a slight vibration from the forbidden inscription under his feet. Shaoqing, the inscription under his feet seemed to have no sign of stopping, and after being gradually activated, it extended to the surroundings of the 'heart refining furnace' A radius of twenty feet.

'Whoosh, whoosh,' several golden lights flashed from the edge of the inscription's restriction, and then gathered into a circle, instantly enveloping the two of them.Yi Tian hurriedly stepped back to the vicinity of the inscription restriction, but was directly blocked by the halo of the restriction.

Seeing Dutong, he knew something was wrong and hurriedly flew in the other direction, but it was no surprise that he was also blocked back.At this time, a void suddenly appeared under the soles of the feet, swallowing the two of them together with the 'heart refining furnace'.

After ten breaths, when the gap in the void closed again, there was no trace of the 'Heart Refining Furnace' and Yi Tian in the entire apse.It's just that there was a blur on the right wall at this time.If Yi Tian is here, he can see that some patterns suddenly appeared on the fourth stone wall with only inscriptions and no patterns.

After falling into the gap in the void, Yi Tian found that his body fell down for three or four breaths and then fell to the ground. Although it was pitch black in front of him, he could still see the position of Dutong clearly.At the same time, there is the 'heart refining furnace' in the middle.

So far, Yi Tian has decided in his heart that the space he wants to come up with can only be started from the "heart refining furnace" in front of him.Just as I was thinking about it, a crisp voice came from my ear saying: "You two are so bold that you actually broke into this seat's forbidden area, and even tried to activate the forbidden area. It seems that you are getting impatient."

"Who, exactly who dares to tease me," Dutong shouted with a serious face upon hearing this.

"Since the two of you are here, don't leave again. It's strange that you will either die from exhaustion of your lifespan here, or I will draw a whole body of blood to become my meal," after the voice sounded, but saw The originally dark surroundings gradually became clearer.

In front of the two of them, there was a ten-foot-long, five-foot-thick strange snake that slowly swam over. With its body coiled up and its head raised high, it stared down at the two people in front of it and sized it up.

"This is the larva of the scorching dragon," Yi Tian said in a deep voice after seeing it, "I really didn't expect there to be such a fierce beast as a seal in this space."

As soon as this remark came out of the single pupil, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Friend Yi Daoist, you are not mistaken, like the ancient scorching dragon, they all exist in myths and legends, and even a larva has extraordinary strength Remarkable."

"We're in trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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