
Chapter 2328 Prohibition

Chapter 2328 Prohibition
Entering the apse of the 'Burning Heart Hall', Dutong activated the 'Heart Refining Furnace' placed in the hall for no reason. What he didn't expect was that the surroundings of this furnace were connected with the forbidden barrier here.After raising the magic light in Dutong's hand, he activated the forbidden barrier here and inadvertently opened the door to the forbidden space.

Then an invisible gravitational force directly sucked the two into the gap of the forbidden barrier, and Yi Tian found out that the space here was the lair of a strange snake.In other words, this strange snake was banned here.After recognizing the true face of this strange snake, Yi Tian's face also became extremely restless. This is the descendant of the ancient scorching dragon or a juvenile scorching dragon.

It stands to reason that such scorching dragons are strange beasts that existed in ancient times. In terms of strength, adult scorching dragons are all at the level of true immortals. Even if the juvenile body in front of them is probably at the mid-level of Mahayana.

If Yi Tian meets himself, he may not be his opponent. Even with the addition of a late-fit Dutong, it can only be a tie at most.

It's just that this is the forbidden space where the scorching dragon is imprisoned, and it's unknown how long it has been locked here.At this moment, the original strange feeling in Yi Tian's heart finally became solid. Before that, he had a premonition that something strange might happen to him, although it was unknown, but he was still hanging in his heart.Fortunately, after seeing this juvenile scorching dragon, although he was shocked a lot, he was still thinking about countermeasures.

Speaking of which, it was a coincidence that the two of them were sucked into the space here, and it was also the result of Dutong activating the 'Heart Refining Furnace' on his own initiative.And the 'heart refining furnace' was also involved in this space, which means that if you want to get out of trouble, you must find a way from above.

As his eyes quickly passed over the 'heart refining furnace' not far away, Dutong also sensed the problem, and then hurriedly asked through voice transmission: "Friend Daoist Yi, what do you think we should do now?"

"Under the unknown situation, we can only take one step at a time," Yi Tian replied calmly: "But I guess it is inevitable that I want to fight this young scorched dragon, and you have to pay attention to it later Tail, I always feel that something is wrong."

"What's wrong?" Dutong asked?
"I felt two different spiritual powers appearing, and it was the sudden appearance of the mysterious and yellow energy on the scorching dragon in front of me that made me feel uneasy," Yi Tian said.

Just as he was talking, the scorched dragon larva in front of him suddenly moved, and the demon spirit power on his body surged, and he opened his mouth to spit out black lightning, which hit the two of them.

"Hurry up and hide," Yi Tian said as soon as he said his figure, he also hurriedly dodged away, and several oncoming electric lights fell through the air after passing through Yi Tian's phantom and directly submerged into the black void behind him.

And Yi Tian's deity has already moved away twenty feet away at this time, but his face changed slightly before he stopped.After that, he could only take out the Tiansha Demon Saber and sacrifice it in front of him.

After the magic power was injected into the five-foot-long magic knife, it instantly disintegrated into countless bright white snowflake blades in the air, and then Yi Tianhu was in the middle.

'噗嗤噗嗤' After several sounds, those lightning lights that had been submerged in the void before turned back from the other side for no reason and hit Yi Tian's defensive knife net accurately.

Du Tong on the other side knew that facing the scorching dragon's attack, he couldn't dodge and escape after seeing it.While Yi Tian has a Mahayana cultivation base and dares to take it head-on, but Dutong has lingering fears.

Facing the black lightning that hit Du Tong head-on, he didn't dare to ask, hastily took out a ring magic weapon, and then put up a defensive cover around his body.After those lightning strikes, the defense cover was shaken violently. Seeing that, Dutong hurriedly poured the magic energy in his hand into the magic energy to stabilize the defense.

After one blow, Yi Tian realized the problem. The Burning Dragon in front of him seemed to be able to cast spells only on his upper body, while his lower body was always entwined, as if he was suppressing something.In this way, the original strength cannot be fully utilized, and this also gives him a chance.

However, he clearly felt that this juvenile scorched dragon had the black and yellow qi, but it only used the yellow qi to attack, which in itself explained a lot of problems.

After Shaoqing put away the 'Tiansha Demon Knife', Yi Tian sacrificed it again and sacrificed a ten-foot-sized Heavenly Demon Blade. After the black magic light flashed in his hand, he manipulated to split the void and slash at the scorching dragon. go.

The biggest advantage of using the skills of the Heavenly Demon Clan is that there is no need for any fancy tricks, and every move is a real move. With the loud 'huhu' sound, the huge black magic blade sucked out all the surrounding devil energy wherever it went, absorbing a large amount of evil spirit energy, and the day after tomorrow the magic blade became more and more solid.

Facing the scorching dragon and slashing in the middle, the scorching dragon opened its mouth without showing any weakness, and spit out a black dragon's breath flame to meet the demon blade.

After the sound of 'coax', the two spells were in a state of stalemate under the situation visible to the naked eye, and the scorching dragon seemed not to have thought that the demon cultivator in front of him could display such a powerful move.The dragon's breath in the mouth was continuously spit out, but it could not gain the upper hand at all. The two spells were deadlocked, and all the evil spirits around them were drawn away, forming a Dao Gang wind, which became bigger and bigger, and soon spread to Yi Tian and Zhuo the dragon itself.

At this moment, Dutong, who was watching on the sidelines, also showed surprise in his eyes. It was obvious that the strength of Yi Tian and Zhuolong's supernatural powers had exceeded his imagination.

When he was stunned, he heard Yi Tian's voice transmission: "One-eyed fellow Taoist quickly attacked the lower part of his body, there may be something strange there."

"Is that so?" A gleam flashed in Dutong's eyes when he heard the words, and then he shot without saying a word.This time, he also knew what existence he was facing, and closed the one eye between his brows after stretching out his hand to make a seal, and shot out the strange magic light from it, hitting the scorched dragon's coiled body directly.

That magic light seemed ordinary, but Yitian even showed his true strength when the one-eyed demon monk had one eye during the probationary period.That magic light directly attacked Burning Dragon's protective divine light like a broken bamboo.But what surprised the opponent was that after the magic light was concentrated, it didn't scatter directly, but hit the scorching dragon's body protection light in a way of piercing the surface, making a rapid buzzing sound.

And Yi Tian was not soft on his side, he manipulated the Heavenly Demon Blade to continue to exert pressure on the opponent, trying to prevent Zhulong from having the strength to resist the magic light of the single pupil.Under the pincer attack of the two, the aura on the scorching dragon's body shattered with a 'click' sound.

After the magic light pierced through, it directly attacked Burning Dragon, overturning its entire body.

After tossing a few times in the air, the scorching dragon turned around and put on a stance again, but at this time his lower half of the body was not coiled but was cruising in the air.What surprised Yi Tian was that the scorching dragon actually had a dragon head on its lower body, but it looked like a red fire dragon.

It turned out that the profound energy I felt just now came from this, and it was obviously a mutated two-headed dragon.Nearly two-thirds of the body is black, which is the result of absorbing a large amount of evil energy, but another third of the body is red.

When the scorching dragon flew up, its magic dragon head looked at the fire dragon head at the other end with a look of disgust on its face and said: "Let's deal with these two intruders who invaded the forbidden barrier."

Suizhi said with a nonchalant expression on his face, "Finally there is a change. Why should I listen to you? Maybe this time is also a good chance to get out of trouble. You don't want to be trapped here for the rest of your life."

Hearing that Yi Tian didn't make another move, but stretched out his hand to take back the Heavenly Demon Blade, then Divine Sense looked at the two-headed dragon for a few breaths before he said: "You should be scorching dragon aliens from the fairy world, it seems Did it fall along with the 'Burning Heart Hall' here?"

"Boy, you have some eyesight, but unfortunately you only guessed half right," the fire dragon said.

"Oh, so why?" Yi Tian asked with interest after hearing this.

"We were originally mutant burning dragons who were banned here. After the fragments of the fairy world fell, someone took the 'Burning Heart Hall' out of the fragments of the fairy world with great supernatural powers and placed them here," Huolong said without hesitation. replied.

It's just that when he said that, the Demonic Burning Dragon on the other side didn't show any joy on his face, and then he said in a deep voice: "You tell them all our details, are you still making unnecessary expectations?"

"I don't think so. The aura of the person in front of him is a bit weird. He looks like a monk with yellow aura, but in fact he exudes a strong aura of profound energy," Huolong laughed.

"Sure enough, you should have stayed in the Luotian Immortal Palace in the Luotian Immortal Realm before, no wonder you have such eyes," Yi Tian paused.In fact, he didn't expect that the Mosha Scorching Dragon didn't see through his real situation, but the fire dragon on the other end was able to see the opportunity.Moreover, their strengths are also divided into high and low levels. It is obvious that the fire dragon is almost the same as Dutong's late-stage cultivation.

Now it has become a two-on-two situation, but Yi Tian weighed in his mind that the current situation is quite beneficial to himself.Although the strength of both ends of this scorching dragon is not weak, the blame is that it still shares the same body. In terms of spiritual power distribution alone, if the opponent makes moves at the same time, the power of the moves must not be as powerful as the scorching dragon itself.Moreover, in the war of attrition, the opponent's true energy would be drained twice as fast as his own.He communicated the thoughts in his heart with Dutong, and the latter nodded frequently after listening.

I didn't know the opponent's cards just now, but now I found out that the scorching dragon seemed to have an unspeakable secret, at least not as strong as it appeared on the surface.Since there are two heads, there will naturally be differences, so this is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the two of them.

At this time, Dutong stood apart from him and formed a horn shape, and after he listened to the conversation, he also showed a thoughtful look on his face.Shaoqing saw that the black demon scorching dragon couldn't help but take the lead. After a black magic light flashed in the air, he opened his mouth and breathed out the black dragon's breath, striking Yi Tian face to face.

A dozen or so magic light bombs flew out of Burning Dragon's mouth, and then arced across the air, covering all the places around Yi Tian that could be dodged.

Then those magic lights surrounded him and quickly surrounded him in the middle. Yi Tian smiled slightly when he saw it, and sacrificed the Tiansha magic blade, and then turned into countless sword lights again, rolled up and guarded around him, covering his entire body.

The sound of 'bang bang bang' could be heard endlessly, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations emitted by those dragon's breath magic light bombarded the Tiansha magic blade made the whole space tremble slightly.

As for the fire dragon on the other side, it seemed that it was also implicated in that it opened its mouth and spit out dozens of fire dragon breaths, and then hit the single pupil face to face.The latter was delighted to see Liexin after seeing it, and discussed with Yi Tian privately through sound transmission before discussing the countermeasures.

Now seeing that the opponent can't help but take the lead in making the first move is naturally a pleasure to see it succeed.The spell raised in his hand faced the oncoming fireball, he just did his best to keep it safe, and the fire dragon on the opposite side looked ferocious, but in fact it seemed a little effortless.

As soon as the fire dragon's breath came into contact with the magic light in Dutong's hand, they exploded one after another in the air, and there was no violent attack as imagined, just like fireworks.

Speaking of which, the two of them were just trying to put things in a perfunctory manner, so it seemed that the supernatural powers in their hands were extremely powerful, but in reality they were all just putting on airs.

On the other hand, Yi Tian's shots are all real swords and guns, but the movements of the two people next to him can't hide from the observation of divine sense.The Mosha Scorching Dragon shouted angrily: "Whenever you still have the time to play with people."

After Yi Tian saw it, he reached out and took out a gray chain and took the time to sacrifice it in his hand. The chain flew into the air and then stretched against the wind and turned into a length of tens of feet.

This thing is exactly the 'dragon rope' that I sacrificially refined. It was re-refined using the spirit weapon found in the ancient battlefield of the demon world, and it has a full restraint effect on those dragons.

In the spirit world, only the demon world may use such a spiritual weapon, and Yi Tian never thought that it would come in handy today.

The Mosha Burning Dragon on the opposite side is naturally quite discerning. After seeing the spirit weapon, he howled strangely: "Do you think that a mere 'dragon binding' can deal with me? Is the real dragon of the fairy world your spiritual world? Dragons are comparable."

"Then let's try it," Yi Tian said without changing his expression.Then he reached out and manipulated the 'dragon rope' to wrap around the fire faucet head.

Unexpectedly, Yi Tian would do something like this, but the Mosha Burning Dragon looked slightly startled, and the dragon-binding rope fell unimpeded from the fire dragon's head, and then went upstream to wrap around the Mosha Burning Dragon's body until its head .After ten breaths, he was unable to move because he was tied up with Mosha Scorching Dragon.

At this time, Mosha Zhuolong shouted urgently: "Second brother, why are you indifferent to this and let others do it? If you and I join forces, why are we afraid of the two in front of us?"

But the fire dragon said with disdain on his face: "Why did you ever treat me as a younger brother? You will only think of it when your life is dying."

Ignoring the two-headed dragon's argument, Yi Tian hastily read the mantra and shrunk the 'dragon-binding rope', and then saw the two-headed dragon's body slowly shrinking to three feet long.It's just that the state of half black and half red on its body is particularly obvious.

(End of this chapter)

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