
Chapter 2329 Negotiations

Chapter 2329 Negotiations
Yi Tian and Dutong, who were sucked into the Xumi space array around the 'Heart Refining Furnace' for no reason, discovered that there was actually a scorching dragon larva hidden in it.What is even more surprising is that this scorching dragon is a mutated two-headed dragon, and it is convenient for the two of them to make a decision and shoot directly.

Originally, Yi Tian thought that this time he was in big trouble. You must know that the burning dragon in the fairy world is at least a real spirit monster at the level of a real fairy.Even a juvenile scorching dragon larva is far stronger than Neng himself.

Unexpectedly, this mutated two-headed dragon actually had internal strife, and the red fire dragon head frequently released water during the fight.Moreover, when the two-headed dragon casts magical powers at the same time, it directly weakens the supernatural powers of Burning Dragon by three points.

It's not just that the red fire dragon just made a fuss after meeting Dutong, and at the same time kept dragging its hind legs.After Angel Zhiyi released the 'Dragon Rope', he didn't have to stop him from drilling directly into it.

As a result, Burning Dragon was really surprised. At the same time, they had no way to escape under the shared body with their two heads, and they were bound firmly by the "dragon rope" upstream.

After tying up the two-headed dragon, Yi Tian also deliberately trapped the burning dragon's head tightly, even locking his mouth.So Yi Tian also intends to shut him up temporarily, anyway, there is still the faucet to ask questions.

Shaoqing and the two went up to Yi Tian and cast a spell to sacrifice the 'dragon rope', then hung him upside down, looked at the fire faucet head-on, and then asked, "Why are you restrained by the scorching dragon? You can feel that there is a lot of profound energy in your body, and it is a miracle to be able to survive here."

Huolong raised his head and stared at himself for a while, then smiled and said: "Aren't you the same, you look like a demon cultivator, but you are actually a person who cultivates both black and yellow."

Hearing this, Yi Tian frowned slightly. He had heard the fire leader mention his own situation before.Unexpectedly, he could see some clues just by looking at himself a few times.

After straightening his expression, Yi Tian asked again: "It seems that you are also of extraordinary strength. You can tell my origin, and you must have a considerable status in the fairy world of Luotian Xiangong."

"Hmph, it's okay, but I can smell some familiar scents from the spiritual power on your body, otherwise I wouldn't have released water so easily for you to get it so easily," Huolong teased.

"It seems that I have to thank you for your noble hand," Yi Tian said with a smile. After all, he was originally the direct descendant of Luo Tianxian Palace, and it is normal for him to see the attribute of spiritual power.After thinking for a while, he asked: "There is one thing I don't know, why you are suppressed by Zhuolongtou, I think that Zhuolongtou seems to be quite afraid of you."

Huolong's eyes brightened when he heard the words, and he said seriously: "You have hit the point. Originally, I was the master in the fairy world, and the scorching dragon was just my vassal. It's a pity that it disappeared after falling into the spirit world. Only the support of the spirit energy will make him stronger and stronger. In addition, the yellow energy in the world here is a rare place for him to practice, and it will allow him to take the initiative in the long run."

"So that's how it is," Yi Tian muttered, and at the same time, his eyes also passed over the tightly trapped Zhuolongtou. At this time, he should have listened to the conversation between the two.It's just that it's locked firmly by the 'Dragon Rope' so that it can't be distinguished by opening its mouth.

Seeing this, Yi Tian also felt hesitant, but he would not let the scorching dragon have a chance to speak.If what Huolong said is true, he is the main one in the fairy world, then there is indeed some discussion on this matter, and there is no need to fight for it.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian retracted his gaze and turned to look at the fire faucet, Shaoqing asked, "Why did you end up here?"

"It's helpless to say, I was banned here in the fairy world," Huolong sighed helplessly, "It's just that 5 years ago, someone used a supernatural power to remove the entire 'Burning Heart Hall' from the fragments of the fairy world." It was dug up and brought here to be resettled."

"There are not many monks in this world who can do this, but I already have the answer in my heart. It must be either Fenglingzi or Miaodizi," Yi Tian said lightly.

"It's Miao Dizi, I didn't expect you to know their names," Fire Dragon immediately replied, "But the aura on your body should have a deep connection with them."

"That's right, since you can see this, you don't need me to introduce my identity any more," Yi Tian said.

"You are the disciple and grandson of Miao Dizi, right?" Huolong said, "In this case, I can guess the reason for your visit. Back then, Miao Dizi dug the 'Burning Heart Palace' from the fragments of the fairy world and promised me that I would meet you one day. Help me return to the fairy world, but after all these years he failed to fulfill his promise at that time."

"I don't believe that the ancestor will easily agree to you, but even if he agrees, there will be conditions attached," Yi Tian said after staring at the other party.

"Sure enough, none of you disciples of Luotian Immortal Palace are easy-going lamps," Huo Long said, "I did promise him back then that I would help the descendants of Luotian Immortal Palace in exchange for the opportunity to return to the fairyland."

"That's good, since it's the agreement between my ancestor and you, I'm also duty-bound as a descendant," Yi Tian replied with joy in his heart: "It's just how you can help me in your current state. But being suppressed by Burning Dragon, he can't even control his body independently."

"You have also seen that it is all because of absorbing a lot of yellow energy in the demon world for many years," Huolong said disdainfully: "If you can cast spells to help me, I can completely solve my troubles."

"How can I help you?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

"I need Nanming Lihuo, or Liyan's real fire to refine the golden body of my deity," Huolong said, "If you are the direct descendant of Luotian Immortal Palace, you should know what I mean."

Hearing this, Yi Tian stretched out his left index finger without hesitation, and with a 'swish', a trace of bright purple flames flashed across the fingertips, and then swept towards the fire dragon.

"This is not the Liyan magical power, but why can I feel the shadow of the Liyan technique?" Huolong said with a condensed expression.

"This is my natal true fire 'Lei Yan Zi Yan', and it is also your good fortune. I will help you this time, and I hope you can repay me for your unforgettable kindness in the future," Yi Tian said with a curl of his lips.

The ray of 'Thunder Flame Purple Flame' flew to Fire Dragon's forehead and was suddenly sucked into its mouth. The next moment, Fire Dragon's eyes widened suddenly, and large and small dragon tendons protruded from its forehead as if trying to stretch its skin.A purple aura flashed from the fire dragon's forehead and then enveloped the whole body from top to bottom.

Yi Tian took back the 'dragon rope' in a timely manner, and the scorching dragon's head was wrapped by Zi Yan in an instant after he escaped from the trap, and at the same time he cursed and shouted: "What are you going to do, my tens of thousands of years of suffering Xiu will be ruined once, and you will die badly."

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, Yi Tian didn't seem to care about it, because the aura of the fire dragon head in front of him had overwhelmed that of the scorching dragon.Under the ebb and flow, soon the guest and host were turned upside down, and the aura from the scorching dragon continued to fall, but the fire dragon's cultivation was directly restored to the strength of the late Mahayana like a triple jump.

After about twenty breaths, the fire dragon opened its mouth and protruded a purple fireball.The fireball flew three feet away in the air, then shrank to a flame and flew back to the tip of Yi Tian's left index finger.

After putting away the natal real fire 'Lei Yan Zi Yan', Yi Tian turned around and looked at it, and saw that the head of the fire dragon became as thick as a fist, while the scorching dragon at the tail shrank to only two fingers .

After a flash of spiritual light flashed across his body, the two-headed dragon turned into a human form in front of the two of them.After the aura faded, a 20-year-old red-haired young man appeared, except that there was a smaller black-haired head on his right shoulder.Not much to say, it is exactly the appearance of the scorching dragon with its transformation.

The faces of the two heads are exactly the same, but now that the fire dragon occupies the leading position, it seems that the head of the scorching dragon is a sarcoma parasitic on its neck.On the other hand, the rest of its body except for the scorching dragon's head is generally the same as that of a normal fire dragon.

After looking at it, Yi Tian asked: "I didn't expect you to be such a demon cultivator, but I don't know how you will help me now?"

"My name is Yanlong Wushuang, you can call me Wushuang," the fire dragon said, "To be honest, you and I only have a little overlap in Luotian Xiangong, and I was originally a spirit tamed in the fairy palace. It’s all just petting. It’s just that you don’t want to subdue me, my fate is still in my own hands.”

Hearing this, Yi Tian said with disdain on his face: "Since Fellow Daoist Wu Shuang said so, I have no objection to it."

"Besides, although I agreed to Miao Dizi back then, he also made me a deal," Wushuang said, and there seemed to be some resentment on his face.

However, Yi Tian's heart tightened, thinking secretly in his mind, it seems that the ancestor also offended the unparalleled dragon in front of him.Then there was a slight smile on his face and he said: "Fellow Daoist Wushuang, why bother to worry about this. At this time, Master Miaodizi is still in the spirit world. If you have any questions, you can talk to him face to face."

"Hmph, it should be much better for him not to be dead now," Wu Shuang said angrily.

Hearing this, Yi Tian was startled, and secretly wary of Wushuang in front of him. He didn't expect that he could know the situation of the master ancestor. In this way, there is really no one in the world who can restrain him.

Seeing his unparalleled appearance, the corner of his mouth twitched and said: "Back then, Miao Dizi used a great supernatural power to predict the fate of the Zongmen. The descendant came to save me from danger, but in return I also need to do my best to help this person to have a chance to return to the fairyland."

"Does Fellow Daoist Wu Shuang seem to have been concerned about returning to the Immortal Realm?" Yi Tian asked.

"Hmph, even though the lifespan of my Dragon Clan is long, there will always be a day when it will be exhausted, not to mention that the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit is not my home in the first place. Naturally, I still want to return to the Immortal Realm after fulfilling my oath," Wu Shuang said.

"So that's how it is," Yi Tian said after he looked at the surrounding environment again, and then said, "Why don't we go back to the apse of the 'Burning Heart Hall' first and then make a long-term plan."

"No need," Wushuang stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Why is that?" Du Tong who was standing on the side said.

"I found that Youdao's strong spiritual thoughts will pass through the 'Burning Heart Hall' every six hours, if we go out rashly, we will definitely be discovered," Wushuang explained: "What's more, the next time the spiritual thoughts peep will almost It's almost here, we'd better wait for a while before we start."

Hearing this, Yi Tian's face was startled. He didn't expect the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely to have such a peep, and he didn't expect it to be so.

Then Dutong said: "That divine thought should have come from the crack in the space in the main hall, do you know who it is?"

"Why is there still a space crack here?" Yi Tianjing asked.

Wushuang didn't answer directly, but Du Tong who was standing on the side came forward and said: "Actually, that gap is just above the 'Burning Heart Furnace', where is the entrance of the three passages leading to the spring of the devil world. one."

Yi Tian glanced at Dutong, but he didn't expect this guy to keep the matter hidden until just now. If Wushuang didn't tell him, he might have to wait for Dutong to advance to Mahayana before he would tell him.

Thinking of this, his face sank slightly, and he turned his gaze to Du Tong.Seeing the latter showing embarrassment, he hastily distinguished: "You Daoist Yi, don't be offended, I naturally want to tell you such important and key news after the matter is completed, and this is also an inevitable thing after you and I have reached an agreement. "

After carefully savoring the other party's words in his heart, Yi Tian also smiled for no reason, it's no wonder that Dutong is still wary of him.If I change my mind, I'm afraid that I will leave a way out like this.

After a pause, Yi Tian's complexion changed slightly and he said: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist One Tong, I will try my best to wish you success in what you need. As for the things that are done, I also hope that you can fulfill the things you promised me."

"Of course, it's not difficult to hold back the big demon Dugu Lonely," Dutong replied hastily.

After hearing this, Yi Tian turned his head and said to Wushuang: "Can fellow Taoist accompany me to the Spring of the Demon Realm, where you can meet Master Miaodizi. If you have any entanglements afterwards, you can confront Master. solve."

"You're right, but the other end of that crack should be the source of the yellow energy in this world. It's fine for me to accompany you, but you have to agree to my terms," ​​Wushuang said.

"Are you going to break the oath you promised at the beginning, not to mention there are additional conditions," Yi Tian said with an expression of displeasure.

Wushuang shook his head and said, "Do you know how difficult it is to enter the fairyland? With my strength, it is almost impossible to break through the realm and ascend. I can only enter together with someone after they pass through the immortal catastrophe."

"Why do you want to hitch a ride?" Yi Tian smiled and said, "Why can't you break through the boundary and ascend on your own?"

"Because the Celestial Realm Seekers have my name in the roster, if I insist on breaking the world, I will definitely attract their attention. It will be a trivial matter to be beaten back to the spirit world, and maybe I will be suppressed on the spot," Wu Shuang licked. He licked his lips and said: "It's not that I'm afraid of them, it's just that with my current strength, it's almost impossible to avoid the pursuit of the Immortal Official of Seeking Realm."

(End of this chapter)

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