
Chapter 2330 Open

Chapter 2330 Open

Yi Tian met the mutated double-headed dragon Wushuang in the Xumi space of the "Burning Heart Palace", and learned from his mouth that he also fell to the Nine Realms of the Supreme Spirit after the collapse of the fragments of the fairy world.Among them, the 'Burning Heart Palace' where he was located was directly moved out of the fragments of the fairy world by Miao Dizi's great supernatural power, and then placed here.

As usual, it is not difficult for an ancient true dragon of his strength to return to the fairyland, but after listening to Wushuang's explanation, Yi Tian had a new understanding of Ascension to the fairyland.

First of all, if a true dragon like him directly breaks through the realm and ascends, it will inevitably be targeted by the seeker fairy official. If he sits in the Luotian fairyland and has no problems, it is of course no problem.But now it seems that there must be a major change in the Luotian Immortal Realm located on the 33rd floor of Tianwaitian, so Wushuang has such scruples.

In addition, the information from his mouth can also confirm what the dragon tortoise he met in the fire source of the Asura world back then said.At least to deal with is also open and honest want to take a ride, presumably must also have some scruples about the Xunjie Xianguan who is in charge of monitoring the fairy world.

In addition, looking at Wushuang in front of him now, he seems to be a little tempted to take this shortcut.Immediately Yi Tian smiled lightly and said, "Isn't that how Fellow Daoist Wu Shuang plans to return to the Immortal Realm?"

He didn't answer Wushuang directly, but turned his head and stared at Yi Tian for a while, then smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and said: "It seems that you must have guessed my plan, right?"

"There are a couple of points, but you still have to say it yourself," Yi Tian said with a smile: "Besides, some things are not that simple. If you want to take a ride, you have to buy a ticket, right?"

"Don't think too highly of yourself, in my imagination you are just a substitute," Wu Shuang sighed.

"So you decided early on that you were going to follow Master Miaodizi," Yi Tian said without hesitation: "It's a pity that Master is also a mud bodhisattva at this time, so I can't protect myself. This time I came to explore the 'devil world' The 'Burning Heart Hall' in the Abyss is also for finding the whereabouts of the Patriarch."

Wen Yan Wushuang's eyes narrowed and he said in a deep voice: "With Miao Dizi's strength back then, he would fall into such a difficult situation now, so what kind of unpredictable things did he encounter? There should be no one to match him.”

"Fellow Daoist Wu Shuang's words are wrong. Even if you have beaten the invincible hands in the Nine Realms of Shangling, it will not be enough to meet the real immortal Luoluo in the Immortal Realm," Yi Tian said unhurriedly.

"According to what you said, Miao Dizi met the arrival of a real fairy from the fairy world. I don't know how he is doing at this time?" Wu Shuang asked.

"The ancestor met the clone of Taoist Youxuan, the real fairy from the lower realm, and after meeting, the two fought, and finally forced the other party back to the fairyland," Yi Tian explained.

Wushuang's face sank slightly after hearing this, and after thinking for a few breaths, he sighed and said, "From what you said was so simple, the battle between Miao Dizi and Taoist Youxuan was definitely not easy."

"That's natural. It's not an easy task to fight against the real immortals falling from the fairy world with the power of the nine realms of the upper spirit," Yi Tian said.

"Then Miao Dizi must have paid a huge price," Wushuang asked again.

"It's true, the master fell into a state of suspended animation after that battle, and there is no sign of waking up until today," Yi Tian replied.

"You have seen Miaodizi himself, where is he now?" Wushuang asked.

Shaking his head, Yi Tian said: "I haven't seen the real master of Miaodizi, but from the information I have found, we can know that the patriarch should be brought into the Eye of the Demon Realm by the sect's Master Wuxiang at this time to try to use yellow energy Fill the body to wake up."

There was a faint sneer on Wushuang's face, but he said disdainfully: "Is this obviously a case of rushing to the doctor? Although Miao Dizi used to be a person who cultivated both Xuanhuang and Huang, but Huang Qi alone can't be effective, and Xuanhuang is needed. It is the right way to awaken him with the mixed primordial energy of chaos."

"Fellow Daoist Wu Shuang has a point, but it's a pity that Uncle Wuxiang doesn't agree with it, and it's very embarrassing for him to go his own way," Yi Tian said.

Wushuang turned his head to look again and then asked: "It seems that the purpose of your trip is to find Miao Di Zi?"

"That's true. I wonder if Fellow Daoist Wu Shuang is willing to go with you?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

"Well, I'm idle anyway, I still have an unfinished deal with Miao Dizi, it's better to take the initiative to find his convenience than waiting here," Wu Shuang thought for a while and said.

Hearing this, Yi Tian showed a joyful smile on his face, and he was worried that he had no help, so someone would send a pillow without thinking about it.Then hurriedly echoed: "That feeling is just right, I want to go to the Eye of the Demon Realm, and fellow Taoist Wu Shuang can follow me."

After Wushuang glanced at the single pupil in front of him, he stretched out his hand and said, "Then why did this one-eyed demon monk come here with you?"

"I'm here to look for opportunities to advance to the Mahayana stage," Dutong said calmly and not weakly.

Wushuang curled her lips and said, "You have a good idea, but if the one-eyed demons want to advance and make too much noise, those Mahayana monks will definitely be alarmed."

"I've thought about this matter. We only need to set up a barrier around the 'Burning Heart Hall' to suppress the movement to a minimum," Yi Tian said.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, just activate the restriction in the 'Burning Heart Hall'," Wu Shuang said.

Hearing a flash of surprise in the single pupil's eyes, he hurriedly asked: "I don't know where the restriction barrier in the 'Burning Heart Hall' can be driven from?"

"The 'Burning Heart Furnace' in the main hall needs to be powered by Luotian Immortal Palace's orthodox direct-inherited exercises," Wu Shuang said, and his gaze landed on Yi Tian for a while.

After understanding the meaning of the other party, Yi Tian also smiled lightly and said, "I can handle this matter, but I need to be guided by fellow Taoist One Eye on the way to the 'Eye of the Demon World'."

"There is a space gap above the 'heart burner' that cannot be seen by the naked eye. Only when the 'heart burner' is activated will the channel crack open," Dutong explained: "You can rely on that When the gap is opened, it will directly protrude into the location of the 'Eye of the Demon World'."

"But fellow Taoist with one pupil, don't you want to explore the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' after you advance?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

Shaking his head, Du Tong revealed a bleak smile and said, "No need, the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' is in danger, and it has to face the demon saint Baotan and Asura's first emperor Luo Qin, where is he going with my strength?" It may not be possible to retreat completely."

Dutong paused and continued: "With my strength, I can only deal with Dugu Lonely at most, not to mention making such a big commotion here will definitely alarm the other party. The most I can do is to help you distract Dugu Lonely That's all."

"Thank you so much, I hope Fellow Daoist with One Eye can fulfill our promise of forming an alliance that day," Yi Tian said.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in the 'Eye of the Demon Realm'," Dutong said with a serious face, "My purpose is very simple, to try to ascend to the Immortal Realm after entering the Mahayana stage, and I am also the same for all the grievances and grievances of the Nine Realms of the Spiritual Realm." I have seen it through, now that I have come to this point, I have let go of many things. And if you can deal with the devil, it will be a good thing for me, so I don't need to worry about it anymore."

"That's true. At present, it seems that what I have done is beneficial to fellow Taoists. Since everyone is bound by interests, it is natural that we need to cooperate sincerely," Yi Tian replied.

"So we don't have to wait any longer," Wushuang said, reaching out and opening a gap in the void with a wave of his hand.

After Yi Tian and Du Tong saw it, the spiritual light flashed all over their bodies, and they used the escape technique to get out and dodge, and then they came out directly.After a moment of trance in front of them, the three of them returned to the apse of the 'Burning Heart Hall' just now.

Then Wu Shuang took the lead and led the two of them towards the front hall, Du Tong hurriedly followed behind him ten feet away.Just as Yi Tian was about to follow up, after scanning with his divine sense, he suddenly found that the original bare stone wall surface on the right side of the apse had changed slightly.After carefully scanning with his divine sense, his face was slightly startled, and he secretly memorized the pattern on the mural in his heart, then pretended to be nonchalant and followed the two of them out of the apse.

When Wushuang came to the main hall, he pointed at the 'Burning Heart Stove' and said, "This is the biggest support in this 'Burning Heart Hall', but unfortunately the fire in the inner furnace has been extinguished for tens of thousands of years. , if it can be ignited again, it can activate the forbidden barrier in this temple."

Du Tong on the side continued: "Actually, there is a closed gap in the void on this 'heart-burning furnace', which can be opened only by sacrificing it. At that time, real demons will continuously flow out from the 'Eye of the Demon Realm'." Qi is the greatest offering during my Mahayana stage."

Hearing this, Yi Tian didn't change his face and walked to the side of the 'Burning Heart Furnace', his spiritual thoughts quickly scanned the fairy world 'Golden Seal Script' on it, and found that it was indeed the unique style of the inscription in the Zongmen's 'Qishe'.

After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand and sacrificed a ray of green Liyan real fire, and after urging it, he flicked it lightly and controlled it to fall into the center of the 'burning heart furnace'. With a 'coax' sound, when the flame fell, the 'heart burning furnace' seemed to be ignited again, and a dark golden light suddenly flashed out of the dark gray hearth.Then the green flames turned into filaments and quickly swam along the inscription on the 'heart burner'.

After ten breaths, those filaments of flames flashed from the 'heart burning furnace' all the way along the inscription and fell to the ground.So far, Wushuang and Dutong who had stood aside hurriedly moved aside.They discovered that in the entire main hall at this time, there seemed to be engraved formations from the 'heart burning furnace' down to the ground, surrounding walls, and even the ceiling.

In the main hall of emotion is a huge formation enchantment space. Although the two are bold and skilled, they are still a little afraid of the things left in the fairy world.God knows what will happen in this, with Du Tong's knowledge, he only learned about it from the jade slips kept by the clan, so he was very careful to see it with his own eyes.

At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was standing in front of the 'Burning Heart Stove', did not change his face, and slowly maintained the output of spiritual power to control the entire 'Burning Heart Stove'.

After about twenty breaths, he activated all the barrier barriers in the main hall, and then the barrier completely isolated the entire 'Burning Heart Hall' from the outside world.

Yi Tian saw a black gap in space suddenly opened on the 'burning heart furnace', and then a large amount of demonic power leaked out of it.Seeing this, Du Tong who was standing on the side hurriedly opened his mouth to ingest a ray, and after taking three breaths, he said with great joy: "The pure power of this evil spirit is indeed the source of the spiritual power in this world."

After finishing speaking, he found an empty seat on the side, sat down cross-legged, and then directly practiced kung fu, adjusted his breath, opened his mouth, and directly inhaled into the gap in the space.With the infusion of a large amount of pure demonic power, Dutong closed the one eye between his brows, and after inhaling the spiritual power of the whole body, the fluctuation of spiritual pressure on his body rapidly increased to the peak stage of the late fusion stage.

His figure also swelled accordingly, and his whole body soared by more than [-]% as if he was inflated.Originally, Dutong's figure was slightly taller than ordinary people, but now it has become a full two feet.

After being infused with evil vitality all over the body, after being digested by Dutong, it all flows into the Niwan Palace to replenish the Nascent Soul itself.It only needs to wait until the Nascent Soul absorbs enough demon spirit power to break through the natural moat of the Mahayana period.

At this time, there was a lot of "sizzling" sound coming from the "Burning Heart Furnace". Yi Tian looked up and saw that the gap in the void that was originally a gap had now cracked to a size of three feet, and there was a steady stream of black demons inside. The evil spirit flowed out.

These are the evil origin qi overflowing from the area where the 'Eye of the Demon World' is located.After Yi Tian looked it over carefully, he was also secretly amazed. If this is only a small part of the overflow, then it is unknown to what extent the concentration of its source can reach.

Moreover, there are actually two such overflowing space cracks in the 'Abyss of the Demon Realm'. It is conceivable that it is these evil spirits that create the environment in the Abyss of the Demon Realm.

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly the aura on Du Tong's body changed accordingly, and he opened his single eye and said in a deep voice: "It's almost there, I have absorbed enough evil spirit energy. You can use it later, Fellow Daoist Yi." The barrier barrier of the 'Burning Heart Palace' opened a gap and let me go out to cross the tribulation."

"Is Fellow Daoist Du Tong confident of success?" Yi Tian asked hastily.

"There is no way to be [-]% sure of everything, but I estimate that it is at least [-]%, plus the 'Yellow Qi Barrier Breaking Pill' you gave me can increase it by about [-]%, so this time the tribulation is relatively safe." Dutong said: "You can go upstream along this gap and enter the location of the 'Eye of the Demon Realm'. This is also one of the many ways to sneak into it while avoiding the forbidden barriers set by the demon saint violently."

"I don't know how you plan to deal with yourself, fellow Taoist with one pupil after we leave?" Yi Tian asked again.

"What else can I do? After I pass through the catastrophe and achieve Mahayana, the big demon Dugu Lonely will definitely feel it, but you can rest assured that I will lure him away from this place, not to mention that the demon world is so big that there is no room for my one-eyed demon clan." Well, even a Mahayana cultivator like Dugu Lonely may not be able to do anything to win me," Dutong said solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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