
Chapter 2331 Open 2

Chapter 2331 Open Two

A horrifying scene is happening in the "Burning Heart Hall" in the abyss of the demon world. A large amount of black evil spirit overflows from it like a flood, covering the main hall here with a layer of dark golden luster.

Suddenly, a hole one foot high and three feet wide was opened on the light film wall of a forbidden barrier, and Dutong, who was originally sitting cross-legged in the main hall, showed a little joy on his face.After explaining to Yi Tian and Wushuang, he jumped up and flew out of the opening.

It wasn't until his figure disappeared into the main hall of the 'Burning Heart Hall' that the barrier of the forbidden light film quickly closed and became a tight fit.Then Yi Tian saw that the sky outside the main hall suddenly became dark rapidly, and it was the appearance of Du Tong that caused the thunder calamity.

A large amount of devilish energy surged from all directions, and opened a gap in the void above the 'Burning Heart Hall'.As the sky darkened, the robbery clouds in the sky gathered and opened a wide gap in the robbery clouds.

A black Mosha Jinglei protruded from it, as if it was looking for the target on the ground.But these have nothing to do with Yi Tian now, this is Dutong's Mahayana stage thunder tribulation, and he can't help much, the next thing can only be handled by Dutong himself.

Turning his head, Yi Tian looked at the evil spirit gap on the "Burning Heart Furnace" in front of him, then turned to Wushuang who was beside him and said: "It's time for us to leave, it seems that the road ahead is full of unknowns this time. You guys are ready."

"You seem to have some scruples in your heart?" Dutong who was on the side suddenly asked.

"Yes, I met the clone of Asura's first emperor Luo Qin before," Yi Tian said, "I originally agreed to go with him, but now it seems that I can't wait."

"Oh, that's not necessarily the case. In my divine sense, I found that someone is rushing towards here. His cultivation base is in the late stage of fusion. It seems that it should be the person you mentioned," Wushuang said suddenly.

Hearing this, Yitian hastily opened his divine sense and found that Youdao's spiritual pressure fluctuations were flying towards this place rapidly, and he should have noticed the change here.After careful observation, it was found that the spiritual pressure fluctuation was Gai Yunhe, a monk from the Abyssal Demon Race, who was Luo Qin's avatar.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian hurriedly took out the communication jade slip for contact, wrote some words on it, and then inspired it and sent it out.The jade talisman of communication turned into a light and shadow, passed through the restriction barrier, and then flew straight in the direction Gai Yunhe came from.

Then Yi Tian said: "It seems that this time we are traveling with someone."

"I don't want to show up easily. If there is any place on your body where I can hide, let me avoid it first. If something happens, I will show up," Wushuang said.

Hearing this, Yi Tian was stunned for a moment, and then understood what Wu Shuang meant.He didn't want to show his face, but this was like adding another hole card in his hand.The most taboo thing after entering the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' is uneven strength.If you let Wushuang follow you to enter, it will be a two-on-two situation.

Not to mention the violence of the demon saint, but Luo Qin, the emperor of Asura, will inevitably have some ideas, and his position will be very embarrassing at that time.The three-legged tripod is the most stable, and one more person is a variable.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian took out a Heiner bottle, opened his mouth and said, "You can take shelter here for a while, fellow daoist, I will undo the seal on this bottle cap, and you can arrange it yourself so that you can drink it anytime, anywhere." You can come out calmly."

After hearing this, Wushuang nodded and signaled, then a spiritual light flashed around him and wrapped himself up. With a sound of 'bang', the lid of the Haina bottle was lifted, and Wushuang's figure appeared in the air, and then flew into the Haina bottle in the shape of an earthworm shrunk to an inch in length.

Then a ray of light flew out of it, raised the bottle cap and put it into the mouth of the Haina bottle.

Yi Tian glanced over and found that there was a golden banning inscription on the seal, presumably it should have been left by Wushuang himself.

Putting the Haina bottle away on his waist, Yi Tian stretched out his hands and made seals on the edge of the forbidden barrier to open a gap.

Shao Qing's investigation found that Gai Yunhe stopped slightly after flying hundreds of miles in the air, and then flew around the area where the single pupil crossed the catastrophe and flew into the 'Burning Heart Hall' from the other side.

After Dunguang flew in, Gai Yunhe's true self appeared on the ground, and he hurriedly said: "Boy Yi, you are really good, and you can help that one-eyed demon monk to advance. There will be another storm in the middle of the world. The attention of the big demon Dugu will also be attracted."

"That's right, isn't this just giving us enough time to act cheaply," Yi Tian said with a smile.

Gai Yunhe raised his head and stared at the huge gap in the void on the 'Burning Heart Furnace' before he sighed and said, "I didn't expect you to be able to find such an entrance. 'After leaving the space area where you are, you can't find your way back, I didn't expect you to be really lucky."

"Fellow Daoist, you don't need to say much, you take a step ahead, I want to control and maintain this entrance space, and Shaoqing will enter behind you," Yi Tian urged.

Hearing this, Gai Yunhe didn't hesitate in the slightest, as the aura flashed all over his body, his body suddenly rose from the ground and flew towards the center of the gap. Although the evil wind blowing head-on was strong, Gai Yunhe was against the sudden force. The strong wind forcibly rushed into the three-foot-sized gap.

Yi Tian didn't stop when he saw it, pinched a formula with both hands, pointed to the "burning heart stove" in front of him, then Ji Dunguang followed Gai Yunhe and directly broke into the narrow space crack among.

After entering it for only three breaths, Yi Tian turned his head and looked at it, the entrance behind him shrank rapidly and quickly closed and disappeared.

After flying into the passage, Yi Tian only felt the violent wind blowing around him making his shield buzz.After quietly increasing the spiritual power output and stabilizing the protective cover, Yi Tiancai accelerated the flying speed and rushed forward.

After a few breaths, he had already flown to a position ten feet behind Gai Yunhe.Then I heard the voice transmission of the other party in my ear: "I have almost seen the location of the exit, come with me."

Having said that, Gai Yunhe's figure suddenly used his strength again to forcefully jump out of the void storm and flew towards a spot of light.Yi Tian naturally followed closely behind, maintaining a relative distance and followed all the way.

Not long after, the position of the white light spot became closer and closer, and at the same time, the light spot also turned into a five-foot-sized space gap.Half a moment later, two figures flew out of the gap, one in front and the other in the back.

After coming to the outside world, Yi Tian suddenly found that he felt a weight of [-] jin on his back, which made him unable to maintain his figure in the air and could only slowly lower his height.

It is only when you have brought your feet to the ground and set foot on the hard rock surface that you have stabilized your figure.Yi Tian's divine sense hurriedly opened up to explore, but he found that the divine sense seemed to be suppressed by an invisible force here, and at most he could only explore a radius of one mile around.Speaking of which, divine sense is not as effective as looking directly with the eyes. When Yi Tian raised his head and looked up at the sky, he saw that there was a red sky above his head.

Turning my head and looking at it, it seems that there is no end to this piece of sky.Stepping on the black rock surface under the soles of the feet, a large amount of evil spirit seeped out from the cracked surface.

To say that this environment is no different from an excellent practice treasure land for demon cultivators in the demon world, but at this time Yi Tian seems to be frowning slightly, not knowing what to do.

Turning his head to look at Gai Yunhe, he also had a puzzled look on his face at this time.It was obvious that it was also his first time here, and it might be quite different from his previous imagination. His face was frowning and he didn't know what to do for a while.

Just when Yi Tian was about to ask a question, Gai Yunhe suddenly said, "I noticed that my real body should be in this direction," he said, pointing to the front left.

"Fellow Daoists can't determine the location of the deity, and the divine sense can't be explored here. It seems that this place is not very friendly to us," Yi Tian joked.

"Although the exact location can't be determined, one direction should be right," Gai Yunhe said: "And our divine sense can't work, which means the same is true for the demon saint's divine sense. Generally speaking, it is still quite difficult for us at this time." favorable."

"It's not too late, so why don't we leave quickly, sneaking into this 'Eye of the Demon World' through the 'Abyss of the Demon World' will eventually be known by the great demon Dugu Lonely, we can only hope that Dutong can try to entangle with it for a while It's better to delay the time," Yi Tian said.

Hearing that, Gai Yunhe didn't say much, and after offering sacrifices, he kept his figure three feet above the ground and flew straight towards the direction he pointed just now.Yi Tian also followed the same pattern, but after flying for more than half a moment, he found that he seemed to have gradually gotten used to the environment here, and the sense of heaviness on his body was not as strong as before.

Turning his head to see that Gai Yunhe's escape speed didn't seem to have changed, so far Yi Tianyou just pretended to be nonchalant and followed him closely.

However, the area where the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' is located is really big. I remember seeing the exact location of the Eye of the Demon Realm in the depths of the Asura Realm Emperor's Mausoleum next to the coffin board of Luo Qin's immortal deity.If you go in this direction, you should be at the junction of the two planes of the Demon Realm and the Buddha Spirit Realm.

Just as he was thinking, Gai Yunhe, who flew in front of him, said through voice transmission: "I found that the induction between me and this deity is blocked by a vague restriction. The intensity of the induction is sometimes strong and sometimes weak, but the direction is not wrong."

"Fellow Daoist, do you know how far away it is?" Yi Tian asked hastily.

"It's less than three thousand miles away," Gai Yunhe replied, "It's just that the restriction is in the middle so I can't clearly sense the exact location."

Yi Tian didn't answer but looked around, and was surprised to find that there were a lot of high-level magic crystals densely scattered on the ground.I secretly rejoiced in my heart, "This direction is definitely right, and only the closer to the "Eye of the Demon Realm" will there be crystallization of evil spirit energy. '

Thinking that he was about to face Asura Saint Emperor Luo Qin and Demon Saint Bao Tan, Yi Tian felt a slight tremor unconsciously in his heart, and at the same time there was a little excitement.If the prophecy seen on the stone wall in the apse of the 'Burning Heart Hall' just now is true, then this meeting is really interesting.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Yi Tian turned to Gai Yunhe in front of him and asked via sound transmission: "Why did Fellow Daoist confront Demon Saint Bao Tan for so long here?"

"Speaking of which, the Demon Saint Baotan is occupying the 'Eye of the Demon Realm'. I can't beat him but he can't do anything to me, so he has been dragging on for tens of thousands of years," Gai Yunhe replied.

"Will my entry this time be an opportunity to break your direct balance?" Yi Tian asked.

"Maybe, only the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely has set foot here for tens of thousands of years, and you are the fourth person here," Gai Yunhe said.

"Yes, it seems that I should feel happy or sad," Yi Tian said lightly.

Gai Yunhe in front suddenly lowered his speed, then turned his head and asked, "I don't know why Daoyou Yi asked such a question?"

"Actually, the intention of fellow daoist to come to me this time is not very obvious. If you say that you and the demon sage have fought against each other for tens of thousands of years and have not been able to tell the difference, then it is an even situation," Yi Tian said calmly. He said: "But, as far as I know, the Demon Saint Baotan is in the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' for a very secret matter, but he can turn it over and over again and leave here calmly, leaving you alone in the This shows that the confrontation between you is not such a simple matter."

A hint of approval appeared on Gai Yunhe's face inadvertently, and he said, "It seems that you have met the Demon Sage Bao Tan several times before, that's why you asked this question."

"A hundred years ago, I met the Devil Saint Bao Tan in the spirit world, and I also felt the breath of the Devil Saint Bao Tan thousands of years ago in the deepest burial place of the 'Abyss of the Demon World', but at that time because of the difference in cultivation He was too big so he didn't face him directly," Yi Tian explained.

"Then I wonder what you mean, Boy Yi?" Gai Yunhe asked suspiciously.

Seeing his appearance, Yi Tian's original smile slowly retracted, and then he said seriously: "Tell me, what is your purpose for leading me here along the way?"

"Why do you say that?" Gai Yunhe didn't change his expression.

"It's very simple. You should know what the demon saint Baotan is planning here. He wants to wake up the master Miao Dizi from the endless lethargy," Yi Tian explained: "Since he was able to This matter has abandoned the foundation of the sect, which shows that this matter is the most important in his mind."

"According to your analysis, it's reasonable, but why do you say that I led you here?" Gai Yunhe asked puzzled.

"It's very simple. What you said about confronting the Demon Saint Bao Tan after you came to me made me suspicious." Yi Tian sneered, "How could you leave Miao easily with such a dedicated character like the Demon Saint Bao Tan?" The body of Grandmaster Dizi. Speaking of which, he can only find someone worthy of entrustment to guard him."

Yi Tian glanced at Gai Yunhe in front of him and said with a faint smile: "Obviously, Luo Qin, you have a very close relationship with Demon Saint Bao Tan. I guess they are at least close friends, so he will leave at ease. Although every time Demon Saint Bao Tan has not been away from this place for a long time, but in my opinion, he will only entrust the body of Master Miaodizi to you under the premise that he thinks you are a completely trustworthy person. I don’t know if I guess right Isn't it right?"

(End of this chapter)

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