
Chapter 2332 Trap

Chapter 2332 Trap
Entering the area where the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' was located, Yi Tian followed the abyssal demon monk Gai Yunhe, the avatar of Asura Saint Emperor Luoqin, and continued to fly behind for a while, and finally approached the location of the Eye of the Demon Realm.

But before arriving, Yi Tian, ​​who was three thousand miles away, suddenly opened his mouth to talk to Gai Yunhe through voice transmission and stopped in his tracks.After some analysis in the air, Yi Tian expressed the doubts in his heart, and at the same time, Gai Yunhe was stunned by the question.

According to what he saw and heard this time, entering the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' so smoothly made Yi Tian feel lingering fears, and while rejoicing, he secretly took precautions in his heart.

After all, I have comprehensively considered Master Wuxiang's character and personality, and what Gai Yunhe said before, the Asura Saint Emperor Luo Qin and the Demon Saint Bao Tan are always in a confrontational state, so Yi Tianzao I became suspicious.

Sure enough, after some questioning, Gai Yunhe's face was sinking, he stared at Yi Tian for a few breaths, and then asked, "Since when did you notice the problem?"

"I knew something was wrong when I first saw you," Yi Tian said with a faint smile, "Speaking of which, although I also practice the Asura skills, but now I can transform into a demon cultivator as long as I don't use it deliberately. No one can detect it, but you can recognize me at a glance, I'm afraid it can only be done with the guidance of the demon saint Bao Tan?"

"Are you belittling me indirectly by saying that to raise the devil?" Gai Yunhe said disdainfully: "It seems that your current division and suppression seem to have no effect."

"This is just wishful thinking on your part. I don't need to do such a dirty trick against you. What I like most is to make a move in an upright manner," Yi Tian said with a faint smile, "Since you brought me here, why don't you hurry up and ask me to come here?" Let me show up, but I won't go to the formation in the distance, I didn't expect you to set up a formation barrier to deal with me, it seems that you plan to capture it alive, right?"

As soon as the words came out, Gai Yunhe in front of him also frowned slightly, stopped in the air and looked at Yi Tian with surprise.After three breaths, ripples suddenly appeared on the space behind him, and then the crack in that space opened to a length of three feet, and a figure directly pierced through it.

Yi Tian's eyes lit up, and he naturally recognized that this person's appearance was exactly that of Asura Holy Emperor Luo Qin.He stretched out his hand to make a seal and then nodded at Gai Yunhe in front of him. In an instant, a blood-red magic light flashed all over the body of the avatar, which shrank to a fist-sized halo at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then flew back into Luo Qin's mouth. .

After retracting the doppelganger, Luo Qin turned around and looked at the person in front of him carefully.

When being stared at by others, Yi Tian was also observing the other party. Speaking of which, this was the first time he was in front of Luo Qin's deity.Fortunately, I saw his graphic portrait once in the royal tomb of Asura Realm, so I didn't feel much surprise.

Luo Qin in front of him was a man with a height of one foot and a rough face. His face was sombre that he seemed calm and prestige, and he was born with the aura of a superior.Coupled with the undisguised appearance of the spiritual pressure fluctuations of the middle-stage Mahayana monks on him, it can be concluded that he must be an arrogant and domineering person.

Shaoqing appeared another ripple in the air behind him, and then a figure poked his head out of it.The body shape of this person is no different from that of ordinary people, with a dark golden color all over the skin, and the whole person appears as the real body of the Heavenly Demon of the Heavenly Demon Race.

There is no doubt that this person should be the real body of Demon Saint Bao Tan, and the Wuxiang Master I saw before should be the incarnation of his kindness.

There was a stern look in Bao Tan's eyes after he appeared, and then he opened his mouth and said, "You are finally here."

"Yes, I'm here, but it's a pity that I didn't go to the end according to the route you set," Yi Tian said disdainfully.

"How did you find out about the problem?" Demon Saint Bao Tan asked expressionlessly.

"The one-eyed demon of the one-eyed demon clan should be under your control. Although he can advance to Mahayana, he will have a hard time facing the lonely and endless pursuit of the great demon Dugu." Yi Tian didn't directly The answer was to change the subject.

Demon Saint Bao Tan was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, as if he felt that he had guessed something on his mind.Then he said in a deep voice: "Dutong is just an innocuous little character, it is enough for Dugu Lonely to deal with him."

"You have a good idea, but it's a pity that a wise man is bound to make mistakes. I don't think that Dugu Lonely may be able to do anything about Dutong." Yi Tian waved his hands and said disdainfully: "Besides, one-eyed demon monks are inherently talented. I actually think that Dutong will be suppressed by Dugu Lonely after he achieves the Mahayana stage, but as long as he survives a thousand years, he can become an even match with him.

As soon as this remark came out, there was no sign of emotion on the face of the demon saint Bao Tan in front of him, but he said solemnly: "I didn't expect you to have such a unique way of seeing people, but speaking of it, what you said That's not bad, with Dutong's strength, as long as he is allowed to develop, I believe that there are not many people in the entire Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit who can do nothing to him."

"Aren't all the people who can do anything to get him here?" Yi Tian said lightly: "There are also Mahayana masters from the Daleiguang Temple in the Buddhist and Spiritual Realm who can also suppress him."

"Since you've said that, I just need to wait to make a move, and that one pupil won't be able to make any waves," Luo Qin, who was standing aside, joked.

"I don't think so," Yi Tian looked at Luo Qin in front of him with a tired face and said, "I'm afraid that after today, you won't have the time to pursue Dutong."

"Boy, don't forget that it's two-on-one now, and it's not easy for you to leave calmly," Luo Qin sneered.

"Why should I run away?" Yi Tian said with a faint smile, "But you are wrong to say two-on-one. Let me introduce my help to you two."

After speaking, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to lift the lid of the 'Hai Na Bottle' at his waist, but said in his mouth lightly: "Fellow Daoist Wu Shuang, come out and meet old friends."

With a sound of '嗖', the red and black spiritual power flew out of the 'haina bottle' and circled in the air, showing Wushuang's figure.After Luo Yuntou stabilized his figure on his side, Wushuang glanced at the two people in front of him, but there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

After taking three breaths, he stretched out his hand and pointed at Luo Qin and said, "You are very interesting, but the soul of a true immortal is stored in the body of Lingxiu. It's a pity that your power of soul is not nourished by the spiritual power of immortal essence. It's already starting to wither."

After Luo Qin heard this, he stared at Wushuang in front of him with a serious face, but he refused to admit defeat and said: "Looking at the breath left on your mutated monster dragon, I am afraid that it is also from the spiritual pet in the fairy world. I didn't expect to be so defiant again. If I met you in the fairy world back then, I would have chopped you up."

"Even if an Asura like you becomes a true immortal, you still have the same character, and fight and kill all day long," Wu Shuang joked without any anger on his face, "This is what you should have." From this report, I think your soul power can only last ten thousand years at most."

As soon as Luo Qin said this, his face changed slightly, then he glared at Wushuang, but he didn't turn back.

Then I saw Wushuang turned his head to look at the demon sage for three breaths, but said in surprise: "I remember you, you were the Taoist boy next to Miao Dizi back then, but I didn't expect that you would become like this now."

"Wu Shuang Mutant Dragon, I didn't expect you to recognize this seat." Demon Saint Bao Tan said with a faint smile, "It's a pity that you have been suppressed in the 'Burning Heart Palace' for too long, Qi Qi who has lost all your strength. Eighty-eight."

"Hmph boy, even Miao Dizi back then didn't dare to talk to me like that," Wushuang said with disdain, "Besides, I had a promise to Miao Dizi back then to end up like this."

"Wushuang, your remaining strength is at most as good as this kid's current strength. Now that you're in this muddy water, I advise you to leave as soon as possible," said the demon saint Bao Tanquan.

"Your proposal seems very sensible, but it's useless to me, after all, I have my own business to attend to," Wushuang pouted.

"Then with the strength of the two of you, do you want to continue to compete with us?" Luo Qin shouted.

"Doing it knowing that it can't be done, this is what a man did," Yi Tian said as he stretched out his hand and slapped the beast sac of the demon world again, a white aura flew out of it, circled in the air and landed beside him.

After the aura faded, the face of the Beast Monarch and Daoist was revealed, and there was no surprise on his face after sweeping the scene, and then he asked, "I didn't expect it to be so lively today. It seems that you will not just come out to catch up with the old monks gathering during the Mahayana period, right?"

After there were more beast kings and Taoists on the scene, the strength obviously tilted. Yi Tian knew in his heart that this time his side should be able to have a slight upper hand in a three-on-two situation.But I still have a trump card in my hand, but it's not convenient to take it out now, and I still feel a little guilty about Master Wuxiang.

Although what he did made him feel that he couldn't agree with it, the purpose of this trip was to find the master Miaodizi's original deity, so he could only solve the problem alone against the demon saint.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian bowed his hands to the Taoist Beast Monarch and said: "This time, I need to ask the Taoist Beast Monarch to help me."

To be honest, if I faced Uncle Wuxiang one-on-one, it would be impossible to suppress the opponent. To put it bluntly, it would be very good to be able to draw.Beast Monarch Taoist is still slightly stronger than Uncle Wuxiang as an immortal weapon spirit.

It was the first time that the long-lost and moved face of the Demon Saint in front of him had changed, and Wushuang's appearance just now did not make him what he is now.After looking at the beast king and Taoist in front of him, the demon saint said in a deep voice: "It seems that this is your hole card, I didn't expect you to hide so deeply that you even won the treasure of the sect in the fairy world." Soul order' can be found."

Yi Tian was also secretly surprised when he heard the words of the demon sage Bao Tan telling the details of the beast king and Taoist.To be honest, I did not find out the details of the Beast Lord and Taoist after many investigations, but I didn't expect that the violence in front of me could hit the nail on the head.

On the other hand, Taoist Beast Monarch didn't seem to have any surprise on his face, instead he smiled slightly and said, "Who am I? And you seem to have embarked on the path of dual cultivation of Xuan and Huang, but something went wrong after practicing, and now Huang Qi suppresses Xuan Qi to become such a demonized state."

Unexpectedly, the Beast Monarch Taoist could see the secret of Demon Saint Bao Tan at a glance, which Yi Tian had never expected.At least his eyes are better than Wu Shuang who is next to him.

Then the Taoist Beast Lord turned sideways, leaned out his divine thoughts, and lightly passed over Wushuang and Luo Qin, and sighed after taking three breaths: "I didn't expect you two to have a relationship with the fairy world. One is the Zongmen Yushou Temple Among the beasts inside, one is a true immortal from the Asura Heaven Realm."

Yi Tian hurriedly interjected: "Fellow Daoist Wushuang is my friend, and this time I came here just to find Miao Dizi."

"I think it's the same. He still has a master-servant contract on him. I guess it was signed by Miao Dizi with him," the Taoist Beast Lord said slowly.

After hearing this, Wushuang stared at Taoist Beast Monarch without changing his face, and then said: "Friend Beast Monarch really has a good eye, and he deserves to be the treasure in the hands of the head of the Luotian Fairy Palace Artifact Society back then, but it's a pity that the beast soul The 'Flying Immortal Yin' in Ling' is not there. If you are a complete fairy weapon, even if you meet the golden fairy deity in the lower realm, you will have to stay away."

'Feixianyin' Yi Tian was horrified when he heard this, he didn't expect that the Beast Monarch Taoist himself is the 'Beast Soul Token' of Qishe, and he is not a complete fairy weapon, but the main part of the fairy weapon is missing.But this 'Feixian Yin' is somewhat related to the seal in Niwan Palace.So Yi Tian stabilized his emotions and did not dare to speak out easily, so as not to expose the secret of the middle of himself.

Just listen to the Taoist Beast Lord bluntly said: "Zongmen Da Luo Tianxian descends to the realm, and the 'Feixian Yin' is his natal fairy weapon, and it will naturally follow. I was originally the container containing the 'Feixian Yin' and now I have conceived a weapon Spiritual soul, even if you return to the fairyland again or meet Lord Tianzun, you can think about it, and you can fall into a good arrangement."

After that, turn your head away and stop paying attention to Wushuang's words, then turned to Yi Tian and said, "Boy Yi, I don't know what you plan to do this time?"

The meaning of protection under the words is also very obvious. Seeing this, Yi Tian said lightly: "The devil sage violently or Master Wuxiang, my intention for coming is also very obvious, to hand over the master Miaodizi's true deity Then I can leave. In the future, I will not set foot in the devil world again, and I hope you will not come to the spirit world to harass the sect again."

Hearing the words, the Demon Saint Bao Tan said unhappily: "Boy, you are so angry. I have spent tens of thousands of years of exercises but I can't wake up the master. Can you do it alone? Besides, I am still a Luo. The former suzerain candidate of Tianxian Palace, what qualifications do you have to prevent me from returning to the sect?"

"Just because I am the current suzerain."

(End of this chapter)

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