
Chapter 2333

Chapter 2333
After entering the 'Eye of the Demon Realm', Yi Tian followed Gai Yunhe, a monk from the Abyssal Demon Race, and finally stopped three thousand miles away from the so-called spring.Then Yi Tian directly revealed Luo Qin's flaws without saying much, and let him show up to meet each other.

Sure enough, not only Luo Qin, but also the demon saint Baotan appeared in front of him, but Yi Tian didn't feel oppressed at all.Facing the siege of two Mahayana monks, Yi Tian summoned Wu Shuang and Beast Monarch together.

Unexpectedly, after these two people appeared, their words revealed each other's cards, revealing their identities.In this way, Yi Tian also had a new understanding of the Beast Monarch Taoist. Before, he only knew that he was a weapon spirit that appeared after the evolution of the beast soul.Unexpectedly, the deity of the Beast Monarch and Daoist is the treasure of the Celestial Realm Luotian Xiangong Qishe 'Beast Soul Token'.

But this 'Beast Soul Token' is used to carry the first natal spirit tool 'Feixianyin' of the Carrier Society.So far, although Yi Tian didn't change his face, he was extremely shocked in his heart. On the seal in his Niwan Palace, the three words "Feixianyin" were written in the "golden seal script" of the fairy world.

If I didn't guess wrong, this seal seems to have an inseparable relationship with the Beast Lord Taoist, but I don't know if the Beast Lord Taoist knows that this treasure is hiding in his body now.

Fortunately, at this time, the demon saint Baotan broke the topic in a timely manner and drew everyone's attention to the sect affairs of Luotian Immortal Palace, so it also gave Yi Tian a chance to breathe and change the topic.

Then he opened his mouth and said: "The demon sage is in vain. You claim to be the former young sect master of the sect. What you have done for the past 5 years has disturbed the sect so that it cannot survive. Although Luo Tianxian Palace is now divided into three veins, I am It is the new suzerain promoted by the three veins, although I am very sympathetic to your uncle, but you must not abandon the public for personal reasons, what I said before is my bottom line, I hope you will stop being obsessed."

"Son, don't talk so nonsense, do the world know how much pain I have endured for my master in the past 5 years?" the demon saint said angrily.

"Master, you are in a state of obscurity. I have nothing to say about it, but I have to declare that I have made a special trip this time to bring back the body deity of Master Miaodizi," Yi Tian said, "I hope Master You can let go of the obsession in your heart and don't make any more mistakes."

Demon Saint Bao Tan had a sneer on his face when he heard this, but there was still a little worry in his brows.But in an instant it was replaced by a look of resentment.

Then he shouted in a cold voice: "Having said so much, I still have to see the truth. If you can beat me, then do as you want. If you lose to me, I'm afraid you will be doomed. I will not only take your If the deity stays, I will draw out your soul."

"It seems that this is also the main purpose of your cooperation with Luo Qin to lure me here," Yi Tian said without any fear: "Well, I still have to do one after all, I hope this time I can completely wake you up, uncle." yes."

The scene was about to explode, Yi Tian bowed his head and whispered a few words to Wushuang through voice transmission. Although the latter showed some reluctance on his face, he finally nodded helplessly.

Shaoqing saw him slowly flying towards Luo Qin who was on the side.Seeing him approaching Luo Qin is also aware of Yi Tian's plan, but with his strength, it is not easy to surpass Wushuang and face Yi Tian directly.

On the contrary, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and cupped his hands towards the demon saint in front of him: "You are a senior of the sect, and it is because of the affairs of the sect that you have come to this point. But in the face of righteousness, I have to Keep your hand, since the uncle keeps claiming to be a member of the sect, then this sect should ask the uncle for some advice on the sect's kung fu."

After speaking, he reached out and took out the Zixiao Zhan and the Ziyan Fenglei Fan Ji in his hands. Facing the Mahayana No. 1 Yi Tian of the Nine Worlds of the Upper Spirit, he naturally didn't dare to push him too hard.

So when he makes a move, it is his natal magic weapon, and when a wisp of golden flame lights up on the Zixiao lamp held in his right hand, it is to summon the 'Golden Flame'.

Holding the 'Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan' in his left hand, he raised it up gently after injecting spiritual power into his hand.

The Demon Saint Bao Tan in front of him saw it but said solemnly: "I didn't expect you to choose the technique of dual cultivation of black and yellow. Seriously, if you and I are not so opposed, there should be a lot of sympathy. It's just that today's battle is about personal The beliefs in our hearts are not something we can control, so let's see the truth under our hands to see whether the beliefs you uphold are correct or the ones I pursue are correct."

After speaking, the Demon Saint Bao Tan opened his mouth and protruded a ray of Heavenly Demon True Fire from it. The ray of real fire flew into his palm and ignited suddenly, then turned into a ball the size of a fist, and then flowed upstream to envelop his body completely.

"This is the sect's secret technique 'True Flame Armor'," Yi Tian blurted out, "No, although the method of activation is very similar, but the power should be increased several times, it should be the skill of cultivating the 'Fire Alchemy Body' to the extreme Law."

"Boy, you have good eyesight, but it's a pity, if you can surrender to me, you and I will join hands with the five people from the Nine Worlds of the Upper Spirit to be our opponents," Demon Saint Bao Tan said with a grin.

"Uncle, it seems that after you fell into the evil way, your beliefs have also changed, and you are no longer the demeanor of the young suzerain of Luotian Immortal Palace," Yi Tian said disdainfully.

The Taoist Beast Monarch on the side also had a dignified expression at the moment, and with his strength, he could naturally see the power of the supernatural spells in the hands of the Demon Saint Bao Tan.Stretch out your hands and swipe across the air, instantly changing into two huge tiger claws.

This is also the first time Yi Tian has seen such a transformation by the Beast Lord and Taoist.

Shaoqing Demon Saint Bao Tan moved first, and after the magic fire flashed all over his body, he teleported to Yi Tian's right side.The two huge fists in his hands were wrapped in the real fire of the demon and hit Yi Tian's face.

Speaking of which, with such a level of cultivation, ordinary tricks are useless. With the strength of the Demon Saint Bao Tan, he can fully exert his own advantages by relying on the skills of his Heavenly Demon Avatar alone.

After shaking the purple flame wind and thunder fan in his hand, a spiritual flame flashed and turned into a spiral fire shield to block in front of him.

'Bang bang', the two black fire fists of the demon saint violently hit the spiral fire shield.But what surprised Yi Tian was that the spiral fire shield transformed by his Liyan real fire couldn't swallow the Tianmo real fire in the hands of Demon Saint Bao Tan.

'Ka Ka Ka' The original spiral fire shield's rapidly rotating shield seemed to be stuck alive by the real fire of the demon, and the speed of rotation gradually decreased and finally stalemate.On the contrary, it was at this time that Yi Tian discovered that Tianmo True Fire seemed to be constantly eating away at his Li Yan True Fire.

It is also expected by Yi Tian that all the exercises of Lihuo Palace can be devoured by one source, but he did not expect that the demonized body cultivated by the demon sage would have such an effect.

Seeing this, Yi Tian hastily waved the 'Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan' in his hand and sacrificed the 'Thunder Flame Purple Flame into Dao Fire Line' to stagger the fists of the Demon Saint.Once the demon's true fire came into contact with his natal true flame, they were evenly matched, and this also protected his Liyan spiral fire shield.

After the blow, the two retreated thirty feet away. At this time, Yi Tian's face was solemn, and he secretly cheered up 12 points for the Bao Tan in front of him.On the opposite side, the demon saint Bao Tan also showed a surprised look on his face. His Heavenly Demon True Fire is not unusual, and it is activated by the chaotic true essence of Xuanhuang Shuangxiu.Although the aura of Xuanhuang dual cultivation is somewhat out of balance, its own power is indeed far beyond the power of all true flames in the world.

Even the true technique of Deluo Tianxian Palace may not be so strong, but I didn't expect to meet the inconspicuous Ziyan in front of him, but it would be evenly divided.

I saw Bao Tan staring at Zi Yan raised from the 'Zi Yan Wind and Thunder Fan' in the distance, sized up Zi Yan and asked in a sinking voice: "What kind of supernatural power is this? There doesn't seem to be such a skill in Luo Tianxian Palace. Found the master's true handwriting and cultivated the secret art of the sect?"

After hearing this, Yi Tian smiled lightly and said, "Could it be that Uncle Wuxiang is still doubting that the master will keep a hand with you?"

"Isn't it?" Demon Saint Bao Tan yelled coldly: "I have studied all the mystical and supernatural powers in Luo Tianxian Palace, but I have never seen such a powerful true flame power in your hands. Or Is it because you found out the secret left behind by the master that you practiced such a skill?"

"Master has got his face," Yi Tian laughed loudly when he heard the words: "You can even find the exercises of Xuanhuang Shuangxiu, naturally you have learned all the exercises left over from Luo Tianxian Palace, it's a pity that my life is really hot It was refined by incorporating the power of robbery and thunder, and there are naturally unknown secrets in it. Master, although you have studied the secret arts of the sect, you have forgotten that there are countless inheritances of the sect since the fragments of the Luotian fairy world collapsed. It's been 10 years, so it's understandable for me to risk my life to find some sect inheritance from it."

Speaking of which, my natal true fire 'Lei Yan Zi Yan' was refined through years of absorbing the power of the immortal essence on the seal of 'Fei Xian Yin'.This 'Flying Immortal Yin' has absorbed the power of thunder calamity that came down when I crossed the calamity.Then, through the washing of spiritual power, he gradually integrated these powers of thunder and calamity into his natal real fire.

Naturally, this suffering cannot be explained to outsiders, but Yi Tian didn't talk too much, after all, this 'Feixian Yin' is also one of the sect's secret treasures.It is understandable for me to say that I have obtained the legacy of the sect. As for the internal reasons, it can naturally be pushed to the fragments of the immortal world that collapsed from the immortal world.Anyway, Yi Tian doesn't believe that Master Wuxiang will really go to all the fragmented interfaces, even if he has, he may not have his own chance to get such an inheritance.

Sure enough, Demon Saint Bao Tan's face changed slightly after hearing this, and it was the first time Yi Tian saw the other party's face so moved since this meeting.

Shaoqing just listened to him say: "It seems that everyone's chances are different, which made you such a powerful posture now, but even if you have the chance, it would be a big mistake to think that you can suppress me. Today I will show you my true strength."

If these words came from someone else, Yi Tian would naturally sneer at them, and even if he met the three elders of the current Luotian Immortal Palace in the entire Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, he would not be afraid at all.

But the Demon Saint Bao Tan in front of him is different. He was born in the sect and is the successor trained by the master Miao Dizi back then.Naturally, he will have the opportunity to come into contact with the sect's secret skills brought out from the fragments of the fairy world.

Fortunately, my cultivation base is not weak, and I still rely on my natal real fire 'Lei Yan Zi Yan' who has cultivated for so many years to compete with it until now.

But at present, it seems that the demon saint Baotan still has his hole cards, and a strange purple light flashed in Yi Tian's eyes, and he cast the 'day magic pupil' technique.Then I saw that the spiritual power of Demon Saint Bao Tan was mobilized rapidly, and the area where the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' was located was extremely strong.

It is as if a huge vortex in Demon Saint Baotan's body absorbs the surrounding demon power into it, and then transforms it into its own demon power.At the same time, after absorbing the original power of Mo Sha, Mo Sheng Bao Tan's body seemed to be inflated. Although his body did not appear to have skyrocketed, his limbs and body were swollen with spiritual power.

The opponent Yi Tian, ​​who was different from what he had foreseen in the past, found that there was an extremely terrifying aura emanating from the body of the Demon Saint Baotan at this time, but he felt a little familiar with this aura.Thinking about it carefully, it should be the source of chaos generated by the Xuanhuang dual cultivation, but this source of chaos seems to be a little out of balance.

Staring at Demon Saint Bao Tan again, he saw a trace of distortion and pain appearing inadvertently on his face.Seeing this, Yi Tian guessed the reason more or less in his heart.I remember that I learned from the remnant soul of Uncle Wuxiang before that he seemed to have fallen into the devil's way because he practiced Xuanhuang Qi and was trapped by obsession.

From this point of view, the current Demon Saint Bao Tan also has this hidden disease. It is obvious that when he used the black and yellow double cultivation method, he did not seem to be able to fully control the violent power of chaos.

Or it could be said that this was caused by his faults in his practice. Although it seems that the strength he displayed is not trivial, there are also many hidden dangers in it.

However, the current move of the Demon Saint Bao Tan in front of him is astonishingly powerful. If he can't handle it, he can't talk about the next thing.After thinking about it, Yi Tian hurriedly mobilized the spiritual weapons on his hands and manipulated them in front of him, and two black and yellow auras were also quickly raised in the left and right palms, staggered up and down, one black and one white.

Then draw a circle with both hands in the air to sacrifice the two mysterious and yellow auras, and then blend and interweave in the air to form a distinct Tai Chi circle.Then he manipulated the 'Taiji Circle' in front of him to spin rapidly and turned into a gray-white halo.

While performing such exercises, Yi Tian's body also changed. The original magic body suddenly transformed into a spiritual deity when he cast his profound energy.Then he instantly regained the appearance of the true body of the demon cultivator, and it seemed that two Yi Tians, one black and one white, appeared alternately.

It's just that when the spiritual power in front of him was completely mixed and turned into a gray halo, Yi Tian's real body also changed, and what he showed at this time was neither the state of the real body of magic cultivation nor the appearance of the real body of spiritual cultivation.The Taoist Beast Monarch standing on the sidelines also had shocking expressions in their eyes, and they muttered silently: "Hunyuan deity, this is the supernatural power of the master."

(End of this chapter)

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