
Chapter 2334 Showdown

Chapter 2334 Showdown
In the duel between the Demon Saint and Violent Tan, Yi Tian discovered that the supernatural powers practiced by the other party could actually restrain Luo Tianxian Palace's direct-handed skills.Thinking about it, this is also a reasonable thing. As the Demon Saint Bao Tan, he was qualified to be the Young Sect Master in Luo Tianxian Palace back then, so he naturally had an in-depth study of the sect's martial arts.

Coupled with the tens of thousands of years after he fell into the devil's way, he has been immersed in this kind of exercises for many years. If he only uses the original exercises, he will naturally be unable to win.

Once the two fought against each other, Yi Tian discovered that the 'Heavenly Demon Real Fire' in the hands of Demon Saint Baotan was extremely strong, and its power could directly swallow the Liyan True Fire in his hand.

After the contact of the two supernatural powers, Yi Tian knew that he was far from being his opponent with ordinary sect secret arts alone.Immediately after offering sacrifices to the natal real fire 'Lei Yan Zi Yan' in his hand, he set aside the demon saint's 'Tian Mo Zhen Huo'.

Then I saw that the opponent also directly used the technique of Xuanhuang Shuangxiu, and used it to urge the 'Heavenly Demon True Fire' in his hand.

Before the Demon Saint Bao Tan didn't let go of his posture, Yi Tian naturally couldn't see any clues.

But when he performed the Xuanhuang Shuangxiu technique, Yi Tian saw the problem. I remember that Master Wuxiang's avatar once mentioned that it happened when he practiced the Xuanhuang Shuangxiu technique after falling into the devil's way because of his obsession with the real deity. It is extreme, so that the yellow qi is too strong to suppress the profound qi, so that the current Demon Saint Violence appears.

Speaking of which, this Demon Saint Violence should be the 'evil' side of Uncle Wuxiang's heart, but he forcibly expelled the 'good' heart out of his body, which will definitely cause the yellow energy to further suppress the profound energy.

Yi Tian is also practicing the technique of both Xuanhuang and Guoxuan. Naturally, he knows the most critical trick of this kind of exercise.This duality of good and evil coexists in one's soul, if any one of them is contradicted, it will cause problems in one's Xuan Huang Shuangxiu.

The Demon Saint Bao Tan in front of him is a living example. It can be seen that although the other party has continuously increased the evil force in his body, because of the unbalanced state of the black and yellow qi, the Demon Saint Bao Tan cannot let go of his hands and feet to do whatever he wants.

Holding up the spiritual weapon in his hand and controlling it in the air, Yi Tian also released the two qi of black and yellow from his body at the same time, and then used the two qi of black and yellow.But compared to the difference between the demon saint and violent tan in front of him, Yi Tian's supernatural powers seem to be not so powerful, but their solidity and stability are far better than the opponent's.

Shaoqing waited until the demon sage was fully charged, turned his head and shouted in a deep voice: "Since you admire Luo Tianxian Palace's skills so much, then I will meet you, the current suzerain, with the technique passed down from the sect. "

"Since the uncle wants to give pointers, I am also very happy with the nephew," Yi Tian replied without any timidity: "Time has passed and the situation has changed, and I also want the uncle to see the emergence of sect exercises in the past 5 years." How much progress has been made?"

"Boy, don't be stubborn." Demon Saint Bao Tan said, stretching out his hand and making a gesture in the air, the 'Heavenly Demon True Fire' in his hand flew straight out and turned into a fist-sized ball of fire that shone on Yi Tianmian The door strikes.

This kind of exercise seems to be very ordinary, but Yi Tian knows in his heart that the power in it is definitely not weak.After putting away the chaotic spiritual power in his hand, he stretched out his fingers and drew traces on the space in front of him.Suddenly, a three-foot-long gap in the void opened and blocked Yi Tian.

With a sound of '嗖', the 'Heavenly Demon True Fire' passed through the void and directly hit the gap in the space, and was swallowed into it the next moment.

With the sound of 'Ziz', Yi Tian hastily sealed the gap in this space. Out of the corner of his eye, he found that there was no surprise on the face of the demon saint Bao Tan in the distance.Thought he was looking at himself with a playful face at this time, while stretching out his left hand across the air.

With a 'click' sound, Yi Tian found a hole appeared out of thin air behind him, and then a terrifying breath flew out of it.

Yi Tian was shocked when he saw it, he didn't expect that the Demon Saint Bao Tan could cut through the void and open up the Xumi space he created, and let his spells fly out from it again, so Yi Tian had to face the "True Demon Fire" again .

The aura in his hand shone again, Yi Tian sacrificed the gray-white chaotic source force to drive it away from the flames, and then turned into a spiral fire shield, turned around and blocked in front of him.

With a "bang", the black-gray 'Heavenly Demon Real Fire' slammed on the spiral fire shield.

But this time, the previous situation did not appear. The spiral fire shield opened its mouth and bit the group of 'True Demon Fire' tightly.It's just that this time, the 'Heavenly Demon Fire' has no ability to devour the Liyan real fire again, only the 'black-gray' and 'white-gray' flames are intertwined, and after that, all the magic energy in the surrounding space has been drawn out. .

The stalemate was maintained for a short time, only to see the Liyan real fire on the spiral fire shield slowly turning again, although the speed was not fast, the speed could be seen by the naked eye.It's just that this time, the Chaos Liyan in Yi Tian's hands began to devour the 'True Demon Fire' of the Demon Saint.

In this way, the monster's voice in the distance also showed a rare surprise on his face.He stretched out his finger and pulled back his 'Heavenly Demon True Fire'.Finally, he turned around and looked at it before he said: "I didn't expect your Xuanhuang Shuangxiu to have such an effect. Its power is really shocking."

Yi Tian also took back the spiral fire shield and said instead: "Master's kung fu is from the same source as mine, but unfortunately your mind and my mind are too different, so naturally there will be a big difference after practicing."

"Are you saying that I am not as good as you," the Demon Saint said disdainfully.

"That's not true," Yi Tian hurriedly distinguished: "In fact, although we have practiced the same kind of skill, the Xuanhuang Dual Cultivation Technique, the result is far from the opposite. I have also thought about the reason, it should be our hearts There is a deviation in thinking."

Demon Saint Bao Tan's expression didn't change at all when he heard the words, but instead he said disdainfully: "You keep saying that your thoughts are deviated, don't you just want to prove that it is my blinding good thoughts and falling into the devil's way? I will do this to the end And what is it for?"

"Now your kindness has long been sealed in the soul, today I will wake you up completely, and bring back the former Wuxiang Master," Yi Tian said.

"It's up to you," the Demon Saint Bao Tan said, after the aura flashed around his body again, a black-gray aura was cast, and his whole body suddenly swelled up.The original Heavenly Demon Avatar doubled its original appearance, and then the whole body disappeared in place in an instant with a slight pause under its feet.

The next moment, the Demon Saint Bao Tan suddenly appeared in front of Yi Tian, ​​and swung two sandbag-sized fists with both fists, breaking through the void and attacking Yi Tian's defensive cover.

The sound of "bang bang bang" sounded, Yi Tian's body faded all the way, and the true energy in his body gushed out crazily to maintain his protective shield.At the same time, he used his agility to dodge left and right, trying to get out of the attack range of the Demon Saint's violent fists and feet.But I didn't expect that I was fast, and the demon saint was not slow, and his feet exerted force. The huge black figure caught up from behind and Shan Shan rushed towards Yi Tian's face with his powerful speed and attack power.

As the opponent's fists kept falling on his defensive cover, Yi Tian found that his spiritual power consumption had reached an unprecedented speed.But even if this is the case, he can only catch the opponent's offensive with eloquence, and at the same time his body is retreating in defeat.

In a trance, Yi Tian was forced to retreat several miles away. Fortunately, the powerful attack of the Demon Saint Bao Tan was unable to break through his own defense for a while.

Taking advantage of his dexterous body shape, Yi Tian suddenly pulled out, and then opened a gap in the void behind his back with one-handed seal, and then quickly slipped into it.

The gap in the void then shrank rapidly, almost closing to a size of one foot, and then stopped suddenly.In the Xumi space, Yi Tian saw a pair of big hands directly breaking through the gap in the void, and then separated his palms left and right to forcefully open the gap.

Yi Tian was startled, it was the first time he had seen someone who could break through his spatial magic in this way.Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly the gap in the void in front of me was cut to the size of a foot, and the Demon Saint Bao Tan got in through it, with a sneer on his face and said: "Boy, your supernatural powers are nothing more than the same, and they are all from me. Play the rest of the means back then."

Although he was quite surprised by the methods of the demon sage, Yi Tian didn't show any sign of panic.With a wave of his hand, he opened a gap on the other side of the Xumi space, and a figure entered through it, which was the Beast Monarch Taoist who was plundering for him.

After he came in, he looked at the demon saint violently and said calmly: "I didn't expect this person to be so powerful that he can break through the supernatural power of space regression with only physical strength."

"It's not that his physical body is strong, but that he is also proficient in this technique, and then he connected the Xumi space he opened up to the space I opened up, so this place can be regarded as a space shared by two people," Yi Tian explained. : "I don't know how the Beast Lord Daoist will help me?"

"It's hard for you to suppress the opponent in one-on-one. I'll deal with his attack this time. You should wait for the opportunity to break the enemy," the Taoist Beast Lord said. Separated and waved slowly.

After the two palms flitted in the air, two phantoms in the shape of giant tiger claws were raised to pat the demon saint's violent face.As soon as the latter broke into the Xumi space from the outside, he saw two shadows of colorful rays rushing towards him.Demon Saint Bao Tan threw out both fists without even thinking about it, and the chaotic 'Heavenly Demon True Fire' sacrificed in his hands wrapped his fists and slammed them on the tiger's claws fiercely.

'Papapa' every blow left a ripple in the void.The seemingly casual attack on the surface actually carries a powerful force.If it was an attack from the outside world, it would at least spread to a radius of hundreds of miles around, and the resulting gale could even blow thousands of miles away.

Yi Tian saw it clearly from the side, but he saw that the demon saint Baotan was unreserved every time he made a move. If the attack strength of his supernatural power was placed on the outside, I am afraid that ordinary monks in the fusion period would be bombarded with residue There are none left.

On the contrary, when the Beast Monarch and Daoist shot just now, there was a little colorful glow, which obviously stimulated the power of the immortal essence.

But I didn't expect the Demon Saint Bao Tan to take it calmly, and he didn't receive any damage at all.

Yi Tian saw that he raised the 'Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan' in his hand, and a layer of white-gray spiritual light flashed on the spiritual weapon.I saw the one-chi-big spiritual fan spinning rapidly in his palm, growing three points each time he rotated it.

After the spiritual fan stopped, it grew to a length of one foot. Yi Tian held the handle of the fan with both hands and poured the true energy into the spiritual fan under the urging of his body.Then, he slapped fiercely at the body of the demon saint Baotan in the distance.

For a while, a gray-white flame wind gathered around, and after the wind rotated forward, it formed a wind dragon about the size of Zhang Xu, and there was a whistling sound from inside, and it rolled towards the position where the demon saint Bao Tan was.

"Good time," the demon saint Bao Tan seemed to be aroused to fight in his heart, and the black-gray spiritual light on his whole body surged again.Then he clasped his hands together and raised the top of his head, and instantly sacrificed a five-foot-sized Heavenly Demon Blade in front of him.The only difference from the ordinary Heavenly Demon Blade is that this spell does not seem to be as powerful as the moves he used before, but it is a move made by fusing the magical powers of Luo Tianxian Palace with the skills of the Heavenly Demon Clan.

With a 'puchi' sound, the Heavenly Demon Blade slashed towards Yi Tian's Fenglong without any fancy after it was released.

That day, the magic blade flew into the wind dragon's mouth and made a 'crackling' sound, and then it seemed that it wanted to forcefully break open inside it.When Yi Tian saw it, he naturally wouldn't let the other party give up so easily. After pinching the magic formula in his hand, he controlled the wind dragon to gather into a ball.The wind dragon turned around, gathered into a ball, and then continued to shrink inward, only to hear that the noises became more and more urgent, and then the wind dragon smashed all the demon blades swallowed into its stomach.

From time to time, gray 'True Demon Flames' would separate out from the wind dragon, but Yi Tian found that the 'True Chaos Flame' in his spells and the real fire of the Demon Saint were devouring each other. It can be seen with the naked eye that it is indeed constantly attacking.

The sound of 'huhu' came from the air again, and the two real flames devoured each other until they finally divided into left and right groups and flew back to the two of them.Yi Tian took a closer look and found that the chaotic real fire on his side seemed to be slightly stronger than the opponent's, and it seemed that it had absorbed and devoured a lot of 'True Demon Fire'.

On the other hand, the Demon Saint Bao Tan showed a little surprise on his face when he saw it, and then shouted: "Don't think you can really beat me, boy, you can avoid Luo Qin's prying eyes in this class of space, so today I will Let me show you the demeanor of the strongest master in Luo Tianxian Palace."

Hearing this, Yi Tian was stunned and then realized something.Turning his head, he saw the Demon Saint Bao Tan reaching out and taking out a stone coffin from nowhere.After reaching out and pushing the coffin board, a spiritual energy overflowed from it.

After Yi Tian glanced over the coffin, it was difficult to move away.I saw a flesh body placed in the coffin. This person had a three-strand beard and a face about 40 years old.He was wearing the Zongmen costume of Luo Tianxian Palace, and the mark of five flames was sewn on the cuff of his right hand.

This person was Miao Dizi, the second-generation patriarch of Luo Tianxian Palace, who was in front of him. Unexpectedly, this time, the Demon Saint Bao Tan would directly take out the body of the patriarch.

(End of this chapter)

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