
Chapter 2335

Chapter 2335
The Sumeru space created by oneself.In this way, the advantage he should have was instantly leveled, but it is also beneficial to fight in this Xumi space, at least it will not be affected by Luo Qin and others from the outside world.

Now Yi Tian's biggest reliance is that the Xuanhuang Dual Cultivation Technique he cultivated is stronger than the Demon Saint's violence, and the chaotic vitality he cultivated is also more vigorous.

After fighting in the Xumi space, Yi Tian found that he was slightly inferior to Demon Saint Bao Tan.Yi Tian found that his "Chaos True Fire" had a slight advantage over the other side's "Omen True Fire".

After competing with one move, the beast king and Taoist also joined the battle circle, so it will be more difficult for the demon saint to be under one enemy and two.

After leaving the battle circle, he also summoned a stone coffin, and then the sarcophagus cover was lifted to reveal the human form inside.When Yi Tian saw it, he naturally felt cold sweat on his back, and only felt numbness on his face.

What lies in this coffin is the physical body of Miao Dizi, the second generation patriarch of Luotian Immortal Palace. At this time, his eyes are closed tightly, but there is no death energy overflowing from his body, but he does appear to be in a state of suspended animation.

Yi Tian already realized the seriousness of the matter as the Demon Saint Bao Tan said that he wanted to see the No. 1 demeanor of the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit.Thinking about it, I still had a little bit of luck in my heart, but after seeing the real body of Master Miaodizi, his face sank and he began to secretly plan how to deal with it next.

I saw the demon sage violently flying to the back of the sarcophagus, stretching out his hands and quickly knotting the seal, then opened his mouth and spit out the "Tianmo Zhenhuo" from it.In an instant, the black-gray real fire wrapped the sarcophagus, and in the next moment, the real fire drilled into Miao Dizi's seven orifices for three breaths, and then it was all absorbed.

Yi Tian, ​​who was observing from a distance, found that Master Miaodizi's fingers seemed to move inexplicably.Then an incomparably huge wave of spiritual pressure slowly rose from his body, and within twenty breaths, his cultivation was directly raised from the state of a mortal to the strength of the middle stage of Mahayana.

Then his eyes slowly opened, revealing blood-red eyes.Yi Tian was shocked when he saw it, but he said angrily: "Master Wuxiang, you actually used the method of controlling corpses to mobilize the body of the ancestor. Such a rebellion is really a vain disciple."

Only listening to the demon saint Bao Tan laughed loudly and said: "I spent my last years of hard work and couldn't wake up the master, now it's okay to wake him up in another way."

"You are practicing the way of deceiving the master and destroying the ancestor. Even if the master can't wake up, let him go. Why do you want to trample on the body of the master like this?" Yi Tian said with an angry face: "Do you know that you have used the corpse control method?" Even if the master wakes up after the operation, he will not be able to fully integrate his soul into his body."

"Hahaha, let him go if you can't blend in," the demon saint Bao Tan raised his head and laughed loudly: "I've wasted tens of thousands of years for this, and I've endured enough, why don't you take this opportunity to completely free yourself today?" Well, maybe after this battle, I can restore my state of mind and improve my cultivation to the next level, and then break through and ascend to the fairy world, wouldn't it be wonderful."

Hearing this, Yitian was slightly startled, and then his face drooped.When he heard what the Demon Saint Bao Tan said, his state of mind had already undergone drastic changes.Before, he was only trapped by obsession, but now he has completely become a selfish and unscrupulous person.

Thinking of the helpless expression on Yi Tian's face, he lowered his head and whispered to the Taoist Beast Monarch through sound transmission: "Please also ask Taoist friends to restrain the demon saint Baobai, and let me handle the matter of Master Miaodizi."

"This corpse is a bit weird. Although Miaodizi's body was controlled by the demon saint, there is still a trace of clarity in the spiritual platform deep in the Niwan Palace," the Taoist Beast Lord replied.

"Oh, it's amazing that Du Aiyou can see such a clue," Yi Tian said: "I just want to use this to break the corpse control technique of Demon Saint Baotan."

"Then how do you want to crack it? You must know that Miao Dizi's primordial spirit has been asleep for tens of thousands of years, and it is not easy to wake him up," said the Taoist Beast Lord, frowning slightly Worry.

"It's up to man," Yi Tian said indifferently, "Since I came here and bumped into him today, it means that I have a predestined relationship with Master Miao Dizi, so I must do my best to wake up Master. And After passing this village, there will be no more shops in this shop, and if you miss it, you will not know that you will see the real body of the master again in the year of the monkey."

"Okay, since I've made up my mind, I don't have much to say, just let me escort you," said the Taoist Beast Monarch, "In my heart, I always think that you are a person with great luck, and everything can be turned into something impossible. Because maybe only a person like you can do it."

"As the saying goes, if you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't catch the tiger's cubs. Although today's battle is extremely risky, if it succeeds, the rewards will naturally be astonishing." Yi Tian replied with a faint smile when he heard the words.

Then put away the 'Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan' in his hand, and sacrificed the 'Zixiao Cup'. The golden flame in the wick, Jin Yan'er, seemed to feel his determination at this time, and suddenly ignited the flame that was less than half an inch away. The flames even seemed to be close to two inches high in an instant, and they were still flickering.

At the same time, Yi Tian heard Jin Yan'er's voice transmission: "Through Zixiaozhan, I can sense the high fighting spirit in your heart at the moment. It must be because you have encountered something exciting?"

Yi Tian replied indifferently: "Today I will use your strength to accomplish a major event. If you fail this time, you will be benevolent. There is no way out at all."

"That's right," Jin Yan'er also replied in a somewhat excited tone: "It's been a long time since I've encountered such an emotional moment. Your state of mind can completely affect my thoughts at this time, and I can feel it. By this time, the boiling blood in your body has already begun to explode."

After lightly nodding his head, Yi Tian turned to beckon to Beast Monarch and Daoren, and the latter knowingly flitted across his back and turned into a phantom of a huge tiger.This is also the first time Yi Tian has seen the Beast Monarch Taoist show such strength, and his aura has already suppressed the demon saint Bao Tan on the opposite side.

After waving both hands, I saw that the tiger's phantom's claws also moved immediately, and after passing through the air without any waves, it covered the head of the demon saint violently.

I saw the demon saint Bao Tan gently pushing the sarcophagus forward, and then he was the phantom image of the real body of the demon rising from behind with his hands in seals.The dharma form he showed this time is about the same height and shape as the tiger dharma body of the beast king and Taoist. After the two dharma form real bodies have already fought in the air, it seems that there is nothing special about them.

Just listen to the "puff puff" sound made by the tiger claws of the beast king and the fist of the demon sage Tianmo real body. It is the sound of extremely exquisite spiritual power control in the air, almost no What a sign of spiritual power overflowing.

But the spiritual pressure fluctuations inadvertently emitted by the place where the two fought each other made the surrounding space tremble slightly. If it weren't for the Xumi space opened by Yi Tian that was specially strengthened after hundreds of years of painstaking practice, I'm afraid He would have been crushed by the fight between the two long ago.

Turning his head, Yi Tian had no time to pay attention to their confrontation. The sarcophagus in the dark space in front of him emitted extremely powerful spiritual pressure fluctuations.Shaoqing saw that Master Miaodizi's body seemed to have refined all the "Heavenly Demon True Fire" he inhaled, and then a strange red light flashed in his eyes.

Then Master Miaodizi stretched out his legs and walked out of the sarcophagus slowly. In the Xumi space he created, he walked in the air as if nothing had happened.After walking out of the sarcophagus, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on the whole body revealed again, and the wind gathered by the unknown wind around him blew indiscriminately towards the surroundings, and then shook the protective shield on Yi Tian's body in the distance.

Facing the No. 1 in the Nine Worlds of the Spirit, Yi Tian felt that his back was soaked at some point, and there were drops of sweat on his forehead, and he didn't even know it when he lay down.

After staring at Master Miaodizi for a while, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and bowed: "The current suzerain of Luotian Immortal Palace, Yi Tian, ​​has seen Master Miaodizi."

As soon as this remark came out, Master Miaodizi, who was standing in the air aimlessly, slowly restrained the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, turned his head and stared at himself with those red and strange eyes.But he hesitated to speak, as if he wanted to say something but couldn't say it.

After seeing Ba Yitian, he naturally noticed some clues. The master Miaodizi in front of him still fell into a deep sleep when he said that his consciousness was autonomous.It's just a humanoid puppet controlled by the demon sage Bao Tan who forcibly injected spiritual power with the corpse control technique.

It's just that what I said just now has mobilized the most important thing in front of his deity, so under conditioned reflex, it can also stimulate his sleepy soul power.

Immediately, a spiritual light flashed all over Yi Tian's body, and his true face was revealed after the spiritual light faded.At this time, Yi Tian recovered the form of the spirit cultivator, but the chaotic vitality of Xuanhuang Shuangxiu faintly leaked around his body.Wearing the same costume as Miao Dizi's, the cuffs naturally reveal five true flames. The symbol is the costume of the Suzerain of Luotian Fairy Palace.

Then arched his hands together and said: "Today, the disciple has offended me."

After holding up the 'Zixiao Cup' with the left hand, the index finger of the right hand lightly brushed from it to take a ray of golden true flame offering in the hand.With a light flick of the finger, the ray of golden flame flew out and then swept across the painting in the air. A golden line of fire hit Master Miaodizi's face.

I saw Master Miaodizi raised his hands mechanically without changing his face, and then formed the seal quickly.Then he stretched out his hand and drew a circle up and down in front of him, raising the Dao Demon Fire Spiral Shield.

This kind of trick is from the same origin as the 'Spiral Fire Shield' which I am good at, but it is just sacrificed with the chaotic 'Ocean Demon True Fire' violently smelted by the Demon Saint.

After the two spell attacks, there was no big disturbance, but the magic fire spiral shield easily blocked its own golden flames.

Yi Tian saw it clearly, one gold and one black two true flames intersected and missed, the other party seemed to want to take the opportunity to devour it, but Jin Yan'er is a fire spirit in the fairy world, how could he be trampled like this.

The two flames of 'Zizzi' staggered and then separated. Jin Yan flew back to 'Zixiao Zhan' and was in a trance. Jin Yan'er's voice came from Yi Tian's ear again: "The other party's real fire contains The power of chaos is extremely powerful, but I always feel a little weird."

Yi Tian was overjoyed when he heard the words, but he didn't expect Jin Yan'er to notice some clues after the fight.Demon Saint Bao Tan originally had a huge flaw in his cultivation, and he only needed to follow the flaw to find a way to deal with it.

After thinking about it, he hurriedly replied: "He relies on the chaotic 'Heavenly Demon True Fire' on his body to drive his supernatural powers. Naturally, there will be problems with the chaotic spiritual power with such an unbalanced mysterious and yellow energy."

"So that's the case, then do you have a way to restrain yourself?" Jin Yan'er asked hastily.

"No for the time being, although the opponent's 'Tianmo Zhenhuo' is a little out of balance, but in general it is still stronger than me," Yi Tian said without hesitation.

"It's nothing to say," Jin Yan'er said angrily, "Look, the other party has made another move."

Hearing this, Yi Tian's divine thoughts passed by and found that the magic light reappeared in the hands of the ancestor Miaodizi in the distance, and sacrificed the 'Tianmo True Fire' into a flame that condensed into a sword-shaped flame.Then mechanically manipulated it with both hands to sacrifice it, and the flame flew out of the air and instantly turned into thousands of fine silk swords and rained down from Yi Tian's head.

The corner of the mouth said bitterly: "This is the 'Lingyaohua Qianshu', I don't know how much more powerful this trick of Master Miaodizi is than mine."

After finishing speaking, Yi Tian sacrificed the 'Zixiao Zhan' again, took a trace of golden flame from it, and then muttered a word in his mouth: "Change".

The ray of golden flame splitting in the air also used the "Lingyao Huaqian Technique". I saw Yi Tian stretched out his hand to form a seal and then changed, and after offering those golden flame threads, they turned into countless flame threads around him. He set up a defensive flame ball to cover himself within a radius of one foot.

'Pu Chi Pu Chi', those filaments transformed by 'Heavenly Demon True Fire' hit the golden flame ball and were all blocked outside.Several of them seemed to be glued to the golden flame ball, trying to devour and break through the defense.

But after three breaths, the golden flame ball began to spin rapidly, and quickly threw away the 'Heavenly Demon True Fire' attached to it.

If it is true theory of cultivation and attainment, Yi Tian finds that there is still a gap between himself and the ancestor Miaodizi.But now Patriarch Miaodizi is not controlling himself to fight with his own consciousness, so even though he has a stronger understanding of supernatural powers, there is still a lot of gap with him in actual application.

Yi Tian didn't want to fight against Miao Dizi directly, but focused on defense first, and waited for an opportunity to observe the opponent's movements.I firmly believe in my heart that there are many disadvantages in forcibly injecting the "Heavenly Demon True Fire" driven by the source of chaos into the body of Master Miaodizi and then controlling him to make a move.

Sure enough, after the move just now, Yi Tian found that Miao Dizi's aura was weakened.Moreover, those "Heavenly Demon True Fire" supernatural powers sacrificed with Lingyao Huaqianju were not directly taken back after defending with their own golden flame balls, but scattered and scattered outside.

Just as he was about to secretly rejoice in his heart, he suddenly felt a huge suction force enveloping his golden flame ball out of thin air, and then forcibly pulled it in the direction where Miao Dizi was.

(End of this chapter)

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