
2336 Awakening 2

Chapter 2336 Wake Up II

After a fight with Master Miaodizi, Yi Tian found that although he failed to gain the upper hand, he still had the ability to keep it.At the same time, after strictly defending, he also realized that the opponent's attack was not intended to make a move, so it was difficult to last for a long time.

Just under the great joy in my heart, I suddenly found that the body and the golden flame ball defense involuntarily flew towards the position where Miao Dizi was.At first it moved slowly, but after three breaths, the speed increased exponentially.The divine sense came out but it was unknown when Miaodizi made another move. After the seal was quickly formed in his hand, a phantom dharma appeared behind him.

The dharma body is not the appearance of a monk of the Heavenly Demon Clan, but the appearance of a wind god in the spirit world, and there is a faint gust of wind flashing around him.It's just that although this dharma body looks strong, the eyes are full of emptiness and confusion, and you can tell it is a soulless thing at a glance.

Although the demon sage Baotan can barely make Miaodizi himself display his dharma form, it is far from the power of a real full-strength attack.But even so, Yi Tian still felt that he was in big trouble. Xiao was hiding in the golden flame ball and tried to control and break free from the entanglement of the 'Fengshen' dharma form because of the difference in cultivation base by one level, but it had little effect.

Speaking of which, I can also display the dharma of heaven and earth, but it is still somewhat different from Master Miaodizi.But it was too late to cast it at this time, and then Yi Tian hurriedly made a move to increase the output of spiritual power, and the movement speed of the golden flame ball stopped dumbly, just hanging in the air like this, no matter how Miao Dizi shot, he couldn't pull it any more .

Just when Yi Tian felt relieved, he suddenly saw a black magic light flashing through the Xumi space he opened up, and then a figure came in from it.It was the demon sage Baotan who temporarily withstood the attack of the beast king and Taoist and then freed up his hand to seal the gap in space opened by seal casting.The person who came also looked like the real body of the Heavenly Demon. He was more than ten feet tall and about the same size as the Demon Saint Baotan.

But the breath on his body is slightly inferior, almost the same as the current Yi Tian.Needless to say, this person is the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely. Unexpectedly, the Demon Saint Bao Tan saved a hand at the critical moment to directly break through the void and pull the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely in.

Although Yi Tian was very surprised by this, he had to accept this fact.No wonder the Demon Saint Bao Tan was so confident, he was well prepared.

After hearing the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely come in, he shouted in a deep voice: "Why is father calling the child so anxiously?"

"You go to assist the master to deal with Yi Tian," said the Demon Saint Bao Tan, "Although the person in front of you is strong, the bottom line is that Yi Tian is in charge of the overall situation behind the scenes. As long as the backbone is down, it will be nothing."

"Father, don't worry, I won't let him run away this time," Dugu Lonely said sharply.After saying that, he flew to the other side of Yi Tian and confronted Miao Dizi at an angle.

After listening to the conversation between the two, Yi Tian was also taken aback. He didn't expect that the helper Mo Sheng Bao Tan found this time would be very difficult.If you want to say that you are one-on-one, the great demon, Dugu and Lonely, even if you win, it is a miserable victory.What's more, if one is against two, there is an unfathomable Miao Dizi in front of him.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian's complexion became extremely dignified, and he quickly calculated gains and losses in his heart.To say that the previous advantage has vanished into nothingness in an instant, no wonder the Demon Saint Bao Tan was not afraid at all in the face of the beast king and Taoist.

After scrutinizing Yi Tian's eyes, a stern look flashed across his eyes, and then he stretched out his hand and waved the golden flames around him, and instantly started to move.

The Yansi light ball disintegrated to reveal Yi Tian's true self, and at the same time the Yansi were all retracted into the 'Zixiao Zhan', and then his right hand flashed and caught the Zixiao Zhan.Blowing lightly in his mouth, he saw a ray of real flame flying out from the golden lamp flame.The ray of real flame rolled and flew out in the air, split into two, split into four, and turned into a fist-sized fireball, which flew through the air and greeted the big demon Dugu Lonely.

"Boy, how dare you jump over the wall in a hurry," Dugu Lonely was furious when he saw it, Yi Tian's behavior obviously wanted to take him to sacrifice the flag first.Immediately, Dugu Lonely's hands were shaped like knives, and after a black magic light flashed in his palms, he raised two thick Heavenly Demon Blades and slashed at the true flames in front of him.

With a 'swish' sound, the Heavenly Demon Blade split the dark void and hit the two golden flame balls in front of it, but with one move, it was barely evenly matched.There were also two golden flame balls that went straight towards him after passing through the attack of the demon blade.

After a black magic light flashed, Dugu Lonely used the Heavenly Demon Blade again to try to resist the incoming spell head-on. After two beeps of 'bang bang', time and space distorted around Dugu's lonely figure in the air, and the two spells blasted and exploded nearby, shaking him back more than ten feet before he stabilized his figure.

On the other hand, Miao Dizi made another move at this time, and the Fengshen Dharma Aspect under the seal in his hand made a move again, opened his mouth and sucked fiercely towards Yi Tian's position.

Immediately, Yi Tian only felt that it was difficult to maintain his figure in the air, and countless wind blades appeared out of thin air around him and hit his face.The golden light in his hand flashed past Yi Tian, ​​and a ray of golden flame attached to his body surface, forming a golden defensive net.For a moment, Yi Tian looked as if his body was shining with an incomparably radiant light, and those wind blades flew out and slashed on his body, making a crisp sound of 'bang bang bang'.

But those wind blades couldn't break through his own defense, but Yi Tian's face didn't look relaxed at all.On the other hand, at this time, I have been directly rolled up by the Fengshen Dharma, and I am about to hit it.

Yi Tian forcibly exercised his true flame armor in the air under the flash of inspiration all over his body, and tried his best to maintain it.But suddenly, Miao Dizi made seals again and pointed towards the center of Faxiang's body, and the huge Fengshen Faxiang rushed out, opened his mouth, forcibly pulled Yi Tian from a distance, and swallowed it in one gulp.

It was pitch black in front of his eyes, Yi Tian only felt like he had fallen into a bottomless pit, his body kept making circles in the air and then fell down.

After maintaining this for about tens of breaths, I felt that the wind around me had slowed down, but before I fell, there were a lot of wind blades passing by me. Although it didn't cause actual damage to the deity, it didn't feel good. .

After Yi Tian realized that his feet seemed to have fallen to the ground, he opened his eyes and looked around.At this moment, I found that I seemed to be sucked into the belly of the Fengshen Faxiang, and this place was more like a space opened up in another place.For a while, I can't see anything around me, a place that makes up for the prison.

Shaoqing Yitian checked himself, and found that he had not suffered any damage except for excessive consumption of spiritual power.He took out a few pills from the storage ring and stuffed them into his mouth, chewed them up and swallowed them directly.After three breaths, he felt that a large amount of spiritual power transformed by those elixirs flowed from the meridians, traveled through the body for a week, and then gathered in the forehead Niwan palace.

After recovering his spiritual power, Yi Tian walked forward slowly, although he didn't know where he was now, but Yi Tian still wanted to try to break out of this prison space first.

After falling down, Yi Tian felt that his footsteps could be stepped on the ground, and then he turned his head to see that the surrounding environment was pitch black, and there was nothing special about it.

After the flash of spiritual light all over his body, Yi Tian set up the escape light and jumped into the air, and then hurriedly flew forward with all his strength.The escape speed of the monks in the Mahayana period was extremely fast, but after flying over ten Yitian days, he still found that he seemed to be going round and round and returned to the original place.

Stretching out his hand to seal the seal, he tried to open up the connection between the space and the outside world, but Yi Tian found that his space supernatural power 'space backtracking' seemed to be unable to work here.He stopped his hands, his face sank slightly, but he kept thinking in his heart.It stands to reason that Shen Tong, who was discovered by Master Miaodizi, was inhaled into the body of the Dharma Body, which should also be an opened up Sumeru space.

Moreover, this is the space opened up by Master Miaodizi himself. If he used the sect's martial arts, it would naturally be of the same origin, and he should be able to connect his own spatial supernatural powers to it to break the ban by performing "space backtracking" And out.

But now, after using the supernatural powers and mysteries one after another, there is no effect, and I don't know where the problem is.

Just as he was thinking about it, Yi Tian suddenly found that there was a spiritual pressure fluctuation in front of him. This spiritual pressure fluctuation was very strange, and there was not only a lot of magic power mixed in it, but also a trace of fairy spirit.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian also frowned slightly, instead of waiting here helplessly, it would be better to see what happened.After thinking about it, under the flash of spiritual light all over his body, the figure flashed and flew towards the wave of spiritual pressure.After flying for about twenty breaths, Yi Tian found a black shadow not far in front of him.Such a black shadow in this pitch-black space is naturally easily integrated into the environment, and it is difficult to be noticed.

Fortunately, there seems to be a ray of evil spirit power wrapped in it, but there is a trace of fairy spirit inadvertently overflowing.

At this point, Yi Tian was overjoyed and knew that he had found the key point, and then flew to the nearby Divine Sense and quietly stretched out the equipment to search.Unexpectedly, as soon as the divine mind came into contact with the phantom of spiritual power, it would feel a faint tingling sensation to the soul from being attacked by something.Yi Tian didn't think it was the first time he had experienced this feeling, it was a bit like the sect's secret technique 'Burning God Golden Flame', which specially restrains the spiritual thoughts of monks.

Withdrawing his spiritual thoughts and Yi Tian's face was not surprised but happy, if you can meet the 'Burning God Golden Flame' here, it means that this group of dark spirits must have an inseparable relationship with Master Miaodizi.

According to what I know, even the three elders of the sect, the two senior uncles and the master have no chance to acquire the supernatural power of 'Burning God Golden Flame'.Speaking of it, this is all the information I found in the fragments of the fairy world, but being able to meet here means that only the ancestor Miao Dizi back then had the chance to understand it.

So Yi Tian became 12 points interested in this huge group of pitch-black spirit body in front of him.

Although the divine sense cannot be used again, it can still be retrieved directly through the eyes.I saw that black spirit body was about two feet in size, surrounded by a round black spirit ball.

Yi Tian thought about it for a while, raised the Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand, and then controlled the phantom of the lightsaber that turned into a blue light in the air, and then said softly: "Go".The light and shadow instantly flew out of the split space and slashed straight at the ball of black spirit ball.

However, Taiyuan's wooden sword seemed to be blocked by several black evil spirits when it hit the cotton.Seeing that the momentum of the Taiyuan wooden sword was stopped, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and sacrificed a wisp of real fire at the tip of his left index finger.With a light flick, the real fire from the flame flashed past and attached to the Taiyuan wooden sword with a 'swish' sound.

Immediately, the cyan light and shadow offensive swung away the evil spirit surrounding it again, and hit the spirit body itself accurately. The sound of 'buzzing' came, and Yi Tian found that the whole space trembled after his Taiyuan wooden sword touched it.

Needless to say, this is because my own technique has worked, and it seems that this time I have found a breakthrough.After thinking about it, Yi Tian did not hesitate to seal again one after another, urging the Taiyuan wooden sword to go down and continue trying to break through the black spiritual power.

After three breaths, the evil origin energy was completely dispelled by the Liyan real fire on the Taiyuan wooden sword, and then an incomparably dazzling golden light suddenly shone under the black spirit group. With the sound of 'huhu', several golden flames broke through the surrounding black demon spirit power from the inside to the outside.

The dazzling golden light radiated so that Yi Tian had to temporarily avoid its edge and push it aside.At the same time, in his divine sense, he found that the Liyan real fire on his Taiyuan wooden sword seemed to be eroded by a more powerful flame.After thinking about it, he hastily cast a spell to call Taiyuan wooden sword back.

After ten breaths, when the golden light was no longer so dazzling, Yi Tian slowly raised his head and looked at the situation in front of him again.I saw that the source of evil spirits around the original black spirit group not far in front of me had been eliminated.

Now there is only a golden light ball with a size of ten feet. Yi Tianfei went forward and saw that the light ball was surrounded by 'Burning God Golden Flame'.And there seems to be a human figure in it, and after careful inspection, it is the soul of Master Miaodizi.It's just that at this moment, there is a thin white halo around his primordial spirit, which keeps these 'Burning God Golden Flames' out.

Seeing this, Yi Tian's expression froze for a moment, and he thought about it.The emotional "Burning God Golden Flame" is not the supernatural power of Master Miaodizi, it should be the spell cast by the real fairy "Youxuan Taoist" from the lower realm.

In this way, Taoist Youxuan is also the descendant of Luotian Xiangong in the fairy world, otherwise he would never be able to practice this mysterious technique.And Miaodizi's master must also be very talented. He has not only practiced the sect's secret art, but also studied the "Xuan Huang Shuangxiu art".Forgive me for seeing the slight power of chaos emanating from the white halo outside his body, Yi Tian also did not expect that Master Miaodizi could practice the technique of dual cultivation of black and yellow to such a level that he even obtained supernatural powers in the fairy world. God Jin Yan' has nothing to do with him.

It's just a pity that although the ancestor is strong, he spent a lot of spiritual power to fight against the "Burning God Golden Flame" so that he fell into a coma and couldn't wake up.

Seeing this, Yi Tian knew that he had hit the jackpot this time, and Master Wuxiang's lifelong obsession was to wake up the master.It's a pity that he didn't grasp the trick, and the methods he used were also inappropriate, so he wasted tens of thousands of years.

(End of this chapter)

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