
2338 Awakening 4

Chapter 2338 Wake Up Four

After being swallowed up by Master Miaodizi's dharma body, Yi Tian actually found something surprising inside.It turns out that Master Wu also saved his own soul in the Faxiang body back then, so no matter what method Master Wuxiang used, he couldn't wake it up.

There is no soul in his physical body at all, so naturally whatever he does is futile.And in Faxiang's body, Yi Tian discovered that the dark hand left by the Taoist Youxuan was actually the mysterious technique "Burning God Golden Flame" of Luotian Xiangong in the fairy world.Fortunately, Yi Tian had acquired some of these skills when he explored the fragments of the fairy world, and he had practiced them himself.

So there was no fear in the face of the "Burning God Golden Flame", and then he used the same kung fu to slowly extract the "Burning God Golden Flame" wrapped in the body of Master Miaodizi's soul.

In this way, after all these things are cleared, the spirit of Master Miaodizi will naturally be able to break through the confinement and regain freedom.Then Yi Tian saw that Miaodizi's aura of body protection was the divine light of chaos, and then he sacrificed the same trick of the source of chaos to wake it up.

Although this kind of behavior also caused about [-]% of his own chaotic divine light to be swallowed up, it was still nothing compared to absorbing the 'Burning God Golden Flame' of Taoist Youxuan.

After Master Miaodizi woke up, Yi Tian talked with him and briefly described what happened in the 5 years since he was in a coma.At the same time, he also summoned the remnant soul of Master Wuxiang's benevolent thoughts, so Master Miaodizi naturally believed in what he said.

Later, Yi Tian also mentioned the crisis he was facing at this time, and Miao Dizi was naturally quite touched by this.The so-called untie the bell still needs to tie the bell, and the matter of dealing with the demon saint's violence finally fell on him.

After opening the space exit of Faxiangshen, Yi Tian returned to the space he created with the Wuxiang Remnant Soul.At this time, the beast king and the Taoist priest in front of him were confronting the demon sage Baotan and Dugu Lonely with one against two.

Seeing himself suddenly appearing, he couldn't see any expression of joy or anger on his face, but he just said in his mouth: "Why did you come out, is there any powerful opponent in the space of the body of the law?"

Yi Tian said with a faint smile: "There is a formidable opponent, but don't worry, I can deal with it calmly. It's time to work hard for you, Beast Monarch and Daoist."

After hearing this, the Beast Monarch turned his eyes to Wuxiang Canhun, and after sizing him up, he said, "The aura on your body and that of the Demon Sage's Violence seem to come from the same source, and you should be the same person. Unexpectedly Today, such an interesting thing happened.”

Wuxiang heard the words, but he bowed his hands to the Taoist Beast Lord and said: "This time, I have a fellow Taoist to take care of you. It is a pity for the sect that my nephew Yi Tian came forward to deal with it, and finally I was able to properly resolve the entanglement that has been going on for thousands of years."

"That's the best," the Taoist Beast Lord returned and flew to Yi Tian's side, and the two of them gathered together.

The demon sage Bao Tan on the opposite side naturally heard all these words, then turned around and stared at Yi Tian for a while, and then shifted his gaze to Wuxiang Canhun.Then he said angrily: "You still have such soul power after being trapped for tens of thousands of years. It seems that Yi Tian has spent a lot of effort on you. Today you want to jump out Against me?"

Wuxiang Canhun turned to look at the other party, and said without changing his expression after three breaths: "So what if you are against you, you can't do anything to me. Besides, the entanglement of ten thousand years today is finally going to be sorted out, and you and I It should be reunited."

"Where do you have the courage to say such crazy words?" Demon Saint Bao Tan said unceremoniously: "Although I can't kill you, it is more than enough to imprison you immediately. Don't think that Boy Yi alone can protect you well."

Yi Tian sneered at this, and said with a little sneer on his face: "Master, what you said is wrong. In terms of strength, I am naturally far behind you, but today there is no need for me to take action. Someone will Come out."

Demon Saint Bao Tan's face changed slightly when he heard the words, and then his face showed an unbelievable gaze: "Could it be that you have found the exact location of the master's spirit?" After speaking, his eyes turned to the body of the master Miao Dizi floating in the air.

I saw that the source of evil energy that was originally wrapped around the body was dispelled at some point, and at this moment, Miao Dizi's body absorbed all the spiritual power around him like a bottomless pit.But the spiritual power here is limited, so naturally, there is not much movement to be seen.

Yi Tian then hastily stretched out his hands to seal his seal to open his Xumi space, and the surrounding environment changed again after flashing in front of him in a trance, and everyone found that he had returned to the area where the "Eye of the Demon Realm" was originally located.

In the air, a large amount of wind formed around Master Miaodizi's body, and a violent tornado gathered within ten feet around his body to cover him up.

Although the naked eye can't see the situation in the wind clearly, Yi Tian's spiritual sense noticed and found that the spiritual pressure fluctuations on Master Miao Dizi's body had skyrocketed at this time.The absorbed magic evil source power has been transformed into the power of chaos by exercise and refinement. At the same time, the cultivation base of Master Miaodizi has been raised to the peak state in the middle of the conference.It is almost possible to pass to the later stage.

The Peerless Snake and Luo Qin, the first emperor of Asura, who were originally in diplomatic hands, also stopped the spells in their hands at this time, and then the two hurriedly retreated in the air and fell to the two sides respectively.

Luo Qin is not a fool. He saw the sudden change in the scene. Originally, a pair of two entered the Sumeru Dimension, but unexpectedly, five people and one remnant soul came out.At this time, he lowered his head and whispered, as if he was asking the situation through voice transmission with the Demon Saint.

The development of the matter this time has exceeded his imagination, and Luo Qin is naturally also a human Miao Dizi face to face, and now seeing that he has awakened, he also has the idea of ​​​​retiring.

Wushuang recognized Miao Dizi's true face at a glance, and after flying over and landing beside Yi Tian, ​​he hurriedly asked: "What's the situation, why did you make such a big commotion not long after you entered the Sumeru space?" ?”

"Fellow Daoist Wushuang, don't worry, this time I have achieved my merits and virtues. My ultimate goal of coming to the Demon Realm has been achieved. Next, I just need to watch over the three people on the opposite side and don't let them slip away," Yi Tian replied with a smile road.

About half a moment later, the wind around Master Miaodizi in the air slowly faded away, and then his true face was revealed.After the eyelids opened slowly, a gleam of light flashed in the eyes, and then the divine sense opened and swept across the entire battlefield.

The next moment, he locked his divine thoughts on Demon Saint Bao Tan and Asura Saint Emperor Luo Que.After looking at it for a while, he said: "Wu Xiang has really troubled you all these years, but it's a pity that you have become so sad because of my affairs."

The expression on Demon Saint Bao Tan's face changed several times, first showing a relaxed look of relief, and then suddenly changed into a worried look.After thinking for a while, he opened his mouth and said: "Master Unknown has hidden his soul in the body of the law, but it has been hard for me all these years, but it is all in vain."

"Wuxiang, the dual cultivation of black and yellow that you practice is out of balance, no wonder it has become so extreme," Miao Dizi looked at his eyes and said: "Now it's too late for you to stop, since the remnants of good thoughts and souls are here today, why don't you hurry up?" Back to itself?"

Demon Saint Bao Tan was unmoved when he heard the words, his eyes turned to stare at the Wuxiang Canhun in the distance, and after a while, he seemed hesitant to speak.

But Wuxiang Canhun said: "The obsession in your heart has turned into paranoia. Now that you are in a high position, you naturally don't want to go back to the past. I heard that you often return to the Luotian Fairy Palace in the spirit world. It can be seen that you The obsession with Zongmen in my heart is still very important."

Hearing the words, the Demon Saint Bao Tan said angrily: "Do you know how much effort I spent to get you out of the body back then, how can I let you come back so easily today?"

After hearing this, Miaodizi showed a hint of disappointment on his face, and then stretched out his hand to cast a gray halo to cover the head of Demon Saint Baotan.

Apparently, the Demon Saint Bao Tan didn't want to sit still and wait for his death, and when the aura appeared all over his body, his hands interlaced and converged into two black auras in front of his chest.The two auras fused and flew out and turned into a cross magic blade.

The space in front of him was distorted, and the cross magic blade greeted him head-on with the gray aura circle.There were no violent fluctuations in the air, but an absolute space was formed within three feet of the area attacked by the two spells, and later the void opened and both were pulled in.

Yi Tian's divine thoughts passed by and found that it was Miao Dizi who shot, only to hear him sigh and say: "With your strength and my strength, if we fight here, this world will definitely be torn apart. This is not what I want to see. But Since you are stubborn, you can't tolerate me not taking action."

After finishing speaking, Miao Dizi stretched out his hand again and quickly drew the Dao Lingwen formation in the air, and then swept it towards the Demon Saint Bao Tan.In an instant, the spirit pattern engulfed the three of them, and Miao Dizi's figure flashed slightly, and he appeared in the spirit pattern the next moment.

Then he opened his mouth again and said, "Wuxiang quickly entered the battle, and I will be the teacher to help you reintegrate your spirit and soul."

Wuxiang Canhun who was standing beside him hurriedly bowed to Miaodizi and said, "Thank you for your help, master," after saying that, he pulled away and flew straight into the spirit pattern array.

After three breaths, a dazzling golden light flashed around the edge of the location where the spirit pattern was located, blocking Demon Saint Bao Tan, Dugu Lonely and Luo Qin inside.It's just that the three of them would sit still and wait for death. After winking at each other, Luo Qin and Dugu Lonely flew towards the edge of the magic circle.

Miao Dizi's target this time is naturally not these two people, and after looking away, he also stretches out his hand to point at them.In an instant, Luo Qin and Dugu Lonely seemed to have opened a door, and it was Miao Dizi who opened the door for them.

After the two met, they would still have the meaning of staying. This time, Miao Dizi also made it very clear that he was only targeting the demon saint, so the two could temporarily escape and ascend to heaven.

After the two of them entered the battle, golden light appeared around the spirit pattern again, and the interface that originally covered a radius of one mile shrank rapidly, and finally only maintained a size of one foot.

At this time, the formless benevolent remnant soul rushed directly to the Demon Saint Bao Tan from the position of the spirit pattern formation, and after the two merged, only a painful twist appeared on the Demon Saint Bao Tan's face.The originally flickering red aura in the eyes also gradually dimmed at this time.

At the same time, the body of Demon Saint Bao Tan also experienced drastic changes, and the real body of Heavenly Demon that had appeared before slowly degenerated back at this time.The dark golden demonic lines on his body faded from bottom to top, and the two huge horns on his forehead also shrank until they disappeared into his forehead.The skin color on his body has changed to that of a normal spiritual practitioner, and all the evil energy coefficients in his body have been absorbed into his body, and two interlaced spiritual powers of spirits and demons continue to appear on his body.

With the passage of time, the two spiritual powers on his body gradually tended to a balanced state, and the demon saint Baotan also lost the appearance of the demonized deity and returned to the state of spiritual cultivation.

After flashes of spiritual light all over his body, it finally faded away slowly. At this time, a Taoist wearing the clothes of the Luotian Xiangong sect appeared in front of everyone. His face looked like he was in his 30s, his eyes were tightly closed, and his forehead wrinkled as if he was enduring Great pain like that.

Yi Tian saw that at this time, the demon saint's violent soul should be fused with the formless remnant soul, but he didn't know whether the good thoughts overwhelmed the evil thoughts in his heart at this time or whether the evil thoughts were still controlling the body and mind.

At this time, Yi Tian found that the clothes on Uncle Wuxiang were exactly the same as his own, except that there were only four flame marks on the cuffs, which should be the identity of Uncle Wuxiang when he was the young suzerain.

After about a hundred breaths, Master Wuxiang slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, a trace of clarity appeared, indicating that the soul in his body should be fused together here.After seeing Miaodizi, Wuxiang hurriedly flew forward to meet him as a disciple and said, "Thank you, Master, for letting me return to my true deity."

Seeing this, Miaodizi showed a look of relief on his face, and then said: "It's so good, the obsession in your heart is too deep, and it will take some time to completely calm it down."

Wuxiang heard the words and hurriedly replied: "All the previous incidents were caused by me. Today, with the guidance of the master, it is natural to try to make up for them one by one."

Wuxiang turned his head to look at the people around after he finished speaking, his eyes fell on the big heavenly demon Dugu Lonely, he sized him up for three breaths and said: "Lonely you go, from now on you will be respected in the demon world, I hope you can Just take good control of the Demon Realm."

Dugu Lonely heard the words and hurriedly replied: "Does the Patriarch want to abandon me to wait for the younger generation? Lonely is willing to follow the Patriarch, there is no difference."

"The matter of the Demon Realm has been changed, but there must be someone to maintain order in the Demon Realm," Uncle Wuxiang said indifferently: "The Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit must maintain normal operation, and the Demon Realm is also a crucial element, so I entrust it to you." It’s because you hope you can treat it well.”

"Where does the master want to go?" Dugu Lonely asked tentatively.

"I will continue to practice near the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' so that I can break through the boundary and ascend to the fairy world as soon as possible," said Uncle Wuxiang.

As soon as this remark came out, Master Miaodizi showed approval on his face. To be honest, Master Wuxiang's identity is sensitive. Even if he returns to the sect of the spirit world, it will be extremely difficult to deal with himself. It is better to stay in the demon world and continue to practice. good.

And although his return made Yi Tian happy, but he didn't know how to get along in the sect from now on.

(End of this chapter)

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