
Chapter 2339 Dispatching

Chapter 2339 Dispatching
After helping Master Miaodizi's soul out of trouble, the situation on the whole scene completely changed.After escaping to the outside world, Master Miaodizi personally took the remnant soul of Master Wuxiang into the body of the Demon Saint Baotan.

Yi Tian knew that he had really returned to his original appearance this time after the demon saint Baotan faded away from the appearance of the demon himself and showed the appearance of spiritual cultivation.Although the Xuanhuang Dual Cultivation Technique that he practiced back then was somewhat biased, and the imbalance of the Xuanhuang Qi in the body caused by being trapped by the obsession of the heart created the emergence of a generation of demon saints.

Now it is a painful thing for Yi Tian that Master Wuxiang will come out first again. Once he returns to nature, it will raise the strength of Luotian Immortal Palace to an unprecedented height.But at the same time, because of his sensitive identity and what he has done in the past 5 years, it is very troublesome to say how the Zongmen can bring him back into the sect.

Now Yi Tian's identity is the suzerain of the sect, but when Master Wuxiang left that year, he was already the only candidate for the legitimate next suzerain.In this way, when he returned to the sect, he didn't know how to deal with himself.

Apparently, Master Miaodizi seemed to have realized this a long time ago, and then he opened his mouth and ordered Master Wuxiang to stay near the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' and continue to practice.As for the entire Demon Realm, it was handed over to the management of the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely.

According to Master Miaodizi's meaning, the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit is a complete big plane, and none of them is indispensable.If there is an imbalance in the Demon Realm, it will definitely affect the rest of the realms. This is a consequence that even Luo Tianxian Palace cannot afford.

Therefore, it seems to be the most reasonable solution for the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely to continue to manage the Demon Realm.

After dealing with these matters, Dugu Lonely in front of him hastily withdrew and left. At this time, he also realized the problem in front of him.Now that the Demon Saint Bao Tan has recovered his spiritual deity and will no longer manage the affairs of the Demon Realm, now the entire Demon Realm is his lonely world.

Among them, there is a one-eyed demon monk, Dutong, who is the biggest enemy, so he will resign for the time being and have to re-discuss the countermeasures with the seven demon clans.

After he left, Miao Dizi turned his head and looked at the Asura Holy Emperor Luo Qin in the distance, and then said: "Fellow Daoist Luo Qin, I never thought that your strength would drop to such a degree. "

Luo Qin stared at Miao Dizi in front of him for a few breaths before raising his head and laughing loudly: "Sure enough, Miao Dizi didn't expect that you were also cunning and scheming, and even hid your soul in the Dharma image, which caused us five It's been a waste of time for thousands of years."

Miao Dizi sneered at this remark and said: "It's not that I am scheming, I have already made this arrangement before I fought against Taoist Youxuan. Wuxiang is nothing, even if he fell into the devil's way, he wanted to wake me up , but you, fellow Daoist Luo Qin, have an ulterior secret about your intentions."

Luo Qin's face remained unchanged, but a stern look flashed in his eyes and he said: "Of course I have something to do. It is not an easy task for me, a true immortal from the upper realm, to descend to the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit."

"That's true. In fact, I was also very curious about your purpose back then. Now that you have put away your deity, you have used a spiritual body. I think the power of immortality contained in your deity has been exhausted. Okay," Miao Dizi said lightly.

"Hmph, you are so well-informed, you never thought you would even think of this step," Luo Qin said disdainfully, "Even so, so what?"

"Everywhere is your real intention. You must know that the Nine Worlds of the Upper Spirit are full of friends from my Luo Tianxian Palace. If all the worlds join forces and gather in the Asura Realm, I am afraid that even if your soul returns to the fairy body, you will not be able to escape. What's the benefit?" Miao Dizi said.

As soon as these words came out, the situation on the scene seemed to become extremely subtle. The Wuxiang Master in the distance had already blocked Luo Qin's retreat with a dodge.Although Yi Tian didn't do anything, with the presence of Miao Dizi and Wu Xiang, Luo Qin can be firmly defeated.

Shaoqing saw him sighing and said: "Miaodizi Taoist, do you really want to tear your face and break the casserole to ask the end? You must know that these are the secrets of the fairy world, and the monks in the Nine Worlds of the Spirit know less The safer it is, isn't it?"

"Being kept in the dark and being a fool is the greatest misfortune," Miao Dizi replied resolutely: "In any case, I have to find out the intention of that Taoist Youxuan to go down to the realm, and the true meaning of you, the Asura Heaven. Xianken's condescension to the lower realm must have a great secret, isn't it?"

"Actually, I was also forced to go down to the lower realm. If I hadn't violated the family rules, I wouldn't have fallen to this point." Luo Qin said angrily, "This time I also came to the lower realm for your Luo Tianxian Palace."

Hearing Miao Dizi who was present, both Wuxiang and Yi Tian's eyes froze. If this is the case, it is a matter for the three of them and they have to take it seriously.Afterwards, none of the three interrupted but locked on each other with their spiritual sense and waited for the next article.

Luo Qin sighed and said: "Do you know how many problems have been caused by the collapse of the 33rd heaven of Luotian Immortal Realm. A large number of inheritances and treasures of Luotian Immortal Palace have been lost to various planes, but most of them have fallen to the Supreme Spirit Nine Realms."

"To get to the point, I don't believe that the remains of the Immortal Palace left after the fragments of the Immortal Realm collapsed will cause your Asura Heaven to peep," Miao Dizi said.

"Sure enough, Jiang is still old and spicy," Luo Qin looked at his eyes and said: "In fact, there is news from Luo Tianxian Palace that after the collapse, the sect's most precious treasure 'Feixianyin' fell together, and the young master of the fairy palace It's also missing. If I can retrieve the 'Feixianyin' and introduce the reincarnation of the young master into the Asura Heaven, it will be a great achievement."

"So that's the case," Miao Dizi turned his eyes to Yi Tian in front of him, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Little did he know that at this time, Yi Tianniwan's seal in the palace suddenly made a move to hide himself and Yuanying.

Then Miaodizi turned to look at Wuxiang with a look of loneliness on his face and said: "It seems that your Asura's picture is not small, but it's a pity that the young master of the fairy palace doesn't know where he is now. .It would be best if he entered the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, but I guess he should be reincarnated into the lower plane.”

"I think so too, and I'm very curious why Luo Tianxian Palace collapsed back then, and the power of the fairy palace in Luo Tianxian Realm remained normal afterward, and few people pursued this matter," Luo Qin explained.

"You're right. From this point of view, something extremely important must have happened in the Luotian Immortal Realm back then, but now it's extremely unusual that no one in the Luotian Immortal Palace has gone down to look for it except Taoist Youxuan. Already," Miao Dizi said.

"I also want to know what happened, but as I am in the fairy world, I can't get access to the deeper core information," Luo Qin said.

"Well, since that's the case, I believe what fellow Taoist said, but how are you going to deal with yourself next?" Miao Dizi asked: "If you can't complete the task, you won't be able to return to the fairyland again."

Luo Tian's expression darkened slightly when he heard the words, what Miao Dizi said was right.His identity and position are different from the others present.For example, Miaodizi, Wuxiang or Yitian can enter the fairy world through formal channels in the state of Mahayana monks breaking through the boundary and ascending.But he couldn't do this. After all, Luo Qin was a sinner and couldn't return to the fairyland before completing the task.

That's why he behaved like this just now, Miao Dizi naturally expected what he was thinking when he saw it.Then he just said lightly: "Okay, then you can choose whether to go or stay. I don't want to place too many restrictions on you."

"I practice near the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' to greatly slow down the loss of immortal energy in my body, so of course I chose to stay here for a while," Luo Qin replied without thinking, "Speaking of it, if the spirit If there are any changes in the Nine Realms, you can directly notify me, if I can find the reincarnated person, it will be the time for my mission to be completed."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and waved the Dao messenger talisman to send it to the master.

After Miao Dizi took it, he nodded slightly and said, "Well, everyone understands this truth in your heart. Since our goals don't conflict, there is naturally a prerequisite for cooperation."

Then he turned around and said to Uncle Wuxiang: "So you and fellow Taoist Luo Qin continue to practice here. If there is anything important about the sect, you need to return in time."

"Disciple understands, master please rest assured," Master Wuxiang hurriedly replied.After Wuxiang finished speaking, he turned around and said to Luo Qin: "Fellow Daoist Luo, let's go." After speaking, he took off into the air and then flew straight to the distance.

Luo Qin sighed, then cupped his hands with Miao Dizi to signal, and hurriedly followed.

After the two left, the Beast Monarch Taoist and Wushuang beside Yi Tian looked at each other, and then they turned into auras and flew back to the beast-controlling pouch around their waists.That's all for the Beast Monarch and Daoist, but Wushuang's action was beyond Yi Tian's expectation.But after a little thought in my heart, I calmed down.

Later, I saw Miao Dizi turned his head and looked at himself before saying: "I accepted your love this time, Yi Tian, ​​and now that you are the new sect master, then I will retreat to the second line and become the sect master." Elder."

"The patriarch praised it absurdly, but the suzerain of the disciple is also an inadvertent mistake. Originally, the master Wuye was competent, but it is a pity that the master Wuxiang performed the 'good and evil Zen' on him after he entered the spirit world in a demonic body. Divide it into two people," Yi Tian explained: "If it comes to qualifications, the tutor is more qualified."

Miao Dizi said with a smile: "You don't need to refuse this matter anymore. With your current strength and achievements, it is safe to secure the position of the Sovereign of the Immortal Palace. What's more, if I am here, there is no need to be humble. "

"Patriarch, the name of Luo Tianxian Palace in the spirit world has long since disappeared. After Master Wuxiang left, the elders of the sect divided Luo Tianxian Palace after ten thousand years. It has been demolished into the present, Lihuozong, Feiyujianzong and Taiqing Pavilion," Yi Tian said.

"It doesn't matter, the reputation of the Immortal Palace cannot be shattered, and it is not difficult to erect the sect again in the spirit world with your cultivation base. In addition, Wuyuan, Wuling and Wuye will come forward. It is easy for five monks of the Mahayana period to raise the banner of Luo Tianxian Palace again," Miao Dizi said.

After hearing this, Yi Tian knew that the patriarch's will was no longer for him to refute, and now five Mahayana monks gathered in Luotian Xiangong in the spiritual world at the same time is also the unique strength in the entire Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit.

If the banner of Luotian Immortal Palace is displayed again, I am afraid that those high-ranking monks from other worlds will also come to worship after hearing the news.As for those forces without Mahayana monks sitting in the frontier, they will do everything possible to make friends with Luo Tianxian Palace.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian could only clasp his hands and reply: "The master's thoughts are clear to the disciples, so let the three sects unite to reproduce the prestige of the Immortal Palace."

A very happy smile appeared on the face of Master Miaodizi, and after three breaths, he said in a calm tone: "Actually, Yi Tian, ​​don't think that this is because I am trying to force others to make things difficult. There is a certain deep meaning in doing this exist."

"Please enlighten me, Patriarch," Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"Presumably you have been able to trace this far and you should have found the reason for the turmoil in the Immortal Palace, right?" Miao Dizi asked.

"Patriarch, did you mean that Taoist Youxuan came down to fight you for a reason?" Yi Tian asked back: "In fact, I always have a question in my mind, so I ask Patriarch to explain it to me."

"Think again about why I fought that Taoist Youxuan back then," Miao Dizi replied.

Yi Tian nodded his head solemnly and didn't ask any more questions.

Sighing, Miao Dizi seemed to be remembering something old. After ten breaths, he let out a long breath and said, "The Taoist Youxuan came down to the realm back then to find the remains of the fairy palace, and according to what he said, the fairyland of Luotian collapsed. It was also the intention of that great man to establish a place and then pass the orthodoxy to the lower realm."

"I don't know why?" Yi Tian said in surprise.

"I don't know the specifics, but one thing is certain that the Lord of the Immortal Palace has a secret treasure, and Taoist Youxuan came here just to find that secret treasure," Miao Dizi said.

"Is this secret treasure the 'Feixian Yin' that Luo Qin once said?" Yi Tian asked.

"I think it's this thing, but the 'Flying Immortal Yin' is also a status symbol, otherwise the real immortal avatar would never come to pursue it," said Miao Dizi.

"Since the Patriarch knew about this, why did he fight that Taoist Youxuan directly?" Yi Tian asked.

"Of course, the other party can't complete this task by himself after he descends into the realm, so he proposed to take over the entire Immortal Palace, and use the influence of Luotian Immortal Palace in the spiritual world at that time to investigate this matter," Miao Dizi said expressionlessly. Said: "Yi Tian, ​​do you know how the foundation of the sect can be handed over to others easily, not to mention that the sect of the Luotian Immortal Palace where Taoist Youxuan lives is a deadly enemy with our sect, so I will do my best to drive him back to the fairy world so as not to hurt him." Zongmen has more adverse effects."

Hearing this, Yi Tian's face suddenly changed. As the saying goes, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there are gangs and grievances.I didn't expect that there would be such a divided force in the sect in the fairy world.

(End of this chapter)

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