
Chapter 2340 News

Chapter 2340 News
Two rapid escaping lights in the air flew all the way in the demon world, and it was Master Miaodizi and Yi Tian who returned from the eyes of the demon world.After flying all the way, it flew straight towards the direction of the boundary gate.

Along the way, Yi Tian opened up his divine mind to explore, and then found that there was no trace of the one-eyed demon with one pupil in the area he passed by.Although my divine thoughts can cover a land boundary of [-] to [-] miles, at least one-third of the area in the demon world has been skipped this way.Naturally, during the period, they inspected the territories of the seven demon clans passing by along the way, but did not find any special abnormalities.

Even the big demon Dugu Lonely, who had retreated before, was not in the clan at this time, so he was probably busy searching for Dutong's whereabouts.

Anyway, when something happened here, the Demon Saint Bao Tan had disappeared, and was replaced by Master Wuxiang himself.Presumably there will be no more spiritual invasion battles in the entire demon world.A person like the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely knows the relationship between the two parties, and Luo Tianxian Palace's rise again has become unstoppable, so he doesn't need to touch eggs with stones to disturb the Zongmen's beard.

At the same time, several thoughts flashed quickly in Yi Tian's mind, and now among the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, it can be said that the spiritual world is the only one.With a total of five Mahayana cultivators sitting down, I am afraid that even if the rest of the worlds are united, they may not be opponents.

After the return this time, Master Miaodizi will re-establish the name of the sect, and he will become the person in charge of the overall situation on the stage.

But what he cares most about is not this, but the rumors about the Naluotian Immortal Palace in the Immortal World.If, as Master Miaodizi said, something happened in Luo Tian's fairy world back then, and the fragments of the fairy world collapsed and fell into the spirit world, it was also a pavement for the young master of the fairy palace, wouldn't it mean that he was the reincarnation of the young master of the fairy palace? Are you dead?

Ke Yitian is naturally very clear in his heart that his origin should have nothing to do with the Immortal Palace, but how to explain the seal in the Niwan Palace between his forehead and eyebrows.This object accompanied me all the way from the foundation establishment to the Mahayana period. After three to four thousand years, every time I crossed the catastrophe, I would cause myself a lot of trouble, and I didn't know what it was really useful for.

As if realizing something in his heart, Miao Dizi, who was flying in front, lowered his head and asked via voice transmission: "Yi Tian, ​​what are you worried about?"

"No, the disciple is just thinking about the encounter with the avatar of a true immortal in the fairy world," Yi Tian replied.

"Oh, you also have this experience, have you met any powerful people?" Miao Dizi asked.

Then Yi Tian briefly explained how he met Changsun Ting from Guangming and Wu Jue from Yutian in Hell and Netherworld.Miao Dizi had a thoughtful look on his face after hearing this.

Half a moment later, after I finished speaking, I opened my mouth and said: "I have never heard of the two you mentioned, but Guangming and Ziyutian should be lower planes in the fairy world. The 33rd floor of the Luotian Immortal Realm where the gate is located should be far away, but I don’t know where they got the news and they will search here.”

"Could it be that there are more than thirty planes in the fairy world?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

"There are more than thirty layers, the vastness of the fairy world is far beyond your imagination," Miao Dizi said: "And the many lower spaces connected to the fairy world are also numerous, just like I didn't know that there are hundreds of planes in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit so much."

After hearing this, Yi Tian gasped and showed an incredible expression on his face. According to what the ancestor said, it is unknown how many planes exist that are the same as the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit where he is.Then Changsun Ting and Wu Jue were able to lock onto the Lower Realm of the Plane faction's doppelgänger, so they must have identified something long ago.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian didn't express his opinion directly but suppressed his question for the time being, and then changed the topic and asked: "I don't know why the sect of the Luotian Immortal Palace in the Immortal Realm collapsed?"

"I don't know much about this matter. In fact, Feng Lingzi, the founder of the sect, seemed to have found some clues when he first found opportunities in the fragments of the fairy world." Miao Dizi thought for a while and said, "I heard that the sect of the fairy world collapsed. It was also deliberately done by those Da Luo Tianxians, the specific purpose is unknown, and the single stroke must have a deep meaning."

"It was done on purpose," Yi Tian showed surprise on his face when he heard the words. At first, he thought that this situation would happen after the existence of Da Luo Tianxian level fought, but now it seems that it is far from his own idea up.

"Don't guess too much at this time," Miao Dizi said with a sigh: "All these mysteries should be verified by yourself after you ascend to the fairy world."

"Why did I ascend to the Immortal Realm to investigate, don't you want to find the answer yourself, Patriarch?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

Miaodizi smiled slightly when he heard the words: "Speaking of which, my current cultivation level is higher than yours, but I am not as big as you are sure to be on the way to the ascension."

"Why is this?" Yi Tian frowned and asked.

"Because my body and spirit have been separated for 5 years, it will take at least my old age or longer to re-integrate into a perfect state," Miao Dizi said helplessly: "What's more, because of the years of cultivation In order to pull it down, the degree of condensing the black and yellow qi in the body is no longer what it used to be. Speaking of which, my cultivation base is in the middle stage of Mahayana, and my strength is also stronger than yours. So-so. These are all water-milled kung fu and there are no shortcuts, so I estimate that they will have to stay in this world for at least ten thousand years."

It would be good if Master Miaodizi could stay in the spirit world for the rest of his life, which would be equivalent to sitting here, so even Master Wuxiang would not be able to pull out any tricks.

As for how the Nine Worlds of the Upper Spirit will evolve after ten thousand years, it is not the result of my own concern. I will leave these matters to the descendants of the sect to deal with.

Anyway, my Luo Tianxian Palace has been settled for a long time in these ten thousand years, so I don't need to worry about it anymore.Unless there are other emergencies, such as the real immortal Taoist Youxuan from the Immortal Realm descending to the Realm again.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian asked again: "I don't know why I have seen those real immortals sending their clones to the lower realm these few times. Don't they dare to come?"

"That's not true." Miao Dizi thought for a while and said: "Actually, I have thought about this matter a long time ago. I guess the reason may be that these true immortals have been cultivated for tens of thousands of years. If it is just a clone If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed, but the real body will take a great risk in the lower realm, if unfortunately it is planted in the spirit world, but the soul will be destroyed and there will be no such body in the world."

"It's reasonable to do so. Those real immortal avatars in the lower realm are still easy to deal with. After being suppressed by the power of the interface, most of their strength has dropped to several levels," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"That's because you haven't seen a really powerful person," Miao Dizi said: "If it's true that those true immortal deities will be suppressed in the middle of Mahayana, even if you meet them, you have to deal with them .”

"I hope it's better not to meet each other. If those true immortals really come from the lower realm, I'm afraid something must have happened," Yi Tian sighed: "To put it bluntly, I don't want to get involved in the battle between the forces of the fairy world. Among them, with my current strength, I'm afraid I don't even have the qualifications to be an outcast."

"You're right, but it's a pity that many things are far from what we imagined," Miao Dizi sighed and said, "The monks in the spiritual world only know that we are already standing at the top of the cultivation world. In the eyes of those true immortals, they are just like ants."

Seeing the worried expression on Master Miaodizi's face, Yi Tian simply changed the subject and said again: "There is something that has been bothering me for several years, and today I can walk with Master Master just to ask you for advice."

"Oh, to make you have doubts means that this matter must not be simple," Miao Dizi said with a smile: "Let me explain it for you."

"It is said that the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit is the source of the yellow energy, but as far as I know, the two qi must complement each other. If there is an 'Eye of the Demon Realm', there must be The corresponding 'Fountain of Profound Qi'."

Speaking of this, Miao Dizi frowned slightly, then smiled and said: "You can even name this 'Fountain of Profound Qi', which means that you should have searched for a lot of information, right?"

So Yi Tian also showed a little embarrassment on his face. Speaking of which, he also found out the information about the 'Fountain of Profound Qi' from the depths of the imperial tomb of the Asura Realm.Although there is no exact mark on the stone wall of the coffin, Yi Tian believes in his heart that this matter must exist.

With Miao Dizi's reaction, he should also know the clues of this matter, not to mention that Yi Tian knew that there must be something strange about this matter after seeing the appearance of his master just now.

Then he nodded and replied: "I found this information from the location of Luo Qin's deity. Although there is no definite evidence left, the idea of ​​the 'fountain of profound energy' was also proposed by him."

Miao Dizi nodded solemnly when he heard the words, and replied: "This Luo Qin really has seen people and deserves to be called a demoted immortal who fell from the world of Asura."

"What do you mean by demoting immortals? Could it be that those true immortals who made a big mistake came to the spirit world?" Yi Tian hurriedly asked.

"What you said is generally correct, but the demoted immortals are not just true immortals who made mistakes, but some true immortals who were sent down in the immortal world to complete some special tasks," Miao Dizi said: "This Luo Qin is the latter."

"Sure enough, then he is also shouldering some kind of mission," Yi Tian said.

"It is true that he wants to receive the young master of Luo Tianxian Palace, but I think his purpose is not so simple, and Luo Qin's status in the fairy world is almost as powerful as a golden fairy. A person like him is willing to take such a risk. The lower bound is an intriguing move," Miao Dizi explained.

"So the master didn't deliberately embarrass him with his body of seizing the house, so naturally he still has some scruples," Yi Tian said.

"Exactly, otherwise, with his current strength alone, why would he be able to occupy the richest Asura Realm among the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, and the rest of the realms don't think too much about it," Miao Dizi said with a serious expression on his face. Se said: "Actually, those Mahayana monks in the Nine Worlds of the Upper Spirit know more or less about his details, so naturally they don't want to make enemies with him for nothing."

Master Miaodizi paused and said again: "Actually, the location of the 'Fountain of Xuanjie' has already been checked by Master Feng Lingzi when he opened up the sect. You only need to guess a little bit to know the exact location."

Hearing the surprised look in Yi Tian's eyes, according to what Master Miaodizi said, the most likely place in the spirit world is the location of Qingfeng Old City.That is the Zongmen mansion opened tens of thousands of years ago by Luo Tianxian Palace. If Feng Lingzi, the founder of the mountain, had made the right mistake, he would have chosen to open the cave near the 'Spring of Mysterious Realm'.Speaking of which, in the entire Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, there is no other place where the spiritual power is more intense than that.

"Qingfeng Old City," Yi Tian blurted out, "Besides this place, I can't think of any other place that is more suitable, but I have searched several times in Qingfeng Old City and there is no clue at all."

"I'm afraid Wuxiang will also send people to search in Qingfeng Old City, but naturally there is nothing to follow," Miao Dizi said with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Is it because of this that Qiu Yu, the Prince of the Demon Saint, occupied Qingfeng Old City?" Yi Tian was startled and immediately thought of this.Today, after listening to the words of Master Miaodizi, it was a moment of enlightenment. So it can be confirmed that the real intention of the Demon Sage Baotan sending the Demon Sacred Prince Qiu Yu to the spiritual world ten thousand years ago should be to find the 'fountain of profound energy'.

And Master Wu Yuan should have given up Qingfeng Old City directly after being notified in advance.It sounds like a catastrophe in the spiritual world, but it is actually a game between monks in the Mahayana period, or it is the patience of Master Wuyuan.

It's just that after thousands of years, Qiu Yu, the prince of the devil, still couldn't find what he was looking for, and he committed public anger by not leaving.In the end, Master Wuye and the two masters worked together to expel them all back to the Demon Realm.

Forgive me for not seeing that the two masters and the master didn't bargain with the Demon Saint Bao Tan afterwards, but in fact they still recognized Master Wuxiang quite a bit in their hearts, and everything became logical.

On the surface, this battle of demonic disasters in the spiritual world appeared to be caused by the invasion of the demon world, but in fact it was caused by the civil strife in Luotian Celestial Palace.It's just that such things can't be said to outsiders, at most it's just a tacit understanding between monks in the Mahayana period.

"Master said so, there must be a very strong seal outside the 'Fountain of Mysterious Realm'," Yi Tian asked.

"This was originally a top secret passed down from generation to generation in Luo Tianxian Palace. Although Wuxiang didn't succeed as suzerain back then, he heard me mention it before," Miao Dizi said with a look of loneliness on his face: "I was also I was thinking about the master's entrustment, so I didn't tell him directly, and I wanted to wait until he took over as suzerain before mentioning this matter. Now it seems that there is no need to do this, and I will entrust this matter to you."

Hearing this, Yi Tian was overjoyed, and hurriedly replied: "Thank you, Patriarch, for your favor, but this 'Fountain of Mysterious World' is originally the most blessed place in the spiritual world, and it seems against the law of heaven if it is only controlled by me, Luo Tianxian Palace. .”

"What you don't know is that although the 'Fountain of Mysterious Realm' is a blessed place, it is also a dangerous place. As the saying goes, blessings depend on misfortunes, and blessings come from misfortunes," Miao Dizi said with a sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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