
Chapter 2341 Zhang Zong

Chapter 2341
On the way back to the spiritual world, Yi Tian chatted with Miao Dizi all the way and found out that the "spring of profound energy" he was looking for was already collected by the ancestor of the sect in the sect residence of Luotian Xiangong.Moreover, the Devil Saint Bao Tan sent the Devil Saint Crown Prince Qiu Yu to invade the spirit world for the purpose of finding the 'fountain of profound energy'.

It's a pity that Qiu Yu, the prince of the devil, searched hard in the old city of Qingfeng for thousands of years but couldn't find what he was looking for, and finally retreated in defeat under the cooperation of the two masters and masters.

But this can also explain the situation when I saw Master Wuxiang again in the depths of Qingfeng Old City, I am afraid that Master Wuyuan at that time thought that he came to visit the old place because of his old love.But its real purpose is to search for the 'fountain of profound energy', but it has not been found after so many years. Needless to say, there must be an extremely secret way.

Master Miaodizi also mentioned that such a matter is related to the entire Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit. Even if Feng Lingzi, the founder of the mountain, found the "Fountain of Profound Qi" early in the morning, he only quietly passed the news to Miaodizi alone. That's all.

Now that I have succeeded as the suzerain of Luo Tianxian Palace, I am naturally qualified to know about this matter. After some explanations, Miao Dizi reached out and took the jade slips and sent them over gently: "I should let you know." I should have informed you about the matter. With your current status, you are naturally qualified to know about this matter. But it is up to you whether this matter needs to be rumored in the future. As you said, the things in the spiritual world belong to all monks, and the sect will occupy this matter. After that, it was also subject to a natural moat, so that it ended up falling apart for 5 years."

Unexpectedly, Master Miaodizi would have such an idea, presumably he also woke up with a new understanding after being trapped for 5 years.

I took the jade simple tent and checked it carefully in my hand. I saw that it was a map of Qingfeng Old City, which was roughly the same as the current one.Except for some buildings built in the past 5 years, the overall layout has not changed much.

So after Yi Tian's divine sense passed by, he recognized many details drawn on the map at a glance.Looking back carefully, Yi Tian knew in his heart why the Demon Saint Prince Qiu Yu and Master Wuxiang had evil thoughts and turned into Demon Saint Bao Tan after nearly a thousand years and failed to find the reason for the 'Fountain of Profound Qi' .

The location marked on the map of the jade slips where the 'Fountain of Profound Qi' is located is exactly the ground floor of the meeting hall of the Zongmen in Qingfeng Old City.It's just that when Feng Lingzi built Qingfeng Old City back then, he had already secretly set up a prohibition barrier, and set up the four prohibition nodes that opened the barrier in the major sub-districts of the four sects in the southeast, north, and west of the original Qingfeng Old City.

It's just that these land boundaries have long been abandoned by the sect as gathering points for major firms.But it is also a simple matter for Yi Tian to recall these territories, as long as Taiqing Pavilion comes forward to take back these territories one by one.As for the inscription patterns inside, they can be repaired afterwards.

The two walked all the way in the air, passed through the gate from the demon world to the demon world, and then turned to the spirit world.It was already three days after he set foot on the ground of the spirit world again.That is to say, monks in the Mahayana period can spend three days rushing back from the devil world to the spirit world.

Stable in the air, Miao Dizi couldn't see any joy, anger, sorrow or joy on his face, but a trace of sadness flashed inadvertently in his eyes.After staring into the distance for a few breaths in the air, he said with emotion: "I didn't expect that the spirit world has changed over the years, and such a big town of self-cultivation has been built near the gate."

"This place was originally an expedient measure when dealing with the remaining demons after the last demon disaster war," Yi Tian explained with a smile, and then slowly explained the reason in detail to Miao Dizi.

After he finished talking about Miao Dizi, he rarely showed a look of relief on his face and said: "Yes, your idea is indeed a little tricky. Speaking of it, no matter whether it is spiritual cultivation or demon cultivation, it will lead to the same goal by different routes, so there is no need to drive them all out. Back then The sect also made too many enemies in the spirit world, so that the sect had to be divided into three when Wu Xiang left, but fortunately, after 5 years of inheritance, it can still continue to this day."

"The patriarch is right. There is no sect that lasts forever. It is as strong as the Luotian Palace in the fairy world. It will not be involuted and cause the interface to collapse." Yi Tian smiled and said: "My spiritual world Luo Tian The same is true for Tianxian Palace, and it is always reasonable to divide and reunite again and again. And passing on the orthodox tradition is our primary task, isn't it?"

Miao Dizi also nodded frequently when he heard the words and replied: "You still see it thoroughly. Wu Yuan and others elected you as the new suzerain and they also chose the right person. From this point alone, it seems that you are much better than Wu Xiang. Wait After returning to the Zongmen, I will live in seclusion in the forbidden area and devote myself to cultivation. If there is no serious matter, I will never go out easily. This world belongs to you, but remember not to disturb the balance of the Nine Worlds of the Spirit. Once a certain plane is out of balance It will definitely have an impact on the remaining eight planes."

Knowing that Yi Tian was referring to in the master's words, he naturally agreed, and then took out the three jade talismans of communication, put them in his hands, and sent them out.After the three jade talismans were activated, they flew towards the distant sky in three directions.This was the first time Yi Tian acted as suzerain to pass on the three elders in the sect, and then he notified the sect to gather together in Qingfeng Old City.

After returning to the spirit world this time, Yi Tian naturally wants to introduce the patriarch Miao Dizi to the disciples, and at the same time adjust the forces in the Qingfeng Old City again, and it is necessary to firmly place the restrictions on opening the 'Fountain of Profound Qi' Control is in the hands of the doorman.

After doing this, Yi Tian turned and said: "Master, let's go to the Zongmen's residence. I believe that the three elders will notify the disciples to come together after receiving my summons."

"Okay," Miao Dizi nodded back.

The two of them immediately raised their sacrifices and flew straight towards the location of Qingfeng Old City in Taiqing Pavilion, suppressing the spiritual pressure fluctuations on their bodies along the way and galloping recklessly high above the sky.

Naturally, the cultivation base of the two monks at the Mahayana stage will not attract the attention of others, and even those monks at the Composite Stage cannot detect the whereabouts of the two.Flying all the way, Miao Dizi discovered the changes in the spiritual world over the years, and from time to time pointed to the cultivation towns below to inquire.Yi Tian also took the trouble to briefly explain the past history of these towns.

Hearing that, Miao Dizi's face showed a sigh of relief, and he naturally sighed again and again: "I didn't expect that in the past 5 years, the forces in the spirit world have become so fast through experience."

Yi Tian said with a dignified expression: "Ancestor Rong Bing, in fact, there are many things that have been separated and reunited in the world throughout the ages. For example, the powerful sects of Luotian Xiangong 5 years ago would have thought of splitting into three branches." The situation of Zongmen. Although the Zongmen’s luck is continuous and prosperous, the three veins can be united at the moment, but there is no guarantee that it will not be reborn in the future.”

"I understand what you mean in my heart. There is no long-lasting sect, even in the fairy world." Miao Dizi sighed and said: "Then according to your idea, how should the sect deal with itself?"

"The three branch lines watch and help each other, select the elite disciples to enter the main line, and pass on the orthodoxy of Luo Tianxian Palace is the right way," Yi Tian said.

Miao Dizi couldn't see any joy, anger, sorrow or joy on his face when he heard the words, but there was a trace of scruple in his eyes.Yi Tian understood in his heart the meaning of the master and wanted to reproduce the grand event of the Luotian Xiangong family dominating 5 years ago, but at present it seems that it is a big tree attracting wind, which may not be a good thing.

After thinking for a long time, Miao Dizi didn't have a definite answer, but said lightly: "When you get back, ask them what they mean."

Knowing that there is no conclusion on this matter for the time being, Yi Tian simply kept his mouth shut and didn't talk about it.

After the two of them flew in the air for half a day, they saw the location of Qingfeng Old City from a distance. After the outline of the city appeared on the horizon, Miao Dizi also showed a little excited expression on his face.

If you haven't come back for 5 years, people will always feel homesick.Although the state of mind has already been as firm as a rock during the period of refining the Mahayana, but at this time there will be a wave of waves.

After the divine sense came out, Yi Tian found that there seemed to be a large number of casual cultivators in the whole Qingfeng old city, but in fact, many middle-level monks of the three sects had already entered the city and secretly took over all the key places here.

In the depths of Qingfeng Old City, there are several powerful spiritual pressure fluctuations gathered there. Needless to say, it should be that the high-level sects rushed to them after receiving their summons.Those who can enter the meeting hall in the depths of Qingfeng Old City are all monks in the integration period of the three main lines, generally speaking, those people.

After returning to Qingfeng Old City, the two went straight to the deepest part of the meeting hall, and slowly landed and stopped at the main entrance of the meeting hall.At this time, several monks came out of the door in a hurry, and when they saw Yi Tian, ​​they all bowed their hands and said: "See the suzerain." But when they saw the appearance of Miao Dizi, they were all slightly shocked, even though they were in the Patriarch Hall I have seen Huaying graphics before, but this is the first time I have seen a real person, and I can't be sure for a while.

What's more, the fluctuation of spiritual pressure on Miao Dizi's body has been restrained, and he looks like an ordinary person.It's just that the three of them knew in their hearts that the Suzerain must have something extremely important to discuss in such a hurry to send a message today.It was only when Yi Tian succeeded as suzerain that they received such a summons like the previous time.

Moreover, the three elders of the sect also arrived one after another. Obviously, they did not dare to neglect after learning the inside story.

With a glance, he realized that it was Zheng Tingyun, Lu Jianling and Han Liu who greeted him before going out the door.There was a slight smile on his face, and Yi Tian moved the corner of his mouth slightly and simply told them Miao Dizi's name.

Shaoqing saw that the three of them looked shocked, and then their eyes hurriedly glanced at Miao Dizi in front of them, and then they were about to bow down.Miao Dizi said lightly: "This is not a place to talk, let's go in and talk."

Then Yi Tian took the lead and walked towards the main hall, Miao Dizi followed behind and missed half a body.Although he is the patriarch, Luo Tianxian Palace's sect has always upheld the suzerain as the first priority, and now that he has retired as the elder of the sect, he naturally knows to avoid suspicion.

This kind of action can be seen clearly in the eyes of the three people behind them. They naturally know that the sect will still be respected by the suzerain from now on.

After entering the meeting hall, Wuyuan Wuling and Wuye three people were waiting again, and when Miao Dizi came in, they all got up together and worshiped as a junior: "Welcome master to return to the sect."

"You have been interested in these years," Miao Dizi stretched out his hand and gestured lightly, and then walked forward and sat down in the vacant seat next to the suzerain.Originally it was Wuyuan's seat, but at this time Miao Dizi sat down and the three elders were also meaningless.

However, the eyes of the members of the combined body period who sat down below were brightened. It is a great honor to meet the second generation patriarch of the sect today.But seeing the posture of the patriarch, he knows that Yi Tian will still be the main one in the sect in the future, and the other four will not easily leave the gate to meddle in the sect's affairs.

Then after Yi Tian took his seat, he signaled all the disciples to sit down, and then simply told what he had seen and heard in the demon world in recent years.During this period, it is inevitable that Master Wuxiang will be involved.

When it came to the Demon Saint Baotan, Yi Tian found that all the people in his sect were in awe, and then he let everyone breathe a sigh of relief after telling him about his relationship with Master Wuxiang.

After all, the reputation of the Demon Saint Baotan is too strong, and now everyone is still a little terrified after hearing that he has returned to his original deity, but there are five Mahayana monks, and Master Wuxiang himself has no intention of returning to the sect. I was relieved.

Shaoqing only listened to Wu Yuan and said: "Since it is the best for Senior Brother Wuxiang to return to his true self, there will be no more major wars between the spirit world and the demon world. Finally, the Nine Realms of the Spiritual Realm will be clean again." gone."

"Wu Yuan, you are half right," Miao Dizi said with a smile: "The world is impermanent. As Yi Tian said, there is no long-lasting sect. Now leave a branch in the demon world. It is also the luck of the sect to have a lineage."

"I understand what Master means," Wu Yuan said, "But the sect still has to face the challenge of a true immortal descending from the fairy world. Together we must be able to properly resolve such a catastrophe."

Shaking his head, Miao Dizi said with a faint smile: "Although I don't know what form this matter will take, but the five of us may not be able to attack together."

"I don't know why?" Wu Ling asked hurriedly.

"Speaking of which, among the five of us, only Yi Tian has the most hope of ascension to the fairy world within ten thousand years," Miao Dizi sighed after looking around at the people present, "The rest, including me, are all due to time wasting even if they are cultivating. In order to be superior to others, but the determination left by this deity has been almost sapped. If you want to ascend to the fairy world, I am afraid it will take some twists and turns."

These words naturally awakened the three of Wuyuan. Although their cultivation bases were slightly higher than Yi Tian, ​​they were far from each other in terms of Dao Xin and aggressive determination, so Miao Dizi came to this conclusion.

(End of this chapter)

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