
Chapter 2342 Fierce Battle 1 Arrival

Chapter 2342 A fierce battle comes
The news of Miao Dizi's return in the spiritual world is not known to outsiders, and the three major sects in the spiritual world have not deliberately publicized this matter, and even high-level monks have kept their mouths shut.But the paper still couldn't contain the fire, and there was a gossip from the devil world that the suzerain of Luo Tianxian Palace 5 years ago had reappeared in the world.

Such explosive information quickly spread to every corner of the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, and even monks in the Hell Realm and Nether Realm in the Lower Three Realms knew about it.

As for the three major sects in the spirit world, there is still no major change and they are still operating normally. From the outsiders' point of view, the news from the demon world seems to be non-existent.

Originally, there were many other small and medium-sized sects in the spirit world, and I was relieved. Speaking of which, if the legendary figure returns, the integration of the three major sects will definitely squeeze the living space of the small and medium-sized sects. .

In this way, the harmonious situation in the spiritual world that was originally created is bound to be broken again.

After decades of maintenance like this, until the Mahayana monks from the Buddhist world and the demon world visited the spiritual world, they all expressed their friendship with the spiritual world for thousands of years.Although they didn't make a clear statement, anyone with a heart can see that their frequent gestures of favor to the spiritual world sect have already explained everything.

As for the lower three realms, there are also many monks in the integration period who came to visit from thousands of miles away, and after that, they tried every means to send the elite descendants of the clan to the three sects of the spirit world to become registered disciples.

For a while, the three factions in the spiritual world were all in the limelight, but they never acknowledged the news of Miao Dizi's return.

In addition, there have been many changes in the old city of Qingfeng. The several large buildings that were originally located near the four gates in the city were taken back by the Taiqing Pavilion and used as the residence of the sect.

Moreover, these places were garrisoned by disciples from the three major sects afterward. Its importance is self-evident, but casual cultivators from the outside world all guessed the exact intentions, but none of them could grasp the key point.

One day, nearly a hundred years later, a figure inadvertently walked past the resident of the four inner sects in Qingfeng City, and came to the deepest part of these buildings after avoiding the guards of the disciples of the sect.

When it turns out that the deity is exactly the appearance of Yi Tian, ​​after returning to the spirit world this time, he also promised that Master Miaodizi would try to open the "fountain of mysterious energy" after a hundred years of hidden cultivation.

Now that the time is almost up, Yi Tian quietly made a move after agreeing.At this time, Master Miaodizi had followed Master Wuyuan back to the forbidden area of ​​Taiqing Pavilion to meditate and not care about world affairs, and he was alone in Qingfeng Old City.

After reaching out his hand to activate the pattern here, Yi Tian found that a transparent spirit pattern appeared in the air.Needless to say, it is naturally the trace after the ban on the 'Fountain of Profound Qi' was opened.

Fortunately, after activation, the pattern here goes deep into the ground, so it didn't cause any significant changes around it.Yi Tian quietly withdrew and dodged away. After waiting for the node to come out, he looked back and found that a thin film of light appeared around the node to protect it.

After doing the same thing, Yi Tian activated the other three nodes in the city one by one, and then issued a message amulet to order the remaining disciples in the city to guard these four places strictly.

Afterwards, Yi Tian used his concealment technique to quietly return to the location of the meeting hall in the depths of Qingfeng Old City.According to Master Miaodizi's words, when the blockade nodes around the city are activated, he can try to open the blockade of the 'Fountain of Profound Qi' again.

After entering the meeting hall, Yi Tian opened the surrounding barriers to prevent unnecessary troubles caused by the overflow of spiritual energy, and then came to Neizhong's original seat.At this time, his eyes flashed and he saw a bright white aura flashing under the cushion, and a dazzling golden light shone from the futon he was sitting on, sealing the white aura below within three feet.

The suzerains of the Emotional Luo Tianxian Palace of all dynasties are sitting on the spring of this 'fountain of profound energy'.That stone futon is the last prohibition to seal the spring.At this time, it is like a cork blocking the exit of the 'Fountain of Profound Qi' below.

Going forward lightly, according to the method taught by Master Miaodizi, the seal in the hand shines a spiritual light on the stone futon, and then draws a bright white spiritual power from it.Seeing this, Yi Tian walked forward without hesitation, sat cross-legged on the stone futon, and directly began to absorb the spiritual power within it.

After this pure spiritual power entered the body, it turned into a turbulent spiritual tide and began to wash away the meridians in the body, and finally returned to the seal in the Niwan Palace on the forehead.

At this time, the seal seemed to be absorbing spiritual power unscrupulously, and as the spiritual tide continued to wash away, the golden seal script displayed on it became more and more bright.Yi Tian found that his long-lost cultivation seems to be showing signs of advancement.It has been less than 500 years since it entered the early stage of Mahayana.I am afraid that no one in Luo Tianxian Palace, including the founder Feng Lingzi, may be able to keep up with his own advanced speed.

This is the result of absorbing a lot of spiritual power from the 'Eye of the Demon Realm' and the 'Fountain of Profound Qi' that entered the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit one after another.At first, I still had some doubts, and I naturally had lingering fears about the consequences of the mismatch between the improvement of my cultivation base and the growth of my mood.But after thinking about it carefully, after studying the secrets of Buddhism, the power of the soul is far superior to that of the same level, and the cultivation of the state of mind is also improving with each passing day, so the advancement of the Mahayana stage can be so fast.

In contrast, I stayed the longest in the Mahayana stage above the initial stage of the previous stages of cultivation.

With the continuous absorption of spiritual power in his hands, Yi Tian suddenly heard the sound of 'Ka Ka Ka' coming from above his head.Looking up, I don't know when the ceiling of the upper hall of the meeting hall has opened a hole.Moreover, the opening opened to a radius of one zhang before it stopped when it could be seen by the naked eye.

What Yi Tian was puzzled about was why there would be such a change in the hall under the seal.After three breaths, I only heard the sound of thunder coming from above the sky.

At some point, a huge hole opened in the void, and a pitch-black light flashed inside.These rays of light devoured the light that was originally the day, and there were quite a few purple thunderbolts cruising among them.

Seeing this Yi Tian's complexion changed suddenly, it was obvious that this was someone who was going to cross the catastrophe.But when he reached out his divine sense, he found that there were no special monks in the thousands of miles around who happened to cross the catastrophe.His eyes glanced at the huge void above his head, and Yi Tian also sighed, thinking that he had never encountered such a powerful Lei Jie before.But looking back, Yi Tian felt a little embarrassed on his face. The thunder gap above his head was obviously directly related to the restriction enchantment that he opened the 'Fountain of Profound Qi'.

And in my impression, even if I survived the Mahayana stage of thunder tribulation, I couldn't match this general power.When he was wondering in his heart, he suddenly found in his spiritual sense that there were two spiritual pressure fluctuations similar to his own, rushing quickly from the forbidden area of ​​Taiqing Pavilion.

Needless to say, it should be Miao Dizi and Master Wuyuan, I am afraid that I have alarmed them by making such a big commotion here.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian first stopped the restraint in his hand, and then jumped into the air.After coming to the sky above the main hall, looking around, many monks in Qingfeng Old City seemed to have noticed something was wrong.Among them, some daring monks in the distraction stage who are highly skilled also flew forward, as if they wanted to check what happened.

At this time, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on Yi Tian's body undisguisedly let go, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Luo Tianxian Palace is doing business, and you all have to retreat. Where are the disciples of the sect, and quickly arrange for people to leave the city for refuge."

The coercion of the monks in the Mahayana period was mixed in the words, and the faces of the casual cultivators in the distraction period turned red in shock, and the spiritual power in their bodies was also shaken up and down violently under the power of the words.

Seeing Yi Tian's figure from a distance, many monks are still human.Some people directly reported their names, but the next moment they all realized the problem, and those shrewd monks turned their heads and fled to the outside of Qingfeng Old City.

It is already 'Mu Tianyan' who can see Mahayana monks today, not to mention that Yi Tian has already opened his mouth to chase away guests, so they naturally dare not have any intention of disobedience in their hearts.

As for those who were a little slow to respond, they also hurriedly retreated thousands of miles away under the urging of the disciples of the three sects of the spirit world.

The two rays of light flew to the sides of Yi Tian's back at the same time, and when the light faded away, Miao Dizi and Wu Yuan's real deities were revealed.Only Wu Yuan shouted: "Sect Master, what are you still doing here?"

"I opened the 'Fountain of Profound Qi', but I didn't expect such a big commotion," Yi Tian hurriedly replied.

After listening, Wu Yuan glanced down, and then turned to look at Miao Dizi who was beside him and listened to the following.When Miao Dizi saw it, he also showed suspicion on his face and said: "Why did such a situation happen, it shouldn't be."

"Did the Patriarch find something wrong?" Yi Tian asked.

Miao Dizi nodded and said: "I have activated the 'Fountain of Profound Qi' several times back then, but there has never been such a big battle."

Raising his head, Miao Dizi looked at the opening of the thunder calamity above his head, and then said with a serious expression: "The tribulation thunder of this intensity does not seem like someone crossing the calamity, but it is something I have seen in my long memory. Been in similar situations."

"I don't know what's going on?" Yi Tian asked.

"True Immortal descends to the Realm," Miao Dizi said with a pale face, "What kind of supernatural powers have you mastered that can be sensed by the Immortal Realm? Someone will descend in a short time."

Hearing this, Yi Tian's complexion changed suddenly. It is impossible to say that he has practiced any supernatural power. The only change in his body is that the seal in the Niwan Palace on his forehead has absorbed enough spiritual power and has become complete as before. At this time, it has slowly fallen into the hands of the Nascent Soul Spirit Body.

After Yi Tian Yuanying gently caught it, he suddenly felt that a huge amount of information was suddenly loaded into his head, or that some sleeping memories were awakened.

After recovering, Yi Tian's eyes showed a gleam of clarity, and he looked up at the sky, only to see that after the robbery cloud formed, a large number of purple robbery thunders rolled inside.A black spot appeared in Shaoqing's Jieyun, and after ten breaths, it rapidly enlarged in his eyes.After the black spot appeared in human form, it grew bigger and bigger, and finally fell to the top of the three people's heads before stabilizing in the air.

At this time, I saw Master Miaodizi's complexion solemnly popping out a few words from his mouth: "Taoist Youxuan didn't expect it to be you again."

As soon as this remark came out, Yi Tian's face tightened, naturally he knew the meaning of what the master said.Instead, the divine sense leaned out slightly and scanned the Taoist Youxuan above.I saw streams of light overflowing from his body emitting a series of colorful auras, shielding his spiritual thoughts from the outside, unable to carefully investigate the reality.

After passing his gaze, Yi Tian did see that the other party was wearing a standard Taoist robe, but it was not the costume of Luotian Xiangong in the fairy world.He held a dark black iron mace in his hand, exuding a strong evil spirit.His complexion is slightly darkened, but there is no trace of yellowness in his whole body, he should be a Xuanxiu.

I saw the other party's gaze stay on Miao Dizi's body for a few breaths, and then he said: "Miao Dizi, I didn't expect it to be you again. Last time you rubbed my avatar, you must have scratched a lot of price. After so many years I didn't expect that your cultivation has not degraded much, it seems that there are capable people to help you out of trouble."

After finishing speaking, his eyes glanced over Wuyuan beside Miao Dizi, and then landed on Yi Tian. After careful consideration, his face revealed a look of surprise: "I didn't expect that the person who helped you out of trouble was this kid. Look at your body Wearing Luo Tianxian Palace Zongmen's clothing should be the spokesperson of this generation."

Unexpectedly, the other party saw through his identity at a glance, and Yi Tian did not panic too much, but stared at Taoist Youxuan after scrutinizing him, and then secretly became alert.

Then the other party said again: "I see that you are also a famous person, why not you are going to ascend to the fairyland anyway, why not let me be the recommender. As long as you go to the fairyland with me to worship under my sect, you can live forever It will save you a lot of hassle.”

Yi Tian's expression relaxed, then the corner of his mouth twitched and said: "It sounds like Taoist Youxuan wants me to give me a ride, but as far as I know, all monks who ascend to the fairy world have to pass the 'World Misunderstanding Thunder Tribulation' It’s just a test, otherwise I won’t be able to pass the eyes of those immortal officials who are looking for the world. If I rashly go with fellow Taoists, I will be a black account in the fairy world. Speaking of which, this is really a big trouble.”

Taoist Youxuan was startled slightly when he heard the words, and suddenly showed an embarrassed smile.Immediately, his complexion changed again and he shouted sharply: "I didn't expect you, a spiritual practitioner, to know so much about the affairs of the fairy world. I really underestimated you."

At this time, Miao Dizi directly interrupted his words and asked: "Taoist Youxuan, why is your deity in the lower realm this time? Quickly explain why you came here."

"How long ago did you dare to talk to me like this, you must know that you are not worth mentioning in front of me with your strength, even if the three of you join forces, you will not be my opponent," Taoist Youxuan replied dismissively.

Yi Tian knew in his heart that what the other party said was right. Although he was a true immortal from the lower realms, his cultivation level was still there, and now he received interface suppression and his strength was probably at its peak in the late Mahayana period.But even this is enough to look down on everyone in the Nine Worlds of the Spirit.After the divine mind came out slightly, Yi Tian found that Uncle Wuling and Master Wuye were also rushing here at this time.This time when the sect encounters this great enemy, it is likely that only by gathering all the Mahayana monks can it suppress the opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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