
Chapter 2343 Fierce Battle 2 Surrounding

Chapter 2343 The Fierce Battle Second Siege
After Yi Tian returned to Qingfeng Old City, he stayed here to practice. It was not until he touched the bottleneck in the middle stage of Mahayana a hundred years later that he tried to open the seal of the "Fountain of Profound Qi" in the Deliberation Hall of the sect.

After absorbing a large amount of pure spiritual power, Yi Tian found that his cultivation was on the verge of breaking through the bottleneck. At the same time, the seal in Niwan Palace also slowly fell into Yuanying's hands after absorbing a sufficient amount of spiritual power.The 'Golden Seal Script' text on the seal also became clearer, so that Yi Tian also had some thoughts in his heart.

It's just that I didn't expect that after I came out like this, I would attract the attention of the fairy world, and suddenly opened a huge gap in the void above the Zongmen's deliberation hall.

Yi Tian came out of the meeting hall and flew into the air and looked up. At first he thought that there was a thunder calamity descending, but what he didn't expect was the arrival of a real immortal.

At the same time, Master Miaodizi and Master Wuyuan, who were practicing in the forbidden area of ​​Taiqing Pavilion, were naturally attracted by such a scene.After the two rushed over, they also recognized that the descended real fairy was the Taoist Youxuan himself.And this time the other party also swears that it is the lower realm of the real body, this situation is also unexpected for Yi Tian and others.

What Yi Tian didn't expect was that after the opponent fell down, he directly said that he would ascend to the fairyland as a premise to seduce himself.It's a pity that if it's not the case of the fairy world, I might still be tempted, but Yi Tian has traveled to several fragmented planes of Luotian Immortal Palace and knows something about the fairy world.

I still need to ascend to the fairy world through the righteous way, otherwise I will be a black account in the fairy world, and it will be extremely difficult to obtain resources to advance.

After he resolutely refused, Taoist Youxuan didn't seem to react too aggressively, but the anger on his face was already undisguised.Although he was suppressed by the power of the interface after he descended, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body remained at the peak in the late Mahayana stage, and he was not at all inferior to one-on-three on the scene.

But Yi Tian looked at Master Miaodizi's complexion, and saw that he didn't have much timidity at this time, and guessed that there should be a backhand.With his spiritual thoughts, he explored the area with a radius of [-] to [-] miles around Qingfeng Old City, and found that at this time, there were two powerful spiritual pressure fluctuations rushing here from the direction of Lihuo Palace and Feiyu Sword Sect.

Needless to say, Uncle Wuling and Master Wuye should be actively rushing after receiving the summons, and there are a large number of scattered cultivators in Qingfeng Old City below who are fleeing desperately. Become cannon fodder.Moreover, the spiritual pressure fluctuations of the four people above couldn't be restrained. This spiritual pressure alone has already overwhelmed the monks below the distraction stage.

While the four were talking, there was a breeze, the four gates of the old city opened, and a large number of people filed out of the city, and under the arrangement of the disciples of the sect, they all ran thousands of miles away.

I only heard the sound of 'whoosh' coming from the air, and the two lights arrived near the battlefield at the same time, and when the lights faded, it was Wu Ling and Wu Ye who were revealed.

After coming here, the two of them met Uncle Wu Yuan's eyes, then bowed their heads and communicated with each other through voice transmission in private. Later, they also showed surprise on their faces.

Master Miaodizi said with a serious expression: "Since everyone is here, then I, Luo Tianxian Palace, will have a good talk with fellow Taoist Youxuan."

"You guys want to bully the few with the more, but it's a pity that you have miscalculated." Taoist Youxuan said with disdain on his face: "Although you can cross the spirit world with your strength, to the true immortals, you are like ants. Today, I will show you the price you have to pay for disturbing the tiger's whiskers."

After finishing speaking, Taoist Youxuan stretched out his hand to sacrifice the iron mace in his hand, and with a "hoo", the fairy weapon flew out in the air and swung it at Miao Dizi.

The space that the fairy weapon passed by was distorted suddenly, and after a flash in the air, it was about to hit Miao Dizi's head.

A gray-white aura then rose from Miao Dizi's body, and then a palm-sized ring rose in his hand.After taking a breath in the air, it exploded to a size of ten feet, which was the change of gray-white chaotic aura injected into it. With a sound of 'ding', the two spirit treasures seemed to be evenly divided after one attack in the air, Miao Dizi's ring directly blocked Taoist Youxuan's iron mace.

However, Yi Tian could see clearly that Taoist Youxuan's random blow would require seven or eight successes from Master Miaodizi to block it, and the gap could not be made up simply by cultivation.

Miao Dizi's voice transmission came from Shaoqing's ear: "The four of you quickly went to the four boundaries in Qingfeng Old City to open the blockade and form a 'Four Sun Sealing Formation', and then cooperate with me to deal with this beast."

Wu Yuan, Wu Ling, and Wu Ye froze immediately, then withdrew and galloped towards the east, west, north, and east of Qingfeng Old City.Yi Tian also chose the location of the south gate without hesitation, flashed in the air and came to the sky in three breaths.

After the spiritual power in his hand was sacrificed, it was sacrificed on the south gate. After the spiritual light fell, the forbidden barrier on the south gate was activated. A red beam of light rose into the sky like a bright fire. It became more and more obvious below.

At the same time, the same red beams of light flashed from the east, west, and north.After the four beams of light converged in the sky, Qingfeng Old City was sealed off with four gates as the boundary.

In this way, people inside can no longer leave the city, and people outside the city can no longer enter.The power of the 'Four Yang Sealing Formation' jointly arranged by four Mahayana period monks is naturally astonishing.

But Taoist Youxuan in the formation didn't change his expression, he stretched out his hand to sacrifice the iron mace in his hand, and then slammed it on the light film of the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation'. The sound of 'bang bang bang' could be heard endlessly, and the light film of the 'Four Yang Sealing Formation' made a buzzing sound, but there was no sign of being breached.

After Miao Dizi saw it, he said in a deep voice: "Shoot."

Yi Tian, ​​Wu Yuan, Wu Ling, and Wu Ye shot at the four corners of the Siyang formation at the same time.The exercise sacrificed in his hands is naturally the strongest supernatural power passed down from Luo Tianxian Palace.In Wuyuan's hands, there are two cyan auras mixed with the power of space, directly breaking through the void, and attacking in the air one after another with leaps and bounds.

Taoist Youxuan showed disdain on his face, and the iron mace in his hand gathered into a black light screen three feet away in front of him. With a 'puchi' sound, Wuyuan's spiritual light hit the light screen and only made it tremble slightly, and then Taoist Youxuan increased the output of spiritual power in his hands to maintain the momentum.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Ling's Lingyao transformed into a thousand sword threads followed, his sword threads did not rush in as overwhelmingly as imagined, but only gathered into bundles and condensed into a thin strand of black threads.The black light screen that was about to hit the opponent instantly disintegrated into tens of thousands of undetectable slender light filaments.

The sound of 'Ding Ding Dang Dang' was endless, and countless rays of light were ejected from the black light screen.The sword thread fell in the Qingfeng Old City below, and the air exploded in an instant, flipping the ground for half a mile around, and the buildings within the inner range instantly turned into nothingness.

Unexpectedly, Master Wu Ling's sword intent is awe-inspiring, although it is condensed to such a small size, its power is astonishing.

Immediately after the thousands of sword wires were ejected, they plowed the hundreds of miles around the meeting hall below Qingfeng Old City. There was no intact building in this area except the meeting hall.

Obviously, Taoist Youxuan also seemed to be aware of the difference in the meeting hall, so he deliberately kept it aside and preserved it.

After Uncle Wu Ling made a move, it was Wu Ye, and he saw that two real flames of green and red were mixed together and turned into a golden yellow flame. Yi Tian recognized that it was the real fire of Liyan mixed with the real fire of Jiyang tricks.I have never seen the master make such a move, but I don't know how powerful it is.

The real flame in the palm left his hand, and the property didn't use any spiritual weapon, but just manipulated the supernatural power to plunder Taoist Youxuan.However, after the true flame passed over the black barrier, it disappeared directly into it.But Taoist Youxuan frowned slightly after three breaths, but shouted loudly: "You dare to destroy my celestial artifact. The skills you practice are really powerful, but it's a pity that you can't exert its power to the extreme without something to carry it."

After speaking, he drew back and took the iron mace back into his hand. At the same time, he sacrificed the spiritual power in his palm and forced out all the true flames surrounding the fairy weapon.

Wu Ye in the distance shook his head with a solemn and helpless expression. Although his move was prepared, it did not break through Taoist Youxuan's defense.

However, after passing by Yi Tian's divine thoughts, he found that the iron mace in Taoist Youxuan's hand seemed to have been injured by the true flames of his master Wuye. A lot of the fairy rhyme on it has been worn away, and it is not as strong as before.

Naturally, Yi Tian would not be soft-hearted, took out the Zixiao lamp in his hand, sacrificed the golden flame of the fairy spirit, and then held his mouth with one hand and chanted words, blowing out the breath of true energy.After the true energy left the mouth, it turned into a strong wind and blew through the wick on the Zixiao lamp, took out a strand of golden flame, and then tumbling in the air.It's just that my own actions made the Taoist Youxuan in the distance pay special attention, stared at him for a while and then said: "Burning God Jinyan, I didn't expect you to even practice this move, it really is a bit tricky. "

Before he finished speaking, a bright white ring slammed down on his face, but it was Miao Dizi who saw the timing and shot.The ring slammed down hard but was forcibly caught by a black halo. The iron mace in Taoist Youxuan's hand flew out of his hands at some point.

But Yi Tian knew that Taoist Youxuan was able to fight with one against five, and he was still able to fight with ease, which meant that the opponent naturally had something to rely on.And just now Taoist Youxuan didn't show any signs of defeat under the siege by everyone, it seems that he was thinking about countermeasures after taking a move deliberately.

The 'Burning God Golden Flame' in his hand quickly flew over the ring of Master Miaodizi.Immediately, the offensive on the ring exploded again and pushed the iron mace back step by step.

Taoist Youxuan's face froze when he saw it. He seemed to have realized the power of the 'Burning God Golden Flame' on it, and shouted: "You boy dare to destroy my fairy artifact. If you don't kill all of you today, I won't let go of my heart." hatred."

Having said that, the spiritual pressure fluctuation on Taoist Youxuan's body was raised again, and then he took out four pieces of mud and squeezed them quickly in his hands.After taking three breaths, he opened his mouth and spit out blood essence at the four pieces of mud. The blood essence contained a large amount of immortal energy, which had already splashed into the mud and then completely submerged in it.

Then the mud swelled up by itself and turned into the shape of an ordinary person, and the surrounding spiritual pressure fluctuated until the early stage of Mahayana.Obviously, this is the humanoid puppets sacrificed by Taoist Youxuan, but the strength of these puppets is also as strong as the Mahayana. In the early stage, Yi Tian was terrified, and thought to himself, "Could it be that the power of the real fairy has been grabbed to such a degree?" '

On the contrary, Miaodizi said solemnly: "If I'm not wrong, it should be a kind of treasure of the innate spirit treasure, and if it was brought down from the fairy world, it should be stronger. These four puppets of Xitu have at least [-]% of his strength. Handle with care."

Before Miao Dizi finished speaking, Taoist Youxuan said coldly: "You have good knowledge, but unfortunately you are still a little lacking. How can ordinary stone puppets be able to deal with these four people?" After finishing speaking, Taoist Youxuan took out four more After the Zhang Lingfu was activated, it was directly attached to the back of the stone puppet.

In an instant, the four stone puppets turned into the appearance of Taoist Youxuan after a great aura appeared around them.In this way, the spiritual pressure fluctuations of the five Taoist Youxuan appeared in front of them, but they were exactly the same, making it impossible to tell which one was the real body.

'Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh', these puppets shot in an instant, and flew to the crowd respectively, separating the situation one by one.Five Youxuan Taoists said at the same time: "This is a fair match, now let's start the second round with five versus five."

As soon as the words were finished, five identical Youxuan Taoists shot at the same time, and they raised the divine light in their hands to strike at the opponent in front of them.

Naturally, Yi Tian and the others did not dare to make too much of a big deal, and sacrificed all the magical powers at the bottom of the box in their hands.God knows that is Taoist Youxuan's real deity, and the supernatural powers and auras of these five people are generally the same. We can't start from these two aspects to check the truth, and we can only judge by the strength of the supernatural powers after no moves are made.

There were five supernatural power attacks in the air for a moment, and the aftermath of the spiritual pressure produced by the interlaced exercises made the surrounding 'Four Yang Sealing Formation' buzz again.And this time it lasted more than twice as long as the last time.

"The one in front of you is the puppet body." After fighting, Yi Tian found that although his opponent's moves were powerful, they were far from reaching the stage of the late Mahayana stage.Turn over the Zixiao lamp in his hand to activate Yanlong's Aojian's kung fu, turning the fairy golden flame in the lamp into a five-foot-long flaming sword, facing the opponent's aura and striking it away.

After the sound of 'Zizzi', the aura of the opponent was directly split and hit its defensive shield.It's just that I can't break through the protective shield around him no matter what.

On the other hand, the other people didn't stay behind after a blow, but their supernatural powers were far inferior to their own, and the judgment was judged in a short time.

Master Wu Yuan and Master Wu Ye were evenly matched with each other under one blow, but Master Wu Ling was knocked back more than ten feet before he stabilized his figure.At the same time, a trace of blood flowed faintly from the corner of his mouth, and he opened his mouth and said, "This is the real body."

(End of this chapter)

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