
Chapter 2344 Fierce Battle 3 Fierce Fight

Chapter 2344 The Fierce Battle Three Fierce Fights

Taoist Youxuan, the true immortal deity who descended from Qingfeng Old City, and the five Mahayana monks from Luotian Immortal Palace faced off and did not lose the wind in the slightest.Moreover, he also took out the spiritual breath soil and fused his own true blood to create four identical puppets after casting the spell.

After the four puppets absorbed the true blood from Taoist Youxuan's mouth, their bodies became astonished and fluctuated just like the deity. Although their strength was not as strong as in the late Mahayana period, they still pretended to be so successful that Taoist Youxuan mixed in. After that, no one can distinguish the location of his real body.

In the ensuing confrontation, Taoist Youxuan's true self actually got involved directly, and then attacked Uncle Wuling secretly.It is obvious that Taoist Youxuan's eyesight can make a correct judgment on the cultivation of the five people in front of him at the first time.

Among them, Miao Dizi is the strongest, followed by Yi Tian and Wu Ye who are on par, and Wu Yuan and Wu Ling are at the bottom.Among them, Wuyuan is good at spatial supernatural powers, and it should be more than enough to protect himself in a fight, so Taoist Youxuan naturally fixed his eyes on Wuling.

Although Wu Ling's sword intent is awe-inspiring, he mainly focuses on attacking and killing, but he is far worse than Wu Yuan in terms of defense, which also makes him the primary attack target.

Thinking about it, Taoist Youxuan is not a fool. Although his real body is extremely powerful in the lower realms, he is also very effective in choosing the weakest person as a breakthrough point under siege.

After one move, Wuling's face flushed as if he had suffered a big loss, and at the same time, the fluctuation of spiritual pressure on his body became extremely disordered immediately.Taoist Youxuan didn't intend to let go of the blow, and after the aura flashed all over his body, he sacrificed the iron mace again and drew several circles of light in the air.Then several colorful halos flashed and bombarded Wuling in the distance.

The light spheres formed by the colorful halos passed through the void, and then rippled frequently, separating the surrounding space.Wu Ling was shocked when he saw this, he already knew the gap with Taoist Youxuan with the one move just now, so naturally he didn't dare to hold back when he saw the opponent make another move.

After the spirit sword in his hand was sacrificed again, it was intertwined into a huge golden spirit sword light net. Facing such a powerful move, he naturally did not dare to withdraw and dodge.In fact, after being locked by the opponent, no matter how you escape, it is futile, but since the hard connection obviously does not work, you can only deal with it with a soft landing.

As for the other four people who were entangled by Taoist Youxuan's puppets, it was difficult to extend a helping hand for a while, Wuling gritted his teeth, swung the spirit sword in his hand, and then manipulated the sword net to lay three defenses in front of him.

The sound of 'Zrazla' sounded. Those colorful balls of light had already hit the defense of the Daojian net, and then they easily broke through the first line. They paused slightly on the second line of defense, and [-]% of them were blocked. , and the rest directly hit the last layer of sword net after breaking through.

'Bang, bang, bang', under the burst of colorful light in the sky, Wuling stopped most of the colorful light balls that were attacking.But Taoist Youxuan on the opposite side smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and in an instant, a seven-colored aura broke through the final defensive net and hit Wuling directly in front of him.

Wuling knew that there was no way to avoid it, so he could only draw back the spirit sword and reopen the Daojian net defense in front of him, and at the same time put up a defensive cover on his body.

With a loud bang of 'coax', a colorful halo erupted in the air less than ten feet away from Wuling, and the huge spiritual pressure fluctuation directly shook it back a hundred feet before he could barely maintain his figure.At this time, Wuling was in a state of embarrassment, and after being overturned by the wave of spiritual pressure, he finally adjusted after somersault.The chest was heaving rapidly, and a large amount of blood oozes from the corner of the mouth, which is obviously injured by the shock.

Although he is still in the air, his combat power is only about [-]% of his peak state at this time.But even so, Taoist Youxuan didn't seem to be planning to release the water, and after a slight shake of his body, it turned into a golden aura and rushed towards Wuling's face.Two colorful auras were sacrificed on each of the hands and then merged into a halo of ten feet in size. It seemed that Wuling was going to be dealt with with one move.

After sending out the colorful halos from both hands, they attacked Wuling's face again with a whistling sound. This time Taoist Youxuan was determined to cut off one of his fingers first to lead the situation to his advantage.

After the colorful light ball flew by, it flashed in the air a few times and came to Wuling.But when he was about to strike at its protective cover, suddenly a huge crack opened in the void in front of him, which was as wide as three feet and instantly absorbed the ball of light into it.

At the same time, there was no figure of Wu Ling at the position where Wu Ling was originally located. Instead, Wu Yuan was standing in the air, casting a secret technique in his hand to open the Sumeru space and then introducing the colorful light ball into it.

"It turned out to be the 'Flying Thunder Seal'. I didn't expect you to have made enough preparations to deal with it with the space magic power of Luotian Immortal Palace. It seems that I really underestimated you," said fellow Taoist Youxuan with a look of regret on his face. .

Wu Ling's figure appeared above Wu Yuan's original position. It was Wu Yuan who used the flying thunder seal to exchange the positions of the two in an instant, and then opened the gap in the space to forcefully catch the opponent's colorful aura .

Just when Taoist Youxuan was about to chase after him fiercely again, he heard a huge roar coming from the sky in the distance.Turning his head to see that it was Miao Dizi who shot and exploded the Xiyang puppet in front of him, and then he withdrew and rushed towards here.

After three breaths, his figure flashed in front of Taoist Youxuan, and then Miao Dizi said: "The grievances between you and me should always be understood."

"Just because of you, back then when you were lucky enough to force my avatar back, I was so arrogant. Originally, I wanted to keep you in the end. Now it seems that you are so impatient, then I will fulfill your wish," You Xuan After finishing his speech, the Taoist made seals in his hands and nodded towards the four clay puppet clones in the distance.

In an instant, the four clones flew back behind him and retracted to Xi Yang again, and then the spiritual power in his hands was injected again, and Xi Yang flew to Taoist Youxuan to cover the surface, turning into a mud armor.

Miao Dizi in the distance froze when he saw it, but he blurted out: "This is the 'Xi Rang Battle Armor', the person who can display such supernatural powers should be the true immortal of Xian Zhi Garden in Luo Tian Xian Palace, you What is the purpose of repeatedly going down to the realm?"

Taoist Youxuan was stunned when he heard this, and then he sneered: "Sure enough, you are the descendant of the spiritual world sect, and you have some knowledge. I didn't expect you to not only inherit the orthodoxy of Qishe, but also have some influence on other branches of the sect. learn."

"The true inheritance of Luo Tianxian Palace is naturally incomparably vast, but I didn't expect people from the same clan to fight each other like this," Miao Dizi said heartbroken.

"Hmph, people of the same clan also have grades. Your Qi Society thinks you are extremely noble, but after the first one left, the tree fell and the monkeys scattered. Back then, I knew that your Qi Society's inheritance is the number one in the fairy palace. Now It's a pity to be inherited by you guys but not be able to display the real power," fellow Taoist Youxuan said disdainfully.

"You dare to despise my sect's orthodoxy. Even the true immortals in the upper realms cannot desecrate this matter," Miao Dizi said, and his spiritual power suddenly increased a bit, as if he had directly passed the middle stage of Mahayana and entered the later stage.

It's just that he didn't make the Taoist Youxuan in front of him show any timidity. On the contrary, he joked: "You are only gaining temporary strength by forcibly overdrawing your potential to improve your cultivation base, not to mention that you are still slightly inferior compared to me."

"That's what I said, but I still have so many disciples to help. It's not like you, as a fairy official of Xunjie, went down to the realm privately. If you fight here and cause other officials in the fairy world to look at you, I'm afraid you will not be able to escape the crime of dereliction of duty. " Miao Dizi said angrily.

Hearing Taoist Youxuan's face that had not changed for a long time was also moved. He stared at Miao Dizi in front of him for a while and said: "I didn't expect you to have such insight. It was beyond my expectation. This time It is true that I am taking a great risk in the lower realm, but your calculations will also come to nothing, I will be able to solve you all before other realm-seeking immortal officials pay attention to this place."

Having said that, Taoist Youxuan sacrificed the iron mace in his hand after a large amount of spiritual power gathered in his body.In an instant, countless colorful rays of light flashed, and then the iron mace swung across the air, raising hundreds of colorful halos, illuminating the surroundings and attacking indiscriminately.

The sound of 'Boom, Boom, Boom' resounded continuously in the 'Siyang Sealing Formation', obviously Taoist Youxuan wanted to use this to completely destroy the sealing formation.

Miao Dizi's complexion changed suddenly. If Taoist Youxuan broke through the formation here, no one in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit would be able to stop him.At that time, the entire Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit will succumb to Taoist Youxuan. After thinking about it, Miao Dizi lowered his head and said in thought: "You four stabilize the big formation, let me fight with it first, and you will sweep the formation for me."

After all, they didn't care how the four of them responded. They jumped forward and raised the ring on their hands, only to see that after the chaotic spiritual power of black and white was injected, the ring suddenly exploded to a size of three feet, whistling across the air and shining on the ghost. Taoist Xuan knocked on the door.

"Well done, I want to see how much power your 'Qian Kun Circle' has grown after 5 years have passed," Taoist Youxuan said with a face full of disdain.

After speaking, the iron mace in his hand was sacrificed and wrapped in colorful rays of light, he went straight to Miao Dizi's ring.

The sound of 'Zlazila' was loud, and the two spirit treasures attacked fiercely in the air, but they did not have the huge momentum as imagined.On the other hand, the two of them had already reached the pinnacle stage in manipulating spiritual weapons. Although they didn't provoke a strong attack after each shot, the spiritual pressure fluctuations had already created several ripples in the void.

In some slamming positions, it is like smashing the void and opening a space crack, and it returns to its original state after three breaths.

Yi Tian and Yuanyuan saw it clearly, but the anxious look on their faces gradually deepened.It is obvious that Taoist Youxuan has always taken the initiative and the upper hand after fighting against Master Miaodizi.It is obviously due to his strong strength, but although Master Miaodizi used the secret technique and supernatural powers to fight against the opponent for a while, it is not a long-term solution.

As time goes by, it's just that after more than [-] moves, it is obviously at a disadvantage. Although it can be maintained, it is already at the end of its strength.

The other three people in the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation' naturally saw the truth when they saw it, and then they all lowered their heads to breathe, and the aura in their hands lit up again, coincidentally, and struck at Taoist Youxuan again.

The four supernatural powers flitted across from four directions and attacked Taoist Youxuan with all their strength, but the opponent seemed to completely ignore the attack.He just stretched out his hands to make a seal to sacrifice the soil armor on his body.In an instant, the breath soil swelled up like an inflated ball, forming a Dao breath soil barrier within a range of three feet around Taoist Youxuan.

There were four "bang bang bang" sounds in succession, and the four people's supernatural powers bombarded the barrier, but the attacks seemed to be blocked by the barrier.

On the contrary, Taoist Youxuan in Neizhong turned around and looked at the distance meaningfully, which was in the direction of Yi Tian.Just now, under the attack, only three slamming sounds were heard, but Yi Tian's supernatural power disappeared directly after entering the breath soil.The next moment, Taoist Youxuan's face was horrified and he said: "You dare to use your strength to fight, kid."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that Xi Yang's armor could not shrink back.At the same time, countless green vines grew on the surface of the soil defense, and the tops were all pink buds. They were the ghost-faced flower vines in the Asura world.

Just now, Yi Tian mixed the ghost face flower seeds into his magical powers, and after breaking a small gap in the soil, he sent the ghost face flower seeds in.

After absorbing the immortal energy in the soil, the ghost-faced flower exploded rapidly and instantly covered the opponent's soil defense with a thick layer of ghost-faced flower vines.

Before Taoist Youxuan could react, a bright green flame from the distance flew over and directly ignited the ghost-faced flower vine.It was Wu Ye who took the initiative to control the true flame to flow countercurrently along the vine veins and directly penetrate into the defense of the soil.

A wave of spiritual pressure ripples appeared in the air, and the defense of the spiritual breath soil was broken in an instant, revealing Taoist Youxuan in a mess.It's just that before he could make a move, he saw a three-foot-sized light wheel coming towards him.

This is Miao Dizi who saw the shot, and after Yi Tian and Wu Ye teamed up to break through the opponent's defense, they stared at the hot pursuit one after another without giving them a chance to breathe.A stern look flashed in Taoist Youxuan's eyes, and then he raised his iron mace and opened his mouth to spit out real blood.After the iron mace was stained with real blood, its spiritual power suddenly flourished.Then I saw him throwing the iron mace into the air, and muttering something in his mouth: "Change."

In an instant, the iron mace decomposed into tens of thousands of tiny colorful rays of light, and slammed them on the "Qian Kun Circle" in front of it. Direction hit straight to go.

For a moment, the light film of the entire 'Four Suns Sealing Formation' shook violently again, and one of the four nodes seemed to be in a state of violent shaking due to lack of spiritual power.After a closer look, everyone found that it was the position guarded by Wu Ling.

At this time, although he resisted the attack with the help of the power of the great formation, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body dropped sharply. Obviously, it was still affected by the surprise attack by Taoist Youxuan just now.If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it will be difficult to maintain the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation'.

(End of this chapter)

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