
Chapter 2346 Fierce Battle 5 Reinforcement

Chapter 2346 The Fierce Battle Five Reinforcements
During the siege of Taoist Yu Youxuan, Master Miaodizi used his secret magical powers to break through the opponent's defense and let him reveal himself, suppressing the enemy's momentum for a while.

But this kind of forcible improvement of cultivation level also has great disadvantages. After Miao Dizi made a move, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body dropped sharply, so that his cultivation base could not maintain the appearance of the middle stage of Mahayana.Although he took a lot of elixirs to replenish the spiritual power that was about to dry up, his appearance seemed to have aged several decades in an instant, showing an appearance of more than 60 years old.

Although Miao Dizi can still fight again, the fluctuation of spiritual pressure on his body is also sharply unstable. It is impossible to say that even if he can win this battle, it will take at least thousands of years of hard work for him to return to his peak state.

However, Yi Tian and the three of them made Taoist Youxuan tired of dealing with it, especially the real fire of his own life, 'Lei Yan Zi Yan', which made the other party mistakenly think it was the 'Tu Rate Purple Flame' taken from the fragments of the fairy world. Flame' real fire.

Yi Tian neither admits nor denies this, anyway, let this misunderstanding continue, at least now it seems that the situation is quite beneficial to him.

After casting the 'Thunder Flame Purple Flame', Yi Tian shot angrily, Taoist Youxuan waved the 'Mian Shui Banner' one after another not to be outdone, and immediately summoned a stream of turbid water to protect himself, then roared towards the opponent .

At the same time, Wuye and Wuyuan shot at the same time to attract Taoist Youxuan's attention, so that he could not concentrate on fighting Yi Tian and distract his spiritual power output.

Sure enough, such actions really caused Taoist Youxuan an extremely headache. Apart from facing the extremely difficult fire dragon transformed by the 'Doushi Ziyan', he also had to devote a lot of energy to defend against the invasion of the other two magical powers.

With a sound of 'coax', the two blue and purple magic powers in front of them attacked each other, and the stalemate was only maintained for a few breaths. After that, the blue water dragon was suppressed.

Seeing this, Yi Tian hurriedly waved the 'Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan' again several times to strengthen his fire dragon attack by three points.Hearing the sound of a dragon chanting in the air from the fire dragon's mouth, the purple fire dragon mercilessly swallowed the water dragon in front of him, and then directly swallowed Taoist Youxuan's figure into its belly.

'Crackling crackling crackling crackling crackling' sound of burning flames sounded, only to see that the purple true flame gathered in the air into a three-foot-sized fireball.But within three breaths, a blue light flashed from the middle, and then the light became more and more flickering, and finally broke through the fireball and broke through to escape from one side.

Needless to say, it was the Taoist Youxuan, but at this moment, except for the place covered by the armor, no part of his body was intact.The hair of the whole person stood upside down like a fried chicken coop, and the skin that had been burned by the 'Lei Yan Zi Yan' showed a pitch-black color, as if it had been scorched.

Only the iron mace in his hand was still shining with golden light, and then the shining golden light split into two and turned into two golden dragons in the air.

Unexpectedly, Taoist You Xuan would be able to fight back immediately after being hit so hard, not to mention that he also saw that the persimmon was going to be soft.Right now, he can't cause direct damage to Yi Tian, ​​so he will cut off his wings and deal with Wu Ye and Wu Yuan first.

The golden light accompanied by the two loud bangs of "bang bang" was dazzling, and the robbery clouds above the head originally shrouded the place and turned it into a night, but at this time, it seemed that two suns appeared in the sky, covering Qingfeng Old City with a radius of thousands of miles. It shines like daytime.

Yi Tian, ​​who was illuminated by the dazzling golden light, couldn't look directly at him, but after opening his divine sense, he scanned around and found two figures flying out of the bursting halo.It was Wu Ye and Wu Yuan, but their situation was not good at this time.

Wuye's body was in a state of embarrassment, and a little blood oozed from the corner of his mouth, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body were chaotic, and it seemed that he was injured by the aftermath of the explosion just now.On the other hand, Senior Uncle Wu Yuan was relatively better, except that his spiritual power was a bit disordered, he didn't hurt the inner palace, but his face was flushed, it seemed that he had overdrawn his spiritual power due to some powerful magical power and secret technique just now.

After flying away, I only heard Wuye's voice transmission: "The golden dragon transformed from the iron mace in the hands of Taoist Youming is really powerful. I was injured by it and the inner palace needs a hundred breaths to recover. During this period, you have to fight for a while."

Knowing the priority of the matter, Yi Tian hurriedly nodded and replied: "Master, don't worry, I will fight with him first."

Just as he was talking, Taoist Youxuan from afar suddenly attacked again, and this time his target was the surrounding 'Four Yang Sealing Formation'.The golden dragon transformed from the two iron maces in his hand flew out roaring again, and slammed at the red formation light film fiercely.

After the two 'boom boom' sounds, the surrounding light film barriers shook violently again, and they seemed to be on the verge of collapsing and almost shattered.

Suddenly a flash of light flashed again, and Yi Tian saw with sharp eyes that it was Master Miaodizi who flew to a barrier point and forcibly maintained the formation barrier under the auspices of it.It's just that he spat out two mouthfuls of blood one after another, it seemed that old wounds were not healed and new wounds were added.

It's just that even though he manipulated the halo of the formation around him like this, he still couldn't return to normal state, and suddenly another flash of spiritual light flashed, and it was Master Wu Yuan who flew near another node.

With both hands quickly forming seals, he started to maintain the formation, but saw the red light film of the enchantment flashed a few times before slowly stabilizing.

Originally, the formation was maintained by the four of them, but after Master Wuling conspired to control it, it seemed a bit powerless. Now with the help of Miao Dizi and Wu Yuan, it can be considered to be maintained again.But at the same time, the two of them were temporarily unable to help themselves.

At this time, Yi Tian knew very well that no one would be able to help before his master Wuye replied with a hundred breaths. Even though his 'Lei Yan Zi Yan' could restrain the opponent, the gap in cultivation could not be ignored.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw a ray of light flying towards his position in the sky.It was as if Dunguang was black all over his body, and his escape speed was extremely fast, which was almost comparable to his own.

Miao Dizi showed a rare smile and said: "Reinforcements finally came."

Immediately, Yi Tian stretched out his divine sense to investigate, and his face showed surprise.The person who came was actually Uncle Wuxiang, but at this time, the spiritual pressure fluctuations around him did not show the slightest restraint, directly revealing his cultivation in the middle stage of Mahayana.

What's more, he still used the demon avatar to urge him to come forward. The spiritual practitioners along the way were naturally shocked when they saw it, but none of them dared to step forward to stop him.

There was a three-foot-long gap outside the 'Siyang Sealing Formation', and Master Wuxiang rushed all the way to enter the large formation through this gap.

After skimming through the air, it stopped in the air hundreds of feet away from Yi Tian, ​​and after the light faded, the demon transformed into a real body.At this time, Taoist Youxuan, who was staring solemnly at the faceless face, looked at Taoist Youxuan and blurted out: "I haven't seen you for 5 years. I didn't expect you to be in the real world."

"I don't know who it is, it turned out to be the little ghost back then," Taoist Youxuan said without any fear: "I remember that you were only a bystander at the bottom, why do you want to get involved today, not even your master My opponent is not to mention you."

Master Wuxiang opened his mind and swept across the battlefield, taking a full view of the current situation on the scene, but the corner of his mouth twitched slightly and said: "You are very powerful, but no matter what you have to suffer from the power of this interface Suppression, so you can't show your true strength with all your supernatural powers. As long as you are completely left today, I can keep the lineage of Luo Tianxian Palace clean for tens of thousands of years."

"Boy, you will speak loudly then, I want to see what you are capable of," Taoist Youxuan shouted, and then stretched out his hand to summon the 'Mian Shui Banner' back into his hand again.

Reached out and took the 'Mian Shui Banner' Taoist Youxuan injected the power of immortality into it and waved it, the blue light and shadow gathered in the 'Mian Shui Banner' across the air turned into a torrent of 'Three Thousand Weak Water' again, and then quickly gathered Afterwards, it shrinks into a foot-sized water mass.

"That's the 'Three Thousand Weak Water' from the Immortal World, let me deal with it," Yi Tian said in a deep voice, while waving the 'Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan' in his hand again.Just now, he took two full-strength attacks in succession to tell the truth that his spiritual power was consumed a lot, but he had to brace himself up to deal with Taoist Youxuan's 'Three Thousand Weak Waters'.

Uncle Wuxiang waved his hand and said, "No need, I see that although you haven't suffered substantial damage, your spiritual power has been consumed a lot. Let's take this opportunity to recover your spiritual power for me, and I will understand this first." old friend."

After speaking, he leaned forward indiscriminately, and saw Master Wuxiang put his hands together in his palms and sacrificed two true flames, one white and one black.Then he stretched out his hand and drew a one-foot-sized flame Tai Chi circle in the air.

The black and white two-color flames staggered in the air and then spun rapidly, forming a gray-white flame ball.

Taoist Youxuan on the opposite side showed a dignified look on his face when he saw it, and he blurted out with a light part of his mouth: "So you are a person who cultivates both Xuanhuang and Huang, this is the true flame of chaos, I didn't expect you to be able to use this skill There is no way to practice to such a powerful state."

"I'm sorry, I can't justify dealing with you true immortals from the lower realm without some powerful skills," Master Wuxiang replied indifferently.

"Okay, okay, today's visit is really worthwhile. In addition to seeing the long-lost 'Doushi Ziyan' from Luotian Immortal Palace, you can also meet the 'True Chaos Flame'. It's a pity that in my 'Three Thousand Weak Water 'The front is still suppressed by the attribute's restraint," said Taoist Youxuan with a grin.

"Then let's see the real chapter under our hands," Wu Xiang said without saying a word, manipulating the 'Chaos True Flame' in his hand and turning it into a one-foot-sized condensed Heavenly Demon Blade.After reaching out and waving, I saw that the magic blade cut across the sky that day and split the whole sky into upper and lower halves.

"Your supernatural power actually has the power of 'Space Law'," Taoist Youxuan said in surprise: "Well, let's try to see which one is stronger and weaker."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand again and raised the "Three Thousand Weak Water" on the "Mian Shui Banner" to sacrifice, and then turned into a roaring water column, facing the demon blade transformed from the "True Flame of Chaos" in front of him.

The deafening sound resounded through the sky again, and the two magic spells, one black and one blue, met in a stalemate in the air.Yi Tian, ​​who was standing in the distance, was now almost able to make a judgment on Master Wuxiang's cultivation base, and he could suppress Taoist Youxuan, who had made six successful shots by himself.But Master Wuxiang was fighting with the opponent with all his strength at this time, although he couldn't gain the upper hand for a while, but the power of this supernatural power alone was already better than his own.

I am afraid that if I can advance to the middle stage of Mahayana, I will have to practice hard for a thousand years to reach this state.

Just as I was thinking about it, there was another roaring sound in the air, and I saw that 'Sanqian Ruoshui' still had the upper hand and gradually suppressed the demon blade of 'Chaos True Flame'.

At this level of cultivation, there is no need to keep it when making shots. Everyone can tell the opponent's strength in an instant.Taoist Youxuan is always better than Master Wuxiang.Even in the state of being besieged to this point, there is still no sign of defeat.

This ability alone has far surpassed the No. 1 Uncle Wuxiang in the Nine Realms of the Spirit, but the latter is not an ordinary person, seeing that his supernatural powers are suppressed, and his hand seals change again.Aim at the Heavenly Demon Blade of the 'True Chaos Flame' and click it.Immediately there was a 'swish' sound, and the Heavenly Demon Blade changed and retracted into a ball again, and was wrapped by the 'three thousand weak water' the next moment.

A three-foot-sized water mass formed in the air, but inside it was a three-foot-diameter gray-white flame ball.Then the sound of explosions came from the air one after another, and the 'Chaos True Flame' wrapped inside once again exerted its strength and turned into countless thin lines, directly penetrating the encirclement of 'Three Thousand Weak Water'.

"Boom boom boom" gray and white mixed with blue sparks erupted in the air, and I don't know whether it was "Three Thousand Weak Water" that extinguished the "Chaos True Flame" or "Chaos True Flame" dried Sanqian Weak Water go.

After three breaths, when the smoke dissipated to reveal the true deities of Uncle Wuxiang and Taoist Youxuan, the other party shouted sharply: "I didn't expect your 'Chaos True Flame' to be able to practice to such a degree, I really underestimated you .”

"Admit it," Master Wuxiang replied indifferently, "It seems that my efforts are not in vain for being able to make Taoist Youxuan value him."

"However, I also discovered your fatal weakness." Taoist Youxuan changed the subject and said, "There seems to be something wrong with your Xuanhuang Shuangxiu. Among them, Xuanqi can only be maintained at [-]%, while Huangqi But it is two points more than [-]% of the state, so the black and yellow energy cannot be reconciled, so the power of your 'Chaos True Flame' can never reach its peak."

Hearing that Master Wuxiang's face remained unchanged, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and only Miao Dizi and Yi Tian knew the flaws in his black and yellow double cultivation technique.Forgive me and Taoist Youxuan just for one move, and the other party saw the clue.

So Master Wuxiang had no choice but to look at the opponent in front of him again. Under the black magic light all over his body, he jumped up and swung the Heavenly Demon Blade with both hands in turn at Taoist Youxuan.

(End of this chapter)

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