
Chapter 2347 Fierce Battle 6 Successes

Chapter 2347
The battle situation above Qingfeng Old City suddenly changed again, but this time it turned to Yi Tian's favorable side.

Master Miaodizi broke through Taoist Youxuan's spiritual energy soil defense after using the secret technique supernatural power. At that time, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body could not maintain the peak state and then retreated temporarily.So Yi Tian, ​​Wu Ye and Wu Yuan joined hands to greet Taoist Youxuan frequently.But he didn't expect that apart from his own 'Lei Yan Zi Yan', the moves of the other two couldn't cause effective damage to them.

In this way, Yi Tian could only bite the bullet and take on the responsibility of the main attack, but what he didn't expect was that Taoist Youxuan was powerful.Even in the case of being injured, Wu Ye was still injured with one against three. It was only because Master Wu Yuan was proficient in space magic and used his ingenuity to defuse the opponent's offensive that he was able to survive.

Just when Yi Tian was at a loss, there was a Taoist light in the sky rushing over. What was unexpected was that the person who came showed the real body of the demon, and it was the Wuxiang master who was in the demon world.

It turned out that after he received the message from Master Miaodizi, he flew away with all his strength, from the abyss of the demon world, through the demon world, crossed the gate of the world, and rushed to the sky above the old city of Qingfeng in the spiritual world.

Under the auspices of Miao Dizi, the 'Four Yang Sealing Formation' opened the way and put it into the battlefield. Now that Wuxiang joined Yi Tian, ​​he felt more confident.

After Wuxiang Master arrived, he swept across the battlefield with his divine sense and had a panoramic view of the situation.Immediately, he directly sacrificed the Heavenly Demon Blade and slashed at Taoist Youxuan head-on.But after one move, Taoist Youxuan pointed out the flaws in his technique.

It was also because of the sequelae left by practicing the Xuanhuang Dual Cultivation Technique back then, no matter how Uncle Wuxiang compensated for the Xuanhuang Qi in his body, he was still one step away from reaching a balanced state.

After that, Wuxiang made another move and launched countless black Heavenly Demon Blades to rush to attack.

This time, Taoist Youxuan showed a calm and disdainful look on his face, and the 'Mian Shui Banner' in his hand was raised again and turned into a water dragon to meet the demon blade in front of him.

The difference from the previous "Chaos True Flame" is that this time "Three Thousand Weak Waters" devoured the flying demon blades one by one without hindrance.Then whizzed towards Musumo.

Unexpectedly, a purple fire dragon appeared obliquely and intercepted it. It was Yi Tian who sacrificed the 'Purple Flame Wind Thunder Fan' and fanned out the 'Thunder Flame Purple Flame'.

Wuxiang's face was startled for a moment, then he returned to normal, but he said in a cold voice: "If you have the energy to help, it's better to attack the other party directly, don't do unnecessary things."

After hearing this, Yi Tian looked a little embarrassed, obviously his attack just now was useless in the eyes of Master Wuxiang.Speaking of Master Wuxiang, since his spirit and soul merged again, although he has regained his original clarity, the unruly and unruly spirit of the demon saint still remains in his bones.

Then he came back with his hands back, Yi Tian took out a few wine bottles from the storage ring, lifted the lids, and poured them into his mouth.Immediately, the cold flat peach wine flowed into the stomach, turning into hot and surging spiritual power, rushing into the eight extraordinary meridians.

After receiving a large amount of spiritual power, Yi Tian felt that the spiritual power consumed before was almost recovered.

On the other hand, at this moment, Master Wuxiang returned to nothing after making two moves in succession, so he couldn't hold back his face.In terms of cultivation, he can be called No. 1 in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, and facing Taoist Youxuan, his dignity should not be desecrated.

A large amount of Chaos True Fire was sacrificed in his hand again, this time he did not use the magic power of the demon race.The seal seal techniques replaced are all the most popular moves in Shiluo Tianxian Palace.

Yi Tian could see clearly from a distance, only to see that what Wuxiang was using at this time turned out to be the 'Spiral Fire Shield' that he had practiced countless times.At the same time, as Master Wuxiang formed the seal quickly, all the evil energy around him was withdrawn.Even Tianmo's avatar restrained, and then turned into a standard Luotian Xiangong monk.

Needless to say, this is the standard form of the Wuxiang body as a spiritual cultivator. Two strands of "chaos real fire" are intertwined and converged into a one-foot-sized disc. To fight hand to hand with Taoist Youxuan.

Taoist Youxuan in the distance first showed disdain in his eyes, but after three breaths, his expression suddenly changed and he opened his mouth and shouted: "You madman actually injected the power of time and space into the 'spiral fire shield', if you are not careful, you will open the gap in space and kill us It's all involved."

"Isn't that just right? You shouldn't have appeared in this world in the first place. Isn't it right to let you return to the void?" Wu Xiang replied coldly.

"But you have to know that you and I will be involved in the storm of time and space. You are really crazy to attack in such a desperate way," Taoist Youxuan exclaimed.

"Humph, you are the nightmare and knot in my heart for 5 years. It is better to end it today than to be tortured forever," Wu Xiang said, and his body teleported one after another, and then he was three feet away from Taoist Youxuan. Then press directly on the top of Taoist Youxuan's head.

I saw the 'Spiral Fire Shield' in Wuxiang's hand rapidly spun and expanded to a size of ten feet, covering the space area where the two of them were.Then the sound of 'ZizZZ' came from the air, and the center of the spiral fire shield seemed to open a dark gap in space.

Or it could be said that the 'Spiral Fire Shield' in Master Wuxiang's hand has formed an absolute domain within the ten-foot space where the two of them are because of the blessing of the power of space, and then tore apart the space and opened a gap in the void.

And it is unknown where the gap in the void opened this time leads to. It may be any place in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, or it may be a passage leading to the next interface.

Faced with such a desperate style of play, it was the first time Taoist Youxuan showed an uneasy expression on his face.With both palms out, he raised two seven-colored divine lights and shook the spiral fire shield in Wuxiang's hand head-on.

Unexpectedly, the supernatural spell in his hand and the spiral fire shield actually accelerated to open the gap in space after contact.Immediately, a fierce wind of time and space blew past and directly involved the two of them.

'Crack-crack' the gap in space that had opened to about ten feet in the air was now gone, and the host of the spiral fire shield shrank rapidly.It didn't take three breaths to shrink to the size of a fist, and then closed the gap in the void and disappeared.

Although Taoist Youxuan was involved in the vortex of time and space, although it was a serious worry for the Zongmen, no one present showed a relaxed look on his face.

It was Miao Dizi who flew forward and said, "Wuyuan, Yi Tian will attack with me and open the gap in the void. I have left a flying thunder mark on Wuxiang, and I can try to drag him back."

Hearing that Yi Tian and Wu Yuan flew forward quickly, the distribution of the finished glyphs of the three in the air remained within a range of more than ten feet.In his hand, he quickly formed a seal, which is exactly Luotian Immortal Palace's space supernatural power 'space backtracking'.

'Ka Ka Ka' opened a dark gap in the void again in the middle of the three of them. At this time, Miao Dizi was overjoyed and freed her hand to quickly draw a talisman pattern in the air.Yi Tian glanced over and saw that it was the 'Flying Thunder Seal' of the sect, and then Miao Dizi cast a spell again to draw a spiritual light from the Fei Thunder Seal and press it into the gap in the void.

Ten breaths later, there was movement in the gap in the void, and after a large number of spiritual pressure fluctuations wrinkled, a figure quickly flew out of it and returned to the air.

After the figure stood still, an infinite figure appeared, but at this time, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body were a few words out of order.At the same time, there was no sign of completeness around the body, but fortunately, when he regained consciousness and saw the three of them, he said directly: "Thank you, master, for your help."

"Okay, stop gossiping and speed up to seal the entrance of the space," Miao Dizi said hastily.

Then the three of them, together with Wu Xiang, once again cooperated with each other and hit the magic formula in their hands to shrink the gap in the space directly.

But when the exit of the space shrinks to a size of one foot, they can no longer close together, so Yi Tian and Wu Yuan's complexion changed slightly, and they were both surprised and speechless.

On the other hand, Miao Dizi's face darkened and said: "Everyone continue to attack, Taoist Youxuan has found the exit, and he is at the other end of the exit."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a seven-colored spiritual light flashing rapidly at the exit of the space, and then a torrential spiritual power gushed out to block the exit forcibly.

A beam of light and shadow flew out of it and flew out through the space exit about the size of a foot.Seeing this, Miaodizi was shocked, and hastily bit the tip of his tongue and spit out blood to sacrifice to the seal in his hand.In an instant, the gap in the void once again exerted force and quickly shrank.

In that light and shadow was Taoist Youxuan, but after he escaped, he opened his mouth and yelled: "Oh, how dare you plot against me."

After his figure flew out and stopped in the air, Yi Tian found that fellow Taoist Youxuan was bloody below the knees, and his two calves were cut off by the rapidly closing space.

However, it is not a big deal for cultivators to regenerate severed limbs, but Taoist Youxuan showed resentment on his face, but he was muttering words in his mouth.After three breaths, he opened his mouth and said, "Long".

With two 'swish' sounds, countless granulation sprouted under his broken knees and quickly re-intertwined into two legs.Immediately, it turned into pinkish calves and feet.

It's just that the spiritual pressure fluctuations on Taoist Youxuan's body are no longer as strong as before, and the treasure armor he was wearing had already been taken off at some point.

Yi Tian's mind moved slightly, and when he even recognized that it was forcibly supporting the exit of the void just now, the fairy light was coming out of the same source as the treasure armor.It was Taoist Youxuan who escaped from it by maintaining the escape channel at the cost of his own fairy armor.

At this time, the scene was back to the original place, but the spiritual pressure fluctuations on Miao Dizi's body became erratic after successively performing supernatural powers and secret arts, so he barely maintained the appearance of the early Mahayana.

After Master Wuxiang escaped from the void, his whole body was covered with cuts and bruises. Although he had a strong foundation in cultivation, his current strength is more than [-]% weaker than when he shot just now.

Master Wuye and Uncle Wuling were both seriously injured. Although they couldn't see it on the surface, the fluctuations in their spiritual pressure could not deceive anyone.

At this time, Miao Dizi said: "Wuyuan, Wuling, Wuye, you three will fight with me to maintain the big formation. You must not let this beast escape to avoid endless troubles. Yitian will rely on you next, Wuxiang you Sweep around and wait for an opportunity to make a move."

After hearing this, Yi Tian knew that they were powerless to fight any more at this time, but fortunately, the trump card in his hand happened to be able to restrain Taoist Youxuan.After thinking about it, he sacrificed the 'Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan' in his hand, then retracted it to its original size of one foot, and then continuously poured spiritual power into it, ready to go.

At the same time, his eyes swept back and forth on Taoist Youxuan, but he found that the other party's cultivation had dropped a lot after experiencing the previous battle, and he was almost slightly higher than his current self. At most, he was only in the middle of Mahayana.

Moreover, the iron mace in his hand and the treasure armor on his body had fallen somewhere, and if Taoist Youxuan had no other trump cards, he might not be able to gain the upper hand against him.

Obviously, while he was observing the other party, Taoist Youxuan's eyes also passed over him, and then he opened his mouth and spit out a broken spirit lamp offering in his hand.

The expression on his face remained unchanged, but he was still proud, but he was able to store the broken lampshade in his body, which showed that this treasure must have something extraordinary.

After the spiritual thoughts passed by, I saw that the lampshade was about a foot in size, surrounded by refined bamboo wood and divided into eight sides, each with a different pattern.It's just that the lamp looks tattered and tattered, but it exudes a breath of age.

After sacrificing this celestial artifact, Taoist Youxuan showed a sneer in his eyes and said: "Xiao is because the disciples of your Luotian Immortal Palace are powerful, but you have never seen the most powerful treasure in the Immortal Palace. Today, I will let you meet Luotian Immortal Palace." The 'Golden Flame and Eight Views Palace Lantern' of Tianxian Palace is amazing."

After finishing speaking, Taoist Youxuan opened his mouth and spit out three mouthfuls of real blood. After flying through the air, those blood beads evaporated and turned into seven-colored immortal energy, which was directly injected into the surface of the lamp.In the next moment, it seemed that a raging fire was ignited in the interior and lit the lamp. Taoist Youxuan held it up with one hand and raised it above his head, and then six golden lights came out from it and shone on the positions of the six people.

"Not good, everyone dodge quickly," Miao Dizi said and hurriedly retreated to the side, but Wu Ye, Wu Yuan, Wu Ling and Wu Xiang had no time to dodge, so they could only sacrifice the spiritual weapons in their hands. Catch the golden light, but after being illuminated, the whole body freezes, and then it is fixed in the air and cannot move.

When Miao Dizi saw it, his face was shocked, and he turned to look at Yi Tian, ​​only to see that the golden light seemed to be blocked by something after reaching the front door.Take a closer look at the Haotian mirror that I did not know when I took it out of my hand, the golden light just hit the mirror and was directly reflected back.

Seeing this, Miao Dizi followed suit and took out the spiritual mirror in his hand to block in front of him.

I saw two golden lights being reflected back and directly shining on Taoist Youxuan, who was so excited that he shouted angrily: "You two actually made the 'Haotian Mirror', but unfortunately the golden light of the 'Eight Views Palace Lantern' is definitely not that good. It's easy to carry."

After hearing this, Yi Tian only felt a hot feeling coming from the 'Haotian Mirror' in his hand. It turned out to be the power of golden flames flashing in the golden light.

(End of this chapter)

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