
Chapter 2348 Fierce Battle 7 Self-defeating

Chapter 2348
The battle didn't last long, but during this period, several Mahayana monks fought with all their strength. If they were tossed about by the outside world, they would at least overturn one world.

Fortunately, in Qingfeng Old City, there is still a large sect guarding the mountain formation 'Four Suns Sealing Formation', which stopped the aftermath of the battle of all the monks in the Mahayana period.

But as the battle situation entered a fierce situation, such a large formation also showed a crumbling appearance.If it weren't for the four Mahayana monks presiding over the formation, I'm afraid the bottom of this place would have been turned into ruins long ago.

With Master Wuxiang's participation in the battle, the balance of victory seemed to be tilted towards Luo Tianxian Palace.Unexpectedly, Taoist Youxuan finally took out a remnant treasure of the Immortal Palace 'Golden Flame and Eight Views Palace Lantern'.

Under the illumination of this treasure, Wuxiang, Wuyuan, Wuling and Wuye were all hit in an instant.The four couldn't get rid of the siege of the golden light and fairy flame, so they had to take out their natal spiritual weapons and resist desperately.

Only Yi Tian and Miao Dizi survived by relying on the "Haotian Mirror" magic weapon in their hands.

But then Yi Tian discovered that the problem came again, and this golden light contained the fairy golden flame.Although the 'Haotian Mirror' in my hand can reflect it back, but the 'Fairy Golden Flame' roasted the Haotian Mirror red, I don't know how long it can last, but if I am illuminated by this golden light, I won't die. To peel off the skin.

Looking at the master Miaodizi in the distance, he was no better than himself at this time, and under the same pressure, the skin on his body also faintly oozes blood.Obviously, he had already suffered a lot of injuries in the two shots before, and after his strength fell, he was not as good as himself.

Seeing this, Yi Tian hurriedly muttered something: "Change."

Four arms protruded from under the ribs, and two heads protruded from behind the neck.Then the left and right hands hold the 'Zixiao Zhan' and 'Ziyan Fenglei Fan' respectively.

I saw Yi Tian's three heads chanting his mantra silently again at the same time, and then spread out the palm holding the 'Zixiao Zhan' and held it in the palm. "Jin Yan'er, show up quickly."

As soon as the words were finished, a golden flame flew out from the wick of the 'Zixiao Lamp', turned into a one-foot-sized fireball after tumbling a few times in the air.Immediately, the fire ball transformed into a child about a foot high and low, and his eyes glanced at the "Golden Flame and Eight Views Palace Lantern" in the distance, and it seemed that he could no longer look away.

I only heard him shout excitedly: "This is the treasure of the Immortal Palace 'Golden Flame Eight Views Palace Lantern', I can find a trace of the same breath from it."

"Stop talking nonsense, then hurry up and help me out," Yi Tian shouted hastily with a cold expression.

"Okay," Jin Yan'er simply replied, then rolled forward and retracted into a strand of golden flame. 'Hoo hoo' accompanied by the sound of the wind, directly submerged into the golden light in front of him.Shaoqing saw that he followed the golden light upstream and quickly got into the 'Golden Flame Eight Views Palace Lantern'.

When Jin Yan'er disappeared completely, Taoist Youxuan's expression froze, and then he shouted urgently: "What did you do, why can't my divine sense control this treasure anymore?"

Before I could finish speaking, I saw that the six beams of golden light from around the 'Eight Views Palace Lantern' were immediately retracted. After the golden light turned around, a figure of Jin Yaner flashed across the entire lamp, and then turned into a ray of golden light. Light is placed in it.

At the next moment, the 'Golden Flame Eight Views Palace Lantern' suddenly broke free from the control of Taoist Youxuan and flew towards Yi Tian, ​​and it stopped slowly when it was about three feet in front of it.

At the same time, the 'Zixiao Lamp' in his hand seemed to show signs of mutual radiance with the 'Golden Flame and Eight Views Palace Lantern', and they all flashed dazzling golden light.

Yi Tianna didn't know the truth of striking while the iron was hot, he hurriedly lifted up the 'Zixiao Lamp' and controlled it to land on the 'Golden Flame Eight Views Palace Lantern'.

The next moment, the two treasures merged into one with the sound of 'whoosh', and then fell into Yi Tian's palm.

At this time, the glance can be found that the 'Zixiao lamp' has been placed in the middle of the 'Golden Flame and Eight Views Palace Lantern' at this time.

In the center of the lamp was Jin Yan'er's real deity.Yi Tian hurriedly picked it up, and then sacrificed it in a hurry.In an instant, the dilapidated 'Golden Flame and Eight Views Palace Lantern' was surrounded by golden light, and then presented a brand new look.

Taoist Youxuan in the distance was shocked at this time, with an inconceivable expression on his face, and he shouted incoherently: "Impossible, impossible, I got it after many battles in the ruins of Luotian Fairy Palace." There has never been a true immortal who can make it recognize its master before, so why does it become a tendency to obey you. Could it be that you are the reincarnation of that person, no wonder you look so similar."

After saying that, Taoist Youxuan hurriedly turned around and fled towards the gap in the void above.At this moment, he no longer had the arrogance he had when he arrived just now, and he was only thinking about how to escape back to the fairyland.

When Miao Dizi saw it in the distance, he hurriedly shouted: "Yi Tian can't let the tiger go back to the mountain, there will be endless troubles."

Nodding his head, Yi Tian caught up with the "Golden Flame and Eight Scenery Palace Lantern" in his hand under the great inspiration.It's a pity that I was still a few breaths late, even if I tried my best to catch up, I couldn't catch up with the figure of Taoist Youxuan.

Seeing that he was about to ascend into the Jieyun in the sky, Yi Tian gritted his teeth and activated the 'Golden Flame Eight Views Palace Lantern' in his hand.In an instant, a golden light as thick as a bucket shot out from it and directly shone on Taoist Youxuan's figure.But when he saw his rapidly flying figure, he froze immediately, and then his whole body began to explode violently.

He only heard a wailing voice from his mouth and shouted: "Da Tianzun is disturbing your life, the younger generation only found the things left by the Xianzun accidentally by the immortal officials of the Zongmen's search for the world, Wan Wangwang bypassed the younger generation for the sake of fellowship." Bar."

But no matter how he begged Yi Tian, ​​he didn't show any emotion at all. At the same time, after the spiritual power in his hand was poured continuously, he displayed the 'Burning God Golden Flame' to completely wrap Taoist Youxuan and drag him down.

After ten breaths, I saw Yi Tian holding the 'Golden Flame Eight Views Palace Lantern' slowly falling down, and on one side was a huge golden fireworks group that wrapped the body of Taoist Youxuan.It's just that Taoist Youxuan seems to have been refined by the golden flame at this time, and a large amount of fairy spirit overflows from his whole body and floats in the air.

Yi Tian took out the spirit purification bottle and collected all the overflowing spirit energy.

At the same time, the Void Jieyun in the high sky seemed to be unable to sense Taoist Youxuan's breath anymore, and then slowly shrank until finally closing the gap.

So Yi Tian decided to turn around to look at Taoist Youxuan in front of him, only to see that his body was burned by the golden flame and turned into pieces of white ashes.After a gust of wind passed by, his burned body was blown into pieces.Among these fragments, Yi Tian did see a flash of spiritual light, stepped forward to scan with his divine sense, and found that it was the faint blue 'Mianshui flag'.

Unexpectedly, this 'Mianshui Banner' would be able to resist the burning of the burning god's golden flame.It seems that my own magical powers are not omnipotent, at least for now.

Stretching out his hand and taking the 'Mian Shui Flag' into his hand with a light stroke, Yi Tian Shennian glanced back and forth on this fairy artifact a few times, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.The aura of "Three Thousand Weak Waters" left on the 'Mian Shui Banner' is the nemesis of the Lihuo Nine Changes, a direct-handed technique of Luo Tianxian Palace.

I didn't expect that Taoist Youxuan would have an immortal artifact to restrain the sect in his hands, but unfortunately his skills contradicted it, so he couldn't make full use of the original immortal artifact.If it was really replaced by a real fairy who is familiar with this treasure to control it, I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it so easily this time.

After putting away the 'Mianshui Flag', Yi Tian turned around and looked at the 'Golden Flame and Eight Views Palace Lantern' again. At this moment, he only felt that the 'Zixiao Lamp' in his hand seemed to have been matched with the lampshade of the 'Eight Views Palace Lantern' It's merged.

In this way, I can control it at will, but although the power of the 'Golden Flame and Eight Views Palace Lantern' is strong, it will consume a huge amount of spiritual power if it is activated.If it is in its prime state, it can only be activated three times at most, so if you want to cast a spell in Yi Tian's hands, you can put this treasure in your Niwan Palace.

Immediately, the divine sense looked inside and saw that the 'Golden Flame and Eight Scenery Palace Lantern' was placed in Yuan Ying's hands after receiving it, and then there were traces of golden flames flowing through it and gradually merging with the 'Thunder Flame Purple Flame' on the Nascent Soul's body together.Yi Tian knew that in order to completely control this treasure, he had to use his own true flame to refine it thoroughly.

However, this process is also extremely long, fortunately, I still have enough time to deal with this matter.

Later, Yi Tian turned around to take back the Dharma body, and with a glance, he found that Master Miao Dizi, Wu Yuan and others rushed over.

Ten breaths later, everyone arrived and stabilized in the air. After checking the situation on the scene, Miao Dizi couldn't help but calm down and said in a happy mood: "Yi Tian is indeed the lucky star of my Luo Tianxian Palace. This Taoist Youxuan can protect the foundation of my sect forever, and I thank you here."

Seeing Miao Dizi bowing to him, Yi Tian hurriedly avoided and dared not accept the gift directly, and then replied: "Master Zu is absurd, this time we can work together to resolve this crisis. Fortunately, Taoist Youxuan is from the lower realm of the deity, so This will save you a lot of trouble in the future.”

"Don't be careless in Yi Tian," Miao Dizi said with a thoughtful expression on his face: "It would be best if Taoist Youxuan descended to the realm privately, and if he died, he would be dead. But if he descended by order, it would be troublesome." start."

"What does master mean?" Wu Yuan hurriedly asked.

"You know how far the Taoism of Luotian Immortal Palace has been pursued in the immortal world," Miao Dizi sighed and said, "From the mouth of Taoist Youxuan, at most, I can only know that he is just a world-seeking fairy official. That’s all. If it’s your own impromptu idea, it’s fine, but it will be troublesome if someone is behind the scenes.”

Hearing that everyone is terrified, if it is true what Miao Dizi said, then there will be no peace in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit.

On the contrary, Yi Tianman said indifferently: "Master, don't worry about it. Instead of worrying that the person from the fairy world will fall again, it is better for us to wait for the opportunity to dispatch in the future. I believe that with our strength, it will only take about ten thousand years to ascend to the fairy world. At that time, in the fairy world, we will have to investigate the secrets of Luo Tianxian Palace and solve this mystery."

After hearing the words, Miao Dizi turned to look at Yi Tian in front of him, then sighed and said: "You are right, instead of 'Linyuan Xianyu will not retreat every day and make a net', after I am ready, I will use the It is the right way to clear up the entanglement thoroughly. However, after this fierce battle, if we want to recover to the cultivation level before the war, we will have to practice for thousands of years, especially Wu Ling and Wu Ye were injured. It is in deep need of a good health care.”

After hearing the words, the two of them cheered up and replied to Miao Dizi. It was obvious that the two of them had suffered a lot in the hands of Taoist Youxuan.Especially after Wuling was attacked by him, he still kept up the spirit to maintain the formation, but now it seems that his cultivation base has fallen to the critical point of the early stage of Mahayana, and if there are any fluctuations, he will fall into the state of the late stage of fusion.

As for the master Wu Ye, he is not much better. After being hit by Taoist Youxuan's supernatural power, he injured the inner palace just now when he maintained the 'Four Yang Sealing Formation', he also cheered up. After the crisis was resolved, he felt relieved and his face was exhausted. Significantly.

As for Uncle Wuxiang, although he is injured, he is the most powerful person in the Wuxian generation after all, even stronger than Master Miaodizi, who is No.1 in the Nine Realms of the Spirit.At this time, although he felt physically and mentally exhausted, his spirit was still not weak, and the fluctuation of spiritual pressure on his body could still maintain the state of the early stage of Mahayana, which was much better than that of Miao Dizi and others.

Shaoqing saw that Wuxiang turned around and said to Miao Dizi: "Today, Taoist Youxuan was punished, and the disciple's knots have been untied. Next, I still have to return to the 'Fountain of the Demon Realm' and continue to practice and fight for it." We will be able to ascend to the fairyland as soon as possible."

"That's fine, you've also been perplexed by this all these years, so that you have been unable to break through your cultivation under the persistence of your mind," Miao Dizi sighed: "I know your worries, since you can realize this today, it's okay It takes thousands of years to eliminate its own shortcomings before it can advance to the next level."

Speaking of which, Taoist Youxuan once mentioned the problems with Uncle Wuxiang before, and the mysterious and yellow energy in his body has never reached a balanced state.As Miao Dizi said, if this point cannot be completely eliminated, you can advance to the later stage.

Afterwards, Wu Xiang turned around and saluted and bid farewell to the people around him one by one, then raised up the Dunguang and flew towards the gate of the realm, the audience was not dragging its feet.

After seeing him leave, Miao Dizi turned to Yi Tian and said, "It's up to you to finish the big commotion today, so I'll retire and go back to the cave for meditation. From now on, what is going on in the spiritual world?" Whether the three cases return to the source or maintain the status quo is up to you.”

After finishing speaking, the three of them, Miao Dizi and Wu Yuan, all bowed one after another, and then flew towards their respective stations.

As soon as they left, Yuan Yitian found that there were dozens of auras flying towards his position, and the first ones were Zheng Tingyun, Lu Jianling and Han Liu.Followed by a group of elders in the three-vein fusion stage and disciples in the distraction stage.

Waiting for Feizhi to stabilize his body and bow to Yi Tian with all the people in front and behind him: "See the suzerain, today the suzerain showed his power and fought against the real immortals in the lower realm, and his reputation has spread far and wide. There is no dissatisfaction among the nine realms of the upper spirit."

"Okay, although the major troubles of the Zongmen have been eliminated, the old city of Qingfeng has been destroyed after the war," Yi Tian stretched out his finger and said: "This place is where the foundation of my Luotianxian Palace is located. You should know what to do next. How to do it."

"I will respectfully listen to the suzerain's order, and will definitely display the reconstruction of the Luotian Immortal Palace sect in front of the Nine Interfaces of the Upper Spirit, so that future generations will admire it," Zheng Tingyun replied without thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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