
Chapter 2349 After the War

Chapter 2349 After the War
A hundred years have passed since the battle in the old city of Qingfeng in the spiritual world. During the battle, the areas in the four formation nodes of the old city of Qingfeng have been turned into ruins.Those monks who were unlucky and didn't run out of the area of ​​the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation' in the first place were all affected by the aftermath of the fight between monks in the Mahayana period.

After the war, no living beings could survive in the "Four Suns Sealing Formation" except for a few Mahayana monks.This is also the reason why Miao Dizi must firmly maintain the formation no matter what.

The strength of the monks in the Mahayana period is too strong, and they have the power to destroy the world with every gesture. The reason why the war is limited to the "Four Suns Sealing Formation" is also a painstaking effort of Miao Dizi.

Fortunately, after the war, Yi Tian and others deliberately avoided the Zongmen Conference Hall, so after the war, in the whole Qingfeng Old City "Siyang Fengzhen", except for this one, which is still intact, the rest of the boundary seems to have been plowed. Generally speaking, the mess everywhere presents a chaotic state.

Afterwards, under the auspices of the Sanmai branch sect, a lot of manpower and material resources were quickly invested to clean up the ruins of the war.Then the sect of Luotian Immortal Palace was rebuilt on the original basis.This reconstruction is different from the previous ones. The three sects spent a lot of effort to imitate the layout of Luo Tianxian Palace 5 years ago and reproduce the original major academies one by one.

At the same time, the scale of Qingfeng Old City has been expanded to more than double its original size, and a city belt with a diameter of [-] miles has been recreated outside the node of the "Siyang Fengzhen".

In this way, a situation in which the central circle with a radius of nearly [-] miles is the sect of the Luotian Immortal Palace, and the outside world with a [-]-mile guard belt is the coexistence of Sanxian forces.

At the same time, the three sects of the spiritual world also widely distributed invitations to invite the strength of the major sects in the nine realms of the upper spirit to come to watch the ceremony.This time is the moment when Luo Tianxian Palace once again regained its glory. Although Miao Dizi and other Mahayana monks did not appear at the Zongmen Grand Ceremony, those high-ranking monks also went to pay a visit in person afterwards.

Among them are the most closely related masters of the Red Bearded Spirit Ape of Jiuxian Mountain in the Demon Realm and the Buddhist Daleiguang Temple.As for the suzerain Yi Tian of Luotian Immortal Palace, he received a group of monks who came from the other eight worlds in the Zongmen hall in Qingfeng Old City. friends and former partners.

It is worth mentioning that the royal family of Asura, who has always been indifferent to worldly affairs, also sent people this time.The leader of the team is Yun Lin, a monk in the fusion period, but there are gossips that the Asura Empress Luo Ziyan also came to see her quietly.And the people who received them were Qing Lianyun, a monk in the integration stage of Taiqing Pavilion, and Hua Yuxin, the master of Lihuo Palace.

Although the relationship between them is unknown to outsiders, there are not a few high-level monks who know the inside story.But they all avoided these people intentionally or unintentionally, for fear that they would touch some taboo so as not to offend the big man.

After the entire main hall, Luo Tianxian Palace also established a new candidate for the young suzerain, and Xia Minyu, a disciple who was accepted by Yi Tian back then in Lihuo Palace, also appeared in front of the world.At this time, he is only in the mid-stage cultivation of God Transformation, but he has become an insurmountable gap in front of the world. His life situation is like a big drama, and there are some good people among them who will discover all the things he met Yi Tian back then. Come out and flow out widely.

Xia Minyu sneered at this, neither admitting nor denying it, anyway, no one really dared to confront him.

As for the original Hua family in the Taiqing Pavilion, it has also become a dependent family of the sect, and after spreading its branches and leaves, it has continuously transported outstanding disciples in the family to the Taiqing Pavilion.

There is also the family that Qing Lianyun belongs to. Originally, a monk in the integration period has already stepped onto the pinnacle of life.

But I didn't expect that this was just the beginning, after Qing Lianyun moved to the cave of some important person, his family was out of control.In the spiritual world, all casual cultivators want to have a relationship with it.

Even those descendants with poor qualifications in the family were praised as fragrant buns.As a result, it happened that the monks of the Nascent Soul Stage fell behind the monks of the Foundation Establishment Stage.

However, Qing Lianyun also knew how to advance and retreat, and under her advice, everything in the family stopped being public and kept a low profile.

After the Zongmen Hall, those monks who came from afar to congratulate all resigned one after another, but after they left, they also left a branch of their own forces in Qingfeng Old City.Relying on the friendship with Yi Tian, ​​it can be regarded as being able to get acquainted around the periphery of Luotian Immortal Palace.

At the same time, the original Xishan Lingzhi Garden in the Taiqing Pavilion Zongmen, thousands of miles away from Qingfeng Old City, has been reopened.This place has been set up as the territory of Lingzhi Garden for thousands of miles.The guard of Lingzhi Garden is only in charge of the original two hundred li radius.The rest of Lingzhi Garden has been set up as a separate courtyard in Dongfu, and there are monks in the sect who are in the stage of transforming gods to guard it in turn.

Although they don't know who lives in it, and they have never seen anyone entering or leaving this place, they still have to stick to the order of the sect.What's more, the task reward of guarding this place is amazingly high, to the point that many inner sect disciples desperately want to get this job.

At this time, in the cave deep in the forbidden area of ​​Xishan Lingzhi Garden, Yi Tian and Qing Lianyun were sitting face to face and chatting.After the battle in Qingfeng Old City, although the two were in the spirit world together, they stayed together less and separated more.Coupled with the need to rebuild Qingfeng Old City in the past century, Qing Lianyun was also responsible for most of the construction during this period.

Although Qing Lianyun doesn't need to do everything personally as a monk in the integration period, but there are still a lot of things waiting for her to decide.So Qing Lianyun didn't have time to return to his residence in the past hundred years, and spent most of his time staying in Qingfeng Old City.

As for Yi Tian, ​​he focused all his attention on the 'Fountain of Profound Qi' in the meeting hall of Qingfeng Old City.Speaking of this incident, it was also a movement made by myself. After opening the 'Fountain of Profound Qi', Taoist Youxuan from the fairy world locked the target and came to the lower realm.

So after the war, Yi Tian hurriedly returned to the chamber and opened the barrier to seal the exit of the 'Fountain of Profound Qi' here again.

In the next hundred years, Yi Tian sat cross-legged on top of the ban, firstly sitting in Qingfeng Old City and Megatron Xiaoxiao.Second, you can also open the seal from time to time to draw out strands of pure 'fountain of profound energy' spiritual power to absorb and refine.

In such a hundred years, his cultivation has recovered from the long battle, and his strength is much better than before.So much so that before the Zongmen Grand Ceremony a hundred years later, he was already in the middle stage of refining the Mahayana, and he was called the most powerful person in the entire Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit.

Speaking of which, with my current cultivation level, I am not afraid even if I am confronted with the Demon Saint Baotan in its heyday, not to mention that the current Master Wuxiang has a fatal weakness brought about by practicing both black and yellow cultivation due to his exhaustion in the battle. He is no longer his opponent.

Today, Yi Tian approached Qing Lianyun to chat for a while, after which his expression changed slightly, and then he said in a deep voice: "I have decided to prepare to retreat to death and try to break through the late stage of Mahayana, and then it will be time for me to ascend to the fairy world."

Qing Lianyun couldn't see any joy, anger, sorrow or joy on her face when she heard the words, after all, such things would happen sooner or later.The ultimate goal of a cultivator is to ascend to the fairy world to pursue the illusory avenue of longevity.And those who can enter the ascension stage are all the best in this world.For the most part, it is not as strong as Patriarch Miao Dizi, Uncle Wuxiang and others have not uttered such bold words.

But after all, Qing Lianyun still has some concerns in her heart, but she is a person who understands the general situation and will not express her thoughts easily.

After hearing this, a hint of reluctance flashed in his eyes, and Qing Lianyun responded: "If my husband can take this step, I think it will be No. 1 in the ascension of the Nine Realms of the Spirit for tens of thousands of years. I am too happy in my body and mind."

"What you said is a little insincere, but I'm not afraid of it," Yi Tian said consolingly: "Everyone's way is different. The way I've walked is so difficult. I can't give up easily if I can walk to this day."

Speaking of which, Yi Tian turned to look at Qing Lianyun and said: "Actually, I can learn from you in many places in my travels in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit. There should be a few more people in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit There is an entrance with fragments of the fairy world, and that is your chance."

"Husband means, do you want me to look for these opportunities?" Qing Lianyun asked with a bright eye.

Smiling, Yi Tian nodded and replied: "Exactly. If you want to chase me later, you must follow the path I walked before." Going over, he said: "It records the opportunities I have found in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit. It will definitely help you to find the opportunities if you take a good look at them after collecting them."

After hearing this, Qing Lianyun looked overjoyed, stretched out her hand to take the jade slip, placed it on her forehead, and quickly read it through with her spiritual thoughts.Half a moment later, he slowly opened his eyes and said, "I didn't expect my husband to have traveled all over the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit in just a thousand years. There are indeed many opportunities in this. It is easy to get this jade." Saved me a lot of time looking for it."

"Opportunities are only part of it, and it depends on how you use it properly," Yi Tian replied softly: "I believe that with your strength, even if you don't have these opportunities, you will be able to advance to the Mahayana stage within 5000 years, and then you will have the opportunity Fight to ascend to the fairyland. All I did was to give you a quick promotion channel."

"To be so highly regarded by my husband, the concubine is really full of joy," Qing Lianyun wept with joy, "After the husband goes to the fairy world first, don't forget the concubine, and after the concubine ascends, I hope to be able to continue my relationship with my husband. "

"You can rest assured at this time, I will never forget you no matter what," Yi Tian said with a smile.

Dividing line---
The calendar of the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit Luotian Fairy Palace is 720 years old, and more than 2000 years have passed since the Qingfeng Old City War.Today's spirit world is still under the common control of the three factions, but its name has become the branch of the Luotian Celestial Palace.

The order in Qingfeng Old City remained the same as before, and the disciples of the three veins took care of each place separately.

A ray of light inadvertently passed by in the sky was Yi Tian himself, and his cultivation had already reached the late stage of Mahayana.Looking around, no one in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit can be his opponent.

And Miao Dizi, the second patriarch of Luo Tianxian Palace, and the four people of the third generation without characters are still in retreat.After 2000 years, their cultivation bases have all recovered compared to those at the time of the Qingfeng City War, but they are still somewhat unable to reach the level of Ascension to the Immortal Realm.

So Yi Tian didn't want to stay longer in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit. After visiting the retreat places of the master, uncle and master in turn, he was ready to go to the depths of the spirit world to formally ascend to the fairy world.

Looking back in the air at the old city of Qingfeng below, Yi Tian was full of thoughts at the moment. He remembered that when he flew up from the Tianlan Continent to this place, most of the countless disasters he had experienced were related to this place.I closed my eyes and thought about the people I met before, and I went through it in my mind at this moment. Looking back, I only feel that these things happened yesterday.

Now I have no choice but to say goodbye to this world and go to the unknown fairy world to explore and pursue the Tao of immortality.Now that I have raised my cultivation level to the next level, it would be a waste of time to stay in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit.

Although the lifespan of the monks in the Mahayana period is endless, the determination in the heart of the master Miaodizi who has been injected into the master over time is not as good as before.This is definitely not a good thing for those who practice the Tao.

With the current cultivation levels of Master Miaodizi, Master Wuxiang and others, they can try to ascend to the fairy world long ago.But because of so many setbacks and disputes in the past tens of thousands of years, he has long had a grudge against the matter of ascension, so Yi Tian also knows that even if they can ascend to the fairy world in the future, they will not be able to compete with themselves in terms of Dao Xin. Still not as good.So the realm that can be climbed in the future will naturally be different.

After looking back at the Zongmen's residence, Yi Tian turned around resolutely, sacrificed the escape light, and flew straight towards the depths of the spirit world.Ascension from the Tianlan Continent to the second stage requires a support platform and a ascension platform, but this is not necessary for the Ascension Immortal Realm.

You only need to try to break through the existing realm in the depths of the spirit world to sense the world and let the world-seeking fairy officials in the upper fairy world find you, and then you can open the entrance of the passage to pick you up.

So far, Yi Tian spent several days flying to the depths of the spiritual world, and then chose an excellent spiritual place to sit cross-legged on the ground and practice silently.

A few years later, an unknown wind suddenly blew up around this place, and the surrounding spiritual power wind wrinkled and formed a large wind barrier within a radius of ten thousand miles.In the middle of the strong wind, Shaoqing burst out with a lot of true flame power, and then shot straight into the sky.

The beam of light formed by the strong spiritual power was a full mile in diameter, and instantly opened a gap in the air above the head.

At this moment, the original light of the day was swallowed up by the darkness in the gap in the void, and those thunderstorms rushed out and hit Yi Tian on the ground.

It's just that hundreds of thunderbolts struck on the 'Golden Flame and Eight Views Palace Lantern' without causing any damage to Yi Tian.After the tribulation and thunder were over, the nectar from heaven fell into Yi Tian's mouth, repairing the damage from the previous tribulation.After flashing through the gap in the air, Yi Tian put away the 'Golden Flame Eight Views Palace Lantern' above his head, jumped up from the ground and flew straight to the gap, and disappeared after ten breaths.

This is the end of the chapter on the spiritual world, and the next chapter is to be continued.

 Continuous writing for 1324 days without interruption.Today is finally the end of this book.Thank you all for your support during this time.In the near future, new pits may be reopened. Of course, the subject matter will definitely not be fairy tales.Thank you for your continued support.

(End of this chapter)

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