
Chapter 2350 Concubinage turmoil 1

Chapter 2350 Concubine Trouble [-]
On the Tianlan Continent, since the Lihuo Hezong, it has become the number one sect in the world. In addition to its continuous influence in the Zhongzhou Continent, the branch sects have made great inroads in Dongao, Wanlihai and Beiling.In addition, Ming Wangdao in the southern border has a good relationship with him, and the four new demon kings have inseparable ties with their sect.

As for Xihuang, there is also an alliance with Lihuozong, and the high-ranking monks of the Divine Sword Sect and Tianmomen have also been friends with Lihuozong for many years.Even the suzerain of the Maiden Sect is the concubine of the former suzerain of the Lihuo Sect, so it seems that the entire Tianlan Continent is the world of the Lihuo Sect.

It's a pity that no matter how powerful the power is, it's just a flash in the pan. In other words, it's been almost 2000 years since the fire sect bloomed, and it's almost good luck.

It is common sense that the world will be divided for a long time, and it will be divided for a long time. There is no dynasty in the world that exceeds 800 years, but there are families that have passed on for thousands of years.It was these aristocratic families that broke up into parts and scattered all the branches of the family. Even if the main family was transferred for a few years, new branches would rise and replace them.

But large sects can't spread out like this, after all, there are very few places for leisure.In addition, the cultivation resources are originally controlled by the sect, if they are spread out too much, it may affect the foundation of the sect.

The Lihuo Sect in Zhongzhou has also gradually declined after a millennium of prosperity.During this period, several monks in the Nascent Soul stage were exhausted and unable to ascend to the spirit world, which immediately caused the sect to lose its big backer.Although there are still elders of the Yaozu sect in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, it is said that they can take care of the descendants of the sect after their long lifespan.

But with the old generation withering, the new generation in power of the Li Huo Sect were all juniors in front of the Demon King, so naturally they couldn't restrain them.Fortunately, the four demon kings still cared about their old feelings, so they secretly took care of Li Huozong.

But after the next millennium, with the fall of all the Nascent Soul stage monks in the sect, the Lihuo Sect, which dominated the Tianlan Continent, also fell from the position of a super-class sect to the altar.

If it weren't for the Nascent Soul cultivator sitting in the Dong'ao branch, I'm afraid that he would directly fall out of the first echelon of the cultivation world.

Originally, the world of cultivation was ebb and flow. With the decline of the Lihuo Sect, those second-rate sects continued to erode the resources of their territories.Although Li Huozong saw it in his eyes and kept it in his heart, there was no good way.

After weighing the pros and cons, the current suzerain of the Lihuo Sect still entrusted the descendants of the Yi family to go to the Hundred Thousand Mountains to invite the Great Sage Bingli, the head of the Four Great Demon Kings, to come forward to deal with him.

In this way, the spirit vein land, which is thousands of miles away from the Fire Sect's gate, and several other important places where spirit stones are produced have been preserved.

As for the factions of the sects, they all shrank back to these lands so that they could hide their strengths and bide their time, not because of other sects' rivalry.But without the situation where the Lihuo Sect was the dominant family, those newly emerging sects developed rapidly. During this period, many monks in the Nascent Soul stage appeared, and for a while, a hundred schools of thought contended in Tianlan Continent.

However, these Nascent Soul stage monks would go to Lihuozong to pay a visit to them after they entered the middle stage, and many middle and low-level monks naturally didn't know much about this situation.Why is a declining sect so popular.But there is no airtight wall in the world, and some gossip always comes out.The Lihuo Sect's strength spread all over the Tianlan Continent back then, don't look at it's decline now, but as long as the demon king in the Hundred Thousand Mountains is still there, he can stand firm in the cultivation world.

What's more, there is a secret about the entire Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit in the Li Fire Sect, and the location of the Ascension Platform has always been guarded by the disciples of the Li Fire Sect.Those Nascent Soul stage monks don't want to ascend to the spirit world, but they must rely on the power of the 'Ascension Platform' if they want to ascend, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to safely pass through the void passage with their own strength.

Therefore, even if those monks in the Nascent Soul stage had a hundred unwillingness in their hearts, they would not forcibly offend the Lihuo Sect. At most, they could only use secret means to coerce and coerce.

In contrast, the life of the Bingli Demon Saint in the Shiwan Dashan is extraordinarily chic.Now he is the strongest in the entire Tianlan Continent, and the other demon kings were his followers back then.

Even Chi Yanju, who was ranked second, was no match for him at all, but the relationship between the two monsters was close, and it was said that they were the incarnations of spiritual pets next to the big man back then.

On that day, a large number of monster monks and human spiritual practitioners came to visit the Bingli Demon Saint's Mansion in the Hundred Thousand Mountains.Guests came in an endless stream, but there were two rows of eighteen red lanterns hanging outside the main hall of the Bingli Demon King's cave.The surroundings are full of joy, as if they are organizing a happy event.

There are four or five transformed wolf demons lined up to receive the guests one by one at the door, and at the same time, the guests will be divided into two parts and brought into the hall one by one.Those monks in the Nascent Soul stage of the human race were naturally regarded as honored guests and sat with the monsters in shape.

In the main hall of the Yaoshen Cave Mansion, it seems that the Ice Glass Demon Saint has not yet arrived, but there are more than a hundred monster cultivators and human Nascent Soul stage monks seated below.

As for the two vacancies immediately below your left heads, it seems that they are specially reserved for a certain important person.

Shaoqing only listened to the master of ceremonies Yun Dantian cleared his throat to attract everyone's attention, and then said: "The auspicious time is here, please invite the new wife of the ice glass demon saint Xie to make a grand debut."

As soon as the words were finished, a handsome man in his thirties who was wearing a Chinese dress and a red hijab on his head slowly walked into the hall from the side of the hall.It's just that the bride's voice is full of monsters, and it seems that she is not from the Qingtian lineage of Southern Xinjiang, but more like the demon cultivator of the fox clan.

The Bingli Demon Saint led his new wife slowly up to the main seat, then turned around and stretched out his hand to signal: "Everyone who has come from afar, please take your seats quickly, thank you for coming to the wedding hall of this seat today, a little preparation Alcohol is no respect."

The people below naturally handed over their hands to thank them, and they were also very happy to see the legendary Ice Glass Demon Saint today.Naturally, they also want to leave a good impression in front of the Ice Glass Demon Saint, so that they can talk to each other in the future.

Suddenly, a demon cultivator who looked like a butler rushed into the hall, ignoring everyone's gaze, and ran directly to the Bingli Demon Saint, bowed his head and communicated with him.

Naturally, the Ice Glass Demon Sage was slightly taken aback, and then slowly frowned after hearing the report.After three breaths, he stretched out his hand to signal the person to back down, then opened his mouth and said in a deep voice, "Since the second brother is here, why don't you take your seat quickly?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a fiery red halo flew across the air and landed directly in front of the Ice Glass Demon Saint. When the halo faded, he revealed that he was a handsome man in his 20s.The skin on his body has a ruddy luster, and it looks like he is full of blood or has cultivated some high-level fire-type supernatural powers.

What's more, the Bingli Demon King called him the second younger brother, so it goes without saying that the person who came was the 'Red Flame Demon King' in the Western Wilderness.

After he stood still, he looked around, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body spread out undisguisedly, and the soaring demonic aura suddenly shook the surrounding visitors, who put up their protective shields to resist.

The Bingli Demon King who was sitting on the top position did not change his expression, and there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes, and then he said, "Second brother came from a long way, why don't you take your seat quickly, you and I haven't seen each other for nearly a hundred years, today is just a drunk party stop."

Hearing that Chi Yanju restrained his demonic aura, he cupped his hands and saluted, "Brother is accepting a concubine today, and younger brother naturally dare not be negligent. Please prepare a little gift this time and please accept it with a smile."

After speaking, he took out a jade box and gently handed it up through the air, and then Chi Yanju walked slowly to the reserved position under the left head on his own.After sitting down, regardless of others, he picked up the jug on the table and poured himself a drink.

The Ice Glass Demon King took the jade box and gently opened it, and closed the lid again after a short breath, his face full of confusion.

Chi Yanju came here today and broke the whole atmosphere with a single sentence. The invitation sent by the Ice Demon King is to inform all channels to come to his wedding hall.However, Chi Yanju said that it was the joy of taking a concubine, which was far from his original intention.

After a pause, the Bingli Demon King said earnestly, "Second brother may have other intentions in coming here today."

"Don't dare, big brother took a concubine today, I naturally want to congratulate you," Chi Yanju replied without giving in, and at the same time injected the word "concubine" into his spiritual pressure fluctuations, which shocked the crowd present The big monsters all looked terrified.

Speaking of which, the original partner of the Bingli Demon King was Qingyu Demon King of Nanjiang, but at some point they had an awkward relationship, and Qingyu Demon King went back to Southern Xinjiang alone.In this way, it will be four or five hundred years. During this period, although the Ice Glass Demon Sage went to the southern border many times, they all failed.The reason is unknown to everyone, but 500 years ago when the Bingli Demon Sage met this new lady, he stopped going to southern Xinjiang.

So far, the estrangement between the husband and wife has become nameless, and the Bingli Demon Saint is also happy to hang out with the new lady all day long, and finally agrees to keep her in the house and give her a title.

People with a discerning eye can see these things, but how many people can clarify things like the Scarlet Flame Demon King.

In the main hall, the Bingli Demon King felt a little embarrassed after being made such a fuss by the Chi Yanju.Inside the jade box is a three-color tail feather, needless to say, it belongs to Qingyu Demon King.

And Chi Yanju's intention to send this as a congratulatory gift couldn't be more obvious, not to mention that he said that today is "the joy of accepting a concubine", so he still recognizes Qingyu's status.

A trace of loneliness flashed across the face of the Bingli Great Sage when he heard the words, and then he said in a deep voice: "Second brother is here today to congratulate me on welcoming my new wife. No need."

"One day husband and wife, one hundred days of kindness, I don't believe that elder brother is a person who loves the new and dislikes the old, not to mention that you have gone through so many hardships to get together, don't you think that the elder brother doesn't miss the old love at all," Chi Yanju didn't give in at all.

This time it was the Bingli Demon Saint's turn to fall silent, obviously what the Scarlet Flame Demon King said hit his mind.But now it's the top monks on Tianlan Continent who are gathered here, and the Bingli Demon King is also being hated, which means that he can't get off the stage.

At this time, the bride, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "Since uncle came from afar, why is he aggressive? Since it is the husband's choice, why didn't he obey it. You must know that the elder brother is the father, so it is disrespectful for the uncle to do so."

"Hmph, when are we two brothers talking and it's your turn to interrupt," Chi Yanju said with a serious face, and at the same time, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body wrinkled and passed over the bride, and immediately blew up the red hijab.

All of a sudden, the hearts of all the people in the entire hall were raised in their throats. Today, the Red Flame Demon King's sudden move would only anger the Ice Glass Demon Saint.Immersed in these [-] mountains for a long time, today can be regarded as something to watch.

"Hey, you look so strange," Chi Yanju said in a word, but he was dumbfounded, but there was a thoughtful look on his face.Then he turned to the Bingli Demon Sage and said: "Brother, when you are going to be obsessed with obsession, don't you know who you are thinking about?"

Just as he was talking, a coquettish voice suddenly came from the air: "Second brother, don't try to persuade him anymore, you see he is bewitched by a ghost."

As soon as this statement came out, the complexions of the people in the hall changed again. This person was clearly in the hall, but no one noticed, not even the Bingli Demon King found out the heresy.

On the other hand, Chi Yanju hurriedly stood up and bowed towards the main entrance, "I've seen my sister-in-law."

"Why are you here?" The Ice Glass Demon King said with difficulty.

As soon as the words were finished, there was a phantom at the door that turned into a true deity, which was Qingyu Demon King, but everyone was terrified when they saw it.This person was wearing a military uniform, with a little makeup on, and looked like he was in his twenties or eight years.The key is that her face is exactly the same as that of the bride next to the main seat, as if carved out of a mold.

The people present at the meeting were all human beings, so they guessed something, but the moment of embarrassment on the scene also made the atmosphere extremely dignified.

Qing Yu slowly walked forward to Chi Yanju and stood still, then glanced at the two sitting above and snorted coldly.

The atmosphere became extremely delicate for a while, and everyone present did not dare to make the slightest movement for fear of arousing the displeasure of the three demon kings.Today, the three strongest demon kings on Tianlan Continent gathered for a while, overwhelming all the demon masters around them, not daring to take a breath.

At this moment, someone at the corner of the banquet said: "Add a jug of wine, and the beef should be fresh and grilled to medium rare."

The silence in the hall was broken by this sentence, and everyone turned their heads to look at the last seat after being attracted by the sound.I saw a young monk grabbing the jug with one hand and pouring it into his mouth fiercely, while with the other hand he picked up a cow's leg in the big bud.This person does not have the slightest spiritual pressure fluctuation and looks like a mortal, but which mortal can quietly sneak into the Bingli Demon Saint's Mansion to participate in the banquet.

At this time, a subordinate of the Bingli Demon King hurriedly shouted: "Who dares to harass the conversation of the three demon kings here? Don't you know that the Bingli Demon Sage is respected in Tianlan Continent? Even if the human race Lihuo Yi Nan, the top cultivator of the sect, obeys senior brother every time he comes, you are very courageous in spiritual cultivation."

Unexpectedly, the man said indifferently: "I don't know any Bingli Demon King, but I do recognize Bingli Fox, Chi Yanju, and Qingtian Chicken."

(End of this chapter)

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