
Chapter 2352 Revisiting the Old Place 1

Chapter 2352 Revisiting the old place one
There are outstanding people in Dongao, and Xuanyang Sect, which appeared more than 2000 years ago, is the most conspicuous sect among them.Afterwards, the Zhongxing sect of the Xuanyang sect put the main energy on the main line of the suzerain.However, the control over the Dong'ao territory has never been relaxed. In the past 2000 years, the Xuanyang faction, as a branch of the Lihuo Sect, has firmly grasped all the cultivation resources in the Dong'ao territory.

However, in this boundary, the area where the Chiyang faction is located is still the center of the cultivation world.It is said that Yi Nan, the current ancestor of Chiyang, is also retreating here.Speaking of which, his strength has already reached the stage from the peak of the Yuanying stage to the early stage of transforming the gods, but because there are no successors in the sect, and there are no talented people in the Zhongzhou Lihuo Sect, so he is needed to sit in charge.

In addition, the older generation of Nascent Soul stage monks all chose to be released into reincarnation under the premise that there was no hope of promotion.As a result, the mainstay in Lihuo Palace in Zhongzhou no longer exists, only ancestor Yi Nan, the branch of Chiyang in Dongao, can support him.

A flame flashed across the air, followed by a blue ray of light.The phantom faintly appeared in the flame aura, which was the true form of the red flame horse, and the blue light behind it was chilling.These two strands of spiritual power, cold and hot, are the most powerful Ice Glass Demon Saint and Scarlet Flame Demon King in today's Lan Continent.

Speaking of which, it is rare for the two of them to be dispatched at the same time, but today the Scarlet Flame Demon King seems to be carrying a person on his back.Leaving aside the flames on his body is Yi Tian's avatar who came to this world, and only in this situation will the two top masters on the Tianlan Continent kneel down and be willing to be driven.

The aura did not attract anyone's attention after it flitted across the air, and when it reached the boundary of Chiyangzong, it was heard and stabilized above the forbidden lava valley.

It's just that Yi Tian glanced over and found that there seemed to be two Nascent Soul mid-stage monks sitting cross-legged and practicing.As for Yi Nan, the grand elder of the Chiyang Sect, he didn't seem to be among them.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand slowly in the air, squeezed out a trace of blood, and quickly formed a seal in the air.After urging it to activate, I saw the blood mark flying towards the distance rapidly.

After drifting for hundreds of miles, the blood mark slowly stopped and fell downwards.After Yi Tian glanced over, he took a closer look at the location of the Ice Soul Cave where the newcomers in the Chiyang Sect were assessed.

All of a sudden, thousands of thoughts flooded into his mind, and later Yitian's eyes flashed a gleam, and he turned to Binglihu and Chiyanju who were sitting beside him and said: "You guys wait outside, I will come as soon as I go. "

After speaking, his body flashed away, and he used a concealed movement technique to fall into the Ice Soul Cave.

Speaking of this Ice Soul Cave, it was the beginning of my first exposure to the secrets of the Chiyang Sect.Since I accidentally found the secret in Taihua Mountain, I followed the clues and found it here, and I started my leisure journey.

So Yi Tian still has a special feeling for Bingpo Cave.I remember that in the past, I broke through the inheritance left by the Xuanyang Patriarch in order to practice the supreme skills of the Xuanyang School in one fell swoop.

There are also several fellow students who started with me at that time, and they worked hard here to pass the entrance test.Looking back on the past, Yi Tian unconsciously found that his eye sockets were slightly moist.

It has been 3000 years since the end of the month, but everything that happened in the past is as vivid as if it happened yesterday.Yi Tian quickly went through all the experiences of the year in his mind, and then his face was full of loneliness.Except for myself, the other members of the same sect have already exhausted their lifespan and escaped into the avenue of reincarnation.

Now stepping on the boundary of the Ice Soul Cave again, but those faces in the past are no longer visible.

Speaking of which, I sent my son Yi Nan back to Chiyang Sect to let him experience his own growth process.It is never a good thing to be arched high in Zhongzhou Lihuo Sect, and it is not a good thing for a monk's mentality to be honed around.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian quietly took steps towards the Bingpo Cave, and walked along the road he walked back then.

Suddenly, a red forbidden barrier lit up in front of him, blocking his way.At the same time, Yi Tian quietly opened his mind and found that there seemed to be a secret aura under the Ice Soul Cave besides himself.There is no sign of sect disciples' activities in a hundred miles around.

Seeing that the unknown technique of the restriction in front of him was the same as his own, Yi Tian smiled slightly and stretched out his hand to draw a gap in the red restriction barrier, his figure flashed slightly and directly entered the restriction barrier inside.

After coming inside, I only felt a sharp chill blowing towards my face, but it was a pity that it had no effect at all on the avatar of the transformation stage.

Along the path in front of him, Yi Tian slowly entered the second floor of the Ice Soul Cave, and then penetrated to the third floor of the crypt.

When I came to the bottom, I saw that the space within a radius of ten feet was empty and there was nothing.But Yi Tian had a faint smile on his face. After all, he had already told Yi Nan about the secret of the Ice Soul Cave, and there was another layer of space under these three layers.

Going forward, stretching out his hand, he lightly shot down an aura, and in an instant, he saw a ten-foot-sized stair step exposed above the inner floor of the third floor of the Ice Soul Cave, leading directly to the bottom.

After slowly walking down the stairs, halfway through, I heard a voice from below saying: "I don't know which fellow Taoist came to visit, and he was able to easily break the forbidden barrier set by the old man."

The tone of the speech sounded the same as it was 2000 years ago, Yi Tian smiled and kept silent but quickened his pace and walked down.

After Shaoqing came to the fourth floor, he saw an ice coffin in the middle of the room, and the voice came from the ice coffin.There is no doubt that Yi Nan should be lying in the ice coffin at this time, Yi Tian stayed for three breaths, only to hear the voice come out again: "Who are you, you dare to turn into the face of my suzerain on the Lihuozong platform? "

"Yi Nan, come out," Yi Tian replied lightly.

Hearing his own words, the ice coffin made a 'cracking' sound. With a bang, the lid of the ice coffin was lifted from the inside out, and a red dot of light flew out of it. After circling in the room, it stopped a foot away in front of him.

After the light faded, the truth inside was revealed to be Yi Nan, the current grand elder of Lihuo Sect.His appearance was exactly the same as when he ascended to the spirit world back then, without any change.

After seeing him, Yi Nan's complexion changed slightly, and then a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and he let go of his divine sense to look at it.After ten breaths, when the divine sense retracted, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but trembled: "Is it really you, father?"

Smiling and nodding, Yi Tian said, "I didn't expect that among so many children, you are the only one with the most tenacious Taoism, able to refine your cultivation to such an extent."

"My son greets father good night," Yi Nan hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

He stretched out his hand and gave Yi Nan a gentle push, but he couldn't do it any more, and Yi Tian said in a good voice: "I'm just a clone in the lower realm, but it's fate that you and my father and son can meet again today, and let me have a good look at you now look like."

Yi Nan's eyes flashed a glimmer of color, and then he cried, "Father, after a long absence, your strength is indeed extraordinary. I wonder how much you have cultivated now?"

Yi Tian replied with a smile: "Explain many things to you slowly, let Weifu take a good look at you."

"I don't know why father sent the clone to the lower realm this time?" Yi Nan asked again.

"The so-called Ye Luo returns to the roots, I was always born in Tianlan Continent, even if I want to go to a higher level plane, I can't forget my origin," Yi Tian sighed.

"What is it that father has cultivated to the extreme in the spirit world and can explore higher planes again?" Yi Nan asked in surprise.

"That's true," Yi Tian nodded and smiled, and then found a space to sit down and slowly told Yi Nan about his experiences in the spirit world over the years.

Yi Nan's eyes were filled with excitement when he heard that his final cultivation had achieved Mahayana.Then Yi Tian was not stingy, took out a storage ring and gently handed it to Yi Nan, saying: "There are things I forwarded to you to prepare here. If you can make good use of it, you can easily ascend to the spirit world .At that time, if you want to re-admit to Lihuo Palace, you can also go to Taiqing Pavilion."

After Yi Nan took the storage ring, his divine sense sneaked in, and after three breaths, his complexion changed several times.The spirit stones and magic weapons left here are definitely things he has never seen in his life.

After thinking about it, Yi Nan hurriedly put it away, and then said: "My lord father said, if this is the case, then I will end the affairs of this world first, and then choose another day to ascend. But if you enter the spirit world In the future, just based on my identity, I think I can have a place in one of the three major sects, at least it will be of great help to my path."

"Don't worry, I will already ascend to the fairy world by the time you ascend to the spirit world," Yi Tian shook his head and said, "There is also your relationship with me, I will only leave the jade slips and hand them over to Qing Lian, a monk in the Zongmen's fusion period." Yun Zhixiao. She will take good care of you after you join the sect."

"Isn't it the little mother you found for me in the spirit world?" Yi Nan smiled and understood the meaning of his words in an instant, and then teased.

Seeing this, Yi Tian was also at a loss for words. Speaking of which, Yi Nan is his son after all, and he is the most similar to himself among all the children in terms of personality.So even the tone and tone of the speech are exactly the same, if it weren't for the private conversation, who in the entire Tianlan Continent would know that the elders of Lihuo Zong Taishang are so virtuous.

Yi Tian gave him a slight look, and sighed: "Speaking of which, your mother and I are also not close. She must have been angry when I sent you directly to Dongao. Before I ascended to the spirit world, I knew It was my fault for not getting his forgiveness."

"Father, don't blame yourself," Yi Nan replied hastily, "Actually, you did this for the sake of the sect's thousand-year foundation."

"Oh, it's best if you can understand my difficulties," Yi Tian said with a sigh.

"To tell you the truth, my lord mother has lost her temper a long time ago. He is also a sensible person. He knows that if the Lihuo Sect is controlled by my Yi family, it will be fine when these old people are still alive. As a result, the sect is bound to wither again," Yi Nan explained hastily.

"That's right, the sect was not originally my own, and I was able to rejuvenate the Lihuo sect with the inheritance of my senior brother Ji Xuanyuan." Yi Tian nodded and said, "I have also seen the changes of the sect in the past. Quite a few, those sects that rely on some high-ranking monks to be strong for a while can't escape the end of decline. Therefore, maintaining the healthy development of the sect is the inevitable way to maintain the millennium inheritance of the sect."

"Father's grievances are also well known to my mother. It's just that you humiliated her in front of so many disciples back then, and you sent me away without explanation, which made her worry about it all the time," Yi Nan said: "Actually, father, you still owe your mother a 'sorry', but she didn't wait until the moment you ascended."

"How is your mother doing now?" Yi Tian asked.

"My mother's lifespan has been exhausted and she has sent soldiers into reincarnation. I will send her body to the ancestral grave of the Yi family in Hewan Village at the foot of Taihua Mountain for burial according to her last wish," Yi Nan said.

"Really, she still remembers this in her heart," Yi Tian's face darkened when he heard this, and endless loneliness appeared on his face.

"This is my mother's last wish. When she was dying, she told me that she would always be the daughter-in-law of the Yi family, so Ye Luo must return to her roots and be buried in the ancestral grave of the Yi family," Yi Nan explained.

Sighing, Yi Tian turned around and said, "Okay, since that's the case, I'll go to the Yi family's old house. Thinking about myself, I have been away from home for 3000 years and I don't know what the family has become now." .”

Speaking of this, Yi Nan turned serious and said, "Father, don't worry, although cultivators are not allowed to meddle in mortal affairs, the family has passed on the bloodline through its ups and downs over the past three thousand years."

"Presumably you will also secretly take action to protect the family?" Yi Tian asked with a smile.

"Although I can't do it clearly, I used the hand of the emperor in the world to protect the family with a little bit of means. I didn't neglect the descendants of Tang Lin and Huashi City that my father mentioned back then. Now they Among the younger generations, there is also a Xiucheng Jindan who has opened up a family of cultivation and attached himself to the sect."

"You did a good job. They are all my fellow apprentices. I remember that the first time I met Huashi City was on the first floor of the Ice Soul Cave," Yi Tian said with a look of joy on his face. Zhong quickly recalled the situation back then.Then he said: "It was with their help that I was able to enter the third floor of the Ice Soul Cave and find the message left by Patriarch Xuanyang, thus opening up the 2000-year history of Zongmen's revival."

It was only after hearing this that Yi Nan recalled it. It seems that there are indeed some similarities and differences in this place. No wonder his father would send himself here against all odds.Before leaving, he also reminded him to take good care of the matter in the Ice Soul Cave.

Speaking of this, Yi Tian reached out and took out a panacea and handed it to Yi Nan, saying: "This order is the 'Golden Flame Pill' from the Luotian Immortal Palace in the spiritual world. It is made. After taking it, you should try your best to refine the spiritual power in it. After my refinement, this 'Burning God Golden Flame' can be easily absorbed by the Nascent Soul, and you will be able to have an extra life-saving supernatural power in the future. If you can Entering Lihuo Palace and cultivating the celestial secret 'Burning God Golden Flame', then this pill can also help you to more than double the supernatural power."

(End of this chapter)

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