
Chapter 2353 Revisiting the Old Place 2

Chapter 2353 Revisiting the Old Place II

After 3000 years of changes, Hewan County at the foot of Taihua Mountain has changed from a small county to a city-level administrative unit.No matter how the dynasty changes, it has always maintained a considerable scale.The current Hewan County has become Hewan City, but the buildings in the city have been rebuilt countless times.

When Yi Tian returned to Hewan City again and walked on the street, his face was full of sighs all the way.There is no memory of my past here, and the White Horse Gang has disappeared for a thousand years.Today's new buildings in the city have been completely renovated.After walking for several miles in the city, relying on the memory in his mind, Yi Tian passed by the "Sihai Gambling Square", Beishi Street and other places in the past, only to find that only the thousand-year-old Qingshi Street on the ground is the same as what he remembers. Hewan County is somewhat similar.

In this way, it seems that this place no longer belongs to me, even if I return home after 3000 years, I still don’t have the feeling of the past.

Looking back, Yi Tian sighed, and there was a bit of confusion in his eyes.Seeing this, Yi Nan who was beside him hurried forward and said, "Father, there is no need to be like this. It is common sense for the world to change. Since we have already jumped out of the world, naturally we don't need to be sad about it."

Nodding his head, Yi Tian smiled and replied: "That's right, this place is no longer the Hewan County in my memory, but it's just that I haven't returned home for a long time, so I can't help but be touched by the scene."

"What my father said is that no matter who you are, you will keep your childhood environment in your heart as the most precious memory," Yi Nan explained.

"Okay, so let's take a look at the ancestors," Yi Tian said lightly afterwards.

After saying that, the figures of the two disappeared in the street out of thin air without disturbing anyone.From Hewan County to Hewan Village is only a hundred miles away, and for the two of them, it is just a blink of an eye.But Yi Tian walked slowly along the main road with his childhood memory.

Yi Nan who was behind her didn't dare to make any mistakes and had to follow closely behind.

Three hours later, when the two of them arrived at Hewan Village, Yi Tian saw from a distance that there were houses stretching for more than ten miles.The Yi family's old house in my memory has long since disappeared. Although the Yi family in Hewan Village has blood, it is not the biggest suzerain.

In the past 3000 years, many immigrants have entered, and now there are at least three to four hundred people in Hewan Village.

Looking at it from a distance, Yi Tian found that the ancestral hall of his ancestors seemed to be still there. Although it was already dilapidated, the four characters of "Yi Family Ancestral Hall" carved on the stone were still faintly visible.The ancestral hall is only the size of three tile houses, and there are no people living around it.Compared with the newly built houses in the village, it looks very old. The ancestral hall has obviously been transferred to take care of it, but it still looks very eye-catching among so many new houses.

Seeing this Yi Tian, ​​the corner of his mouth moved slightly and said: "You can follow me to the ancestral hall to have a look."

"Baby Zunming," Yi Nan replied afterwards.

Speaking of which, I only found half of the seal behind the token of this ancestral hall, which is the half of my current 'Feixian Yin' in Niwan Palace.The other half was found in the cave at the root of the old tree in the mountain. It seems that it was God's will that led him into the cultivation world.

If it weren't for this seal, I'm afraid I would never be able to get to where I am today.

This matter is also related to the secrets of the fairy world. Yi Tian naturally didn't want to say more, so as not to leave endless troubles for Yi Nan.

The two took advantage of the darkness and used their concealment skills to sneak into the 3000-year-old 'Yi Family Ancestral Hall'.But seeing an oil lamp hanging above the center of the ancestral hall, the weak and dim light in the interior makes it almost impossible for people to see the situation inside the ancestral hall clearly.But for Yi Tian and the others, it didn't matter. After the divine sense passed over the top, they found that there were more than [-] densely packed tablets enshrined.

It is slightly different from what I remember in that the upper part of the tablet is made of stone, and it looks like something that has been around for a while.Yi Tian looked upwards and finally found the names of Yi Da and Yi Er in the center of the second floor of the top floor.

A trace of loneliness appeared on his face, Yi Tian suddenly fell into memory.On the other hand, Yi Nan, who was on the side, could guess the truth after seeing Yi Tian's appearance.Then he hurriedly asked, "I wonder if my lord father is looking for the tablets of my grandfather and my uncle?"

Reaching out his hand, Yi Tian pointed to Yi Qun's tablet on it and said, "I remember that my brother was only in his teens when I left home. Those days can be said to be the happiest time in the mortal world."

Looking at Yi Tian's eyes suddenly fixed, he lost his voice and said: "Why are your mother's tablets placed here, so it has made people doubtful."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his finger and pointed to the three tablets next to the tablet of Yiqun, and saw that the tablet of Yimen Liu's Piaopiao was clearly written on it.

Yi Nan beside him also said with a surprised expression: "I have been to this ancestral hall several times, but I have never seen my mother's memorial tablet before. Could it be that my mother's life energy was exhausted and she had already placed it before her death?" for this?"

"When did your mother run out of life energy?" Yi Tian asked suddenly.

"It happened about 700 years ago," Yi Nan thought for a while and replied.

"How were the bones placed after her fall?" Yi Tian asked.

"Before my mother escaped into reincarnation, she asked me to send the bones back to the Yi family's ancestral grave in Hewan Village for burial," Yi Nan said, "I handled the whole process."

"Yeah, Liu Piaopiao really has a heart, take me to see her grave," Yi Tian said with a slight twitch of his mouth and a knowing look on his face.

On the contrary, Yi Nan was slightly startled when he saw it, he had never heard his father call his mother by her name.Could it be that there is something wrong with it today, but after recalling it in my mind, I feel that there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

Not much to say, the two slipped out from the back of the ancestral hall, and then Yi Nan led the way based on memory. The two climbed over several hills and came to a valley with a radius of about three miles.There are hundreds of graves, large and small, here.

After walking for half a mile, Yi Nan stretched out his fingers to the two solitary graves on the edge of the cliff in the distance and said, "That's where my mother's bones are buried, even Erniang was buried here when she fell. "

"Oh, Shi Qianwei, I didn't expect that she would also want to recognize her ancestors and return to her ancestors, and return to Yi's ancestral grave after death," Yi Tian showed a thoughtful look on his face at this time.Then he asked again: "I estimate that the two of them passed away not more than five to ten years ago."

"Father really predicted things like a god. After Erniang passed away, my mother also became depressed and became ill. She passed away about seven years later," Yi Nan explained.

"Shi Qianwei's funeral should be presided over by your mother, right? Even the burial was arranged by her alone?" Yi Tian asked lightly.

"That's right. Back then, as the second mother, only the mother was qualified to take care of her," Yi Nan said with a suspicious expression on his face, and then hurriedly asked: "Father is asking about this matter today, is there something wrong with it?" What's the problem?"

"You are also a person who has lived to be almost two thousand years old. You didn't even notice this trick." Yi Tian showed a slight smile on his face, and then pointed to the two solitary graves and said: "This place is obviously buried With the Feng Shui formation, the location of the two graves should be the eye of the formation, which is intended to protect the rest of the graves here."

"What does father mean?" Yi Nan also showed some doubts at this time, and then stammered, "I buried my mother here with my own hands, so it can't be wrong now, and I didn't arrange it here. Pass through any formation barrier."

"This is not a formation in the cultivation world, but a feng shui formation in the mortal world." Yi Tian said angrily, "You don't know where you have lived until you are old. Look at your mother's grave, the surrounding growth The layers of the green grass are orderly and clear, which means there is a universe inside, and she is originally a demon cultivator, and the large amount of demonic energy accumulated in her body will not disappear immediately even if she dies. If buried here, it will affect the world in less than a hundred years. The geomantic omen of this place completely ruins this treasure land."

Hearing this, Yi Nan's complexion changed slightly, and then his eyes revealed a look of excitement, he opened his mouth tremblingly and said, "Could it be possible that both the mother and the second mother are still alive?"

"It's not possible, it's certain," Yi Tian said with a smile on his lips: "I know the aptitudes of Shi Qianwei and Liu Piaopiao very well in my heart, and they are slightly worse than me, but according to the qualifications I left for them back then, It is not difficult for resources to ascend to the spirit world. Is the Ascension Platform still under the control of the Lihuo Sect?"

"Here is such an important child, naturally he will not give up easily," Yi Tian said.

"Was it your mother who was in charge of the 'Feishengtai' before?" Yi Tian asked after thinking for a while.

Nodding her head, Yi Nan replied affirmatively: "That's right. After my father left, my mother took charge of the 'Ascension Platform' matters, and didn't pass on the 'Boundary Wheel' to me until she died."

"In the past, I took a look at the graves of both of them. I guess there must be no bones of the two of them," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"Father really wants to do this, it's disrespectful, not to mention that a son will be struck by lightning when he opens his mother's coffin," Yi Nan said embarrassingly.

"That's true, but if there is no bones of your mother in the coffin in the grave, it's another matter, besides, you don't want to be kept in the dark," Yi Tian paused and explained.

Just do what you say, Yi Nan is also an early-stage cultivator of Huashen, but this time he didn't care about his identity in order to find out the reason of the matter.Taking out a spirit sword in his hand, he manipulated it in the air and carefully scraped away the soil around the two solitary graves, revealing the white jade coffin inside.

After taking out the two coffins, they placed them on both sides, and then Yi Nan stepped forward to look at them and said, "It's the same as when they were buried back then, and there isn't much change."

Yi Tian, ​​however, walked to Shi Qianwei's coffin first, after scanning with his divine sense for a while, a sneer appeared on his face, and then he strolled to Liu Piaopiao's coffin, stretched out his hand, gently stroked the surroundings of the jade coffin, and then looked at the eyes Liang said: "Sure enough, it has the demeanor of the past, I am afraid that even the miniature teleportation formation in the way of the formation that I left behind back then has been thoroughly understood."

"I don't know what father means?" Yi Nan asked with a happy expression on his face when he heard this.

"I'm afraid your mother and Erniang have already ascended to somewhere in the spirit world," Yi Tian asserted.

"Impossible," Yi Nan said with an inconceivable expression on his face, "This matter is too strange. It is reasonable to say that Erniang secretly ascended to the spirit world under the control of my mother, but my mother handed over the wheel of that world to my queen." And how did you activate the 'flying platform'?"

"You fool, do you really think that the facts will be as you expected?" Yi Tian waved his hands and said: "There is not only a 'flying platform' in Zhongzhou in the entire Tianlan Continent, it's just that you are ignorant, let alone I have already refined two of the boundary wheels, one of which is used as a backup in case of emergencies."

Hearing this, Yi Nan showed an unbelievable look on his face, stared at the coffin in front of him for a long time, but stammered, "Why did my mother make such a big fuss just to hide it from me? what?"

"Why, don't you see it now?" Yi Tian said jokingly: "Your mother didn't want you to worry, but also broke your extravagant hope and made you firm in your Dao heart, so that you can rely on it in the future." Your own strength soars to the spirit world."

Hearing the words, his expression was serious, and then there was a flash of crystal in his eyes, and he muttered in a low voice: "It turns out that the mother's painstaking efforts made the child realize it today."

"It's better to know it later than to know it later, and it's better to know it later than to be in the dark," Yi Tian said, "But don't worry, since I know about it today, I can roughly calculate where your mother is at the moment gone."

Speaking of Liu Piaopiao's fraudulent death, it happened six to seven hundred years ago. At that time, the Great War of Demon Disasters in the Spirit World was over. With Liu Piaopiao's skills, he was bound to ascend to the Demon Realm, so he could join in the chaos of the Demon Realm. To the casual repair alliance.

With her strength, as long as she doesn't touch the taboos of the seven major demons, self-protection alone is not a big problem.And she will also try to find her whereabouts in the spirit world.But what she didn't expect was that she was able to achieve the Mahayana stage of cultivation after ascending to the spirit world in only 2000 years, which was unexpected anyway.If this is the case, even if she has the heart, she has no chance to find herself.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian felt confident, with a faint smile on his face, since he knew Liu Piaopiao's whereabouts today, it would not be difficult to find her.In addition, with my current status in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, it is not appropriate to find a cultivator at the stage of transformation, but the most troublesome thing is how to explain to her the situation of Qing Lianyun and others matter.

And Shi Qianwei must have ascended to the spirit world six or seven years earlier, but her whereabouts are easy to find. Judging from the orthodoxy left by Qian Lingzi back then, the probability of Shi Qianwei worshiping the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect is extremely high .Although he also belongs to one of the branches of Luotian Immortal Palace, as the suzerain himself, he will not care about the affairs of the branches below at will.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and lifted the covers of the two coffins, only to see two jade boxes inside.On the lid of the jade box, there are forbidden talismans affixed respectively.Yi Nan looked overjoyed, but Yi Tian's words came from his ears: "Go and open it and have a look, it should contain the information your mother left you."

(End of this chapter)

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