
Chapter 2354 The situation in the Western Wilderness 1

Chapter 2354 Situation in the Western Wilderness [-]
The Western Wilderness originally lacked cultivation resources, so the life of the three major cultivation sects here, the Excalibur Sect, the Heavenly Demon Sect, and the Maiden Sect, was naturally much worse than that of the sects on the Zhongzhou mainland.

Compared with Dong'ao's sect, it is also slightly inferior, at best it is similar to Ming Wangdao in Southern Xinjiang.In addition, the original access to Zhongzhou here was guarded by the great demon king of the Western Wilderness, Chi Yanju, so that among the three sects, monks below the Jindan stage could not easily communicate with monks in Zhongzhou or other places in private.

Originally, the Heavenly Demon Sect and the Excalibur Sect were on par in the Western Wilderness, but the Maiden Sect was always inferior in strength.It's just that Yan Zhaoxue, the ancestor of the Maiden School, has a very deep connection with the Zhongzhou Lihuo Sect, so it has been able to maintain itself among the three major sects of the Western Wilderness.

Although the power of the Zhongzhou Lihuo Sect has weakened somewhat due to the changes in the sect's power in 2000, the Maiden Sect has always been able to maintain its status.

Wuhe, the late Yuanying ancestors of the Heavenly Demon Sect and the Excalibur Sect all passed away one after another, or disappeared during the catastrophe when they hit the stage of transforming into gods.It's just that the girl faction's exercises are only suitable for women, and there are far fewer female cultivators in the cultivation world than male cultivators, so they can only maintain their current sphere of influence and cannot expand any further.

As for the founder of the Girl Sect, Yan Zhaoxue, she didn't know when she suddenly disappeared into the sect, which immediately caused the entire sect to be in chaos. Without the cultivators at the transformation stage, I am afraid that the world of the West Wasteland will change. up.

The news of the Patriarch's disappearance was still spread out, but what surprised the Maiden School was that even after receiving the news, the Shenjianzong and Tianmomen seemed to pretend to be deaf and dumb, and did not respond.

The monks of the Girl Sect finally breathed a sigh of relief, but they still couldn't relax completely. After all, no one could have predicted such a major event.

As for the Tianmo Sect at this time, Dugu Chong was no longer the head of the sect, and Situ Ruiyu, the elder of the Excalibur Sect, retreated behind the scenes.According to legend, her lifespan is also running out, but no matter what, the reputation of this late Nascent Soul cultivator is still enough to shock the young people in the Western Wilderness.No matter how you say it, the Excalibur Sect still maintains the title of the number one sect in the Western Wilderness.

It was the day when a ray of light flashed across the sky, and in the ray of light was Yi Tian's avatar who descended from this world.Before entering Chiyang faction in Dongao area, he met Yi Nan, but after returning home to worship his ancestors, he accidentally discovered the flaw left by Liu Piaopiao.

If it weren't for her own suggestion, Yi Nan would never have thought that his mother would "Li Daitao stiff" and secretly enter the spirit world through the "Flying Ascension Platform" by herself, and spread the news of her fraudulent death to the whole world. Lan mainland knows about it.

After confirming Liu Piaopiao's tricks, Yi Tian didn't hesitate, and after explaining to Yi Nan, the two repaired Yi's ancestral tomb before leaving quietly.

Afterwards, Yi Tian also took a few days to get along with Yi Nan, and answered all the difficult problems he encountered in cultivation.

However, there is always a banquet in the world. After a brief meeting, Yi Tian directly set off for Xihuang and his party.The main purpose this time is to go to the Girls' School to check on Yan Zhaoxue's footprints. In fact, the time of her disappearance almost coincides with the time when Shi Qianwei and Liu Piaopiao ascended to the upper world.Yi Tian also had some doubts in his heart, wondering what the hell the three women were doing.

Flying all the way to pass through the Heavenly Sword City, Yi Tian also stopped for a while, lowered his figure and restrained his breath.Immediately, he dressed up as a foundation-building monk and wandered around in Tianjian City.

After walking around, I found that although there have been great changes here, the residences of the Excalibur Sect, Tianmomen, and Maiden Sect have remained the same as in 2000.

Sneaking into the Excalibur Sect quietly, he found out a secret message. It turned out that Situ Ruiyu, the Supreme Elder of the Excalibur Sect, might be running out of lifespan in the near future.Therefore, many monks of the Excalibur Sect rushed back to strictly defend the sect and Tianjian City in case someone took advantage of this opportunity to provoke trouble.

Speaking of which, most of the monks who can come forward to make troubles are the monks of Tianmomen and Maiden Sect. Those casual cultivators should not be so bold and dare to challenge the status of the number one sect in the Western Wilderness.

From the mouths of these Excalibur Sect disciples, I learned that there are quite a few Jindan stage monks in the Excalibur Sect, but there are only one or two who can break through the alchemy and become a baby.Compared with Tianmomen, once Situ Ruiyu dies, he will fall down among the top monks.

In the past 2000 years, although the resources obtained by the Tianmomen were poor, all the demon cultivators were strong.In the same realm, they are slightly stronger than the monks of the Excalibur School.

Moreover, Dugu Chong also carefully cultivated the descendants of the clan when he had no hope of advancing. Today, there is one monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul and three monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul in Tianmomen.Generally speaking, it is a bit worse than the Excalibur School Yuanying's late stage one person and early stage two people.

But once Situ Ruiyu died, the Demon Sect would become the dominant family in the West Wasteland.Speaking of which, this is what the Girls' School wants to see, so at this time the Excalibur School and the Girls' School are also very close.

Although the Maiden Sect only has one middle Nascent Soul and one early Nascent Soul, as long as it cooperates with the Excalibur Sect, even the Heavenly Demon Sect will not be able to shake its position.

As for the Excalibur School, which was still thriving thousands of years ago, it was only during the previous trip to "Sword Art Online" that two Nascent Soul stage monks were lost one after another, while the Tianmo Sect was matched with a Nascent Soul cultivator and Three Jindan disciples.In this way, it seems that the strength of both sides is about the same, but the fall of the most promising mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator from the Excalibur Sect undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to Situ Ruiyu.

After collecting the information, Yi Tian quietly withdrew from the Excalibur Sect's residence, and then flew out of Tianjian City.After selecting the resident of the Excalibur sect in the air, he turned and flew straight there.

Speaking of which, the power of the Western Wilderness has nothing to do with him, and even has nothing to do with the Zhongzhou Lihuo Sect.But Yi Tian knew in his heart that the three-legged cauldron is stable, and this situation has been maintained in the Western Wilderness Cultivation Realm for thousands of years. If the Tianmomen family is allowed to dominate, there may be another war here in the Western Wilderness. For women, they will be involved no matter what.So Yi Tian felt that it was necessary for him to intervene to adjust this power.

Flying quietly to the sect of the Divine Sword Sect, the mountain guard formation in front of him was like paper.It can be seen that the mountain protection array that is not activated often on weekdays is fully activated at this time. Yi Tian knows that the Excalibur Sect should be in a state of distress at this time. .

After falling from the sky, Yi Tian used his concealment technique to sneak into the Excalibur sect's residence quietly.Sneaking into it, following the exploration of the spiritual pressure fluctuations, I found the forbidden area inside the sect.

The outside world here is covered by a layer of light white light barrier, and there is a middle-stage Jindan monk sitting cross-legged at the gate outside the barrier.Yi Tian, ​​a disciple with such a cultivation level, didn't pay much attention to him at all, and immediately passed him with big strides.

With the cultivation base of Yi Tian's avatar, he passed the guards and came to the front of the ban without even arousing the wind.After the whole body was covered with a faint halo, Yi Tian plunged into the restriction.But the restriction didn't seem to respond to Yi Tian's intrusion at all, Shao Qing passed through the restriction barrier and Yi Tian came to the stone gate of the cave.

After standing still, he stretched out his hand and lightly pressed on the stone door, and then his figure transformed into a clear breeze and passed through it without causing any waves.

Entering the cave, Yi Tian glanced over and found that the inside didn't seem to be very big, and walked out from the corridor behind the door to the hall, and found a female cultivator sitting cross-legged in front of him.At this time, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body showed faint signs of decay, and it was Situ Ruiyu, the Supreme Elder of the Excalibur Sect.

After looking carefully with his eyes, Yi Tian also showed a little helplessness on his face. Although this Situ Ruiyu has not yet reached the last moment when his life essence is exhausted, the fluctuation of spiritual pressure around him seems to be in the late Yuanying period. Hovering between to mid-term.

Speaking of which, her current performance is also the result of her lifespan being exhausted in less than a hundred years.In the meantime, Situ Ruiyu remained the same as before, Yi Tian stepped forward and sat down slowly in front of her.

It's just that his behavior made Situ Ruiyu in front of him aware of it, even though the avatar's cultivation level was one level higher than hers.However, the gap between the Nascent Soul stage and the Transformation God stage made it impossible for the opponent to directly perceive his own existence.

But it is also impossible to guarantee that Situ Ruiyu has any special supernatural powers or super perception to sense his own existence.

She was much older than herself, and she was able to maintain it until now because of forcibly taking a large amount of life-prolonging pills.

Shaoqing saw Situ Ruiyu, who was sitting cross-legged in front of her, slowly opened her eyes, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on her body suddenly increased to a stable state in the late Nascent Soul.Then he looked at the space in front of him and said lightly: "I don't know which demon king is visiting, please forgive me for not being able to stand up to greet him due to physical inconvenience."

After all, she found the clues, a casual smile appeared on Yi Tian's face, and then he slowly appeared.Then Jishou said: "It's been a long time, fellow Daoist Situ, don't come here and be safe."

"Why is it you, didn't you already ascend to the spirit world?" Situ Ruiyu blurted out with a shocked expression on his face.

"I'm just a clone of the lower realm, and almost 2000 years have passed since I ascended to the fairy world," Yi Tian said with emotion.

"That's right, such a long time has passed by inadvertently," Situ Ruiyu said with feeling, "I've been retreating here for nearly a thousand years, and even though I know about the changes in the outside world, I can't do anything about it."

"Fellow Daoist Situ, you don't need to blame yourself. The so-called changes in the world have definite numbers. In fact, we can change it with human resources." Yi Tian knew the meaning of her words and comforted him: "It is common for Zongmen Dao to unify and flourish. It is not surprising that there has never been a sect that has not declined for a thousand years."

Hearing this, Situ Ruiyu also showed a trace of loneliness on his face and said: "You Daoist Yi is right, I think your Zhongzhou Lihuo Sect has experienced some ups and downs in the past 2000 years, and you only beat the older generation of monks. After the fall, the newcomers couldn't stand out. Naturally, the fortune of the sect has gradually declined. Fortunately, there are still monks in the transformation stage of the Dong'ao branch sect. In addition, the three demon kings are nostalgic for the past, so it is natural to be safe and worry-free. .”

Hearing the sourness in Situ Ruiyu's words, Yi Tian was also unmoved, but just smiled lightly and said, "Actually, the Shenjian faction in the West Wasteland has been dominant for a long time. The door did not decline directly, but showed signs of prosperity again after hundreds of years of accumulation and forbearance.”

Speaking of Dugu Chong, Situ Ruiyu also showed a trace of loneliness on his face and said: "My Excalibur Sect was also full of talents back then. If Xing Yuan had not fallen into the 'Sword Art Online', the situation in the Western Wilderness would have been terrible. It will be what it is now."

"So that's the case, Fellow Daoist Xing and I were quite congenial back then. I didn't expect him to fall into the secret realm, which is really surprising," Yi Tian sighed after hearing the words.

When Situ Ruiyu mentioned this, he also had some emotions on his face. He glanced at Yi Tianhou in front of him and continued: "He went deep into the dangerous place to save Dugu Chong. It's a pity that although he was rescued, he accompanied himself in. gone."

"I didn't expect Xing Yuan and Dugu Chong to still cherish each other so much. Speaking of which, they competed with each other for a lifetime, but they didn't expect it to end like this in the end," Yi Tian said with emotion.

"That's exactly the case. We all thought that it was a sure thing for Dugu to cross the tribulation back then. We didn't expect that he would be trapped by this matter during the last step of the demon tribulation and he would not get through it in the end," Situ Ruiyu explained.

"I think it's the same. With Dugu Chong practicing the Heavenly Demon Clan's skills, his strength is far superior to that of the same level. What's more, what he cultivates is also a static real demon body that is rare in a thousand years. Unless something special happens."

"But what I didn't expect is that Dugu Chong also cultivated a powerful successor, his grandson Dugu Yaoqiang," Situ Ruiyu said: "Dugu Yaoqiang was only a middle-stage golden core monk when Dugu Chong fell, but he didn't I thought it was only 500 years in the past, this person broke through three levels in a row and raised his cultivation level from the advanced stage at that time to the strength of the middle stage of Nascent Soul."

"So today the Demon Sect is headed by Dugu Yaoqiang," Yi Tianxi asked.

"That's true. With his current cultivation base, he can be regarded as a top expert in Xihuang," Situ Ruiyu explained, "Since Yan Zhaoxue disappeared, the only person who can suppress him in Xihuang is the old man." It's a pity that after a hundred years, no one will be able to stop the expansion of the Tianmo Sect."

Speaking of Situ Ruiyu, he looked at Yi Tian in front of him, and saw that there was no expression on his face, as if he didn't take this matter to heart at all.

Seeing this, Situ Ruiyu sighed lightly and stopped talking.At this moment, the surrounding restrictions trembled slightly, and a spiritual light flew out of it and landed in front of Situ Ruiyu.In the aura is a jade talisman of communication.

After reaching out to take it, Situ Ruiyu didn't see any waves on his face, but instead handed the jade talisman to Yi Tiandao: "The day of the alliance of the three factions is just around the corner. Go out to welcome guests."

(End of this chapter)

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