
Chapter 2355 The situation in the Western Wilderness 2

Chapter 2355 Situation in the Western Wilderness II

The gate of the Western Wilderness Sword Sect opened today, and many famous monks from the Western Wilderness were invited to attend the meeting.Speaking of which, in the Western Wilderness, the consultation meeting of the three major sects is the most important thing.

Of course, there are still some small and medium sects in the Western Wilderness who have received the invitation and rushed to it. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.In such a consultation meeting, you can have the honor to meet the top monks among the three sects.

Most of the topics in this meeting were to discuss the resource allocation of Xihuang.Especially the allocation of resources in the three main cities of Xihuang.

Today, in the main hall of the Excalibur Sect, many Jindan monks came to pay their respects. As for the foundation-building monks, they were all blocked from the main hall and were not eligible to enter.

There are several seats above the front seat in the main hall, two of which are divided into left, middle and right.

Obviously, there are at least six Nascent Soul stage monks visiting today.On the seat in the middle is a monk wearing the costume of the Excalibur School, whose strength is in the early stage of Yuanying.This person is Situ Ruiyu's disciple, the current suzerain of the Excalibur Sect, and Xing Yuan's only son Xing Gao.

And on the lower side of his left head sat a cultivator of the Heavenly Demon Sect wearing a black robe, whose strength was in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.Needless to say, it was Dugu Yueqiang, the suzerain of the Tianmo Sect today, and his visit today made the entire Excalibur sect extremely cautious.In addition, sitting on his lower head is an old-faced monk at the beginning of Yuanying. It seems that his strength is not weak, but Shouyuan is less than [-] years old. Duguyao is stronger than weaker.

As for the girls, they were sent by two female cultivators in the early stage of Nascent Soul, and they were twins.It is said that they were Xuejian and Xueqian, the closed disciples of the previous suzerain Yan Zhaoxue. After Yan Zhaoxue disappeared, the two of them will jointly assume the position of suzerain.

But this time, Situ Ruiyu, the Supreme Elder of the Excalibur Sect, has not shown signs of appearing for a long time. It seems that Dugu Yueqiang and others came here to investigate the reality of the Excalibur Sect.If Situ Ruiyu came forward to explain that she could still survive, but with Dugu Yueqiang's mind, he would definitely try to ask for some advice in private to reconfirm the reality of the Excalibur Sect.

If Situ Ruiyu came forward and refused to make a move, it meant that his lifespan was running out, so he would not make a move easily.

Just as he was thinking about it, a disciple of the Excalibur Sect suddenly sang: "I invite the old patriarch of the Sect, Elder Situ, to attend the table."

In an instant, the entire venue became silent, and everyone knew in their hearts that it was the Lord's arrival.His eyes glanced at Dugu Yueqiang who was sitting on the side, and he saw that there was no emotion on his face, and he immediately stood up and turned his eyes to the side of the hall.

The next moment, I saw a beautiful figure slowly walking out from behind the big point and entering the venue. It was the Supreme Elder Situ Ruiyu of the Excalibur Sect.It's just that she is in high spirits at this time, and the spiritual light flowing around her body seems to be full of spiritual power, which is not like the feeling of fading away as if her life essence is about to be exhausted.

Dugu Yueqiang, who was standing on the side, had a rare look of doubt on his face at this time, but after seeing Situ Ruiyu, he could only force a smile on his face and began to compliment him.

When Situ Ruiyu was not as good as taking his seat, he waved his hands to signal his subordinates to sit down, and at the same time said: "It is a great honor for you to come to my Excalibur Sect party today, Fellow Daoist Dugu, Xuejian and Xue Sit down, everyone."

At this time, Situ Ruiyu still behaved like an old man in his twilight years, but he was clearly a vigorous monk.Dugu Yueqiang was terrified when he saw it, and he thought about it quietly in his mind, secretly thinking, "Could it be that the Excalibur Sect is about to produce an old monster in the transformation stage, but it doesn't look like it." '

Then everyone below took their seats one after another, and the atmosphere was also beating for a while.On the contrary, Dugu Yueqiang's eyes were always on Situ Ruiyu who was not far away from him, and even Xuejian and Xueqian of the girl school showed thoughtful expressions on their faces.

Speaking of which, they came this time to take advantage of the situation to check Situ Ruiyu's situation before making an alliance.If Situ Ruiyu has any abnormalities, it will be beneficial and harmless to the cooperation between the two factions. After all, if Situ Ruiyu is a person with exhausted life energy, he will definitely do everything possible to win over the girl faction.

But looking at it now, it seems that the situation is not as imagined. Could it be that Situ Ruiyu has held back for nearly a hundred years and wants to make a blockbuster today.

As for Situ Ruiyu, who was sitting on the main seat, it seemed that he was not interested in anyone present, but there was an extra vacant seat beside him.Her actions naturally attracted the attention of everyone present, but no one dared to ask what happened.

After drinking for three rounds, Dugu Yueqiang couldn't help but said: "Senior Suwen Situ is my number one expert in the Western Wilderness, today is a grand event for my three factions to gather together, and this junior also wants to take this opportunity to spend more time with you." It's about being close."

It is said to be close but the meaning in the words is self-evident, Situ Ruiyu couldn't see any joy, anger, sorrow or joy on his face, he just said lightly: "What my nephew said is very true. What I admire is Dugu Chong, although he has fallen, but I have the obligation to take good care of his descendants due to emotion and reason."

The arrogance and arrogance of these words did not save Dugu Yueqiang any face.You must know that with Dugu Yueqiang's mid-Yuanying strength, he is also an unambiguous figure in the West Wasteland.

A random foot shake in the Tianmo Gate can make the people below breathless, but today it is a bit aggrieved to be treated by Situ Ruiyu like a lesson to the younger generation.

Dugu Yueqiang frowned slightly and looked around, but didn't answer for a while.But the Tianmomen disciples around him knew that this ancestor was most afraid of others mentioning his grandfather Dugu Chong.This was his biggest heart trouble, but it was precisely because of Situ Ruiyu's unrestrained statement that it really made Dugu Yueqiang feel unhappy.

Then he paused for a moment before speaking: "I heard that Senior Situ has been famous in Xihuang for a long time, and his strength is also extraordinary. This junior wants to ask senior for advice, and I hope you don't refuse."

This is Dugu Yueqiang making a plan after failing to make a plan. Although the spiritual pressure fluctuations on Situ Ruiyu's body seem to be strong, if he takes some specific pills, he can also achieve a false effect.So Dugu Yaoqiang had to confirm it himself before he would give up.

Moreover, the fight between masters does not only require physical action, if Situ Ruiyu agrees without hesitation, it means that he still has a lot of confidence.As for the fight between the two of them, it was only here, they must have competed at a high altitude.

On the contrary, many monks present stopped their wine glasses one after another, and everyone focused on Situ Ruiyu to see how the No.1 of the Western Wilderness would deal with the challenges of the new generation.

"Since Nephew Dugu Xian wants to play, the old man will accompany him to the end, let's go outside to the sky to compete," Situ Ruiyu replied indifferently, then turned his head and told the disciples beside him Down.

After hearing this, the suzerain of the Excalibur sect had an incredulous look on his face, and then he respectfully served beside him.

Situ Ruiyu, Shaoqing, and Dugu Yueqiang, with a flash of spiritual light all over their bodies, turned into two streaks of light, one white and one black, and flew out of the main hall of the Excalibur School in an instant.After three breaths, all the people in the hall hurriedly followed and looked up at the gate of the hall.Such Nascent Soul-level fights are not common, and it is natural for Xihuang's current top masters to play.

Even Xueqian, a Nascent Soul cultivator from the Maiden Sect, couldn't help but flew out of the hall to see the two of them.On the contrary, Xue Jian was sitting upright at the seat at this time and waited for everyone to go out before turning around and bowing to the empty seat beside the main seat.But there was a strange flash of light in his eyes, he lowered his head and transmitted the sound: "Disciple Xuejian pays respects to senior, but I don't know that senior's sage came here to welcome Xuejian."

Suddenly, a calm voice came from Xue Jian's ear: "How far has your 'Qing Ling Dharma Eye' practiced?"

"Disciple Bucai is only able to refine the third level," Xue Jian said with joy on his face.

Immediately, a faint halo appeared in front of her, and when the halo dissipated, Yi Tian's avatar appeared.Turning around and looking at her, he opened his mouth and said, "Do you recognize me?"

"The disciple has seen the portrait of the Patriarch in Master's bedroom, and the Master has also told me in detail the relationship between the Patriarch and our sect," Xuejian replied hastily.

"It seems that you are the one talking about the Girls' School, and Yan Zhaoxue has spent a lot of effort on you," Yi Tian said with a slight smile, "I even passed on to you the pupil technique that has made me famous for a long time. , it must have been arranged for the funeral before quietly ascending to the spirit world."

"So the master's disappearance is indeed ascended?" Xue asked with a surprised expression.

"Ninety-nine are inseparable, Yan Zhaoxue must be living together with Shi Qianwei and Liu Piaopiao. One of the three people has exhausted his lifespan, one is missing, and the other is sent to reincarnation. It's just a way to cover people's eyes," Yi said. But the sky teased disdainfully.

Hearing this, Xuejian also showed embarrassment on her face, but she knew in her heart who the person in front of her was.Today, if I didn't suddenly cast the Qingling method to check, I really didn't expect to meet Yi Tian.But listening to Yi Tian's tone, it seemed that he didn't care about what Yan Zhaoxue did, but Xue Jian, as a junior, naturally didn't dare to refute it.

After a pause, I heard Yi Tian say: "This time I am a clone in the Lower Realm. Fortunately, I know the whereabouts of the three of them. It is not difficult to find them in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit."

"Senior Situ Ruiyu of the Divine Sword Sect is able to perform like this today, I am afraid it is because of Master Cheng's support," Xue Jian asked tentatively.

"That's true. I didn't expect that when I came back this time, I saw the changes in the Western Wilderness like this, but the three-legged confrontation is unbreakable, otherwise the Western Wilderness will fall into an endless battle," Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "In view of This is why I have no choice but to help Situ Ruiyu get through the entrance once, and it will depend on her fortune whether she can become a god in the future."

"The patriarch's assistance to the Excalibur Sect this time is of course for the sake of the stability of the Western Wilderness Cultivation Realm," Xuejian said with a smile, "I wonder if I can give you some guidance on how to cultivate this disciple, and besides, this disciple is a branch of the Lihuo Sect in Zhongzhou. Master reminded me of this point again and again before leaving so that I will never forget it."

Hearing this, Yi Tian guessed what Xue Jian meant. With her aptitude, if she wanted to improve her cultivation, she would need a great opportunity, and in the Western Wilderness, the only way to go is to go to 'Sword Art Online' There is a chance.Likewise, seeing yourself today is a once-in-a-lifetime golden opportunity, and any intelligent person will never give up easily under such circumstances.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian took out a jade slip and a jade bottle and handed them over, "This is the whole chapter of the Sunny Yin True Fire Cultivation Technique of Zhongzhou Lihuo Sect, as well as my annotations. Originally, I wanted to It was left for Yan Zhaoxue. But now it seems that it is the same for you. As for the pills in the jade bottle, the ten pills taken by monk He Yuanying stage are enough for you to raise your cultivation to the peak of Yuanying stage."

Xue Jianwenyan showed excitement on his face, and then bowed his head three times before reaching out to put away the jade slip and the elixir.

After the two talked for a while, they sensed movement outside the hall. Two ray of light flew back into the hall at once and landed on the main seat and the first position on the left.After the black and white light faded away, the figures of Situ Ruiyu and Dugu Yueqiang were revealed.

But at this time, the expressions on the faces of the two of them were completely different. Dugu Yueqiang looked at Situ Ruiyu in front of him with a shocked face and incredible eyes.After the two fought in the air just now, the people below only saw that it ended peacefully, but how could Dugu Yueqiang, the person involved, not know that Situ Ruiyu in front of him had completely returned to his heyday.

There was a look of incomparable confidence between the gestures. The two had only tried three moves, but Situ Ruiyu obviously did not use all his strength to make a move and had already received all the moves with all his strength.

At this time, although Dugu Yueqiang looked calm, he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in his heart, and at the same time, a cold feeling came from the clothes on his back that were soaked in cold sweat at some point.

This gathering has reached the current stage, which is already like chewing wax for everyone in the Tianmomen, but no one dares to do it because of Situ Ruiyu's power.

As for the junior casual cultivators sitting below, they all had a decision in their hearts at this time.They stepped forward one after another to express their goodwill to the suzerain of the Excalibur Sect.Although they couldn't go beyond and directly communicate with Situ Ruiyu, but after expressing their loyalty, they were all doing their best.Presumably, as Situ Ruiyu, she wouldn't care about anything with them.

On the other hand, Xue Jian, the head of the Maid School who was sitting on the side, turned her head and bowed her head to have a private chat with Situ Ruiyu.Yi Tian didn't care about this, anyway, they are both insiders, and there will definitely be a lot of things to exchange.

I saw that Situ Ruiyu's face remained unchanged at first, and then the peripheral vision from the corner of his eyes also rowed towards the empty seat beside him in unison.After ten breaths, the corners of his mouth moved slightly, as if discussing something with Xue Jian.

The two chatted for a while before Situ Ruiyu turned around and stood up and said, "Today, taking advantage of everyone's high spirits, I once again announce that a disciple of the sect's direct lineage will marry the descendant of the Maiden Sect, and the two families will become good friends in Qin and Jin Dynasties." I hope that we can work together in the future to maintain the stability of the Western Wilderness Cultivation Realm."

(End of this chapter)

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