
Chapter 2356 Sword Art Online 1 Departure

Chapter 2356 Sword Art Online's Departure
During the grand meeting held in the three major sects of the Western Wilderness Sword Sect, monks above the Jindan stage from all over the Western Wilderness witnessed the demeanor of Situ Ruiyu, the ancestor of the No. 1 Divine Sword Sect in the Western Wilderness.

Among them, Dugu Yueqiang from the Tianmo Sect, as a freshman, made a provocative speech, and the two competed with the main hall of the Excalibur Sect for a while.

Although the result of the discussion ended peacefully, this situation was another scene in the eyes of the spectators.

At least they had seen the demeanor of the Excalibur School, and the Taishang Patriarch Situ Ruiyu didn't look like he was about to run out of lifespan as rumored by the outside world.As for the Tianmo Sect, after this battle, they all clamped their tails and behaved. Although the new generation of Nascent Soul monk Dugu Yueqiang was not weak, he was still a lot worse than the older generation of monks.

As for the extent of the gap between the two, I am afraid that only Situ Ruiyu and Dugu Yueqiang, the parties concerned, can tell clearly.

In the following grand gathering, Situ Ruiyu, as the host, also personally opened the door for the sect's most potential direct line disciple to welcome the successor of the Maiden Sect.This kind of grandiose statement of the marriage is naturally aimed at something, and everyone present knows that the West Wasteland may still be dominated by the Excalibur School in the future.

Although the Tianmo Sect has been quite strong in the past few hundred years, it will definitely not be a combined opponent of the two factions.That's why Dugu Yueqiang from Tianmomen's complexion was livid in the second half of the event, and he had no choice but to squeeze out an awkward smile to deal with Situ Ruiyu from time to time.As for the others, they didn't hide far away and didn't dare to disturb his tiger beard.

Compared with the Nascent Soul cultivator from the Tianmo Sect, Xue Jian and Xueqian from the Maiden School chatted happily with Situ Ruiyu.The public marriage of the two sects naturally strengthened the position of the Maiden School again.As for the talker, Xue Jian, he reached a tacit understanding with Situ Ruiyu after a few eye contacts and private voice transmission with his head bowed.

Then the whole feast continued to the end in a harmonious and joyful atmosphere. Afterwards, the visiting monks all got up and walked three feet away from the main seat.After sitting down one by one, they listened attentively to the cultivation experience explained by several monks in the Nascent Soul Stage.

This is also the most important thing in every grand meeting. The six Nascent Soul stage monks from the three major sects have explained in turn that the whole feast will come to an end.

Ten days later, at the entrance of the secret realm of 'Sword Art Online' in the depths of the Western Wilderness, several spiritual lights rushed over.When the light faded, a man and two women appeared.

The visitors were Dugu Yueqiang from Tianmomen, Xuejian from Maiden School, and Situ Ruiyu from Excalibur School.After standing still in the air, Dugu Yueqiang asked, "Senior Situ urgently invited me to come to this 'Sword Art Online' this time, why don't you know that this place has not yet waited for the deadline for the barrier to be weakened, if you want to forcibly enter I'm afraid it will take some trouble."

Situ Ruiyu said with a smile on his face: "I can't wait too long, so I can only bite the bullet and invite the two of you. At that time, everyone will work together to unblock the place."

"I'm afraid it may not be possible to gather the strength of the three of us. Senior Situ may have miscalculated this," Dugu Yueqiang said in a deep voice.

Hearing the meaning of what he said, Situ Ruiyu's face was not moved at all, and Xuejian who was standing by the side was not moved at all.

After three breaths, Situ Ruiyu said: "If today's matter is not urgent, there will be no action, but this time we are just taking action from the sidelines, and the master will arrive soon." .”

"What? In our capacity, we are only people who are helping from the sidelines. Then what is the origin of the rightful master?" Dugu Yueqiang hurriedly asked.

Just as Situ Ruiyu was about to answer, he suddenly saw a red flame flying towards the position of the three of them from the sky.Its speed is faster than Situ Ruiyu's all-out flying escape.

Dugu Yueqiang closed his mouth in such a sensible way, from this ray of light, one can guess that the person must be a person of high strength.And in the entire Western Wasteland, only the Scarlet Flame Demon King of the demon world has such strength.

"Could it be that the Scarlet Flame Demon King is going to explore Sword Art Online?" Dugu Yueqiang was puzzled but pretended to be nonchalant.

After ten breaths, the fiery red light flew ten feet away in front of the three of them before slowly stabilizing. After the light faded, the true content inside was revealed.When Dugu Yueqiang saw it, his face was shocked, the person who came was undoubtedly the Scarlet Flame Demon King.But of course he had seen him face to face before, and what he saw was the transformed form of the Scarlet Flame Demon King.

But today is not the case, in front of them is a group of red flame horses pulling a carriage behind them.The Scarlet Flame Demon King in such a form has never been seen before.

Shaoqing saw that the Scarlet Flame Demon King turned his head to look at the three people in front of him and said, "That's right, they are all here, so let's prepare to unseal them."

After speaking, a red aura flashed all over his body, and the Scarlet Flame Demon King flew out from the frame of the carriage and came to the three of them in human form in the air.

Dugu Yueqiang could clearly feel that the cultivation of the Scarlet Flame Demon King had reached the stage of spiritual cultivation and transformation into gods.To say that the three Nascent Soul Stages teamed up may not be their opponents.

At the same time, Dugu Yue Qiang's eyes fell on the carriage, but he saw the words 'Yunxiaoyu' engraved on the beam on the front of the carriage.

The divine thought passed by but was bounced back by the aura on the 'Yunxiao Yu' carriage, and it was impossible to find out the truth and falsehood for a while.On the other hand, there was a playful look in the eyes of the Scarlet Flame Demon King, and then he said lightly: "Don't be distracted, Dugu's boy, and everyone will join me in opening the barrier outside the forbidden area."

After finishing speaking, the Scarlet Flame Demon King took out four jade talismans with a flick of his hand, and gently sent three of them over from the air.After catching the jade talisman, Situ Ruiyu and Xuejian looked at each other with smiles on their faces, while Dugu Yueqiang poked out his divine sense and swept back and forth on the jade talisman.

After three breaths, his brows were slightly frowned, and a suspicious look appeared on his face.Obviously, the Scarlet Flame Demon King wanted to use this jade talisman to open the forbidden barrier outside the 'Sword Art Online' in front of him.

But can this humble jade talisman really have such a miraculous effect? ​​The content depicted on it is not in the style of runes written on Tianlan Continent at all.However, Situ Ruiyu and Xue Jian had no objection to this at all, and they were all ready to act in accordance with the instructions of the Scarlet Flame Demon King.

The four people in the air held the jade talisman in their right hands to move their spiritual power in and out, and then formed a large formation of four elephants headed by the Scarlet Flame Demon King.In an instant, four phantoms of spirits flew out from the four jade talismans, and after the green dragon, white tiger, red bird, and Xuanwu all returned to their positions, they interweaved into a huge pattern on the void.

Then under the auspices of the Scarlet Flame Demon King, he pressed the pattern directly on the forbidden barrier at the entrance of the 'Sword Art Online'.In an instant, countless dazzling flames flashed after the two formations attacked each other, and then a miraculous scene appeared.The four-element pattern was embedded directly into the forbidden barrier as if effortlessly.

Then four spirit phantoms appeared on the surface of the banning barrier, forcibly opening the ban at the entrance to a hole about two feet wide.Dugu Yueqiang, who was watching on the sidelines, froze for no reason and asked, "Why did you open the entrance so wide?"

"The size of this pattern is designed according to the size of 'Yunxiao Yu'," the Scarlet Flame Demon King said with a blank expression.After all, the aura around him flashed again, and then he returned to the state of a demon and flew to the carriage.

After installing the frame, he rushed into the entrance of "Sword Art Online" with the help of "Yunxiaoyu" and disappeared in an instant.Only one sentence was left: "If you want to come in, follow quickly, I can't take care of you if you are far away."

At this time, the three people behind were also slightly stunned, and then Situ Ruiyu was the first to follow up, followed by Xue Jian.

Dugu Yue Qiangfei was at the end, moved the corner of his mouth a few times and asked privately through voice transmission: "Senior Situ, do you know that the person in the carriage is Heren, why is it so big?"

"You just follow, don't ask any more questions," Situ Ruiyu replied earnestly, "How do you know there are people in the carriage?"

"Being able to make the Scarlet Flame Demon King condescend to kneel down to pull a cart for him, I think the status of the people in this carriage must be extremely noble." Dugu Yueqiang seemed to be enlightened and hurriedly asked: "It seems that Senior Situ should also know You know, does Xue Jian of the unknown girl faction also know the details of that person?"

"Don't say what you shouldn't say, don't ask what you shouldn't ask, and just follow the instructions." Situ Ruiyu said with a straight face: "Some things are not known at your level, but maybe I will talk to you afterwards. You say it all."

Seeing Situ Ruiyu being so serious, Dugu Yueqiang was also surprised, and then he thought quickly in his mind. After ten breaths, the corner of his mouth turned on the sound transmission with difficulty and asked: "Is it the man in the legend? I heard that my grandfather once I mentioned that I was a close friend of that person, but it is said that that person ascended to the spirit world 2000 years ago, isn’t it?”

"He cares about his homeland, so it's rare for him to come back to take care of an old friend like us," Situ Ruiyu said with a smile, "When he ascended, your grandfather saw how he had passed the Nascent Soul stage. If it wasn't for the relationship with your grandfather in the early years Do you think that the Heavenly Demon Sect can last so long in the Western Wilderness without falling down?"

Hearing this, the pupils of Dugu Yueqiang's eyes froze, and a little cold sweat oozed from his forehead.The complexion also became a few embarrassing, Situ Ruiyu was right, as that big man, naturally, he didn't need to have the same knowledge as these juniors.Fortunately, he just used his divine sense to scan back and forth on 'Yunxiao Yu', so the other party didn't blame him for such a rude move. Presumably it was because his grandfather had an old relationship with him.

Thinking of Dugu Yueqiang, he also became honest. In the face of absolute strength, even Situ Ruiyu, who was in the late Yuanying stage, served him carefully, let alone him.

After entering the secret realm of 'Sword Art Online', I saw that the space around here was covered with a thin layer of smog, and the divine sense could only be restricted ten miles away at most.

It's not the first time Situ Ruiyu has come in, and she is quite familiar with her here.Fly forward to catch up with the carriage near the 'Yunxiao Yu'.Then he lowered his head and said via voice transmission: "Friend Yi Daoist, where do you want to check this time?"

"I heard that this 'Sword Art Online' contains a lot of killing sword intent, where did Xing Yuan fall back then?" Yi Tian replied lightly.

"That's right, there is a place deep in the 'Sword Art Online' that contains infinite swords of killing intent, and I wouldn't go there to practice unless it's fierce," Situ Ruiyu said.

"That's true, but if you want to practice the swordsmanship of the Divine Sword Sect to the extreme level first, you have to go there to experience the sword intent," Yi Tian said with a sigh.

"It's just that it's considered a Jedi, and it's hard to extricate yourself from it after the idle monk passes by," Situ Ruiyu explained.

"Okay, just give me the range map there, and I can go there alone," Yi Tian thought for a while.

Hearing this, Situ Ruiyu finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then hurriedly took out a jade slip from the storage ring and handed it over. With a sound of '嗖', the jade slip was directly taken into the 'Yunxiao Yu' by an invisible force. At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting inside, held the jade slip with his spiritual thoughts attached to it and quickly read through it.

After reading it once, Yi Tian frowned slightly, but he thought about it in his heart. As expected, this "Sword Art Online" obviously has a deep relationship with the fragments of the fairy world.Speaking of it, it should be a piece of space peeled off from the fragments.

And the space that collapsed from the Luotian Immortal Realm shattered into four or five pieces, most of which fell into the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit.And I have also taken pictures of these places before and got all the things I should take.

It's just that this "Sword Art Online" is obviously like an ancient battlefield in the fairy world, or it is the source of the collapse of the Naluotian fairy world.

The murderous sword aura contained in "Sword Art Online" has not dissipated after hundreds of thousands of years, which shows that there must be a confrontation between the gods and gods in the fairy world.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian put away the jade slip in his hand, then slowly got up, opened the door of 'Yunxiaoyu' and flew out.

After flashing the aura of body protection all over his body, he got out of the car door and stabilized in the air. Later, he turned his head and said to Situ Ruiyu: "Well, since this is the case, you don't need to accompany me for the rest of the journey. Let's take the two of them first. People fade away and wait for me outside the entrance of 'Sword Art Online'."

Situ Ruiyu finally heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, then cupped his hands and clasped his fists and said, "In that case, fellow Daoist Yi, you have to be careful, so I took the two of them back first."

After obtaining Yi Tian's consent, Situ Ruiyu turned around and flew straight to where the two behind him were.Yi Tian didn't care about them anymore, turned around and said to Chi Yanju: "You should go back too, the next journey contains extremely strong killing intent and sword energy, so it will be harmful and useless to you."

"Master, there is no need to worry. The disciple finally managed to wait until you are in the lower realm. He is naturally willing to serve you and dare not neglect you," Chi Yanju said.

With a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, Yi Tian said with a wry smile: "Okay, since that's the case, let's go."

After finishing speaking, he was about to turn around and get into the car, when suddenly, in his divine sense, he noticed that among the three people behind, there was a light flying towards him rapidly.It was clear that it was Dugu Yueqiang from Tianmomen.

(End of this chapter)

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