
Chapter 2357 Sword Art Online 2 Partition

Chapter 2357 Sword Art Online splits into two lanes
After coming to "Sword Art Online", Yi Tian sat on "Yunxiaoyu" and flew for thousands of miles, and found that the distance in front of him was covered with a thick layer of sword intent.If you go further, it will not be as easy as before.And from the map drawn by General Situ Ruiyu after several previous explorations, it can be known that there is a core of sword intent at the core of the 'Sword Art Online'.

If you want to make a breakthrough in the way of the sword, then this place is an excellent place to understand the way.But judging from the fact that Situ Ruiyu wasted such opportunities in vain several times before, she also missed this chance.Moreover, Yi Tian also found that Situ Ruiyu had lost all of his vigor. Although Dugu Yueqiang could be suppressed by relying on his cultivation now, once the opponent advanced to the late Yuanying stage, he would no longer be his opponent.

Then Yi Tian put away the jade slip map and signaled Situ Ruiyu to take people back to the entrance of the enchantment of 'Sword Art Online' and wait for him.

But what I didn't expect was that among the three of them walking together, Dugu Yueqiang from the Demon Sect didn't return directly, and more than that, he flew forward in a hurry, and his intention was self-evident.

Yi Tian looked at the other party with great interest, and when he flew forward, his divine sense quickly passed by, and his face sank slightly.Then he opened his mouth and said: "Didn't I tell you to go back first, don't you have any other ideas?"

Dugu Yue Qiang hurriedly came to Jishou to pay respects as a junior and said, "See Senior Yi, this junior is willing to serve you and go to the depths of Sword Art Online to explore."

"Oh, aren't you afraid?" Yi Tian yelled coldly, "You said to follow me, but you just thought of letting me protect you?"

"Definitely not," Dugu Yueqiang hastily argued: "The younger generation has heard grandfather mentioning the various deeds of the senior in Tianlan Continent when he was a child. Speaking of which, he also respects the deeds of the senior. If you miss this today Such a chance, I am afraid that I will regret it for the rest of my life."

"It seems that you are a great person, but this is also good if you uphold the spirit of forging ahead, you will naturally be able to go further on the road. In this alone, you are much better than Dugu Chong," Yi Tian sighed He took a breath.

Hearing his tone relax, Dugu Yueqiang also showed a little joy on his face, and said again later: "Senior, please lead the way, and the younger generation will follow behind with all our strength. If we lose it, it can only be said that we are destined to die here." , and the juniors have absolutely no complaints."

"Okay, since you've made up your mind, let's go," Yi Tian said before disappearing in place.After the aura flew into the 'Yunxiaoyu', the red flame horse in front of him was suddenly full of flames, and he spread his four hooves and rushed forward.

Its speed was already faster than that of the mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator. Dugu Yue Qiang behind him gritted his teeth when he saw it, and with the flash of light around him, he urged the light with all his strength to follow in the direction of 'Yunxiao Yu'.

After flying for half a moment, Dugu Yueqiang, who is a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, became slightly tired, and slowly distanced himself from the 'Yunxiaoyu' in front of him.But what he didn't expect was that the "Yunxiao Yu" carriage in front turned around and flew back after turning around in the air, and then slowly slowed down not far in front of him.

The door of the carriage was opened with a 'bang', and Yi Tian's voice came from inside: "Get in the car, I will take you for a ride."

Dugu Yueqiang looked happy and hurried forward to get into the car, then 'Yunxiao Yu' turned again in the air and flew straight towards the depths of the secret realm.

Sitting in the carriage, Dugu Yueqiang also seemed a little cramped, facing a cultivator at the transformation stage, he didn't even dare to take a breath.

After seeing Ba Yitian, he said lightly: "Take the elixir to adjust the breath for a while to make up for the consumed spiritual power, and try to adjust to the best state. The next journey may be more bumpy. When it reaches a certain point, I will I can't protect you anymore, and then you can only rely on your strength to protect yourself."

Hearing Dugu Yueqiang's expression turned solemn, he naturally realized the meaning of these words.Then he hurriedly took out a large amount of elixir from the storage ring, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and then swallowed it.Later, he hurriedly sat cross-legged and exercised his energy to adjust his breath.

'Yunxiao Yu' continued to fly in the air for half a day, but Yi Tian found that the speed was getting slower and slower, until it fell to the speed of a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul.At the same time, 'Yunxiao Yu' seemed to be a little bit unable to withstand the fierce sword intent from the outside world and began to tremble slightly.

Seeing that Yi Tian stretched out his hand to sacrifice Dao Lingguang to protect both 'Yunxiaoyu' and Chiyanju, the signs of trembling disappeared instantly.At the same time, Dugu Yueqiang, who was sitting across from him, noticed this movement, and after waking up from the trance, he opened his eyes and asked, "Senior, where are we?"

"It's almost a few hours away from the core area of ​​this world," Yi Tian said lightly: "The sword intent from the outside world here has reached the limit you can bear now,".

Hearing the helpless look on Dugu Yueqiang's face, he understood the meaning of Yi Tian's words.With his strength, I am afraid that if he continues to follow, it will only be a burden. If he follows him forcefully, he may not only be unfavorable, he may even lose his life because of it.

It's just that it was rare for Dugu Yaoqiang to have such an opportunity to get close to the monks of the transformation stage, so he naturally showed a look of fear on his face.

Yi Tian saw it in his eyes, but said with a faint smile on his face: "Okay, don't be too disappointed, it is your chance to be here today. It is said that no one in this 'Sword Art Online' has explored the core depths clearly. It will also benefit a lot if you practice again with your cultivation base."

After saying that, the corner of Yi Tian's mouth moved a few times, and the 'Yun Xiao Yu' flying in the air immediately landed on the ground.

"The younger generation is just unwilling." Dugu Yueqiang replied with a helpless smile on his face, "So I will practice here for a while, and let's go out together after the seniors finish their work."

"Forget it, since that's the case, I'll let Chi Yanju protect you again," said Yi Tian's figure flashed past 'Yun Xiao Yu'.

After going out to the outside world, I saw that the sky here was shrouded in a gray mist, but there was obviously a large amount of sword intent and sword energy gathered in this mist.The higher the altitude, the stronger the sword intent, and the surrounding spiritual winds made the 'Yunxiao Yu' carriage humming and buzzing.

At this time, Chi Yanju had changed back into a human form and hurried forward to pay respects, Yi Tian didn't say much and gave instructions directly, and then he flew forward by himself under the bright light all over his body.

Chi Yanju didn't dare to disobey after receiving the edict, so he had to turn around and look at Dugu Yueqiang in the distance.Then he walked to the side and found an open space to sit down and exercise his energy to adjust his breath.

In the outside world, Dugu Yueqiang is a character who can shake all the forces in the Western Wilderness with a single word and a stomp, but here he can only be regarded as the master who is protected by others.So seeing this scene, he didn't dare to make a mistake, hurriedly found a place with strong spiritual power, and began to comprehend the confused sword intent in the air.

However, Yi Tian flew into the air after going on the road alone, only to feel that the spiritual power around him became extremely sharp, and among these spiritual powers, phantoms of sword intent appeared in front of him from time to time without warning.

It's a pity that such a sword-intent attack has no effect on him. After the protective shield around him shines, it turns into a solid gray-white aura to protect him, and then flies straight forward.

Although the sword intent in front of him was extremely sharp, it couldn't hurt Yi Tian in the slightest.It's just that the supernatural powers and spells that I can cast in the lower realm of the avatar are limited, and the escape speed cannot be compared with the deity.But after flying for a while, Yi Tian found something strange. What he was using was the spiritual power shield sacrificed by the 'Xuanhuang Shuangxiu' technique.

Ordinarily, being attacked by the sword intent here should gradually weaken it, but the spiritual power contained in the sword intent flying all the way seems to be absorbed by his own protective shield.At this time, Yi Tian was also startled, and he knew what this situation meant.It shows that the spiritual power contained in Sword Art Online is from the same source as his own, so it can be absorbed without any hindrance.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian was overjoyed, and then stretched out his hand to form a seal, absorbing all the gray spiritual power around him.

As for those sword intents, he took them all by himself, and then took out the 'purifying spirit bottle' that he carried with him, and absorbed these sword intents into it.Speaking of which, after the avatar descended to the lower realm this time, there was only a treasure like the 'Purifying Spirit Bottle' on his body.Originally, he wanted to use the strength of his avatar to easily take care of any opponent on Tianlan Continent even without using any spiritual weapons.

Moreover, Yitian's avatar is already invincible with magic power alone, so he focused on preparing some pills and exercises before going to the lower realm.

After flying for about an hour, Yi Tian suddenly found a figure on the ground in the distance. Although he could see it a little blurry, he was able to confirm the identity of the other party with his divine sense.

This person was wearing the costume of the Excalibur School, but there was a spirit sword stuck on the ground in front of him.At first glance, he looked like he was sitting cross-legged, adjusting his breathing, but in fact, he had no vitality at all, just like a mummy sitting on the spot.

Slowly falling down, Yi Tian walked forward, his eyes flashed, but a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and at the same time, he sighed: "You are indeed the fellow Taoist Xing Yuan, but it is a pity that you have been forced to understand the way of swords so far. Exhausted lifespan."

The mummy in front of him was undoubtedly Xing Yuan, but it was a pity that he did not come out after hearing Situ Ruiyu mention that he entered 'Sword Art Online' hundreds of years ago in order to comprehend the true meaning of the way of swordsmanship.

Afterwards, Situ Ruiyu also came to look for it, but unfortunately, his bones were not found.I was met by myself today. Speaking of which, the two are quite destined. Suddenly, several thoughts flashed in Yi Tian's mind.

After sighing lightly, Yi Tian took out a jade box, quickly made a seal in his hand, and tapped lightly on Xing Yuan's corpse in front of him.In an instant, a flash of spiritual light came out and wrapped his bones in, and then put them directly into the jade box.

Gently close the lid, and after affixing a seal talisman on the seal, Yi Tiancai slowly put it into the storage ring.After doing this, Yi Tiancai set off again and flew into the air towards the direction with strong sword intent in the distance and continued to fly.

After about tens of thousands of miles, Yi Tian found that the chaotic spiritual power in front of him suddenly became thicker and thicker, and the sword intent around him also became more fierce.Those invisible sword qi hitting his protective shield caused a buzzing sound.

Yi Tian searched for the direction of the strong sword intent and slowly touched it. After a flash of purple light flashed in the pupils of his eyes, he performed the 'Tianma Pupil Technique'.Shaoqing frowned slightly, and saw that there seemed to be a spirit sword stuck on the ground about ten miles away.The boundless sword intent here comes from that spirit sword.

Staring at the sword intent, Gangfeng Yitian couldn't continue to fly in the air, so he could only walk forward on foot with his head down.For Yi Tian, ​​the distance of more than ten miles in the outside world is just a blink of an eye.

But this is not the case in 'Sword Art Online', every step Yi Tian takes takes a lot of spiritual power, in addition to withstanding the sharp wind, the surrounding swords are also trying to tear himself apart from time to time defense.

It took more than half an hour to walk this section of the road before it was considered to be close to the thirty-foot range of the spirit sword.After arriving here, Yi Tian found that he couldn't move forward no matter what.There seemed to be a monstrous battle protruding from the spirit sword inserted on the ground, and my soul trembled slightly because of it.

After biting the tip of his tongue lightly and feeling the pain, a sliver of clarity flashed through his mind.After Yi Tian got a straight look, his eyes glanced over the spirit sword, and then his eyes showed shock.The spirit sword stuck on the ground in front of him should be an immortal artifact. The style of the inscription on it is exactly the same as the one I inscribed in the Immortal Fragment of the Netherworld, and it belongs to the inheritance of the Neiqi Society of Luotian Immortal Palace in the Immortal Realm.On the hilt of the sword is engraved with the word 'Autumn Shuang' in 'Golden Script', which should be the name of the sword.

I didn't expect that there would be fragments of this fairy world left on the Tianlan Continent, but the monks in this world are not strong enough to see the secret in the middle of this world.

Moreover, Yi Tian also found that there seemed to be some signs of damage on this 'Autumn Frost Sword', and it is said that these fairy weapons have been tempered thousands of times.Moreover, the fairy world treasures used would not be easily damaged. What kind of attack did it undergo to make it show such traces.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly his eyes flashed and there was a dark golden luster not far away, Yi Tian didn't doubt that he hurried over there.Then the depths of the divine sense began to investigate.After three breaths, there was a meeting expression on his face, the source of the dark golden luster was a black and shiny simple knife.It doesn't look much different from the style of the plain knife outside, but the pattern engraved on it is exactly the same as that on the 'Autumn Frost Sword'.

At the same time, there is a very strong sword intent on the simple sword, which is different from the sword intent. It is extremely concise and there is no sign of revealing it.No wonder this place is called 'Sword Art Online'. It turned out that two fairy artifacts fell here, and it seemed that the fragments of the fairy world were split alive before falling to Tianlan Continent.

(End of this chapter)

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