
Chapter 2358 Sword Art Online 3 Illusion

Chapter 2358 Sword Art Online Three Illusions
Outside of "Sword Art Online", led by Situ Ruiyu, the masters of the three major sects of the Western Wilderness jointly broke the forbidden barrier here.At the same time, the Scarlet Flame Demon King returned to its original form and dragged 'Yunxiao Yu' to carry Yi Tian into it. In the subsequent exploration of the secret realm, Yi Tian let Situ Ruiyu and others leave early.

After all, there are many crises here, and even Xing Yuan, a monk of the Excalibur sect in the middle stage of Yuanying, was also folded in it.So Situ Ruiyu and Xuejian were naturally happy to see the success and hurriedly resigned.

As for Dugu Yueqiang, he still tried to follow Yi Cheng, and Yi Tian didn't have much objection to this, but rather appreciated his performance.After all, with his strength and aptitude, if he wants to improve his cultivation to the late stage of Nascent Soul, if he doesn't have a lot of chances, he may be hopeless in this life.

Dugu Yueqiang also desperately wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to break into this 'Sword Art Online' after meeting him on a rare occasion today.

After taking Dugu Yueqiang into the depths, Yi Tian still got off the car halfway and asked him to follow Chi Yanju to comprehend the sword intent at the limit position he could reach.Speaking of it, it's not that he doesn't want him to go deeper, but Yi Tian is keenly aware that this place is full of dangers.I'm fine, but it's not easy to take a burden to protect him.

In view of this, Yi Tian is still very upright and leaves Chi Yanju to take care of him on his behalf. When does Dugu Yueqiang, the master of the Heavenly Demon Sect, one of the three sects on the Western Wilderness, become so weak and needs someone to take care of him.This is unimaginable to the outside world, but it actually happened in 'Sword Art Online'.

After resigning from the two of them, Yi Tian went on the road alone, and even De Feidun speeded up a lot without any shackles.Shaoqing came to the core area of ​​'Sword Art Online'.Before that, there was a small episode. On the way, Yi Tian encountered a mummy. After checking his identity, he was sure that it was Xing Yuan, a mid-stage Yuanying monk of the Excalibur Sect.

Speaking of which, the two met each other back then and were quite congenial, but time has passed and they never expected to meet again in such a situation.Yi Tian's thoughts moved slightly in his mind, and he was quite touched, and then he put away Xing Yuan's bones and prepared to go out, and then handed them over to the Excalibur School to take care of the funeral.

Then when I entered the core area of ​​"Sword Art Online" again, I found an "Autumn Frost Sword" stuck on the ground here, and its style was obviously a masterpiece of Luotian Xiangong in the fairy world.It is the infinite sword intent emanating from the 'Autumn Frost Sword' that causes such a scene in 'Sword Art Online'.

And on the ground not far from the 'Autumn Frost Sword' fell a black and shiny plain knife, the dark golden luster on the blade and the strength of the knife intent contained in it were not much worse than that sword intent.

There is no doubt that the original owners of these two fairy weapons are also of extraordinary strength, and Yi Tian estimates that the strength of the two of them is almost at the level of Da Luo Tianxian.

Thinking that a true immortal with their cultivation level would never make a move easily, what is the reason for the two of them to fight so hard.This matter is puzzled in Yi Tian's heart for a long time and cannot be answered.

But if you want to really understand what happened, you really have to start from the remains of these two fairy artifacts. After thinking about it, Yi Tian walked forward slowly to the dark golden knife.Obviously this simple knife is not as aggressive as the 'Autumn Frost Sword'.The saber intent left on it is not as strong as the sword intent, but it is also overwhelming.

Yi Tian stood in front of the simple knife for a long time, and then stretched out his hand after sighing lightly. When his fingers touched the handle of the simple knife, he suddenly felt that his head had been severely hammered by an invisible force .The next moment, after opening his eyes, Yi Tian found that the surrounding scenes had changed. At this moment, he seemed to be in an empty courtyard.

In front of him was a figure holding a scroll in his hand, looking like a mortal scholar.The edge of the figure seemed to be extremely blurred, and I couldn't even see the person's face clearly.

On the other side of this figure, where I was standing, was a female cultivator in palace attire and holding a plain knife.What shocked Yi Tian was that the female cultivator's face was exactly the same as Liu Piaopiao's, as if they were the same person.

At this time, the figure in front of him slowly walked forward to three feet in front of him before stopping, and the originally blurred features could now be seen clearly.This time, Yi Tian didn't have too much surprise on his face. Obviously, he had seen this person before in the fragments of the fairy world.Moreover, this person's appearance is the same as his own. If he hadn't seen him in the fragments of the fairy world, Yi Tian would probably have a fluctuating mood at this time.

In an instant, Yi Tian seemed to have noticed something in his heart. If the illusions he saw were all true, then all this would be very interesting.It seemed that the meeting between himself and Liu Piaopiao was an inevitable result, as it was destined in the dark.

Shaoqing only heard Xia Nanfeng say: "Liu Yutong, don't push me so hard, how many times have I told you that you are not my opponent, let alone I have important things to do and I don't have the skills to entangle you any longer."

It turns out that the woman who looks like Liu Piaopiao is called Liu Yutong, but she definitely looks like a difficult person to get along with.

Before Yi Tian noticed it, Liu Yutong took out the simple knife in his hand and said horizontally in front of him: "Xia Nanfeng, don't think that being the descendant of Luo Tianxian Palace, Da Luo Tianxian, you can be arrogant. It is also at the same level as yours in Luo Tianxian Palace. I came today to ask you whether the original agreement counted or not?"

Xia Nanfeng's complexion changed slightly when he heard the words, and he sighed, "Of course it counts. I am a man of seven feet, how can I not count my words."

"Then why don't you come to Brahma Mantra Heaven to marry me? What are you afraid of?" Liu Yutong asked sharply.

"I have received the name of a sage to go down to the lower realm once, and when I return to the immortal realm, I will personally come to the Brahma Mantra Heaven Realm to marry you," Xia Nanfeng said helplessly.

"Don't use such an excuse to prevaricate me," Liu Yutong said with a cold expression, "I don't know how many times I have used different excuses to block me every time."

"I promise this time it's absolutely true," Xia Nanfeng said with a bitter expression on his face, "I have the token of the token entrusted by the sage in my hand, take it out and you'll know when you look at it."

After speaking, Xia Nanfeng reached out and patted on the forehead and took out a three-inch-sized object. Yi Tian was surprised when he saw that the object was the seal in Niwan Palace on the forehead.

It's just that Liu Yutong in front of him didn't seem to have any surprise expression on his face when he saw it. Instead, he asked: "If you are willing to hand over 'Feixian Yin' to me, then we can let go of our business."

"It's difficult for you to be strong. How can you give away what a sage bestows so easily," Xia Nanfeng resolutely refused with a solemn expression.

Liu Yutong on the opposite side only showed a playful look in his eyes when he saw it, and then said coldly: "Don't use the saint's order as an excuse, you must give me an explanation today."

When Xia Nanfeng was in a dilemma, a spiritual light suddenly flashed from the side, and a third figure appeared in this environment in an instant.Yi Tian frowned deeply again and saw that the person who came was actually Shi Qianwei.It's just that she is holding the 'Autumn Frost Sword' in her hand, and she also has a trace of high-spirited fighting spirit, which is not much worse than that of Liu Yutong in front of her.

I only heard that Liu Yutong was also slightly stunned at this time, and then he shouted: "Shi Tingyao, what are you doing here? Today is between me and Xia Nanfeng, so don't interfere."

"My sister's words are wrong. Brother Xia is going to the lower realm under the order of a sage this time, and what he did is also related to the luck of the sect. How can it be trifling?" The female cultivator named Shi Tingyao said, "If you stop me so much Could it be that you want to be an enemy of my Luotian Immortal Palace?"

"Hmph, it's because senior brother and senior brother call you so nasty. Speaking of which, you are only a leader of the outer sect disciples of Luo Tianxian Palace. Although you have achieved success in cultivation, it is still far behind your Xia Shouzuo," Liu Yutong said. With a look of disdain on his face.

The atmosphere on the scene became subtle, and for a moment Xia Nanfeng stood there with a bitter face, showing a look of helplessness.

After being silent for a long time, I said with difficulty: "Okay, you two don't fight anymore. I am valued by the master, and I am entrusted by the saint. Naturally, it is a matter of loyalty. It is still the matter of the sect that matters now." If so, let’s talk about the matter between us after I return to the fairy world.”

After speaking, he turned around as if he was about to leave. Suddenly, Liu Yutong's spiritual power exploded in front of him, and then the simple sword in his hand was sacrificed, and all the surrounding immortals' spiritual power was drawn out.And Shi Tingyao in front of her is not weak at all, and after she sacrifices her sword intent, she is not weak at all when she confronts her.As for the aura on Xia Nanfeng's body at this time, it seemed to be indistinct, as if it was about to be extinguished anytime and anywhere amidst the fluctuations in the spiritual pressure of the two of them.

At this time, Yi Tian found out that the scene where he was leaving suddenly changed dramatically. The black sword light and golden sword light attacked instantly and shattered this side of time and space.The original scene instantly turned into nothingness, as if a crack had grown from under the feet of the two and spread out in all directions in a disorderly manner.

Xia Nanfeng shouted angrily, "Are you two planning to destroy this place?"

"Instead of waiting endlessly, let's end all of this," Liu Yutong shouted coquettishly, urging the simple knife in her hand to move faster.

As for Shi Tingyao in front of her, she was not to be outdone, and said: "Brother, don't let me down. I'm willing to accompany you to go with you after a difficult journey."

After all, the Qiushuang sword in his hand is not weak at all, and there is boundless sword intent on his body.In an instant, the world here seemed to feel the signs of the two people's struggle, and then a pitch-black crack formed from the place where the two swords struck, completely shattering the surrounding space.

Xia Nanfeng immediately cast a spell and sacrificed the 'Flying Immortal Yin' in his hand, trying to suppress the magical moves of the two.But what he didn't expect at the next moment was that the gap in the void became extremely fierce after being repeatedly injected with a large amount of energy, and within three breaths, it expanded rapidly and formed a huge black vortex.

The three people in this black vortex fell first, Liu Yutong and Shi Tingyao were both involved and disappeared instantly.

With two 'chacha' sounds, I saw two streaks of spiritual light descending from the air and inserting them fiercely into the soil on the ground, exactly where the 'Autumn Frost Sword' and the plain knife were.

As for Xia Nanfeng at this time, he was urging the 'Feixian Yin' in his hand with all his strength, as if he wanted to close the gap in the void in front of him again.

Suddenly a voice sounded in the air: "You can return to your original face in the mortal world, why do you hesitate at this time?"

Xia Nanfeng's face became serious when he heard the words, and he stopped the exercises in his hand, turned to the air and replied: "Thank you, Master, for reminding me, this is the beginning of my catastrophe, disciple, let's go."

"Don't worry, taking that 'Flying Immortal Guide' is not beneficial for you to rebuild your path. You can use it again after you officially enter the cultivation. Come to endless trouble, remember."

Xia Nanfeng's cheeks twitched a few times after hearing this, and finally came back to his senses, but threw the 'Feixian Yin' directly into the void in front of him, and said in a faint voice: "If it is true If you have a destiny with me, it will not be too late to meet again in the lower realm."

After finishing speaking, Xia Nanfeng followed 'Feixianyin' directly into the void vortex in front of him.

Yi Tian, ​​who was in a trance in front of him, came back to his senses. At this moment, he only felt that the clothes behind his back were soaked, and there were drops of cold sweat on his forehead lying down along his temples.Looking back at Pu Dao and 'Qiu Shuang Jian' in front of them, there was also a little smile on their faces.The seal in the middle of Niwan Palace on the forehead was still held in Yuanying's hand without any change.

Shao Qingyi slowly withdrew, looked at Pu Dao and "Autumn Frost Sword" in front of him, then ignored Ji Dunguang, and flew straight in the direction he came from.Today, I have figured out the situation in this 'Sword Art Online', and the next step is to go to the spirit world to track down the whereabouts of Shi Qianwei and Liu Piaopiao.

Thinking about the relationship between the two of them and myself at this time, I also felt a little bit emotional. Speaking of which, Shi Qianwei and Liu Piaopiao both gave birth to a son for themselves, which can be regarded as fulfilling the relationship.Just thinking of their identities, Yi Tian still felt a little scared. Although he didn't know how many lives they had reincarnated, he believed that after meeting him again this time, it would be the end.I believe that as long as their cultivation continues to improve, there will always be a time to meet again.

As for the two fairy artifacts, Yi Tian didn't even think about moving them, so let the descendants of Tianlan Continent explore these remaining blessings in the fairy world.

Not long after flying by, Yi Tian sensed the positions of Dugu Yueqiang and Chi Yanju in his mind, and then adjusted his direction and rushed straight to where the two were.

Shaoqing saw the two of them in his vision, Yi Tianfei went forward to drop the cloud head, and saw Chi Yanju hurried forward and said: "Why did the master come back, we have been waiting for more than a dozen It’s the day, if I don’t see you again, I’m afraid I’ll have to investigate further.”

Yi Tian said with a faint smile: "The time and space in the 'Sword Art Online' is chaotic, I just went there for half a day, it seems that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go out quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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