
Chapter 2359 Past Life Cause 1 Search

Chapter 2359 Past Life Cause - A Search
In the past few hundred years, the spiritual world has experienced several catastrophes, starting from the Great War of Demon Disasters, until the climax of the Great War of the Spiritual World, when the Daoist Youxuan, the real immortal, descended from the fierce battle of monks in the Mahayana period of Luotian Immortal Palace a hundred years ago.

In that battle, six Mahayana monks from Luo Tianxian Palace fought at the same time, and the battle was naturally extremely fierce.At the same time, using the Four Sun Sealing Formation set up in Qingfeng Old City 5 years ago, the impact of this catastrophe was finally controlled to a minimum.

As for those low-level monks in the spiritual world, most of them ran far away. On such occasions, even if they were within a thousand miles of the Siyang Sealing Formation, they could sense the aftermath of the magical powers of the monks in the Mahayana period.

Speaking of which, even the monks in the integration period may not be able to withstand the devastation of such fluctuations in spiritual pressure, let alone those low-level monks.

The three disciples of Luo Tianxian Palace took action to maintain order after receiving the order of the suzerain.There are quite a few monks in the combined body stage in the sect. Although they can't help, they are more than enough to deter Xiaoxiao.

Back then, many monks in the spirit world witnessed this terrifying battle with their own eyes. As for those monks from other worlds in Qingfeng Old City, they were also fortunate to be able to witness the scene where the top monks in this world fought against the real immortals in the fairy world.

Afterwards, the great battle of that year was recorded by many people one after another, and spread to the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit.So far, the high-ranking monks from other planes have gained a new understanding of the Luotian Fairy Palace in the spiritual world.

They even found out the looming relationship between the Demon Saint Bao Tan and Luo Tianxian Palace in many ways, and then the whole demon world was shocked by it.As a result, the prestige of the Luotian Immortal Palace in the spiritual world gradually became stronger, and the three veins all publicly recognized as the branch of the Immortal Palace. For a time, the spirit world was in the limelight, and the prestige of the Luotian Immortal Palace shocked the rest of the world. arrive.

Today's three factions in the spiritual world are all named as branches of Luo Tianxian Palace. As for the main branch, it still stays in Qingfeng Old City.However, the reconstructed Qingfeng Old City has already separated Zongmen Fudi from the rest of the facilities in the city.

On the basis of the original, the periphery of Qingfeng Old City was rebuilt outside the range of Siyang Fengzhen.And the inside of the formation barrier has been opened up as the exclusive place of Luo Tianxian Palace.Usually only disciples of the sect's direct lineage can enter, and the location of the meeting hall is still strictly protected.What remains here is the "Spiritual Spring" corresponding to the "Eye of the Demon World". Although it has been devastated, such a spiritual spring will soon return to its pre-war state.

A few years ago, Yi Tian sent his avatar to the lower realm to search the Sky Blue Continent, and he really benefited a lot.During this period, not only did I find information about Liu Piaopiao and Shi Qianwei, but I also went to the "Sword Art Online" party, where I even searched for the secrets about the fairy world Luotian Xiangong.In addition, it also gives a glimpse of the entanglement between himself and his children.

However, I thought that these two people secretly used the second 'Flying Platform' in the depths of the Wanying King's mansion in the 700 mountains on Tianlan Continent to sneak into the spirit world as early as [-] years ago.Yi Tian also had some feelings in his heart, and now he can try to find their whereabouts after knowing such news.

Liu Piaopiao should have gone directly to the Demon Realm, and Shi Qianwei must have ascended to the Spirit Realm.In view of her apprenticeship from Yi Tian, ​​she would naturally think of the branch of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect.She is a descendant of Qian Lingzi who is considered to be the direct descendant of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect. If she ascends to the spirit world, the most likely possibility is to settle here.

However, the monks in her transformation stage may not be able to get in touch with the inner circle of the sect, so at this time, most of them are still in the branch.

It's not too much trouble to find a branch disciple in your own capacity.But Yi Tian didn't want to make things too complicated, so he just sent a message to Xia Lu Jianling in advance, and then left directly with light body and simple clothes.

The journey of more than [-] miles is only a matter of time for the present Yi Tian. After arriving at the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, he still has to visit Uncle Wuling first according to the etiquette.In the previous battle, Uncle Wuling was the most seriously injured. After being attacked by Taoist Youxuan, his cultivation level fell, and he almost lost his early stage of Mahayana.

After a hundred years of breathing adjustment, the injury was finally stabilized, and the next step was water milling. It would be impossible to restore the previous cultivation level without a thousand years of penance.

After entering the Restriction in the Back Mountain of Feiyu Sword Sect, Yi Tian first communicated with Uncle Wu Ling, and then got a reply from Wu Ling, who also stated that he was in the closed door and let Yi Tian do whatever he wanted, anyway, there was Lu Jianling serving in the sect Just put it on.

After getting the summons, Yi Tian resigned from Uncle Wuling first, then turned around and flew towards the front hall of Feiyu Sword Sect.

It didn't take a while to arrive at the main hall of the sect's affairs, and after slightly protruding his divine sense, he found that Lu Jianling had already been waiting there, and there was another person waiting in the main hall.After passing by his spiritual thoughts, he discovered that it was his good friend Jian Shaoqing from back then.

Luo Xiayun head quietly flashed into the hall, and saw that Lu Jianling, who was originally sitting cross-legged on the main seat of the main hall, seemed to have sensed something, then hurriedly stood up and bowed to the open space in front of him: "See the suzerain."

Jian Shaoqing beside him also stood up hastily when he heard the words, and followed his senior brother Lu Jianling to check his head.

After slowly showing his figure, Yi Tian stepped forward to signal the two to sit down first, Lu Jianling naturally did not dare to overstep, please sit on the main seat first, and then sat down slowly under the left head after performing the Zongmen ceremony again .As for Jian Shaoqing, he sat opposite to Lu Jianling.

Shaoqing Lu Jianling asked: "I don't know if the suzerain has met the master during this visit?"

"I went to greet my uncle first, and then I came here," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"Oh, I don't know why the suzerain is here today?" Lu Jianling asked.

This time Yi Tian came here to track down Shi Qianwei, but he didn't want people to know his relationship with him.After all, now that his identity is sensitive and he is not far from Feisheng Immortal Realm, he doesn't want to leave any knots.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian said with a solemn face: "Among the three sects of the sect, only the Feiyu Sword Sect has the most powerful cultivation technique, but there is not much communication between the low-level disciples of the three sects, so I want to select some disciples. Join hands with the low-level disciples of Lihuo Palace and Taiqing Pavilion to try to enhance the communication between the three veins."

"What the suzerain said is true," Lu Jianling hurriedly understood after hearing this: "Originally, Luo Tianxian Palace reappeared to connect the three veins closely together. The suzerain's idea is to let the disciples of the three veins be strengthened from a low level. It is also beneficial to understand each other so that they can confirm each other's cultivation."

Although he has selfish intentions, the horizontal communication among the three veins of Luotian Immortal Palace has long been thought of by Yi Tianqian.So this time it's colleagues and personal affairs mixed together.

After Lu Jianling spoke, he hurriedly gestured, and Jian Shaoqing, who was sitting opposite, took out a jade slip and handed it up: "Sect Master, please have a look, this is the list of inner sect disciples."

After taking the jade slips, Yi Tian glanced at Shixing with his spiritual thoughts, and there was no expression on his face, but he was a little anxious in his heart.All the names recorded on this list are the names of inner sect disciples above the internal transformation stage of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect.There must be about [-] people, but Shi Qianwei's name is not seen among them.

So Yi Tian secretly marveled in his heart, and it should be a proper thing to say that Shi Qianwei's strength was selected into the inner sect.Could it be that she hasn't made much progress in the past six or seven hundred years.

Seeing his frown, Lu Jianling hastily asked, "Is the unknown suzerain interested in this list?"

After slowly putting away the jade slips, Yi Tian lowered his head, pretending to be in deep thought, and then said: "Since the Great War of Demonic Disaster, the strength of the three veins has all been restricted by coincidence. Many elite disciples in the inner sect have fallen. Unknown land Did senior brother have any measures to select elite disciples again?"

Lu Jianling was naturally aware of the meaning of his words, and many of them on this list were disciples of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect who had been famous for a long time.Ke Yitian's idea is to find those who trust the younger generation to introduce into the sect. Although the newcomers may not be the strongest, their Dao Xin will be tougher than those old disciples.Moreover, these newcomers are naturally more motivated, and they will suddenly realize that their future achievements are also limitless after a little mention.

Thinking of this, Lu Jianling hastily took out a thick jade slip and presented it with both hands: "There are lists of guarding disciples and disciples of the new Yuanying stage in various cities and towns in the branch line. I have included them after everyone's name. Please also ask the suzerain to look over their assessment results and the sect's evaluation opinions."

A smile appeared on his face, Yi Tian nodded and said: "It's really hard work for Brother Lu to bother you so much."

Lu Jianling also had a smug expression on his face when he saw it, and his words were naturally affirmation of him as the leader of the branch.And this time Yi Tian came here to make it clear that he wanted to select the best and select a group of outstanding disciples to enter Qingfeng Old City to fill the Luo Tianxian Palace's lineage.

After taking the jade slip, Yi Tian quickly read it through, and as expected, the names recorded in this jade slip were more than ten times more than the previous list of inner disciples.Thinking about it, the spiritual world is so vast, and there are so many cultivation towns located in the area of ​​the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect.Every town has a disciple of the distraction stage sitting in the town, but there are five or six disciples of the transformation stage below to help.Naturally, there will be good seedlings among these people.

But Yi Tian's main purpose this time is not here. After the divine sense passed by, it was quickly fixed in the list of disciples of 'Autumn Frost City'.I saw Shi Qianwei's name was clearly written on the first seat of the precept center in the city.

With such a slightly relaxed mood, although there was no strange color on his face, there was a strange light in his eyes.

Then Yi Tian chose to outline the names of some elite disciples and asked Lu Jianling to inform them, and asked them to gather in Qingfeng Old City ten days later to wait for the next arrangement.

Immediately, Yi Tian asked for no reason: "Is this Qiushuang City a peaceful place, does it seem that there was no damage in the last war against the demons?"

Hearing this, Lu Jianling showed a faint smile on his face and said: "Speaking of this Autumn Frost City, it can be regarded as having a unique geographical location. Although it is located on the edge of the evil disaster, because the city has a natural barrier of sword energy, the evil cultivators have no chance to invade this city." place."

"Natural sword energy barrier?" Yi Tian heard the words, but when the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, he had some thoughts in his heart.

Lu Jianling hurriedly explained: "It is said that 10 years ago, there was a half of the fairy sword head that fell from the fairy world in the territory where the autumn frost city is located, and then the half of the fairy sword fell into the ground and became a congenital earth vein restraint to protect that place. Afterwards, monks from the spirit world built Autumn Shuang City on this basis, and it was incorporated into the sect territory of Luo Tianxian Palace 5 years ago."

Hearing this, Yi Tian was stunned, he was really thinking about something.I felt weird when I heard the name 'Autumn Frost City' before, and with Lu Jianling's introduction, there is no doubt that Shi Qianwei's going to this Autumn Frost City is also the call of fate.

Thinking of Yi Tian's face not changing, his mind fell on the broken Qiushuang sword in the storage ring.I have the second half of the 'Autumn Frost Sword' in my hand, presumably there should be the first half that fell in the Autumn Frost City.It's just that I don't know if Shi Qianwei has retrieved the memory of her previous life, or if she has awakened.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian was extremely hesitant in his heart whether he should go to 'Autumn Frost City' to find her.

After listening to Lu Jianling's introduction, Yi Tian ordered him to arrange for the sect disciples to go to Qingfeng Old City to receive further arrangements.Afterwards, he chatted with Jian Shaoqing and introduced his cultivation experience by the way.Although I don't know if Jian Shaoqing has any hope of advancing to Mahayana, but if he can thoroughly understand these cultivation experiences and add some opportunities, he may be able to go further on the road.

Half a day later, Yi Tian flew out from the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, resigned from Lu Jianling and Jian Shaoqing on the pretext of inspecting the Three Veins territory, and set out on the road alone.

After stabilizing his figure in the air, he selected the location of 'Autumn Frost City' to perform the escape technique and flew straight away.

The monks in the Mahayana period fled extremely fast, and within three hours, they had already flown to the boundary of Qiushuang City, which was [-] miles away.At this point, Yi Tian stretched out his spiritual thoughts and swept across the lower boundary like a carpet, and the outline of Qiushuang City appeared not far away.After scanning the divine sense, he could easily lock the location of the ancient ruins in the city.

At the same time, Yi Tian's divine mind moved slightly and felt that the other half of the "Autumn Frost Sword" in the storage ring seemed to have a little feeling.With great joy on her face, she secretly said in her heart: "Sure enough, it is here. I am afraid that Shi Qianwei was also attracted by the Qiushuang sword invisibly. After all, this is her thing. It seems that Shi Qianwei has no general at this time. Retrieve your fairy sword."

Thinking of this, Yi Tian hurriedly lowered his head, and after using the concealment technique, he rushed into the city.Shaoqing flew all the way past the precept center in the city lord's mansion, but he did not find Shi Qianwei's footprint. "Could it be that she went out," Yi Tian thought with a look of helplessness on his face.

But fortunately, I have found some clues and just need to wait for a while.

Quietly entered the precepts, Yi Tian sneaked directly into the command hall in the guard.At this time, Shi Qianwei's name is still on the list of personnel left in the precept center.

Seeing this, Yi Tian was full of joy and quietly touched the border of the guard to the deepest point, and he saw that there was a sect set up here as a blessed place for the disciples.

Going forward, I scanned slightly with my spiritual sense, and found that there are forbidden barriers left outside the caves of these blessed lands.Fortunately, the name of the owner of the cave is also left at the door.

Walking to the deepest part, I still saw a stone tablet erected outside an excellent mansion. There was no clear name on it, but the handwriting was very familiar.After a slight smile on Yi Tian's face, a flash of spiritual light flashed all over his body, directly breaking the restriction, pushing open the stone door and walking in.

(End of this chapter)

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