
Chapter 236 entanglement

Chapter 236 entanglement
In the night sky, Wei Xuanbai was attacking Huo Chilian fiercely, and the two had been fighting for a quarter of an hour.But even if Wei Xuanbai used all means to suppress the opponent without the slightest ability to fight back, the scene was dragged to a stalemate for a while.

Originally, it was agreed in advance that the three of them came here this time. After Huo Chilian was cleaned up, the five-element sword array would be considered as the reward for this trip. In addition, the Xiang family brothers also paid an extra amount of spirit stones.

But the plan is not as fast as the change. When the three arrived, Wei Xuanbai was a little confused. The one person who had clearly agreed had now become two.Fortunately, Xiang Feiying knew each other, and the three of them directly used delaying tactics through Qi. As long as Huo Chilian was solved, the rest of them would be easy to catch.

Leaving Xiang Feiying to stabilize the opponent, the two fought quickly.Ke Yitian suddenly made a violent move, and Xiang Yang had to free up his hands to help after Xiang Feiying was recruited.I thought that the attack power of the two refiners would not be very strong, but I didn't expect that half a quarter of an hour later, when Wei Xuanbai glanced over from the corner of his eye again, he panicked.

Xiang Feiying and Xiang Yang had disappeared not far away in the air, but Yi Tian held their storage bracelets in his hands, looking at them with a half-smile.

In fact, Yi Tian also can't see through Huo Chilian, although he claimed that his family is a disciple of the "Qiankun Yuhuo Sect", a branch of the Lihuo Sect, but now Yi Tian doesn't want to reveal his identity too much.The Lihuo Sect in Zhongzhou fell apart, maybe there are still some gaps between the current several sects.

Glancing at the storage bracelet on his hand, since he killed the Xiang family brothers, it would be difficult for the remaining people to let him escape.I am friends with Xing Yuan, but I have nothing to do with this Wei Xuanbai.

After the flash of inspiration, Yi Tianxia made up his mind, and without resting his hands, he directly used the "vine wood wrapping" towards Wei Xuanbai, and two thumb-thick thorny vines flew out and rolled towards Wei Xuanbai with a "swish".

Seeing Yi Tian's help, Huo Chilian hurriedly took out the Five Elements Flying Sword, then ignited it with five fire lotuses, and shot it towards Wei Xuanbai with one finger.

After an instant switch between offense and defense, Wei Xuanbai also shattered his teeth and swallowed it in his stomach. Seeing the two teaming up, he couldn't sit still.Quickly pinched the Fa Jue, and then directed the Zhan Tie Sword towards Huo Chi Lian with one finger.With a slap of his left hand, he took out two small swords and muttered something in his mouth. The two small swords also shook in the wind, and the two sword qi attached to them, turning into two golden lights and attacking Yi Tian. Then Wei Xuanbai turned around and went away. to run away.

Seeing this situation, Yi Tian just smiled, and with his right hand controlled the vine veins to bypass the flying sword that was attacking, and then injected spiritual energy with a handful of nanmuzi in his left hand, and raised a dozen dense vines at a distance of five feet in front of him with a sound of "rising". The shield stakes were used as the first defense, and the Fire Emblem Shield Pie was taken out in front of him.

Suddenly three bright lights flashed in the air, and then there were muffled sounds.Wei Xuanbai ran away regardless of the situation behind him, but before he flew far, he felt his feet tightened. Looking down, he was entangled by a vine. He couldn't get rid of his feet, so he had to take out the spirit sword Come and slash up.The ten-breath guard Xuan Bai cut off the vine veins, and before he had time to be happy, he felt dizzy and fell headlong.

It would be terrible for a foundation-building cultivator to fall from such a height. It would be fine if he had practiced some physical skills, but Wei Xuanbai obviously did not belong to this type of person.As soon as he made contact with the ground, he was covered in blood. Huo Chilian rushed to catch up with flying swords in his hands, nailing the man to the ground, and he seemed to be utterly dead.

Yi Tian just curled his lips at this, it seems that Wei Xuanbai pushed him into a hurry just now, but the matter has been resolved and the relationship between the two has eased a lot.

After collecting the spoils, Huo Chilian smiled and said, "You Daoist Yi, we are sitting on the same boat now, and we have to go back to the sect, as long as you are willing to go back with me."

"No need, I have my own place to go, but I am a little interested in you, a disciple of the 'Qiankun Yuhuo Sect', and I will visit you when I have time," Yi Tian replied.

When the two were talking happily, a white light suddenly flashed from the sky, and it seemed that it was coming straight to the direction of the two.Yi Tian's spiritual consciousness is far superior to that of monks of the same level, even if it is a monk at the early stage of Golden Core, after spreading out his spiritual consciousness to investigate, he suddenly frowned.

Then he turned around and said to Huo Chilian: "The person here is a Jindan cultivator, let's go separately, hurry up." After saying that, Yitian ignored Huo Chilian, and directly used the wind escape technique to gallop towards the depths of the Western Wilderness Plain .

Huo Chilian also panicked when he heard the words, a red light flashed all over his body, and the fire escape technique opened the way and fled towards the direction of Tianmomen.

After the Golden Core cultivator got here, the two had already disappeared without a trace, but the man didn't panic, and directly forced a drop of blood from his fingertips, and then chanted words in his mouth, the blood bead turned into a mist and surrounded Fang Yuan. Cover five miles.

Then he found out the place where Xiang Feiying and Xiang Yang fell, and then the Golden Core cultivator stood in the air for a while and then chased in the direction where Yi Tian was escaping. You ran away, how can I, Xiang Xing, explain to the Patriarch, if I don’t extract your soul and refine your marrow, I will only hate you.”

Three days later, a cyan light flashed in the depths of the Western Wilderness Plain, and it was Yi Tian who was running away in a panic.Recalling the situation that day, Yi Tian still remembers it fresh, and his speed should be considered fast enough, but he didn't expect to find that he was actually being targeted after an hour later when he dissipated his consciousness.

Originally, he planned to take a detour to the Fudi Cave Mansion in Fujun Mountain, but according to the current situation, it is obvious that the other party has the secret tracking method to find him.Going to Fujun Mountain is definitely a sheep entering the tiger's mouth. This matter is not easy to handle. I didn't expect to delay my alchemy when I went out to make an appointment.

It's useless to think too much. Yi Tian took out the spirit wine and elixir, took a few sips indiscriminately, and flew towards the depths of the plain. It seemed that the only way to survive was to shake off the pursuers.

The two of them kept a distance of nearly a hundred miles and flew to the depths of the Western Wilderness for three days and three nights.During this period, Yi Tian couldn't stop to rest, so he had to keep drinking the spirit wine that he carried with him.Yi Tian is in a hurry now, he doesn't know when he will be a head if he continues to consume, if the person behind him gets violent, he will be in danger.

In fact, Xiang Xing was also full of bitterness. This time he saw the natal lamps of his two nephews suddenly go out, so he hurried out, and he was not fully prepared.

Gradually, the pursuit of the two turned into a war of attrition. Xiang Xing chased all the way thanks to the guidance of the secret method of the blood contract, but the opponent's speed was not slow.I thought it would not be easy to hunt down a junior at the late stage of Foundation Establishment relying on my cultivation at the early stage of Jindan, but Xiang Xing found that he could not take advantage of the speed at all. Started than consumed.

After flying for three consecutive days, Yi Tian found that the land in front of him became more and more rugged, and the surrounding environment began to become harsh. From time to time, he could see some fourth-level monsters appearing in groups.

Take out the map to see that it should be out of the joint management area of ​​the three factions. If you continue to fly down, the next road will be difficult.You can use your spiritual sense to probe back, but the pursuer is still clinging on, so Yi Tian has no choice but to grit his teeth and fly towards the depths of the unknown wilderness.

Xiang Xing also looked angry after a hundred miles. If he flew down, he would enter those unknown areas. Even a Golden Core cultivator like him would not dare to go too deep.Those ferocious beasts in the wilderness were no joke, they were enough to cause fatal damage to him.

But the kid who flew in front plunged in without hesitation, this time Xiang Xing's anger was aroused, and he followed closely without thinking, trying to catch Yi Tian.

Yi Tian recovered his spiritual power while flying, but he kept thinking about how to get rid of the pursuers in his mind.If you want to fight back based on your own cultivation alone, it is tantamount to talking in your sleep. You can only do it with the help of the right time and place after you can't make a big battle.

I believe that the person behind has suffocated his anger on time after following for so long, and if he makes good use of the emotional contrast of the other party, he may really be able to escape from death.But along the way, I really didn't see a few places where we could set up formations.

Now the two are separated by hundreds of miles, calculating the distance can give Yi Tian half an hour to make arrangements.After maintaining the flying speed, Yi Tian turned to cast pupil technique to see the surrounding situation clearly.

All the way to the west, I failed to find any suitable spiritual veins through several mountain depressions. When Yi Tian was complaining about his bad luck, he suddenly saw a volcano about sixty or seventy miles in front of the left, which could be seen from a long distance. Seeing the black smoke coming out of the crater, the entire mountain is covered with green vegetation, only the valley in the middle is charred black.

Usually there are underground spiritual veins in this kind of place, Yi Tian was overjoyed, as long as he found a spiritual vein, he could use it as the foundation to build a killing array.After taking out the eight tokens, Yi Tian licked his lips, now it's all up to you.

Suddenly, the cyan light changed its lower course and flew directly towards the volcano.After calculating that there is not much time left for himself, when he flew above the valley, he directly took out the sundial positioning plate and the hourglass for timing.

The array was arranged in a hurry before, so there was no detailed planning for the intake of the topographical spirit veins.This time, facing a high-ranking monk, and he was determined to keep him, so he couldn't follow the usual method.

After adjusting the hourglass, Yi Tian held the sundial positioning plate with both hands and flew over the valley, and first measured the exact time according to the sunlight projection.Then he pointed to the sundial with his hand, and the pointer pointed out the eight correct positions in the valley clockwise from east to west.

Yi Tian took out the eight-door golden lock formation plate prepared before and threw it towards the center, and counted towards the formation plate after making seals with his left hand.I saw that the array of disks became larger in the wind, covering a three-mile radius like a thin sheet of paper.

After seeing that the formation base was determined, Yi Tian looked at the eight tokens in his arms, smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, injected spiritual energy, and then pushed the token to reach the eight formation bases at that position.

After everything was done, I looked up and scanned the hourglass, and found that it took about a quarter of an hour.You can already see the shining white light flying towards him from the sky, Yi Tian drilled down without saying a word, first found a place to hide, and then used the breath restraining technique to completely erase his breath.

(End of this chapter)

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