
Chapter 237 Breaking the Formation

Chapter 237 Breaking the Formation
Standing on the top of the valley, Xiang Xing circled around, then stretched out his consciousness and swept it, and after three breaths, the corner of his mouth twitched.

Here it is clear that they are setting up a killing array, and it seems that the opponent is planning to make a break here.

Xiang Xing couldn't stand the long-distance chase, knowing that there was a trap below, he had to force his way now.

But after living as a Golden Core cultivator for hundreds of years, he still has some knowledge.

Yi Tian, ​​who was hiding on the ground, saw that the Jindan cultivator above released a spiritual pressure, then took out a blue spirit sword with his right hand, and defended with an exquisite umbrella in his left, and rushed into the battle after getting ready.

After the opponent entered the big formation, Yi Tian directly injected spiritual power into the formation disk, and instantly activated the big formation.After three breaths, the whole valley vibrated, and the eight formations around the valley turned into a stone tablet with the height of a person erected.

With the continuous injection of spiritual power, the eight stone tablets lit up one after another, and then connected together.

With a sound of 'whoosh', the appearance of the entire valley was completely hidden, followed by a dark void that swallowed Xiang Xing's figure.

Seeing a successful blow, Yi Tian's hands were continuously sealed, manipulating the formation plate to activate the formation, and suddenly thunder and fire appeared in the formation and rushed towards Xiang Xing.

Yi Tian didn't plan to succeed with one blow, and tried to get started first, but who knew that the continuous array hit Xiang Xing's Linglong Umbrella and was all caught.

His complexion sank, and Yi Tiancai realized that he had made a big mistake. He thought too simply of the Golden Core cultivators of these sects. Even the early Golden Core cultivators were at least middle-grade Dancheng, and their strength was stronger than that of the aristocratic casual cultivators. Not one or two.

And there must be a heavy treasure in his hand, otherwise he would not have dared to drill into it knowing it was a trap.

After the formation was launched, Yi Tian also felt that it was difficult to ride a tiger this time. It would be fine if he stopped turning his head and running away now, but it would be difficult to find a chance to deal with the opponent.

After a thought flashed through his mind, Yi Tian shook his head, then maintained his spiritual power output and vowed to trap the opponent in the formation, and took out the last bit of spirit wine and poured it all down.

Xiang Xing, who was trapped in the formation, was not feeling well now. The opponent was hiding in the extremely dark space in all directions. Fortunately, he still had a defensive spiritual weapon in his hand, and he received all the attacks of the formation.

But now it has turned into a stalemate. If you rely on a protracted battle, then the two sides are competing for the bottom line.As a golden core monk, Xiang Xing naturally thinks that his sixth-grade golden core is much stronger than the opponent, even if it is compared to consumption, it still has a lot of advantages.

On the one hand, the spiritual power in his hand maintains a stable output to support the Linglong Umbrella, and on the other hand, he sacrifices his natal spirit sword to wait for an opportunity.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Yi Tian found that the spiritual power in his body was passing away like a tide. If he continued to consume like this, he would be exhausted before the opponent broke the formation.

If you are in a hurry, you want to change, and you make four seals in a row with your hands and hit them towards the formation plate.Driving four array spells at the same time is the limit that Yi Tian can do now.

Immediately, the four spells of thunder, wind, flame and frost were launched simultaneously in the big formation, attacking Xiang Xing's position in turn.

I saw that under the attack of the four-color spells in turn, the halo on the Linglong Umbrella became weaker and weaker.

Suddenly there was a 'bang', and a big hole appeared on the umbrella. Before Yi Tian could be happy, several white lights shot out from the umbrella to block the attacking spells respectively.

Seeing that the defense was breached, Yi Tian hurriedly freed his left hand and took out the nanmuzi, transformed into two vine veins and slowly dived past the ground.

When the four-color spells attacked again in turn, the vines on the ground suddenly burst out and tied Xiang Xing in the center of the array tightly.

'呲味' Two sword lights flashed and cut off all the vines on his body. Xiang Xing, who had just escaped from the trap, was not in a hurry but was happy. It was so dark that he couldn't even determine the opponent's position, but now he has a clear goal.Immediately, he pointed with his right hand in the direction where the vine veins came from, and roared: "The boy caught you."

The menacing flying sword shot out close to the ground, the spiritual pressure on the sword shattered all the surrounding stones, and then shot towards Yi Tian's location.

Seeing that the other party reacted so quickly, Yi Tian also knew it. He wanted to attack secretly, but unexpectedly exposed his whereabouts instead.

Not caring so much anymore, he picked up the formation disk in his hand and activated his whole body to actively dodge.

The sword light flew past Yi Tian at a distance of three feet, and the surrounding spiritual pressure wave pushed him three feet away.

The flying sword that missed its aim hit the barrier of the formation, shaking the entire formation.

Suddenly, the dark illusory space around was broken, and the figures of two people appeared, and the whole valley appeared as it was.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yi Tian hurriedly formed seals again and hit a few spells towards the array, and the illusory dark night space appeared again around.

Before the space was closed, a sword light with the thickness of a bowl flashed, slashing fiercely at one of the bases.After the stele was baptized by the sword light, a foot-deep sword mark was revealed.

The illusory space of the large formation obviously paused, and then the closing speed slowed down by three points.Yi Tian was anxious at this time, casting spells one after another to activate the formation disk, but before he could hit the formation with his spiritual power again, he saw that two sword lights with a thick bowl rim were slashing towards the formation foundation just now .

Xiang Xing had a clear goal this time, and he shot with all his strength, only to see that the stone tablet was directly cut into three sections by the aggressiveness of the two sword lights.

After removing one of the eight formation bases, only a 'clang' sound was heard, and the entire barrier of the formation was instantly shattered.

Seeing that the trapped formation was broken, Yi Tian didn't even think about urging the escape technique with all his strength to escape, and Xiang Xing, who was not far away, glanced at it and then raised his spirit sword to attack.

At this time, a deep hissing sound shook the entire valley, and a spiritual pressure came from the cave on one side of the valley, and the two of them prepared themselves as if they were facing a big enemy.

Yi Tianlai's haste just now didn't check if there was any movement in the valley.

Coupled with the big fight just now, the movement was a little louder, which would alarm the spirit beasts in the valley.

At this time, a flame nightmare beast spread its four hooves and ran out of its own cave. After circling over the valley, it turned to face the two uninvited guests.

Judging from the spiritual pressure alone, this nightmare beast has reached the peak of the fifth level. Its strength is comparable to that of a mid-term Jindan monk, and its flying speed is faster than that of Xiang Xing. It is no different to slip away from it without the assistance of the big formation. Yu idiot talking in sleep.

Xiang Xing, who was on the sidelines, was thinking about how to leave this place safely. As for avenging his nephew, we can talk about it later.

Originally, Yi Tian thought that today was really unlucky, but now it seems that there is no end to the road, and the appearance of this nightmare beast seems to have a turning point.

Monster beasts are always on guard against powerful monks. At this moment, most of Nightmare Beast's attention is focused on Xiang Xing, and the weaker self can win a chance to breathe.

No matter how many, Yi Tian started to reply with the spirit stone in his hand, while staring at one person and one beast in the valley.

Now I can't run away. Just now, more than half of my spiritual power has been consumed, so I have to see what happens next, whether I can profit from it.

Xiang Xing also weighed it, and felt that he still had a chance to escape. The key is that this nightmare beast is good at speed, but it stared at him furiously, so he had to say: "That boy, we might as well deal with this monster together, and it will work." After that, I won't pursue your business any more."

Yi Tian also had no choice but to respond reluctantly: "Okay, you do it first."

Xiang Xing was speechless when he saw the opponent's dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water. He turned his head to look at the nightmare beast, and then secretly injected spiritual energy with the spirit sword in his hand to prepare.

Facing these two uninvited guests, the Nightmare Beast also roared towards the sky, then turned its head first and sprayed a stream of flames towards Xiang Xing.

The sound of "hands-on" sounded, and the two of them didn't dare to hold back anymore, and both of them attacked the monster with the spells in their hands.

According to the records in the Chronicles of Mountains, Rivers and Different Places that Yi Tian has read, this nightmare beast usually likes to inhabit lands rich in fire elements.

After adulthood, there will be flames on the mane all over the body, and the main attack method is flames.

It is also good at speed, and the flying speed of the fifth-level top-level monster is comparable to that of a mid-stage Jindan monk.

Since it was useless to run away, the only option was to fight back. I saw Xiang Xing's spirit sword collided with a white halo in the flames and then returned to his hand, but there were still some fiery red spots on the spirit sword. Lava spots.

After the fireball in Yi Tian's hand hit the Nightmare Beast, it was directly assimilated by the flames carried by its mane. Seeing that the fire system was ineffective, he had to switch to the wood system again.

After taking out two ghost face flowers, Yi Tian put his hands into seals and injected spiritual power, then planted the seeds into the soil, and said 'go'.

Three ghost-faced flower vines dug underground, outflanking the nightmare beast from three directions.

Xiang Xing, who was in the air, directly took out two talismans, cut his palm with a sword and smeared blood on them.Then he pinched the two talismans in the palm of his hand, and muttered something in his mouth.After three breaths, he let out a loud roar, and directly turned the talisman into two giant blades and shot it towards the nightmare beast.

There was a muffled sound in the air, seeing that the nightmare beast had been attacked, Xiang Xing turned around and ran towards the direction he came from without looking back.

Hearing bursts of hissing, a red figure suddenly rushed out of the large cloud of smoke in the air, and it was the nightmare beast chasing Xiang Xing's escape direction.

But at this time, the Nightmare Beast clearly had two wounds half a foot deep, and blood dripped from the wounds while running.With red eyes and deep anger on his face, he kept spitting flames towards Xiang Xing.

In less than three breaths, Xiang Xing was overtaken by the Nightmare Beast catching up from behind, and then the Nightmare Beast stretched out its hind hoof and stomped down on Xiang Xing's chest fiercely.

Xiang Xing was caught off guard and was kicked. The protective cover on his body was like a burst bubble and didn't share much damage. The whole person was kicked back to the valley like a cannonball.

Although Yi Tian hated Xiang Xing's actions, in order to save his life, he took advantage of the Nightmare Beast's pursuit and manipulated a ghost flower in his hand to jump out from the ground and directly wrap around the Nightmare Beast's body. Bite its head and neck.

Bright red blood burst out from the ghost face flower's mouth along with the scorching flames, and within three to five breaths the entire flower bud was scorched.

(End of this chapter)

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