
Chapter 238 fluke

Chapter 238 fluke
In an active volcanic valley in the depths of the Western Wilderness Plain, there were fierce spell collisions and hissing sounds from time to time. Yi Tian and Xiang Xing fought against Nightmare here. Within half an hour, both sides were injured. .

The worst was Xiang Xing, who was hit by the nightmare beast's hooves on his chest. Although the protective cover was breached, he was wearing a protective armor on his upper body, but the fragments from the depression of the defensive armor were stuck into the flesh. The whole person's chest was stained red with blood.After being knocked down, Xiang Xing stood up with all his strength, tightly holding a half-foot-long small sword in his right hand, which seemed to be his trump card.

The Nightmare Beast also bled in many places. In addition to the sword marks, there was also the spine bitten by the Ghost Face Flower. From time to time, some blood gushed out from the thick wound of the thumb. The large amount of blood loss caused its own speed to slow down. Slowed down a bit.But the anger on his face was even worse, rushing towards Yi Tian.

Seeing that he was invincible, Yi Tian also fully opened his Wind and Fire Shield, took out the Fire Emblem Shield to protect his body, and did not fly into the air, relying on the terrain of the valley and directly circled the Nightmare Beast.

The linear speed is indeed not as fast as it is, but Yi Tian relies on his own flexibility, coupled with harassment from time to time, he will keep a distance of thirty feet from the nightmare beast alive.

Sweeping Xiang Xing at the side, Yi Tian smiled, and walked around him with a radius of ten feet, attracting the nightmare beast alive.

Although he knew what Yi Tian was thinking, Xiang Xing couldn't be alone at this time, and the attack just now caused him a lot of damage. Even if he was lucky enough to escape, he would have to retreat for ten years to recover .

The angry nightmare beast spat out strings of flames from its mouth from time to time, igniting all the withered grass in the valley.After being teased several times by Yi Tian and the pain on his body, the Nightmare Beast raised its head to the sky and let out a howl, its feet increased its speed by three points and rushed towards the two people's positions.

After shooting a few wooden thorns in his hand, Yi Tian also ran towards Xiang Xing's position, and shouted in his mouth: "If you keep your hand, we will confess to you here." Hand, a fist the size of a bowl flew out, and hit the Nightmare Beast after three breaths, causing it to stop for a few steps.

Xiang Xing also sacrificed his natal spirit sword again, smearing the blood flowing out of his chest on it, and then kept pinching the magic formula with both hands, and said "go", the spirit sword turned into a red blood light towards the The opponent shoots directly.

Responding instinctively, the Nightmare Beast relied on its own speed to dodge hastily. The flying sword flew past the monster's side, leaving a three-inch deep bloodstain.

This time the ferocity of the Nightmare Beast was aroused, and it suddenly spit flames towards Xiang Xing.Seeing this, Xiang Xing hastily made dodging pretense, but suddenly his feet tightened, and his whole body seemed to be rooted, and he couldn't move at all.When he lowered his head and held back, he saw a vine coming out of the ground at some point, entwining his feet tightly.

At this time, Yi Tian showed a proud look on his face, and his hands didn't stop, constantly controlling the rapid extension of the vines, wrapping everything below Xiang Xing's head, leaving only his hands free to cast spells.

Xiang Xing had no choice but to take out the Linglong Umbrella and opened it with all his strength. At this time, the Nightmare Beast had rushed in front of him, jumped up high in front, and stepped on the spiritual weapon Xiang Xing was holding with both hooves. With a 'snap' sound, the Nightmare Beast's feet kicked through the Linglong Umbrella and kicked on Xiang Xing's body again, and then bit Xiang Xing's shoulder with its bloody mouth.

The vine veins under the feet also seemed to have eyes at this time, and quickly coiled behind the nightmare beast, and then wrapped around its hind legs.Yi Tian kept making seals on the side, and the spiritual power in his whole body seemed to surge in an instant and poured desperately into the vine veins of the ghost face flower.

I saw that the buds on the vines became as big as buckets, and after opening with a 'bang', they directly covered the heads of Xiang Xing and Nightmare Beast.This can be regarded as rounding up the two opponents, Yi Tian's face was overjoyed, and he accelerated the seal speed in his hands and directed the buds of the ghost face flower to continue to devour them.

One person and one horse whose head was bitten were struggling non-stop, Xiang Xing was still beating the flower buds with his exposed hands, and the Nightmare Beast kept shaking its head trying to break free.Unexpectedly, the flower bud is like a brown candy, no matter how the two of them hit it, it still sticks to it.

Until Xiang Xing's heart-piercing cry was heard, the spiritual energy around him suddenly began to move rapidly, and the spiritual pressure of the Golden Core cultivator spread out, mixed with the flames of the nightmare beast to form a flame wind.

In an instant, a golden light came out from the bud, Yi Tian saw that it was not good and abandoned the spell in his hand, covered his whole body with the shield, and ran back desperately.This kind of appearance was only known from books before. When a monk at the early stage of Golden Core explodes his Golden Core, he will generate a strong wind of spiritual pressure, which will burst out all his cultivation bases in an instant, and its power is comparable to the full blow of a monk at the late stage of Golden Core.

Several golden lights flashed in the whole valley first, and then there was a loud bang, and the ground trembled accordingly, and the trees outside the valley were blown down by the fierce flame wind blowing out of the gap.

After Yi Tian escaped a distance of fifty feet, he was directly pushed out of the valley by the wave of spiritual pressure from behind. Fortunately, he had practiced the 'Golden Sun Immortal Body' to a small success before, but even after being swept by the wind, he could still recover. Feel a dull pain on the skin.

When he looked back, Xiang Xing's body had already been torn apart. The power of this self-explosive golden pill should not be underestimated. The entire ground was blasted into a pit more than ten feet deep and ten feet square.

The flame nightmare beast struggled to get up at this time, but almost no part of its body was intact, and blood continued to ooze out from under the skin, especially the flesh and blood on the head, all the flesh and blood were turned outwards, even standing up would be shaky look.

At this time, Yi Tian had almost no strength left to fight anymore, and his aura was consumed too much. If a third-level monster came here now, it would kill him.

Thinking of monsters, Yi Tian was overjoyed, and hurriedly took out the spirit beast bag at his waist to wake up the 'fat dog' who was sleeping in it, a white light flashed out and fell to the ground to reveal the figure of Bingli Fox.Yi Tian was overjoyed when he saw this and hurriedly pointed to the nightmare beast and said: "Go up and give it an ice spike."

It may be because it has not come out for too long. 'Fat Dog' happily ran around Yi Tian on four legs, and then saw Yi Tian's eyes that wanted to eat people, and ran towards the nightmare beast as soon as he turned his head. go.

Originally, the level of the spirit stone is one level lower than the strength, but the nightmare beast in front of it is already at the end of its battle, and the 'fat dog' ran up to a distance of ten feet, and opened its mouth to spit out several ice picks. With a few 'swish' sounds, four or five half-foot-long ice picks became the last straw that broke the camel's back, piercing directly through the Nightmare Beast's body.

With the nightmare beast slamming down to the ground, Yi Tian can finally feel relieved. He thought that if he didn't die this time, he would have to peel off his skin, but he didn't expect that he was really lucky.

After sitting down slowly, Yi Tian hurriedly took out a bunch of spirit stones, quickly set up a gathering formation, and then sat in the formation and began to recover.

Three days later, a thick white mist suddenly appeared on the top of the volcano and slowly extended down the hillside, until it covered the whole area with a radius of thirty miles.

At this time, it was another scene at the mouth of the volcanic valley. Yi Tian held a sundial and Luo Geng was slowly measuring the spiritual veins of the valley.Xiang Xing destroyed one of the eight tokens that were originally set up in the formation. Fortunately, this thing was originally refined by himself, so he directly took out some spare materials to refine one again.

During this period of time, Yi Tian surveyed the geology and spiritual veins of the lower valley, and found that the concentration of spiritual energy can be compared to that of the medium-sized blessed land. It is no wonder that five-level monsters can be bred here.

The most troublesome thing is that the spiritual vein is located near the crater, once the volcano erupts, it will cause damage to the spiritual vein.But this is no longer something Yi Tian needs to consider. After exploring the cave of the nightmare beast, there is a mouth spirit spring inside. Isn't this just the eye of the spirit vein?

This time, Yi Tian was very happy. He originally wanted to take the risk of going to Fujun Mountain to form alchemy, but now it seems that there is already a ready-made cave, as long as it is repaired a little and a defensive formation is set up, it will be safe.

But what troubled Yi Tian the most now was that there was actually a newborn cub in the nightmare beast's cave.After checking the Tianlan Miscellaneous Notes on his body, Yi Tiancai knew that nightmare beasts are usually born with the appearance of a third-level monster, and this cub obviously lacked aura during the breeding process, so it did not reach the third level after birth look.

Before the 'Fat Dog' swaggered into the cave to sweep it, when Yi Tian found the cub next to the Lingquan, he found that it was frightened by the cold air on the 'Fat Dog', and kept neighing, making a lot of noise. Headache.When Yi Tian was in a daze, he didn't expect the nightmare beast to get up suddenly, and then hurriedly ran to Yi Tian's side and circled around several times, leaning his head up from time to time.

The cub of this nightmare beast is only one-third the size of the 'fat dog', and it trembles with fright when it is touched by the cold air of the fat dog, but it is extremely active around him.

Yi Tian hastily took out his acrobatics and looked it up again before he felt at ease. It turned out that it was the strong fire spirit power on his body that attracted the cub.The flame nightmare beast lives by devouring fire aura, so it will choose to live in this crater.But now that it has cultivated to the late stage of foundation establishment, the fire spirit power that leaks from its body from time to time is precisely the delicacy it needs most.

Half a day later, Yi Tiancai made up his mind to keep the Nightmare Beast's cub, and used up his remaining quota of a Contracted Beast.

Signing the spirit beast contract is not as troublesome as the fat dog before. Yi Tian sacrificed a ray of flame with his left hand to feed the cub, bit his right index finger and slowly drew the spirit beast blood contract formation on its forehead, muttering words Said: "From now on, you will be called 'Chi Yanju', and following me is considered a blessing for you."The Nightmare Cub seemed to understand Yi Tian's words, and kept nodding his head, with a smile on his face.

After the ceremony was completed, he saw a golden mark on the forehead of the Red Flame Horse, which was regarded as a successful recognition of the master.He took out some Beast Spirit Pills and started feeding it, but at this time the 'Fat Dog' who was beside him rushed forward and ate most of the Spirit Beast Pills.

Seeing Chi Yanju's aggrieved look, Yi Tian had no choice but to put the two spirit stones into the spirit animal bag after the meal, but now he started to toss again.Originally, 'Fat Dog' lived alone, but now there are people living in it.The fat dog was not happy anymore, he yelled at Chi Yanju in the spirit animal bag, and drove it into a small corner.

In the end, Yi Tian had to refine a spirit beast bag again, and separated the two of them to solve the problem.

(End of this chapter)

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