
Chapter 239: Forming Pills 1

Chapter 239
The monsters within a radius of a hundred miles around the volcano have almost disappeared long ago. Generally, high-level monsters will divide their territory early, and those low-level monsters will not easily step into this place unless they are allowed. range.

In this way, Yi Tian saved a lot of effort, and after the formation was deployed, the mountain peak was hidden in the white mist.

At this time, Yi Tian was meditating next to the spiritual spring in the deepest part of the Nightmare Beast's cave. The fighting and running away before, and the killing of Xiang Xing and the monster had consumed a lot of spiritual power.Fortunately, the harvest is also amazing. Xiang Xing's storage ring alone has a huge amount of property.There are 50 light spirit stones, and most of them are middle-grade, in addition to some low-level spiritual weapons and a token of the Xiang family.

There are also many skills of the Excalibur School. Yi Tian singled out the Excalibur Jue and put it together with the previous Yao Jianshu. These offensive spells can also be used by himself.After forming the alchemy, find an opportunity to study hard, and then you can borrow the reputation of the Excalibur School in the Western Wilderness, and many things will be easily solved.

The most valuable is the alchemy handbook written by Xiang Xing himself. After searching through it, Yi Tian found that it recorded most of the elixirs available in the Xihuang market from shallow to deep.

Alchemy has always been Yi Tian's weakness, and he didn't have the opportunity to study it systematically when he was in the sect. In addition, the formulas of the Xuanyang School are mainly for tempering oneself and not relying on external forces to overcome calamities, so there is no deliberate effort to do so. I have studied it.

I have accumulated a lot of experience when I helped practice pills with others twice before, and I think these things should be helpful for the next practice.

After reading the handbook, one of the pills called "Curse Elimination Pill" caught Yi Tian's attention. According to the description in the handbook, usually those Jindan monks will cast a blood curse on their descendants. Meteor will trigger the blood curse to attach to the opponent so that the family can send people to track down the murderer.

The method to break the blood curse is very simple, as long as the person performing the spell has a higher level of cultivation than the caster, it can be easily solved, or you can use the 'curse-removing pill'.

Seeing this, Yi Tiancai recalled what Shi Qianwei said, that the Gu Canglang he killed must have the blood curse of the Gu family in his body, but the blood curse has a certain range of induction, as long as he does not set foot in Zhongzhou, his Gu family will not Find a way to yourself.

But it's not a good thing to have a positioning mark on your body. To completely solve this problem, you must first reach the knot.Furthermore, I never thought that I could get rid of the blood curse by relying on my cultivation base once I formed the pill. In the end, I had to rely on refining the 'curse-removing pill' to help remove the blood curse on my body.

These things are considered imminent, and it is estimated that Xiang Feiying should also have a similar blood curse on him, so Xiang Xing can use this to chase after him.Considering that his Xiang family is considered a respectable family in the Excalibur Sect, the successive demise of important figures in three families will definitely attract multiple parties to coordinate their investigation.

At this point, Yi Tian felt the cold sweat dripping down his back. Although he was hiding in the depths of the Western Wilderness, there was no guarantee that he would not be detected by others. Let alone the entire Xiang family, even a member of the Golden Core cultivator would run away. It won't drop.

So Yi Tian's desire to form the alchemy in his heart has expanded to the limit, there is still a glimmer of life after the alchemy is formed, and if he does not form the alchemy, he will die without life.

Turning around to look at Xiang Feiying's storage bracelet, she found that apart from some refined spirit energy, there were only spirit stones that could make do with it, and there were not many valuable items other than that.The exercises books are all the basic spells of weapon refining and divine sword sect. It seems that he still focuses on this aspect of weapon refining, but this time the incident happened because of him. He should be young and energetic and wanted to lose to After leaving Huo Chilian, let's get back to the scene secretly.

Xiang Yang's storage bracelet is full of miscellaneous objects, among them is a map of the Western Wilderness, which records the situation of many wilderness areas.But at this time, it seems to be more valuable to Yi Tian. From these maps, it can be found that Yi Tian's current approximate location is the melting and forging mountain range deep in the Western Wilderness Plain.

To the west of this melted and forged mountain range is the habitat of the great sage of the Western Wilderness Monster Race. Strangers are not allowed to enter that place, and human monks who are not in the Nascent Soul stage will never dare to approach it.

After confirming his location, at least for the time being, it is relatively safe, and Yi Tian is also a little relieved.

Then I searched and found a broken map that was intriguing. This map obviously recorded the appearance of a certain area in the Western Wilderness, but compared with the existing map at hand, I couldn't find any clues.

It should be the appearance of those unknown areas recorded, but the material of this map is very interesting. Yi Tian scratched it with the fifth-level spirit sword but failed to leave any traces on it.

After stretching out his fingers to ignite a ray of Xuanyang fire, he tried to ignite the map, but after an hour, only the edges were burnt black.Putting away the map casually, Yi Tian was overjoyed. This thing is definitely a very valuable thing. Although it is incomplete, the broken edge should be forcibly torn apart. Just imagine that the person who can tear the map to pieces must have the strength How tough.

Looking back, Yi Tian thought about his future path. Cultivators pay attention to 'law, spouse, wealth, and land', and according to the current situation, it seems that they have all of them.Even if it is the question of the Taoist companion, at least Shi Qianwei is willing to admit it in name.

It has been more than a year since he stepped into the world of comprehension, and there are only a handful of monks in the entire Tianlan Continent who can condense golden core within a hundred years.

Even Yun Zhongzheng, the ancestor of Xuanyang, was just over a hundred years old when he formed alchemy. According to the current speed of Yi Tian's cultivation, as long as he succeeds in forming alchemy now, he will not be talking nonsense after 200 years. If you want to break through the pill and become a baby, it still depends on your own chance.

Thinking about it, Xiao Linhang from Tianyunmen in Zhongzhou can be regarded as a leader among his peers, but he was more than 20 years older than himself when he practiced in the late stage of foundation establishment. I have to call my nephew.

Involving the Tianyun Gate, Yi Tian naturally thinks of the three Luogeng accessories, pointers, arrays and trays.Putting the three things in front of the eyes one by one, injecting spiritual power into them respectively, it was found that the three things actually induced each other.Seeing the play, Yi Tian hastily stretched out his hand to embed the round Luogeng array on the tray.

With a sound of 'click', the two parts fit together tightly, and then I saw that the pointer automatically flew towards the center of the array as if being pulled by something.

The pointer floated over the array disk for ten breaths, but failed to land.Yi Tian, ​​who was on the side, was also confused. These three things are obviously the same set, and they are inductive with each other, but why does the pointer repel the disk.

The spiritual power in his hand was continuously injected into it, and the pointer floating in the air seemed to be hesitating over and over again, like an old friend whom he hadn't seen for a long time, yet extremely strange.

Seeing the two colored pointers, Yi Tian seemed to have noticed something. When he got the pointer back then, it was still broken into two parts, and he repaired it after he sacrificed it with Xuanyang fire.If the treasure is psychic, then the new pointer must be repelled by the original accessories.

Since this is the case, Yi Tian directly picked up the array plate without saying a word, tapped his right index finger, and in an instant, a Xuanyang real fire appeared, wrapped the array plate and pointer, and began to sacrifice.At the beginning of the period, the pointer floating in the air was still very repulsive to the formation disk, Yi Tian didn't rush to close his eyes, and patiently practiced slowly.

This sitting lasted for three days, and when Yi Tian opened his eyes again, the pointer that had been sacrificially refined was firmly attached to the array.After finishing the work, Luo Gengpan, which was newly sacrificed and refined, showed its original appearance.

At a cursory glance, the entire disk is also very simple, with only the directions of the eight trigrams depicted around it, and even the 24 mountains and 72 dragons that should be on the general Luo Geng are not marked.The pointer in the middle of the inner circle is still, pointing only at the two directions of the universe, no matter how you turn it, there will be no movement.

After a closer look, what is portrayed on this plate is still innate gossip, and now Yi Tian is also guilty of muttering.It is said that Luo Geng, who uses Xunlong's acupoints, is arranged in the position of Houtian Bagua, which was also mentioned in Miscellaneous Notes before.

The previous head of Tianyunmen in Zhongzhou used to burn a hundred years of life to get a glimpse of the secrets of the sky, and later generations disrupted the innate gossip and rearranged the directions of the gossip according to the composition of Tianlan Continent.It was originally called Houtian Bagua, and it is even used by all sects in the comprehension world.Even if the disciples of Tianyunmen set up the eight-door Golden Lock Formation, it is also based on the position of the eight trigrams of the day after tomorrow.

Weighing Luo Geng and Pan Yitian in his hand, he estimated that this thing might be a little old.It took a lot of effort to refine such a useless thing, and Yi Tian also felt helpless. Although it had a great relationship with Tianyunmen, it was useless in his own hands.

After making a fuss for a while, there was no result in the end, so Yi Tian had no choice but to put Luo Geng away, and planned to find an opportunity to ask Xiao Linhang side-by-side in the future.

After sorting out these trivial matters, the next thing is the most important alchemy.Originally, the preparations for the previous seven years of retreat are almost complete, and the body training technique has also achieved a small success. As long as the 'Concentration Mantra' is detailed to the small completion level, you can start to form the alchemy.

If it wasn't for being disturbed by Zheng Rutong this time, and he wanted to stand up for his Zheng family, he probably wouldn't be in such a mess now.It's useless to think too much. Yi Tian took out a large number of spirit stones and set up a spirit gathering array near the spring. In an instant, the concentration of spirit energy in the depths of the cave more than doubled. The spirit power bred in the spirit veins seemed to have found a breakthrough. The speed of gathering Also speeded up.

The spring water emerging from the eyes of the whole Lingquan became more and more cool and refreshing. After Yi Tian stepped forward to take a few sips, he felt the surging spiritual power running down his throat. The concentration of spiritual power in the body is just a little more.

This kind of spiritual power concentration is stronger than that in Dongtian Paradise, Yi Tian estimated in his heart that according to the current speed of absorbing spiritual power, he can wash all the spiritual power in his dantian within a year.Now the originally viscous spiritual power in the dantian has become solid. As long as the spiritual vein can maintain this speed and provide spiritual power, it is completely possible to form a pill within five years.

Overjoyed, Yi Tian sat directly next to the Lingquan, pinching the magic formula with both hands and showing Asura's real body behind his back.Immediately, he took out the jade slip of the Concentrating Mantra and began to refer to it with a sense of consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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