
Chapter 240: Forming Pills 2

Chapter 240

The area around the volcanic valley of the Molten Mountain Range has been filled with clouds and mist for several years, and it has not seen the slightest dissipation.There are no traces of low-level monsters within a hundred miles around, just because they all know that there is a fifth-level nightmare beast living here.

In the volcanic valley, around the entrance of the Nightmare Beast's cave, there is a faint appearance of spiritual light shining. If you look carefully, you will find that layers of killing arrays have been laid around the surroundings.

With the cave door closed tightly, excess aura leaked out from time to time, more in the first year, but in the past three years, the aura that flowed out became thinner and thinner.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the deepest part of the cave, now showed the Dharma Body of Asura, sitting cross-legged with six hands tied in pairs.Except for the eyes on the head behind the left ear in the middle, the eyes are also opened, but they are half-closed as if they can't wake up, and there is a knowing smile on the whole face.

Thanks to the rich spiritual power bred in the spiritual veins here, Yi Tian can wash the spiritual energy in the dantian three times.Now Yi Tian took a look at his dantian and found that the spiritual liquid in his body had changed from a clear liquid state to a gelatinous state, which was the effect of the spiritual power compression of the foundation building part of the Jindan Jiuzhuan Jue of Xuanyangmen.

Usually, this step relies on a large amount of spiritual power as a backing. Only one wash can greatly increase the strength of one's own spiritual power, let alone three times.No wonder Xuanyangmen can far outperform monks of the same level, and once the foundation is solid, the road ahead will become more and more magnanimous.

After four years of practice, Yi Tian finally found that he could no longer compress the spiritual liquid, and there was a phenomenon of uncontrollable spiritual power leaking from his body from time to time.

Sometimes the fire aura flowing out of his body would leak out continuously and form flames that would ignite the surroundings of the cave, and for a while, Yi Tian had to spare some energy to put out the fire.

After looking inside for a while, Yi Tian smiled wryly, if there was no such seal in his dantian, why would he spend so much effort to cleanse his spiritual power three times.

And every time the spiritual fluid returns to the dantian, it will flow through the seal, and the purple lightning on it will also extract the spiritual fluid from time to time.Even under the premise that Yi Tian has never practiced lightning spells, he can attach a little bit of lightning when he uses the Xuanyangmen's unique skill, the True Flame Armor.

Until today, four years later, Yi Tian found that his body could no longer compress a little bit of true energy, and a thin layer of spiritual energy had appeared outside the skin of his entire body.Guessing that the time was almost up, Yi Tian also gritted his teeth and took back the Dharma Body Statue.Then he raised his left hand to open the cave door, and then the wind escape technique flashed, and the whole figure rushed out of the cave like a gust of wind.

After finding an open space in the crater and sitting down, Yi Tian made seals with both hands, silently carrying out the Xuanyang True Fire Art.A ray of golden flames spewed out from the mouth directly wrapped the whole body of the person, and then sat down cross-legged and began to circulate the spiritual energy all over the body to form a pill.

At this time, a flame also appeared in Yi Tian's dantian, spinning continuously in the center to form a golden spinning top, pulling all the spiritual liquid around it.

Even Zi Lei at the corner of the seal couldn't withstand the huge suction, and was slowly attracted to it.The entire spinning top formed a vortex and began to expand after absorbing the spiritual liquid and purple mine.Yi Tian knew that this was the critical moment to receive the order, and he could compress it into pills only after the psychic liquid inside the spinning top was completely solidified.

Although the process of forming the alchemy was uncomfortable for the swollen dantian, Yitian still gritted his teeth and struggled to support it.Judging from the previous experience of other people's alchemy, it seems that no one is as troublesome as Yi Tian, ​​probably because of the consequences after absorbing Zilei.

At this time, Yi Tian really hated that seal, not only built a nest in his dantian, but also became the source of trouble every time.

Two hours later, the swollen feeling in the dantian disappeared, followed by bursts of fiery spiritual power mixed with thunder and lightning from the dantian.

Overjoyed, Yi Tian hurriedly looked inside, and found that the spinning top slowly stopped, and a golden pill the size of a longan appeared in the middle of his dantian.In addition to being surrounded by golden flames, a thin layer of purple lightning net was formed around it.

This can be regarded as a pill, but before Yi Tian was happy, there were bursts of thunder in his ears.Looking up at the sky, suddenly the volcanic valley was covered with dark clouds, and there was a gap in nothingness between the layers of thunderclouds. The flames and thunderstorms were intertwined, and it seemed that they would fall down at any time.

Seeing such a situation, Yi Tian waited for the golden elixir to stop spinning in the dantian, and directly re-exercised it.Stretching out his hands in front of him to make a seal, suddenly a ray of golden flames shot out from his nails, enveloping his entire body.

A True Flame Armor spell was attached to the surface of the body. Yi Tian carefully observed that the thickness of the True Flame Armor was nearly double that of before, a full five inches, and the outermost layer actually had a faint arc shell.

At the same time, the whole body surface secretly activated the 'Golden Sun Immortality Body', and a pale golden light appeared on the skin of the newborn.If it wasn't covered by the True Flame Armor, Yi Tian would look like a little golden man right now.

After the two defenses were formed, the thunderclouds in the sky seemed impatient to fall.Yi Tian stretched out his hands, a pair of fire palms drew a circle on his chest, and instantly a spiral fire shield with a radius of one foot appeared in front of him.

If Huo Chilian had been present, he would have been surprised that Yi Tian also knew his special skills, and he was more proficient in the use of spells, and the effect must be incomparable.

According to the experience of the seniors in forming alchemy, even if it is a monk with two systems, the first two thunder tribulations should still be single, and the entire Golden Core Thunder Tribulation should only have three.

Now the Jieyun in the sky seems to be impatient to wait, the originally black Jieyun showed a faint cyan color in the gap in the void, and then intertwined to form a blue thunderbolt with the thickness of the mouth of a bowl, falling straight towards Yi Tian's head.

After the sound of 'bang', the spiral fire shield completely absorbed the tribulation thunder, and the flame on the spell seemed to be a little thinner, and it was possible to add another one by visual inspection.Yi Tian's body just swayed, but his feet made two three-inch deep footprints.

Before I had time to rejoice, the robbery cloud in the sky began to condense again. This time, the robbery cloud was red, which should be fire and thunder.After Yi Tian glanced at it, he tightened his hands and raised the fire shield high again.

The red fire thunder pierced the night sky, fell on the crater, and hit Yi Tian with incomparable accuracy.What was mixed in the thunder light was a burst of sky fire, which ignited the entire area within a radius of three feet.

For a while, Yi Tian didn't have time to put out the fire, and looked at the last golden elixir thunder calamity that was about to fall in the sky.My feet had sunk half a foot into the ground, and immediately two blue lights flashed, and the whole person jumped out instantly and returned to the ground.

The spiral fire shield in his hand has been defeated, but fortunately there are still two spells left, and Yi Tian also looked up at the sky with confidence.

I saw the blue and red thunder and lightning formed again, and the last thunder of this Golden Core Tribulation turned out to be a mixture of two wood and fire attributes.

Seeing this, I dare not take it too seriously, the power of my spells mixed with aura is astonishing, presumably this mixed thunder calamity is definitely worse than it.

After looking squarely at it, Yi Tian took out his magic shield to protect the figure, and then he jumped into the air with his feet to meet him head-on.

At this time, the third thunder was also formed, aiming at Yi Tian in mid-air and dodging. With a bang, the entire mountain was shaken, and the trees on the hillside were also shaken non-stop.

Yi Tian, ​​who was in the air, was not feeling well at this time, the Wood Fire Thunder Tribulation directly defeated the spirit weapon and hit him on the body.Although [-]% of the power had been exhausted, the True Flame Armor resisted stubbornly, but the whole person was shaken to the point of trembling in the air, most of the remaining electric arc was absorbed by the True Flame Armor, and the rest entangled It has not faded away for a long time on the body.

I felt that the spiritual energy in the whole body gushed out from the dantian like a vast ocean, and after washing the whole body, it flowed back into the golden elixir.Overjoyed, Yi Tian hurriedly looked inside his dantian and found that the golden elixir in his body began to gradually stabilize after the thunder calamity, and circles of pill patterns appeared on the golden elixir.After the alchemy pattern fully appeared, Yi Tian was ecstatic to find that he was a first-grade alchemy. It seems that the Xuanyang school's golden elixir nine-turn secret technique is definitely a first-class bull.

After hurriedly returning to the ground, Yi Tian sat down cross-legged on the spot, practiced silently to experience the strength of the lower Jindan stage, and then used the Concentrating Heart Art to prepare to deal with the next heart demon tribulation.

After ten breaths, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, not only did not wait for the Heart Demon Tribulation, but also bursts of thunder came from his ears.The heart is not good, the worst situation may have happened, when I looked up, my whole face turned livid.

The robbery cloud above the head not only did not shrink, but expanded a little bit, and the grids in the gap in the void interweaved into a purple lightning, which seemed to be looking for a target.

The seal in Yi Tian's dantian seemed to have heard something called, and suddenly purple thunder flashed all over his body.Then, as if it had been activated, it sprang out of Yi Tian's body with a 'swish' sound, changed into the original size and stayed on Yi Tian's head after Yingfeng changed.

And the Jieyun scurrying in the sky seemed to have found its target suddenly, and after gathering together, they directly struck at the seal.This really startled Yi Tian, ​​and wanted to move away, but the seal was like brown candy, no matter how Yi Tian moved, it was always floating three inches above his head.

Knowing that this matter is difficult to end well, Yi Tian gritted his teeth and had no choice but to move his true flame armor to the extreme.Then the seals with both hands once again offered a spiral fire shield to block in front of him.

The purple fire and thunder calamity magnified infinitely in the pupils, and then directly hit the fire shield. In less than three breaths, the spell that could withstand two thunder calamities was easily penetrated by Zi Lei.

Then Yi Tian clasped the seal with both hands and relied on the True Flame Armor on his body to defend again. After being hit by the thunder robbery, Yi Tian was thrown five feet away.The True Flame Armor on his body collapsed after blocking most of the electric energy, revealing a figure shining with golden light all over his body.

After being hit by the residual electric current, he felt that his whole body began to go numb, his hands and feet were a little out of control, and his throat felt sweet, which should be the result of Lei Jie's entry into his body.Thinking that the two spells were broken, Yi Tian had to forcibly suppress the blood energy in his body and run his spiritual power with all his strength to maximize the effect of 'Golden Sun Immortal Body', and after ten breaths, the whole person stood still.

Suddenly, Yi Tian discovered that this seal is not useless, at least the purple thunder and lightning force has tempered the whole body, and the golden surface skin of the whole body is faintly purple, and the effect of body training has obviously improved a level, which should be It is the benefit of strengthening the body after crossing the catastrophe.

But when he saw the dantian, Yi Tian wanted to cry without tears. The entire first-grade golden elixir had been deformed under Zilei's tempering, and the grade plummeted. The shape of Dan has become like a nugget.

According to these alchemy records, I can now be regarded as an eighth-rank golden elixir, at most there is a first-rank elixir pattern on the golden elixir.

The seal also returned to the dantian in an instant, and continued to lie dormant, but the writing on it became more and more clear.Yi Tian's name appeared faintly on a corner of the seal.

I can't control that much anymore, I was in a trance for a while, it should be the heart demon tribulation, so Yi Tian had to sit down and silently perform the coagulation spell.

(End of this chapter)

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