
Chapter 241

Chapter 241
More than ten days ago, the active volcano in the melting and forging mountain range suddenly had a transition scene, which frightened all the monsters within a radius of three hundred miles.Those fourth-level monsters have long been hiding far away, and the territory of high-level monsters is inviolable, which is the default unspoken rule among monsters.

It stands to reason that the Nightmare Beast didn't cross the catastrophe so quickly, or there would be another sixth-level monster lord here.But the thunder calamity is real, there are only four from a distance, but the colors are slightly different.

Moreover, after the catastrophe, the monsters usually can't control the spiritual pressure and spread out, so ordinary monsters will be more or less implicated.

But this time the Nightmare Beast Tribulation is a bit strange, the terrible spiritual pressure has not appeared for more than ten days.Now the surrounding monsters became active. Normally, there is only one possibility for this situation, that is, the monsters did not succeed in crossing the catastrophe.

In the next ten days or so, from time to time, some fourth-level monsters tried to approach the crater slowly, but the area below the mountain was covered with white mist for about [-] miles, and most of the monsters that entered were not very intelligent. They all came out.

This time, many monsters around the crater were also dispersed. In short, the entire vicinity of the crater has been considered quiet these days, and there has been no confusion.

At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the cave, was slowly resuming his skills. These days, he had just finished circulating his spiritual energy for 81 cycles.After opening my eyes, I found that I could see clearly in the dark hole by using the 'Clear Spiritual Eye'.

And after expanding the spiritual consciousness and stretching out the hole, the entire area covered by the volcano can be seen carefully. Even the shaking of the leaves on the hillside, and even the crawling of insects underground seem to be close at hand.

After taking out the Jade Slips of Cultivation Techniques and reading them, I realized that the scope of my spiritual consciousness is much stronger than that described above, and it is estimated that it is about the same as the strength of the spiritual consciousness of a late Jindan monk.

Looking at the situation in the dantian at this time, the seal is still floating on the top, and the center is the damaged golden elixir. It looks like a lump of gold now, but the first-rank elixir pattern on it is still there.At the bottom of the dantian is the stand-in doll, which is different from before. The whole doll's face has become a bit like Yi Tian, ​​and there are purple lightning arcs flashing on the body from time to time.

Although this Dan Tribulation was a fluke, it also consumed all the things he could get on his body.Moreover, Yi Tian reckoned that he had just successfully formed the alchemy and had not yet stabilized the realm.In the past few years, I haven't been able to directly fight with people. It's not a joke if I lose consciousness and cause my realm to drop.

From the current point of view, this place can be regarded as safe, at least for now, those monsters are blocked from the maze.After thinking about it, Yi Tian still decided not to leave for the time being, to strengthen this place again, lay out a few powerful killing arrays, and then retreat for a period of time to consolidate his cultivation base.

Immediately after one jumped out of the hole, he took out the demon pill of the nightmare beast with his right hand, and then hit it with a wave of spiritual power with his left hand, and then the demon pill passed the spiritual pressure out.

For a moment, the entire 150-kilometer defense of the crater of the Forging Mountain Range was swept away by the spiritual pressure. Those monsters who didn't know what to do or what to do stopped in their tracks, and the low-level ones crawled on the ground trembling.

Suddenly those fourth-level monsters turned their heads, spread their legs and ran towards the outside desperately. After a commotion, they took the rest of the monsters and ran out of the control range of the spiritual pressure.

After sweeping the area with his spiritual sense and no more monsters stayed, Yi Tian just smiled lightly, and then cast another spell on the trapped formation.All of a sudden, the white mist that was thirty miles away began to roll outward again, and it didn't stop until it doubled the area it covered.

Yi Tian was also taken aback, only to find out after checking that the strength of the alchemy has improved significantly, and even the formations deployed have been greatly improved.

Flipping his hand, he took out the token of the eight-door golden lock array, raised his hand and muttered something, and the eight tokens merged with the previous array again, covering the entire crater.

After strengthening the formation again, Yi Tian went straight back to the Dao Cave, recalling that Shi Qianwei said before that he could find a way to dissolve the blood contract after he advanced to the Golden Core.Yi Tian also held a dubious attitude towards this, and after opening his consciousness, he began to scan himself up and down in all directions.

As a result, I was so scared that I broke out in a cold sweat. I didn't expect that there were as many as three blood deeds on my body, which were wrapped around the three toes of my left foot.

The first one is the weakest, like a cloud of gray mist, which should be left after killing Yin Wuhui.The second path is the strongest, and it also shines with a little bit of golden light. At first glance, it looks like a metallic aura. It is definitely the method of the ancient golden core monks.

The last one is white, and Yi Tian reckons it is the blood contract of the Xiang family of the Excalibur School. Comparing the strength of this blood contract, the ancestor of this family is stronger than the lunar calendar line.

As the saying goes, if there are too many lice, you are not afraid of being bitten. Anyway, you have three blood contracts on your body, so Yi Tian is not afraid of causing trouble again.But now in the Western Wilderness, only the Xiang family could trace him with the blood contract.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian also made up his mind, took off his shoes, and then tapped the three blood contracts with his right index finger.Three groups of purple flames flew out, respectively attached to the three blood contracts, forming three purple marks.

Now Yi Tian can practice with peace of mind for the time being. The spell just now is the Xuanyang Sect's Spirit Sealing Art. Yi Tian also tried it with the mentality of using a dead horse as a living horse doctor, but he didn't expect it to be really useful after a try.

At the same time, a Golden Core cultivator who set off from Tianjian City suddenly found the lost tracking target, and the blood contract coordinates that had originally felt thin were suddenly lost.

Three important members of the Xiang family died one after another, and now the head of the family, Xiang Tiancheng, had to go out to track them down. He had sensed the blood contract intermittently before, but he could generally confirm the location.

But now that the clue was cut off all of a sudden, Xiang Tiancheng also became angry from embarrassment, and he returned to his original state after a while, and then said to himself: "Feiying, don't worry, as long as someone from the Tianyun Sect arrives, I will definitely find it no matter how expensive it is." Find the murderer who killed you." After speaking, he turned his head angrily and flew towards the sect of the Excalibur Sect.

If Yi Tian knew that he had unintentionally resolved a crisis, he wondered if he would lament his luck.

But he said that after returning to the cave, Yi Tian sat up straight cross-legged, and then showed the image of the dharma body, and took out all the magical powers on his body one by one.

Although he has reached the Golden Core Stage in terms of cultivation level, Yi Tian feels a little frustrated that he has directly dropped from the first-rank Golden Core to the eighth-rank.Fortunately, there is also the "Golden Elixir Nine Turns Jue" in the Zongmen Cheats, which can be used to polish the Golden Elixir again. You must know that what you have formed is the ultimate among the top-grade pills, and now it has become a golden lump.Fortunately, the first-grade pill pattern on the golden core is still there, so I still have a chance to recover again.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian's mood is finally better, and it is not without any gains this time.The golden core has now undergone a little change. The original purple lightning tribulation thunder was actually absorbed by the golden core, and now the golden lump is not only attached to the Xuanyang fire, but also the purple electric arc.

The two actually began to merge gradually. The original golden flame slowly revealed purple, and there were electric arcs flickering around the flame from time to time, and there was a sizzle sound, and the color of the golden core also slowly changed from bright gold Slowly transform into a purple-gold look.

No matter so much, Yi Tian's main spiritual consciousness directly started to practice the 'Xuanyang True Fire Jue' and 'Golden Core Nine Turns Jue', and at any time, the monks would regard improving their cultivation base as their top priority.

After advanced Jindan, some powerful offensive spells in the original "Xuanyang True Fire Jue" can be practiced. True Flame Armor and Spiral Fire Shield both have Jindan stage strengthening spells.What makes Yi Tian gratified is that these two tricks can be practiced directly to the Nascent Soul stage, and it is not in vain that he chose the right way as soon as he came up. As for offensive spells, at least five top-level spirit weapons are needed as the carrier, so that they can be used without any scruples. Attach Xuanyang Fire to it, otherwise the spirit weapon will become a consumable.

On the contrary, with his mutated spiritual power, it seems that the spells he cultivated will surely multiply in power. As for the golden core spells with wood-type spiritual power, there is nothing at hand, which makes Yi Tian feel a little regretful. I saved myself from danger. If there is no complementary spell cooperation suddenly, I feel uncomfortable.

But right now, he had no choice but to take care of it first, and as long as there was any chance in the future, he would still find a way to make up for the wood-type spells.

Offensive spells can be put aside first, and wood spells that happen to be a little bit auxiliary can be used in hand. After taking out the full set of spells of "Qing Ling Dharma", I began to use the second spiritual sense to refer to them.The first layer of "identification" of this pupil technique can not only be used for finding objects, but also very useful for checking the opponent's spiritual power attribute.

After reading the scroll, Yi Tian sighed. This second layer of pupil technique is "see through", which can directly see through the transformation technique or transformation technique, even if it is performed by monks with the same advanced level.And when one's own cultivation has reached the middle stage of the Golden Core, one can try to practice the last level of "Illusion Breaking". At that time, facing those illusions or relying on divine sense to create illusions will have miraculous effects.

After allocating the spells and supernatural powers to be practiced, Yi Tian took out the refined spirit tool spectrum and the scrolls made by puppets, and the last strand of spiritual consciousness will focus on improving his skills.

The competition with Huo Chilian this time also sounded the alarm for Yi Tian, ​​because he is not the only one who has the inheritance of Zhongzhou Lihuozong.Just based on Huo Chilian's small five-element sword array and spiral fire shield, it can be concluded that he has a great relationship with himself.

The last time we met, I didn't reveal my real identity, mainly because Yi Tian couldn't be sure of the other party's attitude, but it's hard to guarantee that I won't meet his fellow disciples in the future, and Shi Qianwei once mistook herself as a disciple of Zhongzhou's "Li Huo Sect" , Although it is a beautiful misunderstanding, it is hard to guarantee that it will not be misunderstood.

It is estimated that this woman will do everything possible to find out her whereabouts after returning to Zhongzhou, and she must be extremely disappointed by then.

Yi Tian is still thinking about how to find her in Zhongzhou in the future, and then it will be another mess.

The 'Lihuo Ten Soldiers' in the spectrum of spirit weapons in my hand must be rare goods to live in if they are refined, but it would be very bad if someone with a heart finds some clues and traces them to him.

So Yi Tian still decided to thoroughly understand the puppet art first, but none of the 'Lihuo Ten Soldiers' had a handy weapon.After searching the sect's classics, he finally found a spirit treasure named 'Lingxiao Zhan' which is suitable for him.

This 'Lingxiao Zhan' is actually an auxiliary spirit treasure. When it was refined, it was only at the fifth-level intermediate level. To strengthen and sacrifice one's own natal flame, it is a treasure that belongs to the suzerain's secret.

And as the user's cultivation level improves, this 'Lingxiao Zhan' can also gradually advance like the Fire Lotus Sword, at least as recorded in the Zongmen classics, it is a secret treasure that is in charge of the head of the sect himself.

The original 'Lingxiao Zhan' of the Lihuo Sect had been passed down by several generations of masters, and it had already advanced to the early stage of the eighth rank, which already belonged to the category of Lingbao.Moreover, only the strengthened Xuanyang True Fire can unscrupulously activate the sect's secret treasure 'Liangyi Beamsplitter'.

Yi Tian knew about this, if Yun Zhongzheng hadn't forcefully pushed the mirror back then, he wouldn't have ended up in a situation where the oil ran out and the lamps ran out.

But the materials in hand are absolutely not enough. Instead, you can first smelt the lamp embryo of Lingxiao lamp, and then you can smelt and upgrade it again after gathering the materials.

(End of this chapter)

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