
Chapter 242 Mountain City

Chapter 242 Mountain City
Qingfeng City is located on the outskirts of the Western Wilderness Plain. It is at least a few thousand miles away from Tianjian City. This is not the jurisdiction of the three sects, so most of the middle and low-level monks from aristocratic families will choose to replenish their supplies here.

The whole city is managed by Zhang, Liu, and Qu, three loose cultivator families. What's interesting is that these three families are also attached to the three sects.

Among them, the Zhang family, which is attached to the Shenjian sect, advocated that Fengyuan Jindan's cultivation was the highest in the early stage, while Liu Rujuan of the Liu family and Qu Xin of the Qu family were the outer sect deacons of the Tianmo sect and the maiden sect respectively, and their cultivation bases were at the late stage of foundation establishment. look.

On the surface, the Liu and Qu families were able to talk about being on par with the Zhang family after years of marriage, but in fact their strength is still far apart.More than [-]% of the shops in the city are controlled by Zhang Fengyuan, and even the name of this mountain city is named after Zhang Fengyuan's second character.

Pedestrians on the streets of Qingfeng City were in a hurry, either preparing to explore the wilderness, or just returning from there and needing to sell goods.

Compared with the crowds in a hurry, the people who are strolling around seem a little out of place. Now Yi Tian is suppressing his cultivation in the middle stage of foundation establishment, so he will not attract the attention of the three aristocratic families .

In the past less than 20 years, Yi Tian has devoted himself to cultivation. After fully consolidating the cultivation base of the early stage of Golden Core, he found that there is no bottleneck in cultivation, so he directly cultivated his cultivation base to the point where he was about to break through the middle stage of Golden Core. The stage just stopped.Counting his age, he is not yet a hundred years old this year, and the cultivation speed of this hundred-year-old golden elixir can be regarded as the best in Tianlan Continent.The next road is farther than ordinary people.

After such a long time of retreat, his body is full of spiritual power, and most of the spells in his hands have been cultivated to a small degree.

The natal spells True Flame Armor and Spiral Fire Shield are already quite popular, even if it is against the middle-stage monks of the upper golden core, at least self-protection is not a problem.

Attacking spells are still dominated by Yiming King's Hand, but it is a pity that the three forms of Asura's real body are combined into one. In order not to expose one's secret, it is better not to use this trick as much as possible.

The fastest ones to practice are 'Feng Lei Dun' and 'Qing Ling Fa Mu'.Since Jindan absorbed Zilei Tianjie, Yi Tian found that the aura gradually contained the attribute of lightning.

Although there are no lightning spells that can be used, they are surprisingly effective when used in escapism.

If you use all your strength to use Wind and Thunder Escape, the speed will be five times faster than before. Unfortunately, the biggest constraint is that the consumption of spiritual power is too large. Even in the current state of complete victory, it can only last for a quarter of an hour.

'Clear Spiritual Eyes' is the first one to complete the practice, and when the second layer of 'See Through' is used, one can easily see through the original appearance and attributes of the people around him.

In the cave before, I had to use 'Fat Dog' and 'Red Flame Horse' as experiments, and under the gaze of Pupil, the two spirit beasts seemed to have sensed, 'Fat Dog' showed manic barking, while ' Chi Yanju' was lying on the ground with a trembling look.

But Yi Tian has finally seen through his spirit beasts, and the pupil technique can directly see the operation of the demon core in their bodies. The demon pill of 'Fat Dog' is white and about the size of a longan.

The demon pill of 'Red Flame Horse' is only like a peanut, and there are bumps and hollows on it, which is caused by congenital deficiency at a glance.

For this reason, Yi Tian also deliberately changed the supply of the two spirit beasts, and specially mixed materials that fit their attributes into the beast spirit pills.

After doing this, I realized that most of the remaining spirit stones on my body had been consumed, so I had to end this retreat.More than ten days ago, Yi Tian tried to defeat the blood pact on his toes with his own cultivation. After clearing the weakest gray path, the next situation was not satisfactory.

Not to mention the blood deed of the Gu family, even Xiang Feiying's way can't be ruled out.In the end, I had no choice but to adopt a compromise method, using my own Xuanyang True Fire to seal the blood contract again, and wait until I find a chance to refine the 'curse-removing pill'.

This matter in turn proves that his cultivation base has surpassed the Lunar Calendar, this matter is still entangled in Yi Tian's mind, and he has never been able to figure it out.

But right now, we need to find a way to refine the 'Turning Curse Pill'. After checking the raw materials for this alchemy, most of them can be bought in the market. There is only one main medicine called 'Serum Grass' that I have never heard of. Said.

It is impossible to build a car behind closed doors, and then Yi Tian resolutely made up his mind that it is not an option to stay in this way, and simply go out to try his luck, maybe there will be a turnaround.

Although I used a seal to cover the blood deed, there was no guarantee that others would have other ways to sense it.Therefore, Yi Tian can only search for them in the areas of Tianmomen, Maiden faction or the three no matter as much as possible.

When I came to Qingfeng City, I heard those low-ranking monks talk about how to explore the depths of the Western Wilderness and how to resell goods.

Searched all the elixir shops in Qingfeng City to find out the whereabouts of 'Serum Grass', but almost none of them could give a definite answer.

The last elixir shop gave a solution. There is a "Qibaozhai" in Qingfeng City that provides some rare news and materials. Going there may still have hope.

Yi Tian was overjoyed when he heard the name of 'Qibaozhai'. He had met with them when he was in Dongao. It seems that their power really spread all over Tianlan Continent.

Since you are here, you can't miss it. After inquiring about the location of the store, Yi Tian directly searched for the name of the store and touched it.

It took less than half an hour to find 'Qibaozhai'. I stood at the door and looked at it. Except for the banner in front of the door, there was nothing special about it.As soon as he entered the store, a waiter came up to inquire, but Yi Tian just said his request and was taken into the VIP room at the back.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, a gray-haired old man opened the door and walked in. After the two of them greeted each other, the old man said, "My humble servant, Huang Renqing, is the shopkeeper of the 'Qibaozhai' here." I don’t know why you came here this time.”

Yi Tian was stunned for a moment when he was called, and then he secretly used the "Qing Ling Dharma Eye" to see that the old man sitting opposite him was also an early Golden Core cultivator.And the other party seems to have seen through his own cultivation, so he was called an equal when he came up.

After being looked at uncomfortably by the other party, Yi Tian twitched a wry smile on his face. Anyone would feel uncomfortable if someone saw his flaws when he went out for the first time after forming the alchemy.After covering up his embarrassment, he said directly: "I take the liberty of bothering Guizhai just to find a 'serum grass'. If there is no stock, you can provide the next clue."

"It seems that you have a blood contract in your body, and you want to refine the 'Curse-removing Pill'?" Seeing Yi Tian immediately showed alertness as soon as the words came out, Huang Renqing quickly explained: "Fellow Daoist, don't panic, this 'serum grass 'The biggest effect is to cleanse the evil spirit of blood on the body, which is a must for those monks who hunt and kill monsters all year round. And the high-level spirit grass is used to refine the main medicine of the 'curse-removing pill'. "

Hearing this, Yi Tian still didn't understand and asked directly: "How did Fellow Daoist know that I am refining the elixir instead of washing away the evil blood?"

"Hehe, monks who hunt and kill monsters all the year round are full of suffocation, or evil aura. I still have this little vision, and you don't have any suffocation on your body. It is estimated that it has just been out of the gate or it has been a long time. It doesn't look like you're fighting anyone."

It is said that people are old and spirited, and at this time Yi Tiancai realized that the shopkeeper of Qibaozhai in front of him should not be underestimated.

Just by looking at his cultivation, he may not be as good as himself, but as far as his experience is absolutely beyond his own, he can understand his situation in a few words. It seems that all of these Jindan monks are Human fine.

After straightening his face, Yi Tian replied: "How did Fellow Daoist Huang find out about my cultivation? Could it be that there was a flaw when I suppressed my cultivation?"

Huang Renqing waved his hands and said, "Don't be offended, fellow Taoist, it's not some flaw, but the spirit beast below discovered it." After speaking, he took out a spirit beast bag from his waist, and when a white light flashed, he saw a sac about three inches away. The long white mouse nestled in the palm of the hand.

Seeing the puzzled expression on Yi Tian's face, Huang Renqing said with a smile: "This is a treasure hunting mouse. It is very gifted and has a unique sensitivity to those treasures of heaven, material and earth, and is quite sensitive to the cultivation of monks. Since Fellow Daoist just entered the humble When I was at the gate, my treasure hunting mouse was fidgeting and a little crazy, this phenomenon was much more serious than when the old ghost of the Zhang family came, so I hurried out to meet the guests."

After some confusion, Yi Tian finally had some confidence in his cultivation base, and it turned out that this gifted spirit beast noticed his whereabouts.

However, according to Huang Renqing's words, the treasure hunting mouse will respond according to the cultivator's cultivation base. Doesn't this mean that he is stronger than Zhang Fengyuan.

"I don't know what grade of golden pill is condensed by that Zhang Fengyuan?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

Huang Renqing narrowed his eyes and looked at it, then replied: "He is a high-level golden core of the lower third rank just like the next one."

After listening, Yi Tiannei looked at his dantian, and saw a gold lump that had experienced vicissitudes of life suspended in the center.

Although I have practiced the "Jindan Jiuzhuan Jue" uninterruptedly for the past few years, the appearance of the Jindan has improved compared to before, and the potholes on it have basically disappeared, but the shape is still the same, and it can be regarded as a seventh-rank at most It's just Jin Dan's appearance.

However, in order to avoid suspicion, after a pause, Yi Tian asked again: "I'm just an eighth-rank golden elixir, why did you react so strongly to the unknown spirit beast of Fellow Daoist Huang?"

Huang Renqing couldn't answer now, seeing that Yi Tian's face didn't look like he was talking big, he lowered his head and thought for a while and said, "Maybe the spirit beast below made a mistake."

Let's accept the other side's words, Yi Tian has not had the opportunity to exchange ideas with the monks of the same rank since he formed the alchemy.

"I don't know that Fellow Daoist Huang has some knowledge about the ranks of condensed golden elixir. I would like to hear more about it."

Now Huang Renqing didn't hide it, anyway, it was a common sense issue among Jindan monks, so he directly explained it to Yi Tian with the idea of ​​forming a good relationship.

An hour later, Yi Tiancai came to his senses from Huang Renqing's eloquent words, but at this moment his heart was extremely excited.According to Huang Renqing's explanation, if the alchemy reaches the third rank, as long as it doesn't fall halfway, it must be the Nascent Soul.

Moreover, even in the early stages, the upper third-rank Golden Core monks can directly crush the lower third-rank late Golden Core monks or the middle third-rank mid-Gold Core monks.No wonder he could easily cancel the blood contract of Lunar Xing. According to this, his cultivation base should already be above Lunar Xing.

But after three breaths, Yi Tian's face darkened again. Based on this estimate, the monks of the Gu family are at least at the late middle stage or the middle stage of the upper class, and the monks of the Xiang family are not weak.Thinking that he has provoked such a terrible opponent, Yi Tian felt a little terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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