
Chapter 243 Destroying the Beast

Chapter 243 Destroying the Beast
The monks in Qingfeng City only know that Zhang Fengyuan of the Zhang family is the only Golden Core monk, and there are usually no high-level monks passing by here.It wasn't until today that two flashes of light suddenly flew out of the city unscrupulously that people knew that there was a Golden Core cultivator hidden in the city.Fortunately, they seemed to be marching towards the depths of the wasteland with the same goal.

But under the torrent, the undercurrent is surging, especially the Liu and Qu families are particularly nervous.After discovering the whereabouts of the two Golden Core cultivators, the two Patriarchs immediately reported the situation in Fengcheng to their sects.Moreover, the two families are eagerly exchanging information in private, and there is a faint intention to join forces.

Two days ago, when Yi Tian went to 'Qibaozhai', Huang Renqing wanted to buy a copy of 'Serum Grass', but Qibaozhai was out of stock.Fortunately, Huang Renqing is quite well-connected. He actually learned that Zhang Fengyuan got a high-grade 'serum grass' many years ago, so he acted as a middleman and introduced Yi Tian to Zhang Fengyuan.

After the two discussed and agreed, Yi Tian promised Zhang Fengyuan to help him go to the depths of the Western Wilderness to kill monsters, and the price was the 'serum grass'. As for Huang Renqing, he took the introduction fee of [-] spirit stones .

Flying all the way in the air, Yi Tian also kept looking at Zhang Fengyuan who was not far in front of him.As the Patriarch of the Zhang family has been in a high position for a long time, he should have a dignified appearance, but even after contacting Yi Tian twice, he still feels that he can't see through him.

Although I feel that I may not be as strong as myself in terms of strength, but this pair of minds is definitely a person's essence, no wonder it can be entrenched in this three-way zone for hundreds of years.

But all of this has nothing to do with him, as long as he assists him in killing the monster, he can change to the spirit grass.

The appearance of Zhang Fengyuan's seventh-grade golden elixir can surprise Yi Tian. He can't control the fluctuation of spiritual power well, and there will be some spiritual pressure leaked from time to time, and the flying speed is not as fast as his own. What it looked like in the late foundation period.Helpless, he led the way, and Yi Tian could only follow behind patiently if he wanted anything from others.

The two of them kept a certain distance in a very tacit understanding. After flying like this for nearly half a day, Yi Tian saw Zhang Fengyuan in front of him slowly stop on top of a lake.

When I got closer and looked down, I saw a bottomless lake below, and the entire lake was extremely calm.After unfolding the divine sense, it can be found that there are almost no monster activities within a hundred miles. It seems that the territory of high-level monsters cannot be violated by low-level monsters.

At this time Zhang Fengyuan said: "Yi Daoyou, there is a fifth-level mid-level blue crocodile living at the bottom of the lake here. After I lure it out later, you and I can do it together."

After hearing this, Yi Tian just nodded and replied: "You might as well ask Fellow Daoist Zhang to take action. I'm majoring in wood magic and can surround the blue crocodile's range of activities. As for the killing, let Fellow Daoist do it himself." These fifth-level monsters have also killed a lot in the late stage of foundation establishment.

Although most of them were done with the help of formations, whether this Qingyuan was too much of a fuss, according to his current strength, it is not easy to deal with this blue crocodile.

Seeing that the other party didn't want to enter, Zhang Fengyuan nodded with a smile. I heard Huang Renqing say that the monk in front of me was only condensing an eighth-rank golden pill, and his strength must be much worse than his own seventh-rank golden pill, so It is also reasonable to have this performance.

Immediately, Zhang Fengyuan took out a net and a large amount of blood food from the storage bracelet, and after circling in the air, he threw the blood food in his hands into the lake one after another.In less than half a quarter of an hour, the entire lake surface was stained with blood, and there were patches of red spots, and then a strong smell of blood was blown by the breeze.

After the lake below remained calm for a moment, there was movement suddenly in the area where the blood was scattered.After the calm lake surface was broken in an instant, a two-foot-long crocodile emerged from the bottom of the lake.

The difference from ordinary crocodiles is that the skin of the whole body is slightly blue, and the volume is slightly larger. The open bloody mouth is chewing blood food, and the two eyes are still staring at the two people in the sky from time to time, looking like they are ready for battle.

Zhang Fengyuan looked at Daxi and said, "Fellow Daoist, let's do it quickly." After speaking, he took out a ghost knife, ignoring Yi Tian and directly started.

From the moment Zhang Fengyuan made his move, Yi Tian also made more moves, and several wooden thorns in his hand attacked the blue crocodile one after another.Since I said before that I am a seventh-rank golden elixir, I have to do a full set of acting, secretly pouring water in my hand, and using only three successes to cast the spell.

The four sharp wooden thorns whizzed towards the blue crocodile's head, front paws and tail respectively. Yi Tian's spell came first, but Zhang Fengyuan who was on the side looked at him with admiration.

But the blue crocodile turned around and swung its one-foot-long tail to knock down the wooden thorns one after another.Then Zhang Fengyuan's knife light directly hit the blue crocodile's body, but only left a red knife mark on its hard skin.

Suddenly a fishing net spread out and surrounded the blue crocodile, which was exactly the magic weapon Zhang Fengyuan had prepared early in the morning.Lan E kept struggling in the net, but the four corners of the net bag were retracted, gradually squeezing its room for movement.

Even if it was the fishing net that was tightened by the four props during the period, it would not help. At this moment, the blue alligator opened its mouth, and two fist-sized water bombs were shot at the two of them.

Yi Tian had sharp eyes, and when he saw the water bomb attacking, he hurriedly used the wind escape technique to hide away.Zhang Fengyuan was manipulating the fishing net and ghost knife in his hands, and he had no time to dodge with his body, so he had to take out a bronze mirror to block in front of him.

With a 'bang', the water bomb hit the bronze mirror and was blocked, but when it exploded, a sound wave was produced, shaking Zhang Fengyuan in the air.Seeing that he suffered some dark losses, Yi Tian couldn't let go of the water anymore. Since he had something to ask for, he had to make a quick decision.

The two hands joined together again to cast the 'vine and wood wrap', a wooden vine as thick as a baby's arm appeared instantly and then dived into the water, extending towards the bottom of the blue crocodile.

The blue crocodile, which was originally restricted by the fishing net, was like a living target, and within three breaths, it was entangled by the vines deep in the water.Since the most powerful part of its body is the tail, Yi Tian also avoids the most important part, first wraps the four tails quietly, and then wraps the body together with the fishing net.

The thorns on the wooden vines couldn't pierce the blue crocodile's skin, but fortunately, the scar left by the ghost knife was a breakthrough. Unfortunately, the spirit beast drunk didn't seem to be effective against high-level monsters, or it wasn't good enough. Obviously, the trapped blue alligator seemed to have no effect.

After Zhang Fengyuan freed his hand, he also felt that his face was dull, so he put down the fishing net, folded his hands together in the air, and pointed at the ghost knife. In an instant, the knife turned into a black light and pointed at the blue crocodile. Hit straight up.

After the black light penetrated the head of the blue crocodile, Yi Tian finally settled down, and he got the 'serum grass'.

Yi Tian didn't care about the next thing, but Zhang Fengyuan decomposed the body of the blue crocodile and removed the inner alchemy, and then untied the four tails one by one.

As the reward for this sale, the 'serum grass' is indispensable, but Zhang Fengyuan is also generous, directly peeling off the skin of the blue crocodile and giving it to Yi Tian.Although there was a trace cut out by the ghost knife on the top, it was still intact on the whole, and at least two pieces of soft armor could be made with it.

After receiving the jade box where the 'serum grass' was placed, Yi Tian hurriedly lifted the seal on it, then stretched his spiritual consciousness in to check it out, and found that the whole plant of the spirit grass was well preserved, without any trace of leakage of spirit power, and emitted a A faint fragrance.

After quickly going through the "elixir ten thousand chapters" in his mind, Yi Tian confirmed that it was correct, and then put away the jade box, and the two parted ways after a quarter of an hour.

This time things went smoothly and unexpectedly. In addition, Qingfeng City is only a thousand miles away from the cave where he retreated. Yi Tian decided to refine the "curse-removing pill" first, and then travel around to try it out. Look for some peers to share their cultivation experience.

Half a day later, when he returned to the cave in the Melting Mountain Range, Yi Tian first opened the defense barrier, and then he went into the cave and began to study alchemy.Before forming the alchemy, Yi Tian took out a fire golden lotus seed on his body and planted it in the lava of the crater. After so many years, the fire golden lotus has just grown a bud as thick as a little finger, and it is estimated that it will be mature or not. It takes 200 years.

During these years of retreat, I have refurbished all the looted spiritual weapons and magic weapons on my body, erased those unique imprint labels, and then re-engraved the corresponding inscriptions according to the attributes of the spiritual weapons. The fourth-level spiritual weapons have As many as ten pieces.

It was quite troublesome to dispose of so many things at once in Qingfeng City before. Fortunately, "Qibaozhai" also deals in the purchase of spiritual artifacts. Yi Tian directly packaged and sold the things to Huang Renqing, and then purchased the "Take off" from him. Curse Dan' other adjuvants.

Sitting next to the spiritual spring in the cave, Yi Tian took out his well-prepared alchemy furnace and medicinal materials to prepare alchemy.Originally, this alchemy furnace was found in Xiang Xing's storage bracelet, and its grade also looked like the beginning of the fifth level, but Yi Tian was afraid that it would cause trouble to his upper body if someone saw it later, so he directly reconnected it, and changed the style of the alchemy furnace All changed.

Yi Tian divided the medicinal materials of the 'Exorcism Pill' purchased on his body into three parts, and then divided the 'serum grass' on each medicinal material according to the prescription on the pill.

Fortunately, I had the experience of forced alchemy many years ago, and I also learned some alchemy formulas from time to time during these years of retreat.The 'curse-removing pill' refined this time is not difficult at all, and the level of the pill is only four high-level.

After all, Yitian became a monk halfway through, although he has a little experience in pharmacology after reading "Elitic Medicine Ten Thousand Articles" and "Spiritual Planting Technique".However, he still lacks experience in the process of alchemy, so that when he first refined the "curse-removing pill", he input too much spiritual power during the process of congealing the pill, which caused the furnace to explode.

After cleaning up the mess, Yi Tian sat in front of the alchemy furnace and recollected every detail of the alchemy just now, and then found out what he didn't do enough and made improvements one by one.

Three days later, Yi Tian opened his eyes with a smug smile on his face when bursts of elixir came out from the elixir furnace.After opening the alchemy furnace, I found three peanut-sized crystal-clear 'Decurse Pills' lying on the bottom of the furnace.Stretch out your hand to hold the elixir in your hand, you can feel that the elixir still retains some residual heat after it has just faded.

Then Yi Tian directly opened his mouth and took a pill, and then used his energy to dissolve the medicine in his stomach, and then performed the pupil technique to see that the blood contract of the ancient family on the toes suddenly became a little weaker.After putting away the seal, Yi Tian used his kung fu directly, and found that the blood contract was easily broken.

Seeing this overjoyed, Yi Tian hurriedly took another one, and broke Xiang Feiying's blood contract step by step. Now all the tracking marks on his body were broken, and he felt extremely happy immediately. There will be no troubles when returning to Tianjian City, Yi Tian feels that his luck is really overwhelmed.

Before he was happy for a quarter of an hour, an alarm sounded from the restriction outside, as if he was being attacked violently, Yi Tian's face darkened, and he hurried out of the hole to check what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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