
Chapter 244

Chapter 244
For nearly 20 years, there has been no abnormality in the melting and forging mountain range, but today a loud noise broke the silence for many years.

Looking carefully, it is not difficult to find a Golden Core cultivator floating above the crater, constantly attacking downwards.

And the top of the mountain has long been covered with layers of restrictions, and a layer of light film is shining to protect the entire mountain top.It is the defensive array laid down by Yi Tian that is constantly working. Fortunately, with the support of the spiritual veins, this layer of light film has not weakened at all after withstood a round of attacks.

After Yi Tian hurried out of the cave, he saw a monk in the sky wearing the inner door costume of the Excalibur Sect constantly breaking the restriction.Now Yi Tian had an ugly face, and hurriedly shouted at the other party: "Who is the fellow Taoist, why did you attack my cave restriction?"

Hearing someone coming out from below, the Taoist also stopped his hands to identify carefully, and after a while, he said to Yi Tian below: "I am Xiang Tiancheng, the head of the Xiang family, you boy, you killed my Xiang family and hid here, really Did you think I couldn't find you?"

After listening to one sentence, I knew something was wrong. I hadn't been exposed for so many years, how could I be tracked down?No matter how turbulent there was in his heart, he still had a calm look on his face and said: "Your Excellency, did you admit the wrong person, I have never met anyone from the Xiang family."

Who knows that Xiang Tiancheng sneered again and again: "I've never seen it before, and you underestimate my bloodline tracking technique too much. When you broke the blood contract just now, you lifted the original seal, but you didn't expect to use it with a short I can lock your position in a short time."

Yi Tian secretly cried out that it was not good, he was too excited after successfully refining the elixir just now, and did not attach any enchantment to cover up the breath when he broke the blood contract.These Jindan monks of the Excalibur School are not fuel-efficient lamps, and each of them will have a way to suppress the bottom of the box after living for hundreds of years.

However, with the mentality of muddling through the test, Yi Tian still pretended to be stupid and pretended to deny it: "Daoyou, you really found the wrong person. I said that I have never seen him before, so I will save you from talking nonsense with you, so I will not stop being careful." You're welcome now."

"The 'serum grass' you exchanged from Zhang Fengyi was originally mine. If it weren't for the blood contract in your body, why would you try every means to find this elixir? You should follow the trick of taking the bait from the wisher. "Xiang Tiancheng spat.

Now Yi Tian finally understood, it turned out that Zhang Fengyuan was just a white glove, and he had already planned to lure the snake out of the hole.Blame it on myself for being too careless, the scent on the 'serum grass' should have been intentionally left by Xiang Tiancheng, as long as someone buys the elixir, they can find it along the way.

So far, Yi Tian has to admire Xiang Tiancheng's delicate mind, for more than 20 years to set up such a scheme for revenge, and that Zhang Fengyuan is also in the same group.Now I am afraid that things will be difficult for the two of them to join forces, but it seems that he has not been found yet, so we must first determine the status of the enemy and ourselves before making any plans.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian laughed loudly and said: "Since you dare to tamper with the jade box, Zhang Daoyou, are you still afraid of showing yourself?" After speaking, he released his spiritual sense unscrupulously to investigate the surrounding situation.

Xiang Tiancheng said disdainfully: "It takes two people to deal with you, an early monk of the eighth-rank Golden Core. I really think too highly of yourself." The sword floated in front of him, and after forming seals with his hands, he slashed down towards the area where Yi Tian was.

This time Xiang Tiancheng struck with hatred, using [-]% of his strength, the spirit sword turned into a white light and hit the center of the restriction. With a bang, the loud noise penetrated the valley, shaking the forbidden defense directly.

Yi Tian didn't expect the opponent to be so powerful, and almost broke through the defensive formation with one move. He hurriedly took out the formation disk with his left hand, and hit a magic trick on it with his right hand, stabilizing the formation.

Right now, there are mixed feelings, this Xiang Tiancheng is definitely a difficult winner, judging from the spiritual pressure on his body, it should be a mid-stage golden core, but I don't know how many grades of golden core the other party has condensed.

Fortunately, he is also a proud and arrogant person, so he didn't bring Zhang Fengyuan along, otherwise he would have to run away in desperation.

Now that people have already knocked on the door, I can't hold back anymore. I haven't had a chance to really fight with people since I formed the alchemy. I don't know how strong I am now.

So Yi Tian was not relentless, he jumped up after activating the wind escape technique all over his body, and flew into the air to confront Xiang Tiancheng.After putting away the pan in his hand, he took out the three flywheels and pointed at Xiang Tiancheng, and the three flywheels surrounded him with a whistling sound.

After the three sword lights flashed, the three flywheels were instantly smashed to pieces, but Xiang Tiancheng saw that the opponent was not surprised but had a wicked smile on his mouth, and immediately felt something was wrong.

These three flywheels have been used back and forth before, and even though they are level [-] spirit weapons, it is not surprising that they were smashed by the sword pill.Yi Tian clasped his hands together and shouted "Open", the three small flywheels in the center flew out directly from the mother body, attacking Xiang Tiancheng's forehead, back, and lower three roads respectively.

Before the opponent could react, Yi Tian yelled "Explosion" again, and the three flywheels exploded together, and three puffs of black smoke were produced to cover Xiang Tiancheng's figure.

Originally, the best way to deal with Xiang Tian's achievements was to be surprised.After the three consecutive bursts, Yi Tian did not give his opponent a chance to breathe again and shot again. He suddenly sacrificed a dozen wooden thorns in his hand and quickly stabbed towards the position where the black smoke was.

A bright light flashed out of the smoke, and Xiang Tiancheng's figure appeared ten feet away.At this time, his face was not very good-looking, and he was panting heavily.It is not difficult to find that there are several holes in his upper body, obviously wearing a high-level armor, but there is a blood hole on his thigh.

Xiang Tiancheng pointed at the blood hole, and after a burst of spiritual energy covered the wound, he turned his head to look at Yi Tian, ​​and shouted angrily: "I didn't expect that you, an eighth-rank Golden Core cultivator, are so strong. Underestimated you."

After stretching out his hands to sacrifice the sword pills, Xiang Tiancheng spit out blood from the tip of his tongue again. The spirit sword stretched out against the wind, and suddenly became more than one foot long, and saw the spirit sword flying towards Yi Tian mixed with bloody light.

This move is one of the three great skills of the Excalibur School, 'One Sword Flying Immortal'. I have seen Sun Deqing use it before in the refining test of Tianjian City, but Xiang Tiancheng's use of it is too powerful.

Yi Tian didn't dare to make a big deal, it was useless to escape, so he had to take it hard.Pushing forward with both hands to unfold the spiral fire shield, a little golden light appeared on his body, and he started to run the 'Golden Sun Immortal Body' with all his strength.

After the two flashes of light met in the air, scattered sparks rushed out, igniting the vegetation on the hillside.From a distance, it looks like a volcanic eruption, but the scale is much smaller.

At this time, Yi Tian also had a bitter self-knowledge. If he knew that the opponent's move was so powerful, he should really use the True Flame Armor again.But the half of the spirit sword was not comfortable being stuck in the spiral fire shield. The first half of the sword was twisted into a twisted shape after piercing the fire shield.

After the natal spiritual weapon was damaged, Xiang Tiancheng immediately suffered a backlash, and he vomited blood after his breath became chaotic, and he felt uncomfortable.But things can't be retreated now, Xiang Tiancheng vomited out the blood in his body mixed with spiritual power, then pointed to Jianwan, and did it again.

Suddenly, the spirit sword that was stuck by the spiral fire shield exerted force again and slowly pierced in.Yi Tian was also in a cold sweat from fright, and he used both hands to urge the screw mouth to twist desperately.

The two sides turned into a competition of spiritual power for a while, Xiang Tiancheng was secretly complacent, in terms of cultivation alone, he was a level stronger than the other party, so the spiritual power must be the same.

Although the natal spirit weapon was destroyed this time, it would be more than enough to make up for it with the golden core monk's net worth after killing the opponent.

After thinking about it, his hands increased the output of spiritual power again, and the spirit sword rushed forward again after hearing the news.At this time, Xiang Tiancheng saw Yi Tian's unreasonable smile, and was puzzled in his heart. When he was about to exercise his kung fu, he suddenly found that the spiritual power in his body rushed out of his legs as if a hole had been cut.

When he looked down, he was startled. At some point, the wound on his leg sprouted a few buds, and they were constantly absorbing the spiritual power of his body.

After three breaths, the bud grew into a vine as thick as a thumb, and the vine stretched and grew longer and wrapped around the body until it covered the head, and a pink flower bud bloomed at the end.

Yi Tian, ​​who was not far away, finally breathed a sigh of relief. He mixed the ghost face flower seeds on the wood thorns before, and waited for an opportunity to plant them on the opponent.But I didn't expect that the body's defensive power of the Jindan cultivator was really strong, and this seed almost couldn't bloom.

Seeing that the sword pill in front of him lost its spiritual support, Yi Tian freed his left hand to cast a spell and then pointed at the ghost face.Immediately, the bud opened its fangs and bit Xiang Tiancheng's head in one bite.

Three days later in Qingfeng City, Zhang Fengyuan, the patriarch of the Zhang family, has also changed his normal routine these days.It made people submissive when they saw him, for fear that if they were careless, they would be scolded again.

That night when Zhang Fengyuan returned to his closed stone room and pushed open the door, he saw only a blur in front of him, and then found that the room was empty, and couldn't help but shouted: "Who dares to play tricks on my ancestor."

At this time, a sneer came from the dark place in the corner and said: "What ancestor, Zhang Daoyou speaks loudly. I don't know who is more powerful than Xiang Tiancheng?"

Before he finished speaking, the walls and floor of the entire room began to change into thick and thick vines, instantly entangled Zhang Fengyuan's body tightly.Before he opened his mouth to speak, a blue shadow flashed behind him, and then directly grabbed his throat and killed him instantly.

The whole process from entering the door to killing it took only five breaths of time. Yi Tian succeeded in this sneak attack, thanks to the formation map of the 'Thousand Illusion Formation' in Xiang Tiancheng's storage ring.This thing in Xiang Tiancheng's hands is definitely a hidden gem, but Yi Tian is really easy to use.

After killing someone, Yi Tian originally just wanted to rob another ticket and leave, but after searching Zhang Fengyuan just now, he found that his memory was intermittent and there was a valuable information called Linglong Cave.

The three families of Qingfeng City will unite to explore the ruins in the wasteland every 20 years. Although the three families acted privately, they do not know what went wrong and let the three factions know. The three factions will send people to participate in the next expedition. Among the ruins, there is a kind of spiritual plant called Xinnianhua, which is very helpful for monks to temper their mood.

After three shots after forming the alchemy, Yi Tian obviously felt that his cultivation base had grown too fast, but his state of mind was still unable to break through.Now that there is such a good opportunity, Yi Tian is also going to try to pick a few 'Mind Flowers' to temper his mood.

Three hours later, the ancestors of the Zhang family suddenly announced that they were going to retreat, and they didn't leave until two years later when the three families jointly explored.

(End of this chapter)

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