
Chapter 245

Chapter 245
In the past month, there have been many monks from the Zhang family active in the market in Qingfeng City. They usually buy some rare materials and spiritual plants at a price that is [-]% higher than the market price.

As a result, the entire Qingfeng City became bustling, and the explorers who had returned from the wasteland all received the news and patronized Zhang's various stores to ship goods.The Liu and Qu families also seemed to have received the wind, and they clearly marked the prices in their stores to recycle various materials, and began to fight against the Zhang family.

All of a sudden, the price of goods in Qingfeng City has been raised a lot, and the benefits are those monks who need to ship, and then the enthusiasm of the entire market has been aroused, and hundreds of foundation-building monks go deep into the wasteland every day Hunting and killing monsters, he wanted to take advantage of the situation where the three families were fighting to make a good profit.

As the instigator of this matter, Yi Tianzheng was sitting cross-legged in Zhang Fengyuan's secret room, meditating. These things outside had nothing to do with him, and the material on the ground in front of him was the real thing.

After killing Zhang Fengyuan before, he originally wanted to leave, but who knows the news of 'Xin Nian Hua', so Yi Tian had to get involved.

Since the battle with Xiang Tiancheng a month ago, Yi Tian has benefited a lot. The fight between Golden Core cultivators is completely different from that during Foundation Establishment, and everyone will often compete with each other for their own talismans.

But these are the most lacking at hand now. Yi Tian tried to refine the Fire Lotus Sword in the later stage of Foundation Establishment and wanted to use it as a natal magic weapon.It's a pity that the seal in the dantian was very repulsive to the Fire Lotus Sword. On the contrary, the substitute doll refined in Xiding Mountain in Xihuang didn't seem to be repelled by the seal at all, and it was stored in the dantian after the robbery.

In addition, Yi Tian also tried to absorb the "Rihuilun" and the "Liangyi Spectroscope" obtained by the Xuanyang School into his dantian, but what he didn't expect was that the seal seemed to be right. All the aggressive spirit treasures seemed to be very resistant.In this way, the matter of the natal magic weapon can only be postponed again and again, until Yi Tian realizes that this matter cannot be delayed any longer after dealing with Xiang Tian.

"Sunlight Wheel" itself is half already, and "Liangyi Spectroscope" is definitely not something I can use right now.After calming down and thinking about it, it is obvious that this seal can accommodate those auxiliary spirit weapons, so isn't the stand-in doll the best proof.

He had already smelted the lamp embryo of 'Zixiaozhan' when he retreated in the melting forging mountain range before, so Yi Tian used up the Heiyao Jinjing, krypton gold and half of the deep sea adamantine iron on his body.According to the records of "Xuanyang Zhenjue", the "Zixiaozhan" lamp embryo must be smelted and inscribed with the real fire of life from the beginning to the end when refining. The second refining process is to find the five-element crystal of the fifth-level monster. The core can only be used as a smelting material. As for each subsequent promotion, it needs to be blessed with fire treasures that match the level.

Fortunately, when the lamp embryo was formed, it successfully survived a catastrophe. Now it only has the fire-type nightmare beast crystal core, and it lacks the crystal cores of the other four systems.Therefore, I had no choice but to use Zhang Fengyuan's name to instruct the disciples of the Zhang family to collect materials everywhere.

In order to prevent interested people from discovering the clues, Yitian directly made a list listing a large number of materials that need to be purchased, and put the other four attributes of monster crystal cores on the list that must be obtained by mobile phone.

The 'Thousand Faces Art' that I learned from Shi Qianwei before is finally useful. Yi Tian has already comprehended it in the previous retreat, as long as anyone who has been in contact with him can imitate a seventy-eight percent look , As long as you don't make a move, you generally won't tear it apart.

After pretending to be casual, Yi Tian directly found a few middle-stage foundation-building monks from the Zhang family, and explained his list.Strong generals are not short of hungry soldiers. Although Zhang Fengyuan was killed, he still needs to act in his capacity.So I reproduced the base-building part of the Divine Sword Sect's statute "Shenjian Jue" that I got from Xiang Tiancheng, and then handed it over to them, and repeatedly asked not to reveal it easily so as not to alert the other two.

Since then, the senior elders in the Zhang family seemed to have been beaten to death, and they had to do their best to complete the tasks arranged by the ancestors. In less than a month, they scanned all the monster crystal nuclei that might appear on the market.Moreover, it also used the human, financial and material resources accumulated by the Zhang family for a hundred years, so far the price of crystal nuclei on the market has doubled.

Although this is not something that Yi Tian can control, the effect is surprisingly good. It didn't take long to collect the crystal nuclei of three fifth-level monsters, earth, gold, and water.

From then on, as long as one more wood-type crystal nucleus is collected, one can begin to sacrifice one's own natal spirit weapon.But in the next half month, there seemed to be some rumors in the market. Those sellers with high-level crystal nuclei were reluctant to sell, and those sellers who were willing to sell were found to have wrong products, and their attributes did not match.

After nearly half a month of stalemate in the price war in the market, one night in the backyard of the Zhang family, there was a person standing in front of the stone room where Zhang Fengyuan was retreating, begging for advice: "Is the owner here, my nephew has found the whereabouts of the wood element spirit crystal." .

After three breaths, the stone door was opened, and there was an echo from inside: "Come in and answer."

During this period of time, according to Zhang Fengyuan's original memory, Yi Tian has figured out all the people in the Zhang family. The person who asked to see him this time is Zhang Yitong, who has cultivated in the middle stage of foundation establishment, but has always been on the periphery of the Zhang family's decision-making. Personnel are not mainly passed down from the direct line.

But these have nothing to do with him, what Yi Tian is concerned about is the whereabouts of the wood crystal nucleus.Zhang Yitong was obviously the first time to enter the secret room of the ancestor's retreat. After entering, he saw that the entire stone room was only about three square meters, but the concentration of spiritual energy was much higher than that outside, and the owner 'Zhang Fengyuan' was sitting cross-legged facing the wall.

Approaching the Patriarch at such a close distance, the spiritual pressure of the Golden Core cultivator in the air instantly forced Zhang Yitong out of breath.After three breaths, when Zhang Yitong felt that the spiritual pressure had disappeared suddenly, he realized that the ancestor was waiting to ask questions, so he hurriedly stepped forward and kowtowed: "Patriarch Qi has found out the whereabouts of the wood-type crystal nucleus. In the hands of Qu Xin, but."

"Say something quickly, don't hesitate, what's the offer from that girl Qu Xin?" Yi Tian replied impatiently.

Seeing that the Patriarch was getting impatient, Zhang Yitong hurriedly replied: "She wants a promise from the Patriarch, and the deal will be done face to face."

After three breaths, Yi Tian nodded and said: "Yes, you can arrange a meeting, let's go together."

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Yitong was ecstatic. As long as Xin Dao was able to live in the Dharma Eye, his status in the clan would be different in the future, and there might be other benefits as well.

Although Yi Tian had been waiting impatiently for the past two months, he really didn't dare to show it on his face, so as not to let interested people see the flaws.And Zhang Yitong in front of him seems to be a good choice, he has been excluded by the core members of the Zhang family, such a person will definitely become a confidant as long as he is promoted a little.

Besides, Yi Tian didn't intend to continue pretending to be Zhang Fengyuan. The wilderness adventure two years later is a great opportunity to escape, and he just needs to wait for the opportunity to feign death and escape.

The key is not to let people from the Liu and Qu families see any clues. After all, once the three parties break the balance, they will inevitably be traced by the sect behind them. This is what Yi Tiansuo is most unwilling to see the development of the situation.

This time I had to meet Qu Xin, although in Zhang Fengyuan's memory, the two had a rare relationship.However, the two parties as rivals will definitely study the information of the other Patriarch thoroughly, and besides, the two families have met in Qingfeng City for a hundred years, so they must have a deep understanding of each other.

Quickly went through Qu Xin's situation in her mind. The nearly 50-year-old monk in the late stage of foundation establishment can be regarded as the oldest among fellow monks. If she can't break through in [-] years, then she Qu Xin The family's status in Qingfeng City will definitely not be guaranteed.

Compared to Qu Xin, Liu Rujuan of the Liu family has the same level of cultivation, but she is 50 years younger, so she can have at least two chances to condense golden pills.

On the surface, the Liu and Qu families formed an alliance, but in private there were still some petty moves. It is no wonder that Qu Xin met with him in private, probably because he wanted to secretly unite with the Zhang family and have a good time.

And that relic was also discovered by Qu Xin first, but it was later revealed by Zhang and Liu's hidden sons hiding in her clan, so she had to compromise and went to explore the treasure together.

Three days later, Yi Tian, ​​who turned into Zhang Fengyuan at night, took Zhang Yitong and quietly left the city through the secret passage of the family.After getting out of the tunnel, he found that he was already in a cave on the rocky slope ten miles north of Qingfeng City.

After looking around, the two hurriedly hid the entrance, then got up and flew towards the agreed place.Along the way, Yi Tian also didn't talk much, fearing that too many words would cause suspicion.Fortunately, Zhang Yitong wanted to express himself in front of his family, so he didn't dare to go beyond his behavior, and seemed very well-behaved.

It took the two of them a quarter of an hour to arrive at the place they had agreed with Qu Xin, and they saw her figure in black from a long distance in the air, and they should have arrived a long time ago.

Qu Xin was also taken aback when he saw two people flying in the air in the distance. He didn't expect that Zhang Fengyuan would bring the disciples from the clan along with him, but he looked a little uneasy on his face.Originally, his cultivation base was only at the first level, but now that the opponent has one more person, how can he talk about his absolute disadvantage.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Yi Tian seemed to have guessed something, turned his head and said to Zhang Yi in an old-fashioned way: "You wait here first, I will meet with Qu Xin alone."

Zhang Yitong quickly bowed his head and said yes, this kind of conversation between the heads of the family is not for people like him to participate in, but the fact that the ancestor brought him here has already explained a lot of problems.

After Luo Luoyuntou and Qu Xin were separated by three feet, Yi Tian also imitated Zhang Fengyuan's tone, and said to Qu Xin: "Women of the Qu family, tell me something quickly, where is the thing?"

Fortunately, the two sides don't see each other often. Qu Xin was a little suspicious, but after hearing the tone of the voice, he was able to confirm the identity of the person who came, and replied: "Little sister is not as blessed as Brother Zhang to advance to Jindan. This time Brother Zhang is in a hurry to buy the monster crystal nucleus, probably because he wants to refine some powerful spiritual weapon?"

"Stop talking nonsense, and state your conditions. Whether you can do it or not will be determined after the old man's consideration."

Qu Xin reached out and took out a green crystal nucleus the size of an egg from a storage bag and put it in his hand, then said: "Brother Zhang, please inspect the product. If you like it, you can ask for it later."

(End of this chapter)

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