
Chapter 246 Dark Alliance

Chapter 246 Dark Alliance
Thirty miles away from Qingfeng City, on a deserted hillside, the Zhang family advocated Fengyuan and the head of the Qu family, Qu Xin, were standing face to face, and they were talking about something with a distance of three or four feet.

A wave of spiritual consciousness shrouded the hillside and extended to Qu Xin's hand, turning it around a few times, sweeping up and down the five-level wood-type crystal nucleus.It's really better than expected, it should be the crystal nucleus of a fifth-level intermediate monster, Yi Tian was delighted, but his face was as sinking as water, and he couldn't help but think: "How dare Qu Xin take out such a thing?" The exchange seeks to be non-small, let's listen to her conditions first.

Immediately, Yi Tian asked without changing his face: "Tell me, what do you want?"

"Brother Zhang must be still worried about the investigation of the ruins, right? According to the news I received, the Maiden Sect and the Heavenly Demon Sect will intervene this time. Presumably there will be someone from Dao Brother's Excalibur Sect, right?" Qu Xin smiled.

Yi Tian was taken aback for a moment, why didn't he expect this, but after all, the Excalibur Sect only sent some non-core disciples to practice before, so this time it will not be unexpected.

Turning to look at Qu Xin, as if she had something to say, she asked, "Then what do you mean?"

Qu Xin smiled and said: "Brother Zhang, once the sect intervenes in this matter, will it still have the interests of you and my family? You are a Jindan cultivator, and the people sent by Excalibur must be courteous, but I am just building a foundation." Cultivator, you won’t even be able to speak at that time.”

Now Yi Tian applauded secretly in his heart, it turned out that these casual cultivators from aristocratic families were not united with the sect, they were attached to the sect on the surface, but in fact they were secretly looking for opportunities to get rid of the control of the sect and seek the greatest benefit.

In this way, this deal is still done, Yi Tian laughed and said: "Women of the Qu family, we Mingren don't speak secretly, I know what you mean, it's nothing more than wanting the old man to come forward to help you seek greater benefits when distributing benefits." It’s just the income. I agree to this, but I also have conditions.”

After listening to Yi Tian's words, Qu Xin's face relaxed at first, and then he hesitated, hoping that the other party would not open his mouth like a lion.He smiled awkwardly and said, "Brother Zhang, if you have any requests, just ask."

"You also know that helping you out is offending the Maiden faction. Although I am not afraid, I still have to consider the comfort of the children in the family." Then Yi Tian turned his head and looked at Zhang Yitong who was not far away, and smirked a few times, and then Transmit your own conditions to Qu Xin.

At the beginning of the period, Qu Xin showed surprise when he heard this, seeing Yi Tian's resolute look, thought for a while, and then threw the crystal nucleus in his hand over.After ten breaths, Qu Xin came back via voice transmission and explained his opinion.

After putting away the crystal nucleus, Yi Tian roughly listened to the other party's reply, and frowned, but soon started talking again through sound transmission, and the two sides nodded in agreement after a quarter of an hour.

On the way back, Yi Tian also asked about Zhang Yitong's situation from time to time, and after learning that there was only one person left in his room, he said, "I will hold a clan meeting after I go back, and I will announce something at that time. As long as you nod, you will the benefits of."

Although Zhang Yitong didn't know what to do, he also knew that this must be the result of private negotiations between the Patriarch and Qu Xin, so he didn't dare to disagree and had to nod in agreement.

Three days later at noon, in the main hall of the Zhang Family's backyard, everyone from the family in twos and threes was seated separately. Everyone wondered why the Patriarch was so anxious to recruit everyone.

Several elders in the clan also had doubts on their faces, only Zhang Yitong huddled in a corner and sat calmly.

After almost everyone arrived, a white halo enveloped the room, and then a phantom of Zhang Fengyuan appeared on the main seat, and then a hoarse voice came.

Half a day later, after Zhang's internal discussion and Zhang Fengyuan's final decision, Zhang Yitong will represent Zhang and Qu's marriages from now on.And Zhang Yitong also took advantage of the opportunity to obtain the power of the Zhang family's acting patriarch, and Zhang Fengyuan is going to do his best to prepare for the trip to the ruins two years later.

The marriage between the Zhang and Qu families was also carried out in secret, and the people who knew about these things were the high-ranking members of the two families and the parties concerned.

At this time, Yi Tian had already withdrawn from the incident and returned to the cave in the melting and forging mountain range.

With the Five Elements Crystal Nuclei and the 'Fire Lotus Lamp' lamp embryo in front of him, Yi Tian has restored his state to the best after a long period of breath adjustment.Looking at the materials in front of him, a long-lost smile finally appeared on his face.

After sacrificing a ray of golden flames from the tip of his right finger, Yi Tian first took out the Five Elements Spirit Crystal to smelt it.The original two-inch irregular crystal nuclei were quickly dissolved under the burning of the Xuanyang fire and turned into five liquid crystal beads of different colors floating in the air.

Through spiritual consciousness, you can carefully check that every drop of crystal beads is crystal clear, and it also contains rich elements of the five elements.After lifting the five drops of crystal beads in the air with his spiritual consciousness, Yi Tian pointed to the 'Zixiao Cup' with his left hand, and the golden flames in his hand wrapped the spiritual weapon to continuously calcine it.

After the whole process lasted for nearly half a day, I saw that the lamp embryo of the 'Zixiao lamp' had turned red, and then I raised my right hand to drive in the five-element crystal beads at one time, and then increased the intensity of the real fire to smelt it again.

This process lasted for nearly seven days, and five different colors appeared on the lamp embryo of the 'Zixiao Zhan' in sequence, as if the spiritual energy of the five elements was continuously compressed into the lamp embryo.

In the past [-] years or so, the calamity thunder on the crater of the melting and forging mountains has not stopped, and those middle-level monsters have already run away from the melting and forging mountains for hundreds of miles.Although they couldn't tell the difference between advanced monsters and weapon tribulations, the thunder tribulations from time to time did scare them.

When a colorful thundercloud appeared on the crater again, the monsters on the ground were all scared and ran towards the outside of the mountain desperately.

After a five-color thunder disaster descended, a simple lotus lantern appeared in the air, absorbing the baptism brought by the thunder disaster, and constantly strengthening the spiritual weapon itself.And Yi Tian below is also extremely excited, with this 'Zi Xiao Zhan', the power of cultivating Xuan Yang True Fire will definitely be greatly improved.

Originally, the 'Liangyi Spectroscope' needed to be driven by the strengthened Xuanyang True Fire. It is estimated that Xuanyang Patriarch Yun Zhongzheng failed to strengthen his own True Fire at that time, so he would end up exhausted.As long as you progress step by step, I believe you can initially control the Zongmen Supreme Treasure in the late Jindan stage.

At that time, even if you meet a Nascent Soul cultivator in the early stage, you can have an unexpected effect.After taking the Zixiao lamp in the air back into his hand, Yi Tian scanned it carefully with his spiritual sense, and after passing through the robbery, he became a fifth-level high-level spiritual weapon.

The entire lamp is about five inches high and two inches square, with a circle of lotus root-like bases underneath and a thumb-thick leaf stem in the middle.On the top is a lotus canopy-shaped lamp, and in the middle is a half-inch-thick hole, which should be the place to sacrifice and strengthen the real fire.

After getting back the Zixiao lamp, Yi Tian couldn't wait to go back to the depths of his cave, and when the plate was ready, he placed the lamp in front of him.Then he took out a trace of the real fire cultivated in his body, and then slowly manipulated it with his spiritual sense to ignite it in the middle of the lamp.

That strand of Xuanyang real fire seemed to have suddenly found a swimming pool, jumped up and down in the Zixiao lamp, and finally forcibly stabilized it in the fire lotus, and then saw that trace of real fire The fire is transformed into five different colors for tempering under Yi Tian's continuous control.

After the tempering of that trace of real fire was completed, Yi Tiancai slowly withdrew his skills and led it back to his dantian.The whole process didn't know how long it took, Yi Tian only knew that after completing one tempering, his whole back was soaked.You must know that after tempering a sliver of real fire, nearly half of the spiritual power in the whole body has been consumed. It is unknown how long it will take to quench all the real fire that one has cultivated.

But the benefits are also obvious. After being fused by the ray of real fire, the original real fire became a little bit brighter. Before, this kind of situation only happened when the level was raised.

He lowered his head to look at Zixiaozhan Yitian in front of him, and couldn't help but smile, this thing is definitely a treasure, no wonder it is in charge of the suzerain of the 'Lihuo Sect' himself.Usually put it in the dantian for warming, and use it when you are free. I believe that the fire lotus lamp can be upgraded to a small level in a short time.

Turning around, he took out the sundial Luo Geng, and looked at the time record on it, Yi Tian was startled.There is no sun and moon in the cave, and it took me nearly three months to temper the real fire this time.According to this progress, it will take at least ten years of hard work to quench all the real fire in the dantian.

Moreover, according to the record in Xuanyang True Fire Jue, the real fire can be tempered multiple times, and each time after tempering, one's own true essence will be more solidified. More than two percent.

This frightened Yi Tian, ​​it turned out that the 'Li Huo Sect' had such perverted skills, no wonder it could dominate the Tianlan Continent for thousands of years.

It's a pity that what I lack most now is time, and I estimate that there are still nearly a year and a half before the three factions will come, and I can't practice until the last moment before leaving the level.

Fortunately, there is still more than a year of free time to use. During this time, Yi Tian is going to devote himself to tempering the real fire.

Immediately, Yi Tian directly took out the array plate and played a few spells on it, and opened the maze array to the maximum, and then started his own tempering plan with peace of mind.

There was no movement in the entire cave for nearly a year, until a flash of a messenger crane pierced the night sky of the melting and forging mountains. This is a special method of communication left by Yi Tian to Zhang Yitong.After taking the messenger crane, Yi Tian carefully read the contents above, and frowned after a while.

The thing I was most unwilling to face happened unexpectedly. It just so happened that two familiar names appeared on this summons letter, namely Duguao and Yan Zhaoxue.

This time it was also a miscalculation. I didn't expect that the trial site found by a casual cultivator from a mere aristocratic family would attract the direct disciples of Tianmomen and Maiden School to join.Also, the letter said that Excalibur sent a late foundation-building monk named Xiang Feibao, probably a disciple of his Xiang family.

Yi Tian also wondered why he had such a relationship with the Xiang family, and it seemed that he didn't mind another unexpected disappearance this time.

Two-thirds of the above information was obtained from Qu Xin's secret communication of the song, and it is estimated that she is also in a hurry to find a countermeasure.

After clearing up his mood, Yi Tian directly stored the 'Zixiao Zhan' into his dantian, and then rushed out of the cave in a hurry towards Qingfeng City.When I go back, I have to find Qu Xin to figure out how to maximize the benefits this time.

(End of this chapter)

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