
Chapter 247 Total

Chapter 247 Total
Qingfeng City was fairly calm during this period, at least on the surface.

But in private, the low-ranking monks in the city were talking about the marriage between the Zhang and Qu families.Although this matter was carried out in secret, the paper could not contain the fire, and the gossip leaked from nowhere spread throughout the entire mountain city within a few days.

As the parties involved, the Zhang Qu family remained surprisingly silent, and even the newlyweds deliberately avoided the matter.

However, the people from the Liu family were the most enthusiastic. The original alliance between the two parties had changed again.Fortunately, the three major families have maintained due restraint, and no one has made this matter clear, and the elders in the clan have also given orders to do what they should do on weekdays.

At midnight that day, in a private house in the south of the city, Zhang Fengyuan, who Yi Tian transformed into, was sitting in the hall with his eyes closed, while sitting opposite him was Qu Xin, the Patriarch of the Qu family, who was dressed in black.

This time, Yi Tian rushed back after receiving Zhang Yitong's summons. He didn't go back to Zhang's mansion, but contacted Qu Xin directly, and the two agreed to come here at night to discuss the expedition.

After the meeting that night, Qu Xin suggested to wait for a while, because there is still someone coming.Yi Tian is also well aware of this, this kind of thing is clearly intended to drag the Liu family into the water, and then it will become three families of casual cultivators secretly uniting against the forces behind them.

There is no other reason. Qingfeng City is located in a remote area, which means that resources are scarce, but the control of the family of casual cultivators by the sect masters is nothing more than depriving them of cultivation resources.Expeditions like this are not a big deal in the first place, but someone from the secret sect who was hiding in the family reported the matter.

As a result, the three major sects communicated with each other and each sent an inner disciple to come. It is called assistance, but in fact it is to search for property.The three great aristocratic families are also self-aware, so they communicate in private.

Thinking that the person Qu Xin was talking about should be Liu Rujuan, the head of the Liu family. Although in the eyes of outsiders, the three great families are in the same situation, but in private, everyone knows very well that in Qingfeng City, both are prosperous and the other is damaged.

If one day one of the aristocratic families is wiped out and the existing balance is broken, then the forces behind the remaining two families will definitely designate and forcibly compete for the control of Qingfeng City.

This is also something that the heads of the three families are unwilling to face. No matter how you look at it, the Qu family is the weakest, and there are not many successors who can take the lead. This is why Qu Xin will take the line of the two families openly and secretly, hoping to have both sides. Bar.

Half an hour later, 'Zhang Fengyuan' who was sitting on the top seat opened his eyes and said to Qu Xin: "Liu Daoyou came a little late, but it's not too late."

Qu Xin, who was on the side, was startled, but recovered in an instant. There is still a big difference in the strength of spiritual consciousness between the Foundation Establishment cultivator and the Golden Core cultivator, so he didn't take it to heart.

Half a quarter of an hour later, a figure rushed into the house without a sound, and Liu Rujuan, who was wearing a blue shirt, entered the door and said to the two of them, "Little sister came in a hurry, please don't blame me."

Yi Tian looked at the person who came down. Liu Rujuan's actual age is about 150 years old, and she may have practiced some magical skills, so she has a strong evil spirit lingering around her body.Then imitating Zhang Fengyuan's tone, he said old-fashionedly: "Everyone is here, let's talk about this time." Then he raised his hand and placed a soundproof barrier to seal the whole house.

After the conversation got to the point, both Liu and Qu also had serious expressions on their faces. The purpose of this meeting is to put it bluntly, to join forces to deal with the forces behind it, but they should not go too far, so as not to cause trouble.

Liu Rujuan opened the mouth first and said, "This time, Tianmomen sent Duguao, a direct disciple of the inner sect. I heard that this person is about to complete his foundation, and the two concubines are no match for him in terms of strength alone."

After hearing this, Qu Xin nodded and said, "I'm here from Yan Zhaoxue from the Maiden Sect. I heard that she is also a direct disciple of the late foundation establishment period, and her strength is not much worse than Duguao's."

After listening to their introduction, 'Zhang Fengyuan' twitched unnaturally and said, "I'm here from Xiang Feibao from the Excalibur School. I heard that his Xiang family has lost two Golden Elixirs for more than 20 years. With a few disciples of the Foundation Establishment lineage, it is estimated that he will make a big deal when he comes this time."

Upon hearing this, Liu Rujuan and Qu Xin's faces became ugly. Every time they received a special envoy, they had to take out some valuable property to pass the test.Although it can't be said that it is hurting the muscles and bones for the three families, it is worth several years of family income.

If it's okay to get into the Dharma, I'm afraid that these envoys feel dissatisfied, and it will be difficult to make a small report after returning to the sect, and to mention the offerings over the years.

Yi Tian has been in seclusion for these years, so he doesn't have a deep understanding of the three major sects, so he took this opportunity to inquire directly from the two of them.After a pause, I saw 'Zhang Fengyuan' raise his hand, and in an instant two Thunder Fire Drills appeared on the table, turned his head and said to the two of them: "These two Thunder Fire Drills are fifth-level elementary spirit weapons, use them to deal with your envoys It should be more than enough."

Liu Rujuan and Qu Xin were overjoyed when they saw this, but after thinking about it, neither of them came up to pick it up, but fell silent instead.

In the past, everyone was in charge of their own affairs, but after this secret alliance, everyone did not show enough sincerity. Until 'Zhang Fengyuan' made a move, the two of them were full of thoughts for a while, and they didn't know what price to use in exchange. .

After ten breaths of silence, it was Liu Rujuan who spoke first: "I don't know what Patriarch Zhang needs, so please ask. If you have anything, you can exchange it directly."

Qu Xin on the other hand also echoed, in this Qingfeng City, there is nothing that can be sold to entertain the envoys, and every time they come to collect 30 million spirit stones, and they still can't get into the eyes of others. .It is different now that there is a fifth-level spiritual weapon, at least the level of hospitality can be passed.

Seeing it in my eyes and smiling in my heart, I saw 'Zhang Fengyuan' said with a smile: "If you have any high-level wood-type exercises, or Lingzhi can exchange them with me."

"But what disciples in the clan need?" Qu Xin asked puzzled.

After seeing 'Zhang Fengyuan' nodding, the expressions of the two of them obviously relaxed, and this condition was obviously worthwhile.Immediately, Liu Rujuan took out two fourth-level spiritual plants from the storage bracelet and put them on the table to exchange them.

Suddenly 'Zhang Fengyuan' opened his mouth and said: "Liu Daoyou is also a little impatient, just want to exchange two fourth-level spiritual plants for a fifth-level elementary spiritual weapon, and I will suffer too much."

Liu Rujuan also showed embarrassment, and it seemed that she had taken advantage of it.After a short pause, Liu Rujuan took out a dead branch with roots and put it on the table, saying: "This is a third-level spirit that is half a foot long and has a dark body, but I have not been able to find out what it is. If the head of the Zhang family wants to plant the root part, he can take it."

Ever since she took out this piece of dead branch, Yi Tian could clearly feel the real fire of Xuanyang in his dantian moved, could it be that this thing has a lot to do with Li Huo Sect.

On the bright side, 'Zhang Fengyuan' stretched out his hand to put away the three spiritual plants calmly and said: "So, fellow Daoist Liu, let's choose one."

An hour later, Yi Tian returned to the Zhang family's ancestral house and immediately summoned the Dai family to advocate Yitong under the guise of "Zhang Fengyuan".Afterwards, he explained the matter of entertaining the envoy and the joint expedition, and handed a metal five-level flying sword to Zhang Yitong as a meeting gift for the envoy.

On the other hand, after explaining the matter, he went directly into the secret room and checked all the things he had exchanged.

The appearance of the two fourth-level spiritual plants is average, and after a good care, it is estimated that they will advance to the fifth level after a hundred years. On the contrary, it is the dead branches that make Yi Tian very interested.

After taking it out again, Yi Tian directly sacrificed a trace of Xuanyang fire and walked on the dead branch again, even under the high temperature of the real fire, the dead branch did not change at all.

After searching the "Elixir Ten Thousand Articles", Yi Tian couldn't find the corresponding illustrated book, and he couldn't help but wonder, "Is it a new species?" Logically speaking, the third-level spiritual plant has been under the baptism of Xuanyang Fire for a long time. Should it be burnt?

This piece of black dead branch seems to be fine, and the root actually shows a little vitality under the wandering of Xuanyang real fire, presumably there must be something wrong inside.

It's useless to think too much, so I took out a spiritual plant pot, filled it with high-level spiritual plant cultivation soil, and then planted the dead branch.Then he took out the jade token of Xuanling Qingye and touched two drops of soil into the roots, but after a while, nothing happened.

Yi Tian was stunned at this moment, he looked at the Xuanling Clear Liquid in his hand, shook his hand and directly increased the dose, and poured the whole bottle into it.It is estimated that the spiritual power contained in this high-level spiritual planting soil is several times higher than that of the same level, but there is still no movement on the dead branch.

No, there is still a change. After half an hour, Yi Tian found that the vitality on the dead branches seemed to be more than before, but it was just that there was too little nourishment or insufficient spiritual power.

Relentless, Yi Tian poured all the last bottle of Xuanling Clear Liquid in his storage bag into the root of the dead branch. After an hour, he found that the half-foot-long dead branch seemed to become more watery. The jet black looks more vibrant.

Now Yi Tian finally understood that the body level of this dead branch was too high, so that the existing spiritual power could not nourish it.I had no choice but to let it go first, let's treat it as a seedling for the time being, and wait for the opportunity to go back to the sect to find a spiritual vein to nourish him.

After putting away these spiritual plants, Yi Tian directly took out the wood-type exercise "Changchun Jue" that Qu Xin exchanged for it, and read it. Although this exercise is not powerful in attack, but fortunately, it can be done as long as it is practiced step by step to the late stage of Jindan , now it seems that it is more suitable for Yitian to use.

Moreover, the refined wood-type qi can not only be used to control the Yao sword technique, but also can nourish one's own Xuanyang true fire, which is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

Counting that there are still nearly four or five months before the arrival of the third faction, it is just a good time to practice swordsmanship, so as not to be out of order by then.The others, Yi Tian, ​​are not worried, but they are afraid of Duguao, he has seen him make a move in Xidingshan before, if he sees it through, he may be in trouble again.

(End of this chapter)

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