
Chapter 248

Chapter 248
Half a year later, a group of six flew together over the depths of the Xihuang Plain. Qu Xin and Liu Rujuan took the lead, and 'Zhang Fengyuan' flew at the end of the team.The three of them are Duguao, Yan Zhaoxue and Xiang Feibao.

A few days ago, the three special envoys arrived in Qingfeng City one after another and each found the aristocratic family attached to the sect. First, they investigated the situation of the aristocratic family, and then determined the number of spirit stones to be handed over to the sect in the next ten years.

The other two families didn't know the situation, but Xiang Feibao from the Excalibur Sect looked like the deputy eldest master, and the busy Zhang family was in chaos.Fortunately, they were fully prepared before, and under the arrangement of Dai's family, Zhang Yitong, they finally got through the difficulties.

Immediately after Zhang Yitong presented the fifth-level spirit weapon, Xiang Feibao was also merciless. After accepting the gift, he sent a summons to the Zongmen and briefly reported the situation of the Zhang family.

After explaining the situation, the Excalibur Sect only maintained the number of offerings from the Zhang family's existing sects, and everyone was happy to let the matter go.

The special envoys of the three factions agreed on the time of departure after communicating with each other, and the next step was a matter of course.The patriarchs of the three families accompanied and led the way, and cooperated with the three special envoys to sneak into the depths of the Western Wilderness to investigate.

Xiang Feibao, the second generation of Xiu, dressed as a young man, flew in the middle of the team with a golden folding fan in his hand.Relying on the power of the sect along the way, even when facing 'Zhang Fengyuan', he yelled and yelled, and he didn't seem to take Jindan monks seriously at all.

The other two patriarchs are fine, they finally got what they paid for, but Dugu Ao was dressed in black, with a blood-red magic word on the back of the clothes, which should be the clothes of inner disciples of Tianmo Sect.Yan Zhaoxue is all in white shirt and coir raincoat, dressed like a young lady, but the savage look on her face is still there.

The purpose of the two people's trip is also very clear, that is, they are interested in the 'Mind Grass', and then they will rely on the three Patriarchs to lead the way, so there is no excessive embarrassment.

Yi Tian looked like "Zhang Fengyuan" all the way, and he didn't dare to get too close to those two people, but these seventh-rank Jindan monks are really nothing in the eyes of Zongmen disciples.

In fact, even if the cultivation base is higher than others on the surface, the average low-grade Jindan early-stage monks may not be able to defeat those top sect heirs.It's as if Yi Tian had already killed Dong Ao's aristocratic Jindan monks many years ago.

After making up his mind, Yi Tian maintained the principle of talking less, doing less, and keeping a distance, trying not to show his feet.

After flying continuously for nearly two days, Xiang Feibao asked impatiently: "How long is it? It feels like we have traveled nearly a thousand miles into the wilderness."

Qu Xin, who was in charge of taking the lead, also replied with a bitter expression on his face: "Forgive me, special envoy Xiang, there are dangers lurking everywhere in the depths of the Western Wilderness. We are saving the way and avoiding the territory of some high-level monsters, so we spent a little time." time."

After hearing this, Duguao continued, "How far is the actual distance?"

Liu Rujuan took out the map, looked at it, and said, "About a straight-line distance of nearly a thousand miles to the west of Qingfeng City. It has to bypass three fifth-level monster territories, so the total distance is more than 500 miles."

"If you encounter a fifth-level monster, you can just kill it. Why waste time and make a detour." Yan Zhaoxue pouted. The long flight also dissatisfied the young lady, but fortunately, she was able to maintain restraint.

At this time, 'Zhang Fengyuan' remained silent as always, no matter what they said, they would not interrupt.

Faced with such a willful question from his superior, Qu Xin also felt helpless, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and reply: "We still have to try our best to maintain the best condition, if killing monsters on the way leads to excessive consumption of spiritual energy, we will lose our spiritual energy." It will have very adverse consequences for our next actions."

Yan Zhaoxue pursed her lips and said nothing, and the other two temporarily suppressed their doubts and continued to fly.

There was nothing to say along the way, until the next day's dawn, Qu Xin, who was the leader, gradually slowed down his flight speed, found a mark after bypassing the mountains, and then fell into the clouds.The few people behind followed closely behind, and there seemed to be a strong evil spirit spreading in the mountain, which made people feel uncomfortable.

There are also people who adapt, such as Dugu Ao's practice of magic skills, but they have a stronger affinity for the surrounding environment.After getting down, I got a good luck, and my spirit was obviously shaken, and I recovered much faster than the others.

Yi Tian found the entrance of a cave based on the previous memory of 'Zhang Fengyuan'. When the three patriarchs came more than 50 years ago, they were blocked by a mechanism and could not go deep. This time they came to find out.

The entire entrance of Shandong is only less than two feet wide, barely enough for two people to walk side by side.Qu Xin, who was at the front, took out the Ye Mingzhu and took the lead to lead the way.

The six people kept a distance of ten feet in tacit understanding and followed into it one by one. The further they walked in, the narrower the entire passage became.Half a moment later, the passage became only about one foot wide, and Yi Tian reckoned that the direction of the entire passage should be slowly descending.

Moreover, the cold air from the surrounding stone walls is getting stronger and stronger, and the surrounding temperature should have dropped a lot. At least the stone steps in the passage have faintly leaked water vapor.

'Xinnianhua' is suitable for growing in dark and humid places with rich aura. It is born by absorbing the obsessive aura from corpses. This kind of spiritual grass can also be regarded as the companion grass in the mausoleum.

The place where 'Xinnianhua' can be produced must be ancient tombs. The longer it grows, the better it will grow. It usually takes a hundred years to mature. After picking it, it needs to be preserved in a special way and cannot be transplanted.

Everyone had done their homework before coming this time, so knowing that there must be an ancient tomb below, everyone also tacitly knew what they would meet in such a place.

In less than half an hour, the six of them came to the end of the passage, a front hall of the tomb with a radius of ten feet.What came into view was a group of human idols, the number of which was about one-fifth.

Then I heard Qu Xin say: "The three of us came here last time, but unfortunately we were not strong enough, and we didn't even break through this stone puppet formation. Fortunately, we used our spiritual sense to check it out. Behind it is a mass burial chamber. I also found a few plants of 'Mind Grass' next to those coffins, they were not yet mature when I came last time, so it should be about the same time this time."

Xiang Feibao sneered at 'Zhang Fengyuan' and said: "You were still in the late stage of Foundation Establishment back then, so naturally you can't do it anymore. Now that you have reached the golden core stage, it should be fine for you to handle it here, right? "

The feeling of being chased away from the shelves is really not very comfortable. Everyone saw 'Zhang Fengyuan' nodded, and then replied: "Don't worry, Special Envoy Xiang, this old man is enough here." After speaking, he took out a half-foot-long small sword with his right hand Walk up slowly.

After walking a few stone steps, the eyes of those stone puppets suddenly lit up, as if they had found an unexpected visitor.Each stone golem held a spear in its hand and walked towards the intruder.

It is estimated that these stone puppets are the strength of the middle stage of foundation establishment, but there are a lot of them, and it is a headache to cooperate with the formation in this small stone room.

I saw 'Zhang Fengyuan' despised his opponent, then stretched out his hand and sacrificed his spirit sword, which turned into a two-foot-wide green light and slashed towards the stone puppets. With a 'click', the green glow flew around and came back, and saw that the stone puppet in the front completely fell apart and collapsed.

But the follow-up stone puppets continued to step on the wreckage of their companions, seemingly orderly and fearless.

The cyan sword light was sacrificed again, this time jumping and attacking in a circle of five people side by side.Fortunately, these dead creatures moved slowly, and there were puppets in every row that were smashed, and the formation was instantly disrupted when they fell down.

I don't know who said on the side: "Zhang Daoyou is really powerful, which opened our eyes. The unique skills of the Excalibur School are really amazing. Three strikes, five divisions and two can solve the current predicament."

This pun instantly reminded the five people around him that the most powerful person in front of them was the Golden Core cultivator.And everyone also had strange expressions on their faces. The Zhang Family Master in front of him seemed to be much stronger than what he knew before, which was not a good thing.

'Zhang Fengyuan' turned his head and held back the words that came out of Qu Xin's mouth, secretly screaming in his heart that something was wrong' I wanted to hide my clumsiness, but I didn't expect this girl to be suspicious, and she pointed the finger at her with a single sentence Myself, even if they go in later, it will be difficult for the five of them to unite the front. '

Then he replied in a hoarse voice: "The next move is a unique move. I don't want the three special envoys to waste more time. If Patriarch Qu is interested, he can come up and help, so that the speed of investigation will be faster."

Duguao and Yan Zhaoxue's eyes lit up after hearing this, and they hurriedly motioned for Liu Qu to come forward to help.Immediately after five breaths, Qu Xin and Liu Rujuan had no choice but to bite the bullet and stepped forward, each offering their spiritual weapons and attacking the stone puppet.

In the long and narrow stone room, Pip's rumbling sound was heard, and within a quarter of an hour the entire formation of stone puppets was disintegrated, and those who could still move were blocked by the bodies of their surrounding companions, limiting their space for movement.

After a flash of blue light, those stone puppets all fell down.

Xiang Feibao folded the folding fan in his hand and said with a smile: "That's right, Master Zhang is really good, so let's move on." After speaking, regardless of the others, he walked out from the wreckage of the stone puppet way.

Duguao and Yan Zhaoxue just nodded slightly and followed.And 'Zhang Fengyuan', who seemed to have shot with all his strength just now, seemed to be okay at all, and walked over directly.On the contrary, Qu Xin and Liu Rujuan spent a while, and they both showed deep fear of 'Zhang Fengyuan' in each other's eyes.

But this cave was found by the three families at the beginning. Although the special envoy of the sect came, but under the constraints of the three parties and the secret cooperation, they could always get something.After thinking about it, the two looked at each other helplessly, took out some elixir, put it in their mouths and swallowed it, and immediately followed.

'Zhang Fengyuan' who was walking in the middle of the team just curled his lips and smiled. Fortunately, he had practiced Xiayao Sword Art half a year ago. Still enough to cope with the immediate situation.As long as it is not too troublesome, basically there is no need to reveal the bottom.

 There will be two updates a day from tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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