
Chapter 249 Breaking In

Chapter 249 Breaking In
Ordinary cultivators generally only focus on increasing their own cultivation, and often ignore the tempering of their minds.In large sects, those high-level monks tend to pay attention to these aspects of cultivation.

Especially when you temper your state of mind to a level beyond your own cultivation, you will find that the previous bottlenecks can be overcome without any effort.So this is why Jindan monks and even Nascent Soul monks value it so much.

Even some monks will take various methods to suppress their own cultivation, and then rely on various panacea or trials to hone and beat their own state of mind.

According to the cultivation speed of a hundred-year-old golden elixir like Yi Tian, ​​it can be regarded as a fast cultivation speed in the records of Tianlan Continent.But gradually the after-effects gradually emerged. Recently, after each practice, I would feel inexplicable restlessness, and even seemed to be unable to control my spiritual pressure.

In this regard, Yi Tian checked the secret scrolls of the sect and realized that his own state of mind could not keep up, so he decisively stopped practicing and prepared to find some external force to help him stabilize his state of mind, otherwise he would have to enter the WTO for a while.

It can be regarded as knowing the existence of "Xinnianhua" by accident, since it can solve the urgent need.

This expedition Yi Tian originally planned to just grab a ticket and leave, but he didn't expect to meet the Xiang family, the enemy, who happened to beat the snake with the stick and solved the trouble together.

In the front hall, 'Zhang Fengyuan' lightly revealed his hand and immediately stunned everyone. At this moment, Dugu Ao and Yan Zhaoxue realized that the person in front of them was an out-and-out Golden Core cultivator, who had just kept a low profile before. That's all.

Only that idiot Xiang Feibao thought he was gaining power here, and the smile on his face grew wider, urging everyone to continue walking.

Qu Xin and Liu Rujuan's faces also twitched slightly, but they also showed doubts on their faces. When did this 'Zhang Fengyuan' become the ultimate skill of the Excalibur School, and the power of Qingfeng City will be rebalanced in the future.

After wading through the pile of rubble on the ground, a group of people came directly to the hall behind. At first glance, the whole hall turned out to be a huge empty tomb.There are twenty sarcophagi arranged neatly on both sides.Judging from the patterns and traces on the sarcophagus, it is estimated that it is at least several hundred years old.

In the center of the hall are two huge coffins that are one foot long, four feet wide, and three feet high. Dragon patterns are carved around the sarcophagus, indicating that the people buried here must be either rich or noble.

"Xin Nian Hua" called out from someone, and attracted the attention of the six people.

There are 22 sarcophagi in the entire tomb, but only the sarcophagus on the left side of the middle has a half-foot-high spiritual plant with green roots and three small yellow flowers at the end.

Now no one moved, seeing that the Lingzhi was right in front of him, but there was only one plant, and it was not a question of how much it was.

Xiang Feibao slowly approached 'Zhang Fengyuan', while the other four people faintly stood on the other side, and the two sides confronted each other with the two camps.

At this time, the hoarse voice of 'Zhang Fengyuan' rang again: "This spiritual plant is hundreds of years old, I don't know how many people it can be used for?" One sentence slightly eased the tense atmosphere.

Yan Zhaoxue said, "It is reasonable to say that this 'Xinnianhua' is only enough for two people, if it is used to refine 'Xin Shen Dan', it can be refined for two furnaces, so that everyone present can get some , it won’t be a waste of hard work.”

"Then do you have the auxiliary materials for refining the elixir? If possible, you can directly refine it from local materials?" Dugu said proudly.

After hearing this, everyone expressed their opinion that it was the best, and the tense atmosphere on both sides was immediately resolved.

Next, we discussed the distribution of alchemy after on-the-spot refining. According to Yan Zhaoxue's level of alchemy, there are at most seven or eight pills in one furnace.After shaving away materials and labor, it was finally decided that each of the three patriarchs would get one, Yan Zhaoxue, who was an alchemist, would get an extra one, and the rest would be divided equally among the three factions.

After the discussion, since everyone had no objections, Yan Zhaoxue did her part, and went forward and took out a small golden shovel to store Ling Zhi in the jade box.The roots of the 'Mind Grass' grew firmly on the cover of the sarcophagus, and Yan Zhaoxue was also a veteran, so she was afraid that if she directly shoveled the root of the spirit, the rooted 'Mind Grass' would definitely lose its spiritual energy.

So he used his mind to control the object to control the small shovel to directly chisel off a large piece of the root of the spiritual grass on the cover of the sarcophagus together with the sarcophagus, and then put the spiritual grass and the stone chips at the root into the jade box.

Suddenly, a deep roar came out from the damaged coffin, and echoes echoed from the surrounding sarcophagi.

The sound of '咔咚咚' came from the sarcophagus on the left, and the cover of the sarcophagus was pushed away from the inside.After the cover moved half a foot, a pitch-black palm protruded from it, grasped the cover and pushed the whole cover over.

Then there was a furious cry: "Who disturbed the king's long sleep?" A figure rushed out from the coffin, and saw a man in a dragon robe flying to the entrance and blocking everyone.

Before anyone came back to their senses, the surrounding sarcophagi were also pushed away from the inside, and more than 20 soldiers in full body armor climbed out of them. The relatively spacious tomb suddenly seemed a bit crowded.

The person said directly, "My king, Luo Xuan, has been sleeping here for 300 years. Who are you, and why did you enter this king's underground palace without permission?"

Scanning the corpse in front of them, everyone was surprised to find that it was actually a long-formed 'Silver Armored Corpse', whose strength was comparable to that of a middle-stage Jindan cultivator.Moreover, it occupies a favorable location in this tomb, so it can be expected to exert its strength to the extreme.

The soldiers around didn't look weak either. Although they were just 'bronze armored corpses', there were so many of them. In comparison, the overall strength of the six was much weaker.

If you want to get out of the predicament now, you must pass the 'Silver Armored Corpse' first. Although everyone knows it well, they dare not act rashly.They just resorted to spiritual weapons for defense one after another, and then glanced at 'Zhang Fengyuan' in unison.

Now he is the only Golden Core cultivator here, so if he doesn't do the work of carrying thunder, who else will he do?

After discovering the surrounding environment, 'Zhang Fengyuan' also took out his spirit sword and shouted: "I'll deal with the big one, you take care of the rest," he pointed at the 'Silver Armored Corpse', and instantly a blue The light flashed out and hit Luo Xuan directly on the chest.

A spark jumped out, and the spirit sword flew back in a circle, and the clothes on Luo Xuan's chest were only torn, revealing the dark muscles inside, and it seemed that there was no damage at all.

At this time, the surroundings also began to make 'puff' noises, and the five of them fought on their own, facing the siege of three or four 'bronze armored corpses' one after another.It's a pity that in this underground palace, he couldn't even use body skills, so he had to use the existing magic weapon in his hand to force these corpses away.

The body of the 'Silver Armored Corpse' in front of him is also extremely hard, even if the flying sword strikes it again and again, it can only slightly hinder its forward speed.Fortunately, there is still a lot of room to move under a pair.

I saw that there was always a distance of five feet between 'Zhang Fengyuan' and 'Silver Armored Corpse'. Although the winner could not be determined immediately, the stalemate was dragging on.

The five people on the other side also displayed their special abilities at this time and chopped the followers to pieces, especially Dugu Ao was holding a black blood blade, and every time he cast a spell, a corpse would fall down.

Different from others, this blood blade is inserted into the body of the 'Bronze Armored Corpse' and directly draws blood to strengthen the spirit weapon itself.Others felt terrified when they saw it, and even he himself withstood the siege of zombies with great difficulty. This guy is actually still cultivating to enhance the power of the spiritual weapon.

After a quarter of an hour, all the other minions in the entire tomb were wiped out, leaving only Luo Xuan a zombie in the hall.However, he guarded the entrance of the hall, and if he wanted to go out, he had to pass his level first.

The followers around the eyelids were dealt with one by one, Luo Xuan shouted angrily, "Xiaofeng, come out and help."

With a loud roar, the few people present were really frightened. A 'Silver Armored Corpse' is enough trouble, but now I don't know what kind of monster will appear.

Only the sound of '咔咚咚' sounded again, and the lid of the coffin on the right began to be removed. After three breaths, a pair of white jade hands emerged from the depths inside.Immediately after a flash of white light appeared a red-clothed female corpse with a coquettish face and palace attire, it should be that 'Xiaofeng'.

After standing still, the woman turned her head slightly and smiled slightly at everyone.Immediately, I felt that the whole hall had changed. The six of them seemed to be in a resplendent and resplendent palace, and the person standing in front of them was the host and hostess of this palace.

Suddenly, a scream pierced through the entire palace, and Xiao Fengfei grabbed Qu Xin's neck and bit it down.In an instant, everyone came back to their senses and found that they were still in the tomb.It's just that the scene in front of me is creepy, and the surrounding scenes are certainly hallucinations, but Xiaofeng is really grabbing Qu Xin's neck and sucking her blood.

After ten breaths, I saw that Qu Xin's whole body was devoid of vitality, his skin was also darkened, and his eyes and pupils were dilated, as if he didn't believe what happened in front of him.

And the skin on Xiaofeng's body turned red, her aura became stronger, and the joints of her hands and feet seemed not as stiff as before.

I only heard Luo Xuan sneer and said: "Take care of these monks together," and then walked straight towards 'Zhang Fengyuan'.

Dugu Ao knew that the current situation was definitely not good, and if he wanted to get out alive, he had to have a clear division of labor, so he turned his head and shouted: "The four of us will deal with this female corpse together, Master Zhang, hold the male."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a black sword light flying out and slashing towards Xiaofeng.Yan Zhaoxue on the side also took out a pair of steel thorns, and then kept making seals with both hands, offering a bunch of blue flames to bless her spiritual weapon. Two blue flames wrapped two half-foot-long The steel thorns are inserted obliquely from the two ribs.

At this time, I saw the female corpse vomit blood mist to surround herself, and the blood mist blocked all the spirit weapons flying from outside, preventing them from piercing in the slightest.

Duguao hurriedly shouted: "Xiang Feibao, it's Liu Rujuan's turn."

After three breaths, Liu Rujuan's silk scarf was wrapped around it. Although the blood mist could not be broken through, it still restrained the female corpse.

At this time, a figure flashed out, it turned out to be Xiang Feibao who took advantage of the crowd's attack and ran away by himself through the door.As soon as he was about to rush out of the hall, a black whirlwind blocked the entire entrance in front of him. Xiang Feibao couldn't dodge in time, but was grabbed by Luo Xuan and bit down on his throat.

(End of this chapter)

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