
Chapter 250

Chapter 250
Ordinary zombies absorb too much essence to practice, and occasionally need to add some blood food to improve their cultivation.Ordinary people have less spiritual energy in their blood, and even if they ingest a large amount, the effect is limited.

On the contrary, the cultivator has absorbed a lot of spiritual power, and some of it is part of the spiritual power that has not been fully dissipated after taking drugs, and the zombie can fully absorb it after absorbing it.

In the underground palace, the two 'Silver Armored Corpses', Luo Xuan and Xiaofeng, suddenly gained momentum after absorbing the blood of two human monks respectively.

This time the few people who were originally at a disadvantage became even more confused, especially Yan Zhaoxue who couldn't stop scolding: "Xiang Feibao is such a fool, he still wants to run away alone at this time."

Trachea Qi still needs a few people to work together. Although two people are missing, it is not without strength. After all, disciples of sects like them have no cards, and they will not give up unless they are absolutely necessary.

The blood mist surrounded by the three suddenly spun, and after a while, it expanded into a red blood column with a diameter of two feet, and all the spirit weapons of the three were ejected.

Immediately afterwards, a red light rushed out from it, and the three of them tried their best to avoid it.

The sound of "Ah" came from Liu Rujuan's mouth, and when Duguao turned around, he saw that Xiaofeng had already grabbed Liu Rujuan's right hand, biting her veins directly.

Seeing Duguao like this, he sacrificed the Demon-Suppressing Blood Blade without any hesitation, and then slashed towards Liu Rujuan.After the black light flashed past, Liu Rujuan's body seemed to be torn in two. Xiaofeng didn't absorb all the blood, and turned her head to look at the two with malicious intent.

Suddenly, a fireball rushed from the side, hitting Xiaofeng's back and burning holes.

At this moment, I saw that the face of 'Zhang Qingyuan' was suddenly blurred, and slowly revealed its original features.Since the three people were dealt with, is there any need for Yi Tian to hide it anymore, anyway, the rest of the people know each other.

After slowly dissipating his spiritual pressure, he was able to match Luo Xuan unexpectedly.

Duguao and Yan Zhaoxue were overjoyed when they saw this, and hurried to the two sides of Yi Tian, ​​and the two of them confronted each other.

After less than a quarter of an hour of silence, Yi Tian was the first to break the deadlock and said, "You two, stop pretending to be fools. You are obviously two monks who turned to the corpse cultivator, and you are still pretending to be zombies to bluff people there. Luo Xuan and Xiaofeng should be the ones you turned to. The name in front of the corpse repair path, and this underground palace is also used by you to confuse those monks who are exploring, and the 'Xinnianhua' is a bait that people can't give up."

One sentence woke up Duguao and Yan Zhaoxue, and Luo Xuan said with a smile: "How did you find out, our husband and wife think that we have done a perfect job."

Yan Zhaoxue rushed to ask: "Could it be that they can cast spells, which makes you suspicious."

"I don't think so. You Daoyou Yi has always been meticulous, so he should have noticed it a long time ago." Dugu Ao also had a relaxed expression at this time, and now they are all acquaintances, and they understand a little bit.The Yi Tian in front of him was half a chip stronger than himself back then, and now his strength should have improved by leaps and bounds after he formed the alchemy.

"You two really think that there will be a mortal emperor traveling thousands of miles into the wilderness to build a tomb again. How can a mortal have the ability to dig such a large-scale tomb in the mountains. And I have also seen the nearby map, which has a radius of thousands of miles. There hasn't been any mortal dynasty for thousands of years, so what kind of thing is it for you to call yourself the king?"

Yi Tian shook his head disdainfully and continued: "According to my opinion, you two are no more than mid-stage monks who have turned to the corpse cultivator for hundreds of years, and you can be regarded as making rapid progress. It is about the mid-stage of Golden Core. ah".

Luo Xuan asked angrily: "What a pity?"

Yi Tian said indifferently: "I was fortunate enough to read a secret book similar to the Yin Corpse Sect, which clearly stated that turning to the Corpse Cultivation Way can increase your cultivation quickly, but it also has fatal flaws. Too much restraint, or there will be rejection of the sun."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Luo Xuan rushing forward with a ferocious expression.Duguao and Yan Zhaoxue suddenly heard a sentence: "Hold the female corpse," and then saw Yi Tian's hands flashing fire, and several fireballs smashed towards Luo Xuan in an instant.

There were several 'bang bang' sounds, those fireballs hit Luo Xuan's body and sparked a burst of sparks, leaving little black marks on the skin.I only heard Luo Xuan laughing and said: "Just relying on your level of magic, dominate and tickle me." After speaking, he walked up with great strides.

Immediately, the corner of Yi Tian's mouth curled into a smile, and he stretched out his hand and pointed to the ground and said: "Tangle", a few thumb-thick vines suddenly emerged from the cracks in the stone slabs on the ground and entangled Luo Xuan's feet .

In less than ten breaths, Luo Xuan's entire lower body of the zombie was firmly locked on the ground, no matter how he pulled it back, more and more vines were entangled on the ground.

Yi Tian didn't come back when he saw the opportunity was too late, he manipulated the spirit sword with both hands and stabbed fiercely at the eyes of the 'Silver Armored Corpse'.After a scream, the green light directly pierced Luo Xuan's left eye, leaving a huge hole in his face, and then broke out from the back of his head.

For a moment, there was a cry like a pig being slaughtered in the hall, but Luo Xuan's zombie body was still standing there.Duguao and Yan Zhaoxue, who were procrastinating on the sidelines, were overjoyed at first, but turned to look apprehensive.

The silver-armored corpse couldn't be killed like this, so what should we do next?

At this time, Yi Tian was also beating drums in his heart. It seems that after turning to the corpse cultivating way, the head is no longer the key point. I don't know if it is true as stated in the secret book of the Yin Corpse Sect.A thought flashed through Yi Tian's mind, and then he saw the small blue sword being sacrificed again, and then a layer of red aura was attached to it.

With a sound of 'go', the spirit sword wrapped in double layers of aura flew straight to Luo Xuan's body, and pierced towards the dantian.At the same time, Yi Tian kept making seals with his hands, and when the flying sword stabbed Luo Xuan, a golden flame flashed from the red aura, and the dark zombie skin was pierced by the hot spirit sword like a layer of window paper.

After breaking open his body, the sword light easily pierced Luo Xuan's dantian, and saw a puff of black air emanating from his abdomen, and then a corpse pill the size of a longan rolled out.

On the other hand, looking at Luo Xuan's main body suddenly became sluggish when he lost the corpse pill, Yi Tian pointed to the vine veins under his feet with his left hand, and the 'swoosh' spread directly to the upper body of the zombie, and within three breaths he died. Roll the whole body into a dumpling.

Seeing that the male corpse was destroyed, the female corpse suddenly raised her head and screamed wildly, and then the blood mist all over her body gathered and disappeared into it.

Dugu Ao and Yan Zhaoxue were in a bit of trouble now, the blood mist had obviously restrained their moves before, now the female corpse frenziedly manipulated the blood mist to chase and fight frantically in the hall of the tomb.The two of them had no choice but to avoid his edge first, and try to use the flexibility of their body skills to fight with him.

But the two still underestimated the speed of the 'Silver Armored Corpse', and saw that the blood mist took advantage of the narrow space to gradually separate the two, and then rushed towards the slower Duguao.

Seeing that there was no way to retreat, Duguao was heartbroken, and after the black evil energy was sacrificed, a layer of magic patterns faintly appeared on the skin of the whole person.I have seen this trick of the Heavenly Demon Real Body, which is the direct descendant of the Heavenly Demon Sect, before, but this time Duguao's aura is stronger than last time by three points.

In an instant, the spiritual pressure of the whole person soared to the stage of the early stage of golden core, and only saw a pair of demonized hands holding the demon-suppressing blood blade and a white jade ring in the blood mist collided.A strong coercion exploded from it, and both of them were shocked five feet away.

After one blow, Dugu Ao didn't care about taking back his breath, and ran directly to Yi Tian's side before slowly adjusting his breath.

Seeing that she had lost her chance, Xiaofeng quickly turned around to look for another striker.Yan Zhaoxue met the female corpse's eyes, and immediately felt that something was wrong. There was also a flash of blue fire all over her body, and a blue fire armor covered her whole body, and she quickly backed away.

Yi Tian, ​​who was not far away, was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly said to Duguao: "You pay attention, I'll help you," and then chased after him with the wind escape technique.

The cyan sword light raised from his hand again, and stabbed towards the blood mist with a 'search' sound.Yan Zhaoxue was originally known for her speed, and although Xiaofeng was chasing and attacking fiercely, although she could protect herself, the situation was still precarious.After running away for a while, he suddenly found that the pursuers slowed down, and when he looked back, it was Yi Tian who came to help him.

However, Yan Zhaoxue was still very unconvinced in her heart, but the situation was stronger than others, so she detoured to Yi Tian after a few flashes.Then I saw that after Yi Tian's hands sealed again, some vines came out from the stone steps of the tomb, sealing Xiaofeng's way back.

Although the Qing Gang sword energy trained in Yao Jianshu cannot directly break through the blood mist, but as the range of activities is gradually restricted, Yi Tian's spells can basically be said to be unusable, and can severely injure Xiaofeng every time.

Yan Zhaoxue, who was on the side, also came back to her senses and directly took out a ring with the word Suzaku on it, and wrapped a bunch of blue flames in it with one move.Then, after pointing at the blood mist, a blue light hit directly on the blood mist and made a 'sizzling' sound.The blood mist was also torn open a foot-wide hole in response.

Seeing such a good opportunity, how could Yi Tian give up, and pointed the flying sword with his right hand and flew in through the torn gap.

He only heard the sound of 'Ah', the flying sword seemed to have stabbed the body inside, Yi Tian was overjoyed and hurriedly closed his hands and muttered something in his mouth, and then called 'Boom'.

A burst of noise shook the entire underground palace for a long time before it stopped, and the air wave aroused directly blew the three of them away by more than three feet.After the dust cleared away, the three of them saw that Xiaofeng's body was broken into two pieces lying on the ground, and the cut of the body was blurred by the flesh and blood from the self-explosion of the spiritual weapon, and a broken corpse pill rolled out.

The three of them gathered around and saw that there was a white and red jade bracelet on Xiaofeng's right arm, and there was a bloody mist wrapped in it, which should be her magic weapon for casting the blood mist.

Seeing Lie Xinxi, Yan Zhaoxue said directly: "This thing belongs to me, you go find something of value." After speaking, she took out the spirit sword and cut off the arm, picked up the jade bracelet out.

After Yi Tian and Dugu Ao looked at each other and smiled, they began to talk about the circumstances of these years.

(End of this chapter)

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